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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. After the thrust of the spear into the enemy, when the spear starts to retract it does so without the movement of the arm, which is just a bit unnatural... (i.e. the spear moves backwards and the arm stays in the same spot) I don't really have any comments about the maps, other than a few stylistic things that are more my opinion than flaws.
  2. I finally got around to playing the other two chapters. I noticed a bug in Ch. 2 with the Armory (and likely the Vendor as well): If you max out a character's inventory and try to send an item to the Convoy, they come back and say that you don't have one (despite the fact that Merlinus is there and can even be accessed by allied units). Also, I personally don't really care for the Serra!Cleric edit for Ellen, since I think the original one fit the character a bit better... EDIT - You also can't send items to the Convoy if you get a 6th item from a chest/drop either. EDIT2 - Also, two Halberds from the two chests in the same room in Ch. 3...?
  3. @Kai - Eliwood's older portrait is from 15 years after the "end" of FE7. The screens from the first tale don't specifically denote when they're taking place. For all we know right now, it could be a month after Eliwood becomes Marquess, which would mean that the (current) portrait is accurate. ------------ Arch, I saw this when it was posted up last night, but I didn't really have a chance to hop on and leave a comment. I'm not normally one for story extensions and such (at least not after seeing so many of them crop up in ideas - I'm kinda bored with the whole "make a fan sequel/prequel to an existing game story" concept already*), but by adopting a BSFE approach, I think I can safely say that you've taken the concept, lopped some pieces off, ran with it, and then knocked it out of the damn park. I think that the limited scope (compared to a normal, full-on hack) and just the idea to do the story in this manner (when it hasn't been done in FE since BSFE - though, when one thinks about it, BSFE was really just an old precursor to DLC...) has sold me on the concept. Well, that and the teaser screens. Having teaser screens that actually tease the game helps too. With that being said, I'm eagerly awaiting seeing stuff about Tales 2 and 3. (Heck, I'd almost rather have you work on them instead working on FE4A! The concept's fresh, so you should run with it! (Besides, FE4's already kinda there. Yeah, there's the manga-based missions and such that you're incorporating, compared to revisiting the concepts of BSFE? I'll take the concepts of BSFE, thank you very much. XD)) ------------ (Footnotes) *Well, I should append that, if the concept is executed well, then it doesn't bother me as much. Only a few have actually managed to do this, however.
  4. New item in stores, despite the fact that the item in question is far from new! What's this? A map!? (Not like I really make these very often...) Yeah, I made this a couple of years ago and never really posted it up or anything. So, since I don't really have a lot to post at the moment while I work on a new template for FE4R, you guys get this. EDIT - Based on some comments on other boards, I've updated the map a hefty amount. Comments and suggestions are welcome, because I'm still actively updating this. And, yes, I'm aware that the throne room area is one level higher than the rest of the castle. It's kind of supposed to be like that, plus, fixing it would require making an entire new map, and this one is large enough as it is.
  5. That worked, thanks. I concur. Especially since it didn't say anything about that in the information in the first post. And, personally, the latter option would be much preferred, as it makes less room for user-error (and saves SL from having to field tons of questions from people who don't know what they're doing). Though, I will say that the character select screen is now a bit "confusing" since the sprites and names don't really match (not that it's really important)... ------ EDIT - Though it's probably a known issue, the pre-chapter dialog hasn't been touched for Ch. 1. EDIT2 - I played through the prologue just to make sure things were working, and they are. Looking good thus far, and I'll probably play through Ch. 2 and 3 tomorrow.
  6. Every time I try patching this (with both NUPS and Tsukuyomi), I get really weird effects. Like, multiple Roy portraits, Roy listed as Eliwood, using Eliwood's battle sprite, etc. This is for the (U) version of the ROM, right? (If not, that would be a wonderful thing to denote somewhere.) (And, the ROM works as a base for other patches, so it's not the file.) As a side note, you might consider looking into importing tilesets to handle some of those problem cases. I don't know the exact method for doing so (seeing as I'm not a hacker myself), but Ryrumeli has a means of doing it and could provide the instructions for doing so. EDIT - Glad you posted this here, by the way, since I didn't feel like making an account just to post the above comments elsewhere. >_> EDIT2 - I just downloaded a completely new ROM and patched the file with the patch using NUPS. I still got the same result.
