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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. Yes, I realize that, but it has nothing to do with your previous post, what so fucking ever. I think you need to learn to think before you type before critiquing any other sprites, especially considering that most of us have significantly more experience than you do at it. EDIT - And, if you were even remotely referring to the darker black colors on parts of the Druid's battle palette (which, given the context of your post, you weren't), you'd realize that someone had already commented on that aspect.
  2. ...You do realize that (40,40,40) is the standard outline color (and shadow color) that every single battle sprite uses, right? And, the darker gray/black that was used isn't even pure black to begin with.
  3. Go to Mappy's folder and open MAPWIN.INI in a text editor. Change "panelzoom" from 0 to 1. Then, use the Zoom functionality in Mappy and the tiles will also zoom.
  4. He is promoted, I do believe (or, at least has caps above the unpromoted level caps). Just not mounted (i.e. not his Knight Lord class).
  5. If by "nice graphics" you're meaning the templates, it's because I don't have any to work on right now. shadowofchaos hasn't inserted Battle Template v3.0 yet, so I don't know if I'll need to fix anything on it yet. I could be working on menus, but I don't know how they're stored, and that would only further back Rey up. Plus, being a senior in college, I don't really have a lot of time to work on time consuming sprite works. As for the icons, if I didn't throw in an obligatory tag about the icons, I'd either get six people asking me if they can use the icons or six people asking me what they're for. I don't want to deal with either, hence the text.
  6. More icons: Bronze weapons, free to use. Axe icon for Elibean Nights. You'll find out soon what it's for~
  7. All it said was that the Siliconera reporter was clarifying with Iwai to see what platforms it would be on. And, that he didn't give them an answer.
  8. Hex-grids and 3-D map space would likely work much better than in 2-D (though, that's only because of the camera as you mentioned, since they're fundamentally identical), but I think you'd still run into issues with buildings and such, because of all of the right angles. In order for a building to work with hex-grids, I'd wager that one would almost need to map out the grid of tiles first and then create the map around it (think of Yggdra Union's map structure, maybe). I still think that something like a free-movement system where you either have a radius to move around in or some kind of counter that keeps track of how far you can move on the map (again, see Valkyria Chronicles) might be the best way to change up the series. (At the very least, it changes how one might think about strategy, since some tactical formations that work with square grids would become invalid.)
  9. While I prefer Anouleth's map layout over SuperLuigi's (it feels more like a map that I would enjoy actually sitting down and playing), I'm going to have to go with SL's on technical merits. Anouleth's has duplicated tiles all over the place, which docks the quality of the map a bit, despite feeling more like a map that one could potentially actually play on in FE6/7/8. SL's on the other hand has a nice blend of features across the map and looks like it might actually be a quite challenging map, given the right circumstances. It almost gives me an FE4 vibe from its design, which can be both a plus and a minus in different regards.
  10. Nothing's been mentioned since the trailer the other day, but from what I was reading about the original, you could have three partners out at once. So, at the very least, I'd wager that the remaining area would be for their HP bars. (And, considering that partners could be controlled by Player 2 in Super Star, I'd wager that the three partners could be conrolled.)
  11. * Lately, I've been trying to make the bow icons actually look like bows, instead of their appearance in FE6/7/8. This includes adding in fletching to the arrows and making the bow strings actually seem like strings. IS has kind of fixed some of this in FE11 and FE12, but it's still not up to par in my eyes. Tome is ice-based, yes. Brave weapon? Nope. * *The guessing means that I'm doing my job right~
  12. Considering the page explicitly says "Tales of Graces f", I'd wager that it'll only be the PS3 version. Plus, if the Wii version was coming over, PS3 changes and all (including bugfixes), you'd think that a similar version would have been released or even announced for Japan by now, given how buggy and unplayable their version was on the Wii.
  13. I added the embedded trailer to the first post, that way it'll be there for anyone that comes into the thread later on.
