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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. I'll play around with the water a little more later on. Night of Farewells seems to be counter-intuitive now that I look at it again; normally, one uses the shallow water near land(/platforms) and the darker water "out to sea," but Night of Farewells seems to reverse this. At this point, I'm both water'd out and I want to see how the water looks animated, in-game before I continue fixing things up. Someone finally got it. God, I was starting to wonder how it was possible that everyone's childhood had been robbed of two classic JRPGs... (And, the map's not completely identical. It's akin to what this round of the mapping contest is about, kind of. :x)
  2. Aeo, asdfjkl; !!! Anywayyyyyy... (Based on FE9!Meteor's design setup, but an arrow. Ya dig?)
  3. I was seeing them earlier, and upon force refreshing this individual page (thus, clearing Firefox's cookies for the page), they're not showing up for me either. So, it's something on his host's end.
  4. For the water, I tried following how Night of Farewells added in the turbulent tiles. I'll fix the upper right corner, but I'm not sure which tiles you're referring to as "dark water". I'm assuming you mean the standard water tile?
  5. It's Decisive Attack from PoR, yeah. As for the actual video, Dan, things seem... jumpy and incomplete. The allied units show up on the map, disappear, and then all ride/walk on to the map from the north. Furet's last retort to Varkade, "You want I should display my techniqu-", seems oddly written, at least from a grammatical standpoint. Granted, I'm not familiar with sayings of old, so it's possible this is one; however, it still sounds oddly phrased. It seems odd for the boss to come out behind Seymour and stop him as opposed to moving in front of him to block his path, too. And then, there's the fact that there's no transition from the units that come out as part of the cutscene to all of the new units on the map (and the boss moving south, west, and then north to the house)...
  6. I guess I'm done now: Does the water look ok?
  7. All of that information is already contained on the Thracia pages. The differences between the leadership stars in FE4 and FE5 can be found in both descriptive form in the Introduction pages for both games and in computational effects in the Calculations pages. Leaf's leadership stars are mentioned on the FAQ page for Thracia, as you already mentioned (and it includes how and when he has them, basically). Allied characters with Lead stars are listed in the Base Stats page under the Lead column. All of this information is something that people could easily find, if they took the time to actually look for it. If people are too lazy to actually spend five minutes looking around a site, then that's their problem, IMHO.
  8. Given some of the comments/questions/responses I've seen in my time on FE forums ALONE (not even taking into account cesspools like YouTube), there are more people that are that dense than you might think. Since it's a new item and players won't know what it does (unless they're reading the stuff in here), I would hope that it specifies how much it heals. However, one should note that the Vulnerary in FE7 did not mention how much it healed via its R-button description. And, TBQH, if I see something that I know has popped up in another game in the series, my immediate assumption would be that it does the same or approximately the same thing as it did in where I previously saw it. Thus, if I were to see something like the Rudol Gem from FE10, I'd expect that it would add +10 Defense. The same thing would apply to the Concoction: Either I'd expect it to heal 40 HP or, minimally, it would heal somewhere around 40 HP (i.e. a powerful healing item that doesn't fully heal). EDIT - @Celice -
  9. Consistency can't exist when the source and locale never had it to begin with. Plus, Concoctions healed 40 HP in Radiant Dawn. I doubt the Tonic is going to heal *that* much. IMHO, it would only serve to mislead the players into thinking that it healed that much in EN.
  10. Definitely looks better with the shading. Fixed the one on the left as well as the one on the top right tower. Now if only there were shaded brace tiles and stuff for some of the areas that still look off because they don't exist... Any input on the water stuff?
  11. Current version of the map: Still not sure where to put the turbulent water. (Suggestions?)
  12. Though the Tiled inserter is done, I should point out that this still wouldn't work, as NL mentioned above. The reason the tilesets are necessary is because of their structure/data/whatever. The game needs to know what to apply to a map, and the MAR file mainly just says that coordinate (1,1) uses Tile block X from the tileset. If you use a tileset different than what you have available in the game (whether it's something you've added manually or something pre-existing) and try to map one of the game's tilesets to the map, it'll think that Tile X from what you used in Mappy is actually Tile X on the real tileset, producing incorrect tiles on the map. (That might not be the *exact* process as to how everything works, but it should get the general idea across.)