  7. @Kai, Sigurd pretty much did that in the regular FE4, though the enemies had like 40+ HP instead of in the 30s. So, he'd 3-shot them instead of 2-shot them. And, I don't think that they've implemented it, since my Noish hasn't gotten any criticals (for that matter, the only one I've gotten was from Alec). EDIT - @ALS - That's a class skill though. It would require giving characters that had the Critical Skill in FE4 their own separate classes, which there might not necessarily be room for. I would agree that this is a bit easier than FE4's Prologue, with the exception of those couple of villages which you may or may not even be able to save. ------- So, I've noticed a handful of stuff here and there: - There are a handful of odd graphical kind of issues, though I'm not sure if they're easily fixed or not: - The Sword Armor's blur when the sword is swung is either too large or the frame is held for too long. It's sword also doesn't pass through the enemy when it hits. - Ethlin's sword attack doesn't pass through the enemy when it hits. (It's also really jumpy, but it's been that way since it was first animated.) - The Level Up template has an appearing/disappearing segment, which I presume to be necessary because of the Str/Mag split. It's really only a nuisance since it just kind of throws your expected timing off. - Midayle has Rath's palette in battle. - The screen flashes twice when the envoy from Barhara comes on screen at the end of the Prologue (event-related?). - Ethlin/Cuan don't have an A support...? - There are a couple of Sand tiles mixed in to the pathways (and, conversely, on the beach area, they are listed as Plains tiles when they probably should be Sand). - Lex has no Magic stat in the Level Up window. - Sigurd can't talk to Alvis. - Though I mentioned a few specific cases in my previous post, I think the script in general could do with a proofread, since I feel as though there were enough typos and grammatical issues to warrant it. - The envoy from Barhara has a typo in his script right before announcing Sigurd's title as Holy Knight. - Gerrard has no (general) battle quote(s)? - I don't get the "End of demo" thing that someone else said happened after you Seize. Was this changed between the updates? - Prior to the Enemy Phase (at least after Jungby was captured), the screen will pan to Gerrard as if he's restoring HP, even when he hasn't even been attacked/damaged yet. I don't seem to recall this occurring in regular FE7, but I haven't played it in a while. >_> Anyway, aside from the typos and such, the demo was a nice romp to keep me excited about this.
  8. Though it might just be something specifically for the demo, if you choose to accept the default Tactician name, you get the opening message as: "Welcome, , to the FE4A Second Demo Patch". Thought I'd post it in the event that the opening might turn into a standard welcome in the final version or something. (I can post a screen if it's necessary.) There's also a missing period during Oifaye's first couple of sentences and an uncapitalized 's' when he says "sir Sigurd" after Sigurd accepts him to come along as an adviser. I think I caught a few other grammatical errors in the pre-chapter texts as well, but I went by them too fast to actually write them down.
  9. Since Arden starts with an Iron Sword in (regular) FE4, the Slim Sword is a natural upgrade to what he has available at the beginning, especially if you're only kind of using him. Hence what prompted the question. XD (With the added weapon availability granted by the newer engine (trading and such), I figured as much, but it never hurts to ask.) And, since he's kinda stopped working on that project in favor of the FE6 remake, he might let you use the palette. Granted, I don't know how many of the map palettes he changed, but the few that were showcased looked quite nice.
  10. Eh... Personally, I'm not too fond of the FE8 palette. It doesn't feel dark enough for FE4, at least not to me. If not the the darkness, then it's the cyan grass that's making it look off. Something like what Superluigi is/was doing for his one "sequel" to FE4 looks more akin to the feel of the original, IMHO. The new screenshots look nice, though seeing Arden brings a random thought: Are you planning on sticking to the stats of the old-style Slim Sword or the newer-style Slim Sword? (If you're at liberty to say.)
  11. Since it's possible that I missed something, what's up with the arrow between My Unit and Katarina in the first scan?
  12. If Chapter 3 is the second half of the original Chapter 1, then Chapter 2 must be added content of some kind... (Unless Gaiden 1 = Chapter 2, and then Chapter 3 should really be denoted as Chapter 2...) A chapter devoted to allowing you to get Holyn (since you mention it's like Shinon, I'd guess that Holyn would be the boss and when you defeat him, he joins you for the conclusion of FE4!Ch. 1.)? You've also got a script typo in Shagaal's text. It's missing a "done" from the second sentence. I'm digging the progress though.
  13. We likely won't be seeing a new FE even on the 3DS for some time, given that IS is working on Paper Mario 3DS. Once they get further in the dev cycle of that, perhaps they'll start on it, but it'll probably be some time. Also, given that you know what to expect from New Mystery (or thereabouts), I wouldn't be surprised either, since it's a remake and thus doesn't necessarily bring in the aspect of "Why aren't we seeing something NEW?" like a future FE would (because, honestly, IS hasn't exactly been coming up with interesting stuff as of late...).
  14. Not the same. I gave MS a B- and Nintendo a B. At least MS didn't recite figures and stuff and actually announced and showed things to the audience. Granted, the entire 1.5h of Kinect stuff was crap, but at least we didn't have to sit through "Mario Kart Wii has sold 22 million units worldwide" and other things of that nature (even the developer commentary reel was kinda boring). I was originally going to give MS a C+, but I decided to be lenient, since some people will like what they're doing. Just because we don't doesn't mean that others won't. Sony'll probably end up with a solid B as well, I figure, unless they seriously just WOW the entire audience. EDIT - @Master Tang - SPM didn't offer as much as TTYD, that's a given. I'd say that, from a script-perspective, TTYD hit the ball out of the park and SPM's was only slightly worse. (Well, at least for what I expect from a game in the series.) And, the gameplay did begin getting repetitive towards the end. I'm not sure I'd go as far as mediocre, but it wasn't the awesomeness that TTYD was. I can't really place it in regards to the original, since I fear I'd put too much emphasis on the nostalgia aspects of my youth in regards to it. But, needless to say, the series is still awesome, and the ability to play this on the go is pretty damn win. Plus, the graphic style doesn't offend me like the new style in FE, so... it's a plus for me.