  14. Get Rey to hurry up and insert that template then! *shot* --------- Also, because I'm such a nice guy, you get to see Teaser Set Part 2. Still not saying what it's for though... :D Again, going left to right, up to down: Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Anima, Light, Dark, Staff, Palette.
  15. When are we going to see gameplay or screenshots of it then? </troll> But that's what it was called in FFT... IIRC, the Gloves were based on a screenshot of one of Yuri Lowell's subweapons in Tales of Vesperia and one of Farah Oersted's weapons in Tales of Eternia. The Gauntlets were basically a reskinning of the Gloves, albeit with changed inner shading and design to appear as though it is made of metal plates instead of leather.
  16. (Gloves, Gauntlets, Mage Masher, Ancient Sword, Defender, Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Platinum Sword) New icons for FE4R. Not added to the main sheet, because I honestly don't remember what's been added where anymore. Possibly more stuff coming soon? EDIT - Also, cleaned up the first post and added some stuff that I had posted in later pages to it.
  17. Ah, I've been meaning to comment on this template for a while now. I had hoped that someone else might chime in about it, but that doesn't look to be the case. :( The template looks fine, though I'll personally be honest and say that I didn't really like how FE12 "modernized" the templates and such. They just don't look very medieval or fantasy-esque any more. Some small suggestions that I have: 1) I'd maybe add the darker brown/tan that shows up behind the HP and MHP values to the areas for Level, Class, etc. as well. While it might not be that way on the actual template, they kinda look like they're just... floating. 2) Any reason for the different horizontal dividing lines on the Personal and Items panes? Personal has black lines, while Items has light blue... 3) I'm guessing it's like that on the actual FE12 template, but the tag for "Rng" and its surrounding "button" clash with the other tags down there, since it's like a negative image of the others. :/ 4) As for the Magic Weapon Level icons, Thunder, Wind, and Light are fine. (Wind's is actually pretty boss, if you ask me.) I agree that Fire seems off, and I'd possibly attribute it the clump of reddish-orange around the outsides with nothing to shade it very well. As for Dark, looking at Manfloy's TCG card, it seems like there's a dark "aura" around the symbol on the card, which, zoomed in I can partially make out, albeit it's quite thin and unnoticeable. I'd extend it out a pixel on the outside and also add some of it inside the bluish "circle", since it appears there on the card as well. All-in-all, not bad. :thumbsup:
  18. SNES: Kirby Super Star GBA: Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis
  19. Are you meaning just the vast number of possible abilities to copy (24) or do you mean the Super Copy feature from Milky Way Wishes?
  20. While hex-grids might seem more realistic in some scenarios (like the increased productivity of ranged attackers), they also have the downside that most structures and such naturally have right angles in them. (Which basically just says that they don't work for buildings.) What might work better might be a radius-based or free-movement movement system (a la Breath of Fire V, Valkyria Chronicles, Sakura Wars (3, 4, 5), etc.). Though, then the game would seem less Fire Emblem, I suppose... EDIT - Completely different teams. IS is based in Japan, while NoA handles the localization. There's absolutely no overlap. EDIT2 - Remembered something I was going to mention about the hex-grid system. If IS decided to be wildly different and produce a Fire Emblem title that was in some kind of underdeveloped nation/world with lots of open battlefields (think pre-colonized America, maybe?), then the hex-grid system might work nicely.
  21. ...Well, I'll be damned. They changed the design (and made it rotate, too), which is why I didn't see it. Plus there's the fact that they don't acknowledge it until *after* Kirby finishes sucking air in (should have done it immediately, if you ask me). *goes to strike that part out in the opening post*
  22. There is no 1UP visible on the screen anywhere in front of Kirby prior to him receiving it. It *has* to come from swallowing the enemies.
  23. SF:A was already on there, Trent.
  24. You missed my post, or at least part of it.
  25. I'll correct him then: 007: Nightfire And, I'd like to throw Soul Calibur II into the ring as well.
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