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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. I didn't check the filename. XD Though, since it's supposed to be Mistoltin, I'd advise changing the palette/design to make it look a bit more like the blade. Suggested References: Mistoltin art, Fire Emblem World FE4 Illustration with Eltosian (Mistoltin barely visible) Aless, FE TCG (non-promoted, with Mistoltin) Aless, TCG (promoted, with differently designed Mistoltin) Eltosian, TCG Promo (with Mistoltin)
  2. To me, it seems as though the hilt, guard, and pommel are all at a different angle compared to the blade. From the way my depth perception is picking it up, if the hilt, guard, and pommel were kept where they are, I think the blade would need "rotated" backwards about 15°. (Basically, for how much the handle is turned away, the blade is still too straight, i.e. the edge on the bottom of the image would need to be figuratively turned closer towards the viewer of the page.) EDIT - Because I'm curious, is that just a randomly designed sword or is it supposed to be something that we'd recognize?
  3. The supports still mainly work like they do in regular FE7 (i.e. Linoan and Kent can support since Lyn and Kent could), however the list of supports that have actually been changed (and therefore definitely won't cause odd behavior) can be found in this post. The unofficial tier list made by IOS is here and he has also posted the characters' growths and base stats (etc.) here.
  4. According to the Localization Issues page here on SF, Huey should be the correct name for Florina's Pegasus. While Makar *is* used as well, the page suggests that this was a mistranslation of Mark (Mr. Default Tactician) that was mistaken to be the name of her Pegasus. I saw the video on YT the other day, but didn't really feel a need to comment. Though, like the others have said it, I do think your voice fits quite well for doing commentary.
  5. I assume by "reverse the shading on one half," you're meaning for the shields? (And, if so, they *are* made of metal with a light source hitting them... Though, I'll see what I can do.) Yes and no for the question. The actual effects were taken from Ivaldi (the "halo" type of thing up top) and from a spell sheet that someone made for/ripped from an RPG Maker. I lined the stuff up the way I wanted, tweaked the blend modes and opacities, and applied some color balance to get it somewhat like I wanted.
  6. No love for the template? :/ Fine, how about more icons? (What's been updated: New icons for the Blades, Slim Lance, Steel Lance, Silver Lance, Brave Lance, Javelin, Spear, and tweaks to the Brave Sword and Iron Lance)
  7. New update to that template for FE4R. The shields were referenced from Link's shield in Link's Awakening DX for the main design, which was then "ad lib'd" and shaded on my own. The HP area is supposed to be kind of "gem"-like (don't remember what the ref was for it any more, since those were done a while ago), but I don't know if that is convey'd correctly. I'll probably have to tweak this again anyway, since knowing my luck, it won't insert correctly, so any suggestions/comments will definitely be considered or applied at some point. EDIT - I sprited a test "sample" of what the image should look like in-game:
  8. From what I remember reading earlier, it'll apparently be priced at about $30, so it won't be a full-on Wii title.
  9. All of the music in the videos were edited in. It's not in-game.
  10. For the first one, as far as I know, if it could be done, ASM would be the only way. The engine picks which Iron weapon (or base tome) you're using based on what the character's highest weapon level is (or, if there is a tie, it uses the higher priority one, IIRC). I'd assume that that would be hardcoded, so it would require ASM to change, if it could even be done. The world map overworld sprites are controlled via world map event data. (I searched "FE8 overworld map sprites" and the fourth link was to a topic on FEU that goes into very slight detail.)
  11. Zeld made a patch a long time ago that allowed the EXP rates to be altered. I don't know where you could download it or if he even supports it any more (likely not), but that option is out there. Just search for "Zeld Staff EXP Patch" on Google, and you'll likely find it if you want to go that route. (or, substitute Xeld for Zeld if that doesn't turn up any results)
  12. If that's what you were meaning, then I'm sorry. The wording of the post merely said "an FE7 hack of the FE4/5 ROM," which doesn't really denote meaning the features that those games had, hence why I assumed what I did.
  13. Unless that person went under a more common name when they supposedly made the animation, I'm getting no hits matching the name to anything related to Ike in the slightest. So, I'm willing to bet that that person isn't the one that made it.
  14. Was it just an animation of Ike or was it a scene of him fighting Shinon? If it was the latter, then I presume you mean the following: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y236/TacticKnight/Ike_Shinon.gif I don't remember who made it or even when it was posted (it actually predates SF as far as I can remember). EDIT @ DomDaDude - That specifies that it's his Critical, not Aether. Plus, it's neither BAMF nor against the Black Knight (which I missed when I dug that animation up). So, seeing as I missed that part, I have no idea what animation the poster was referring to. I don't have it in my archive of stuff I've found that was cool/interesting, so I guess you can ignore the above link.