  15. People need to stop whining about Super Paper Mario. It wasn't "OMG Amazing," but it was designed to be a platformer first and an RPG second. Just because it wasn't the same as the first two doesn't mean that it isn't a part of the series. I'm frankly ecstatic to have the next entry in the series, and it'll likely be a day one buy for me. And, in terms of grades for E3 thus far: Microsoft: B- -> Casual clothes during a press conference? Really? Plus, as most figured, Kinect is basically Microsoft being their usual selves and trying to steal the ideas of another company. Nintendo: B -> Kinda meh conference in terms of content. And, can we drop the statistics already? Sure, the stockholders want to know them, but that's what conference calls are for, not E3. And, no mention of the Vitality Sensor. That surprises me a bit. EDIT - @Kinata - Gametrailers has broadcasts on their website. Nintendo also had one up on theirs for their conference.
  16. It wasn't a cutscene in FE4 to begin with. Elliot begins acting like the prick he is, Eltosian and the Cross Knights pop out and chase down Elliot and his squad during about two NPC phases during the course of the original chapter. Plus, given the scale of the FE4 maps (and the inability to reproduce them fully in the GBA engine), the event with Elliot makes a convenient segway to load up the next part of FE4!Ch. 1 to be played through (Marpha to Verdane) in FE4A. As for the last part, even though it's directed at Arch, you keep flipflopping on your opinions. First, you complain about the chapter being easily one-turned, and then when a solution to extend the length of the Gaiden is proposed, you say that it takes the player out of control. So, basically, you need to make up your mind on what side you're defending here. Otherwise, IMHO, your argument means squat, since you can't seem to decide what you're arguing for.
  17. If you're complaining about my suggestion, then you had better be complaining about the original situation in FE4, because it's damn similar, with the only exception being that you get to control Eltosian now. And, you can't have it both ways: First, one turn is too fast; second, having no bearing over the amount of time is too slow. You kinda have to pick one or the other.
  18. Part of the reason that it "worked" in vanilla FE4 was that the chokepoint wasn't only one tile wide. If the map was altered to make the chokepoint slightly wider and events were drafted to move the Cross Knight squad prior to the Player Phase, it might make it take longer than one turn. Just my input.
  19. Good luck getting a hold of him. As far as I know, he never made the transition over here to SF, and records on FESS5 show that his last sign in was prior to the actual board's closing. It'd probably be almost easier for your friend to use the video as a reference and make his own, especially given how old the sprite is (i.e., given today's standards, it could probably use some updating) and the fact that getting permission would be nigh impossible (given that he isn't around...). EDIT - I did find a static image that has the sprite in it, but I can't in good conscience provide a link to it since I know that BBB will likely not be able to be reached to ask permission.
  20. What I typed probably could have come across better. XD (As in, it wasn't necessarily directed solely at you. My fault.) What I had meant to say was that with the text there, the shading became partially covered, so it didn't necessarily need to be there anyway. I appreciate the comment though. EDIT - Since someone asked to see the bare template elsewhere:
  21. Yeah, they probably will look busy. I'll probably end up redesigning the template for the hack anyway, so if I end up making another scene or releasing the template, I'll probably include half-size HP bars or something to prevent the business. And, let me see if I get the suggestion: Basically if the tower was standing upright, there'd be a horizontal bar at some point below where the tower transitions to the battlements part (i.e. where the tower gets wider) and the flag would be draping towards the bottom of the tower? (And, using the flag as the primary name area, presumably?) The likely reason? Single frame stills are much easier to design/sprite than entire animations, and for the purposes of most of these battle scenes, they're meant to just be shown off as images. Hence why Yeti is basically the only person that makes legit spell animations any more. (And, for the record, the mist isn't mist. It was taken directly from parts of the Gespenst animation from FE7. (Though, Gespenst had a background accompanying it, whereas that spell doesn't.))
  22. @Dancer - Technically it is related to the new template, since the scene in the signature is using it. The forest* background is from Golden Sun. The sunlight comes with the background. @April - I guess you can't even see the (minimal) shading in the final product (with the names over it), but every time I'd add a large amount of shading to show the deeper areas, it would just look poorly shaded. Anyway, progress is in the signature.
  23. Lord Glenn

    Yo all

    My first and only reaction to the above: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Followed by the following comment: Yes, FESS!SoC, it was MK404 who did the Furby sprite. Something that I had actually forgotten about until now. XD
  24. Lord Glenn

    Yo all

    *sigh* Poor Togs. Let's just hope that he's more like Locutus and not a random Borg goon.
  25. Lord Glenn

    Yo all

    You didn't happen to run into any of the wayward European FESSers while you were over there, did you? XD
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