  13. I think that his point is that you can't do those without the TV. Part of the draw of the system is the video stream to the controller, so if a situation arose like in the reveal trailer with the baseball game, you'd effectively not be able to play those games. Plus, this extends beyond those types of games to things that could be considered like Four Swords Adventures, where each player could/might need their own view of the game. I think someone mentioned Madden earlier. If you're selecting plays, you don't want your opponent to be able to guess what you're running (though they can't see exactly what you picked, there will be only so many plays on the page to choose between) and with only one Wii U controller, one person gets this advantage, while the other remains at a disadvantage. Either way, having only one Wii U controller could be considered a major downside. (Plus, as far as we know, we can't take our own controllers to another Wii U and bind them. Minimally, there isn't a button that can do this on the controller. Doesn't mean that there won't be some kind of software means of doing it though.)
  14. I don't see how that will work. Given the amount of physical abuse that some gamers inflict on their game discs, controllers, consoles, etc. (and, that's not even taking into account accidental damage, like something falling off of a table and cracking/breaking upon impact), Nintendo is going to have to sell these things some how, because replacements will undoubtedly be an issue. And, if they end up forcing the consumer to either sit and wait to send their broken controller in for a replacement and get a new one shipped back or to straight up buy a new Wii U just to get a new controller, they're going to end up with more than a large number of pissed off gamers; I imagine that their stockholders won't be happy about the consumer outrage either. EDIT - And, if they were going to sell them for the purpose of replacements, outside of hardware limitations (maybe the Wii U can only stream from the console to one controller? (Stupid, but entirely plausible.)), I don't see why one wouldn't be able to get and use more of them.
  15. I think I'll stick with mine. I don't like the idea of towers that small being higher than the walls of the rest of the fort. If they were higher, maybe I'd make them taller. But, since they aren't I'll go with how I have mine set up.
  16. I checked the tileset: There is only one non-turbulent water tile that doesn't have shadowing on it. So, to break up the tile spam, I'm going to need to add in turbulence. (Which means, I need suggestions on where it should reasonably go.) Also, fixed the green tile walkway and added in pillar. (How could I just up and forget to put them on? XD)
  17. I'm only a master when I can think of something unique and creative to make, given the task - something that's plagued me the past couple of weeks. (Well, I have work too and I don't really ever want to do anything after it. But, that's not a very good excuse, is it?)
  18. Well, at least it took me less than a month to update for once. First off, some more weapon icons: The first three are fair game for use (modification, no, unless you clear it with me first), but the last one is exclusive to someone and can't be used. Also, a new map, which I just finished about 30 minutes ago. (A cookie to the first person who can guess the inspiration for the map.) (Tile changed version can be viewed here.) Feaw was kind enough to help me through some of the rough patches on the map, but I realize that there are probably several flaws that could be fixed or aesthetic changes that could be made, so I would definitely like some feedback on this. Also, the water in this locale is supposed to be relatively calm or still, so I didn't add any of the turbulent water tiles in. (Though, I was thinking about adding some in the corner areas of the castle. Thoughts on this?)
  19. If you haven't upgraded the OS on the machine, there should be a sticker/tag somewhere on the case that lists which OS is on the machine, along with the product key for the install. That will tell you which OS is on the machine. (It'll generally have a Microsoft logo on it and it's rectangular. Not too hard to miss. IIRC, companies tend to love sticking in the worst place, on the bottom of the case.) If you don't have one, then we could probably tell based on the login screen or the boot-up sequence.
  20. Likely the day of Nintendo's media briefing. Either it'll be listed in a release calendar doc on the press website after the briefing, it'll show up during the briefing as part of Nintendo's annual "let's mash 30 seconds of video for each game together as part of a long trailer showing what we have coming out" segment, or it'll be somewhere at their booth/area, I would imagine. Don't forget, Nintendo's media briefing will be streamed online, Spike will probably cover it as part of their GTTv coverage, and any press members at the briefing will likely take pictures and liveblog the event. So, there are plenty of chances to see if, if it's there. EDIT @Ragnell - Don't forget that the 3DS can still play DS games. So, just because you're hyping people to buy your newly launched product doesn't mean that there won't be stuff for things that it still supports.
  21. I think 2ndOG will make an awesome first imported game for me. My wallet might not like it, but I'm glad that the PS3 is region-free and I'll have a chance to play this. That being said, I see that Albero is back and conveniently still pissed. And I had hoped that I might get to hear Shouting Black a few more times before switching to Crying Black... And, I see that Lamia is sticking with the Angelg (despite apparently having the Vysaga as her default mech in The Inspector when she rejoins...?). And, apparently Mai still feels it's necessary to sortie in the ART-1... So, what's the mech at the top of the right page? And, for Rim and Josh, it's possible that they'll upgrade towards the end of 2ndOG. I mean, Ryusei went through two mechs (albeit briefly) before getting the R-1, all in the span of one game. I wouldn't put it past Banpresto to force them into Reals for the first part of the game and then switch them into Supers at the end, setting up the combination for the end of the game and into a presumed 3rdOG. It might not be unlike the potential Hyperlion situation in 2ndOG. We know that Ibis is getting the Altairlion, so the Hyperlion depends on if/when Sleigh shows up in the course of the game (and could even be delayed until later, similar to the SRX's deployment - i.e. plot BS preventing them from combining).