  15. Of the ones that you've posted, only Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are interconnected in story (with Radiant Dawn taking place 3 years after Path of Radiance). The "first" Fire Emblem (actually the seventh in the series) starts out with a tutorial the first time through, which would be a way to get used to actually playing the mechanics. However, Path of Radiance has an Easy mode (at least for the NA copy), which may or may not be more difficult (I've never really gauged the difficulty while playing it...). Really, the choice is up to you. I'd probably recommend starting with FE7 (the GBA one) for the tutorial, and if it seems too easy, I'd switch over to Path of Radiance (FE9) and start it up on either Easy or Normal. As for the earlier question: FE1(Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light) (Famicom) and FE3(Mystery of the Emblem) (Super Famicom) are connected (FE3 (Book 2) is a sequel to FE1). FE11 (Shadow Dragon) is a remake of FE1. FE2(Gaiden) (Famicom) is a side-story to FE1 so it's kind of connected, but only slightly (as far as I'm aware). FE4(Genealogy of the Holy War) (Super Famicom) and FE5(Thracia 776) are connected in that FE5 takes place during the middle of FE4 as basically a side-story (though, expanding on events that happen between chapters in FE4). FE6(Sword of Seals) (GBA) is the first game on Elibe, while FE7 (Blazing Sword, first NA game) is a prequel to it. FE8 has no connections to any other titles, barring spiritual connections to FE2 (gameplay elements, etc.). FE12(Heroes of Light and Shadow) is a remake of FE3 Book 2, and is the sequel to FE11 (though, it's not out in NA yet). EDIT - If you just bought Radiant Dawn a few days ago, it'll be fine. It was only the first print run that had problems.
  16. Well, if you want a shitty remake of FE4, I'm sure Arch would be happy to just do the bare minimum of changing the text and classes, not bothering to get portraits for everything or get new animations, new maps, new events, etc. Quality things take time, and it's not like ROM hackers can spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week working on their project. (Not to mention, something of that scale almost always requires having assistance of some kind, so you have to add in the fact that the helpers can't work 24/7 on stuff for the project either.)
  17. The only one that I'm aware of was made by Mage Knight 404, and I'd assume that he isn't going to make it public (similar to his Halberdier). You'll have to get someone to make you one and use FEditor Adv to insert it.
  18. I'm a VERY LARGE proponent of IS actually making a new game that has useful innovations (especially ones that don't reduce the value of the characters to wads of paper *coughreclassingcough*), but if I absolutely had to put up with another game on Tellius, I'd want it to focus on completely new characters doing something completely different. Basically what FE10 *originally* was shaping up to be, until the influx of returning characters started occurring.
  19. I prefer the first map out of the two (not too big on Sacae-esque maps) in terms of flat-out appearance. As a general observation, I feel like the paths/roads could be a bit more "random" (in the sense that they need to be "jumpy" like in the Sacae map, but you don't want them to show patterns like the Sacae map kind of does) in both maps. For the first map, it's notably the two roads at the bottom of the map, though the top ones could use it as well (albeit less than the bottom ones). Also, as I'm sure you're aware, you've got some road tiles with dark spots that stand out a bit much in the first map.
  20. Aside from Poison, you mean. Adding Berserk/Silence/Sleep(or any of the positive ones too, I suppose) to anything other than what they already exist on and adding any new ones, yeah, those are out of the current range (though, it'd be wonderful if someone figured them out, because it opens up possibilities for many new things...). ----- And, Dancer is right. It's Exaccus' ranged animation.
  21. Unless something huge has happened in the world of status effects without my knowledge, it's not possible to add new status effects (yet). So, Stone would be out immediately (unless you gave it something else instead of the status effect). ----------- And, everything looks quite great thus far, Arch. I've only started Tale 1 so far (in the middle of a computer changeover, so not a lot of time to play), but the new teaser screens are still grabbing my attention.
  22. Any specific icons stand out as being exemplary (or, conversely, ones that are much more fail than the rest and need fixed)? They're merely my rendition of FE9's tomes (minus the Dark tomes, which come from FE10) in a FE6/7/8 format. I appreciate the compliment though. (Even though I really should go back and tweak the entire FE9 Icon set... >_>)
  23. No posts in almost a month? I am disappoint. :( Maybe an icon sheet will spark some conversation? WIP Icon Sheet for FE4R. Obviously, the icons with the lighter background are the ones that I've done and some have been posted here already (FE4 Holy Weapons, etc.) or have been adapted from older icons that were posted here.
  24. Not really a question, but I didn't see a response to it.
  25. Alternatively, you might consider extending the mountain range (of Peak tiles) towards the gap, and fill in some Mountain tiles to make it obscenely hard to traverse between the mountain ridges. (This would also force at least most of the mounted units north (barring Marcus, since Paladins can cross Mountain tiles...), so you still have people going that way.)
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