  22. Well, since Trent mentioned it, yes, EN's Master Sword is based on FE12's. Comparing the stats between the two, I think you can see why. And, being the proponent that I am for having unique graphics and not reusing existing ones, I made my own version of the sword, from scratch, with the FE3 and FE12 icons off to the side as references. I kept the overall design idea the same, but implemented my own actual designed components, to give off a slightly different appearance. (It's like what Hajime Katoki did when he redesigned the original mechs in Gundam Wing to show what their intended appearance was (and not their actual appearance, as they were hampered by a budget when creating the series and couldn't afford the level of detail they had wanted).)
  23. You were talking about the southwestern mountain range, not the northern mountain range. If you take your hand and cover up the left part of the map from where I specified in my previous post, you'll see that the "new" top left corner of HoT's map is quite similar to Prime's old version of his map. Yet, you were saying there was an issue with Prime's map at that spot and made no mention of the fact that HoT's was basically the same in construction, only that HoT's southwest range was what Prime should try to replicate. *That's* what I was pointing out, in that you were seemingly contradicting your overall point with your examples. Also, I'm not sure why the fact that HoT's mountains in the north conform to the river is relevant. That's just a geographical addition. Prime's also has defined ends; it's just that the southern ends of the mountain didn't make much sense, hence the strange, ambiguous, and boxy/polygonal nature of the mountains. -------------- On the fixed tutorial map, the "forked river" mountain styling is still there. I think it still looks odd, but if no one else does, then maybe it's just a personal taste or something of mine. I do feel, however, that HoT's scribbles for the suggested mountain length should be applied a bit more, notably on that lowest section of the mountain that's sticking down. Other than that, the mountains are much better than before. As for the map progression, it's easily apparent to see the level to which you've progressed thus far, and I congratulate you on your progress. If only I had more mapping inspiration. I'd make more and be better... My only issue with the new version deals with the mini "crests" in the left part of the northern mountains. They just seem to throw off the flow of the mountains in that part, IMHO. (It also makes the mountains seem flatter/lower to the ground.) The road usage might be a little excessive in places, but I guess that depends on the locale and how this map fits into a story or something, too.
  24. That... doesn't really follow from the map. If the mountains weren't leading off of the map, then they wouldn't touch the top of the map. You also say that the top left corner of the mountains, with the grass there and the shape of the mountain tiles right around it, has issues, yet the map you compared to has just about the exact same area seen on it, two tiles to the right of the thicket tile in the first row of the map. If you were to crop off all of the columns to the left of this tile, you'd fundamentally have the same top left corner. The only difference would be how the map that you linked extends further down. It's entirely feasible that these mountains continue significantly far off to the north, off of the visible portion of the map. The mountains could even curve to the right in this area, making the range like a flipped comma or something in shape. That being said, I think the main issue is twofold: 1) The abrupt "ending" of the mountains at the southern base. There should be a little variation on where the mountains end, especially since there are no obstructing features along the mountainside that would cause them to be straight there. 2) The patterning of the mountains. For starters, there's that very large, straight mountain face on the right part of the mountain range, which produces VERY sharp angles in the terrain. While it might be possible in reality, it's also not as likely as a more smooth transition between the ridges. Secondly, it's almost as if the mountain ranges on the left part of the map are more like a forking river. Granted, fixing the length of the bottom part of the map may alleviate this issue, but right now, their proximity and shallow depth (followed by the large gap to the right-most range) seem to jump out. ----------------- As for the new maps: Map 1) - Shouldn't the wall tile above the left-facing stairs at the top left of the map have a slightly "rounded" edge on it? Right now, it looks like one of the standard wall tiles, such as the ones to the right of it. Map 2) - I kind of have to agree with Celice about the wall. Minimally, it's positioning just seems odd. What might fix this a bit would be to have a tile of separation between the sloped wall tiles and where the straight wall extends up from. - I don't have much (read: any) experience with this tileset, so I can't really point too much out on it.
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