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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. Being a programmer and assuming that they have something akin to a variable (or array) that stores all of the relevant statistics in FE10, either a forced simple increment of the value for Authority Stars (if based on fixed events, such as Micaiah's promotion to Light Sage) or a conditional statement (that would check how many soldiers you saved) with an increment of the value would be *easily* doable. Easy way out or not, these are basic programming techniques, so either IS is just extremely lazy, they ran out of time to implement it, or they decided that she just didn't need them, for whatever reason. I would guess, given the extreme simplicity of incrementing a value, that it would be one of the latter two options.
  2. I'm going to have to agree with this. Not only is 1UP the only place I've seen reporting this (nothing on Joystiq, Kotaku, Siliconera, nor Andriasang), but Sakurai himself said on Twitter that until he finishes Kid Icarus, there won't be any progress on either Smash Bros. title (Source). Granted, this could be something that was being tossed around or planned, but for a title that isn't even in development yet, sending an internal document with the supposed title seems a bit... unorthodox.
  3. This belongs in the Spriting board, but, there are already plenty of tutorials in the Spriter's Resource thread.
  4. Perhaps you should refresh yourselves with the Prologue video, specifically at this .So, while it's not FE404-esque (with a multiple series crossover), there are elements of FE6, FE8 (setting, obviously), and FE10 (which you'll see eventually) added in. (Granted, the plot and maps and such are custom (or will be mostly custom), so it's mostly original.)
  5. 1) It doesn't work that way, despite what you might want. As long as the content isn't against the Code of Conduct (i.e. isn't derogatory or overly excessive (beyond a PG-13 level)), then people are free to curse if they want to. 2) Considering your first post was only 12 minutes before this one, you had no need to double post. The edit button exists for a reason.
  6. Reggie stated back in June that it would launch post-March 31, 2012, so my initial statement was only slightly off. (I also amended an "(at the earliest)" to the post.)
  7. You seem to be forgetting the semi-reported fact that outside of 3-D remakes, the 3DS does not exactly have any "killer apps" that are really worth buying at this moment in time, a relatively large reason for the price cut on the system to begin with. If you've never heard of Operation Rainfall, I'd say that slightly discredits your prior argument about reviews and complaints about the 3DS and Nintendo in general. Operation Rainfall fits in because of all of the "negative" (at least from the populace) press that it's been receiving in media outlets. This noticeably reached its peak when Nintendo of America acknowledged the campaign on Twitter saying the equivalent of "We'll have an announcement in a few days!", and then proceeded a few days later to go "Yeah, we don't have any plans to release these." That piece of news didn't exactly sit well with too many people. You also have to factor in that, regardless of how silly Operation Rainfall may or may not be, Nintendo's release schedule for the remainder of the year had been largely devoid until their latest round of release date announcements (both Kirby titles, a confirmed date for Skyward Sword, etc.). Given that the Wii U won't be out in North America until, what, around March of next year (at the earliest) and that the 3DS won't have any bigger, new releases until the holidays, it's quite pitiful and aggravating when the first party company won't even support their own system (let alone trying to get third parties to support it with more than shovelware).
  8. Unless Ayra was a hidden character or something (quite possible), it was just Marisa and Eirika that were playable. (For those interested) They both had different attacking styles and different special moves (Eirika had a long-range attack that was quite spammable and cheap, while Marisa had an anti-air special move which was kinda useless), though I don't remember what the combinations were. Someone posted a movelist at one point back on FESS (I actually want to say that it was Vincent that had posted it), but that's long since been lost. The gist of the game is to come out with the highest rank and score (Determined by damage taken and time in battle? I never did figure it out completely.), while fighting through other characters (Doga, Camus, Sheeda, Lilina, Bartre, etc.). I don't remember the full enemy list either.
  9. Even though I have some knowledge of Persona (and own P3:FES and P4), neither of them were on my mind when coming up with the scenario for the chapter. Kinda funny though, now that you bring it up. Yes, very much so. I mean, if Yoshi was basically high when under the influence of a Fuzzy, just think about what would happen to Baby Mario if he touched one of those!
  10. Please try to make your post have some actual substance to it next time.
  11. While I can't offer any thoughts as to why it might be happening or what to do to fix it, perhaps looking at the disassembly of FE7's normal Chapter 15 will offer insight into what Intelligent Systems did to correctly bring the character statistics from Lyn Mode to Eliwood Mode?
  12. It's an entire 3DS event, intentionally scheduled before the Tokyo Game Show, as Nintendo has not attended TGS the past several years. There will likely be more than one game announcement for the 3DS. (And, hopefully, as a whole, Nintendo will continue announcing the rest of their lineup for the year on their other systems...)
  13. Bringing this back from the dead the only way I know how: ICON DUMP. Since it wasn't posted here, my icon from Round 13 of the Icon Contest: Icons for Elibian Nights: And, finally, Eric (Hero of Time) had asked me to do a set of the "basic" weapons (Iron/Slim/Poison/Steel/Silver) for his hacking project, which I finished a little while ago:
  14. It is, as are the Wind Sword and Runesword. Unfortunately, when Hex went through stuff related to those three weapons forever ago (finding the function that halves Strength, etc.), he didn't happen to come across where the magic affinities were at. So, unless someone else happens to dig through the assembly code and find it, it's something that won't be changed for a while.
  15. Please don't double post, especially after only four minutes. There's an edit button on your posts for a reason.
  16. That's a bit of a necropost you've got going on there and for a post in "Serious Discussion," your post is a bit lacking on both ends. Try not to necro again, mkay? Topic locked.
  17. They eventually removed it and replaced it with a Summoner animation, IIRC. And, prior to that, a handful of people were up in arms about it, I do believe. (Though, MK404 might not have cared and let it slide, thus accounting for the lower level of people in a tizzy about it.) I'll keep this open for now, seeing as the necro was only just over a month. Keep any future posts somewhat relevant though.
  18. That's a bit of a misnomer. It was less "giving up" and more "could not have been replicated/remade in a manner that did the original justice." Besides, even more fans would have bitched about it and left had it not lived up to the high and mighty expectations of FE4. I mean, Arch even said it back when he officially killed the project: Also, you all must remember one thing: The release that Arch is working on currently is not the final release. Thus, your arguments (which, being a college graduate myself, I can personally attest to as being true) don't exactly provide ironclad motivation. Arch will either have to cram in finishing Tale 8 and the remaining content for EN (along with allowing time for it to be tested) before leaving for college (which doesn't necessarily give him time to pack or do stuff that he might want to do before he leaves) or he'll have to finish the project once he's at college anyway. That said, Arch, you've already lost your title of Overtroll (at least temporarily). If you don't finish, you lose it forever! (Though, could you just be putting up a facade of needing motivation to perform an even more elaborate troll than FE4A's demise?)
  19. Therein lies the problem, however. Elibe as a setting has been done to death over the years, and while it has produced its fair share of both amazing and terrible projects, it's also a somewhat lazy approach in either regard. If a project is going to feature a large number of new characters, as the topic creator is indicating in this case, then why stop halfway and take the easy way out? If one is coming up with that much new material, to me, it makes more sense to flesh it out completely (i.e. instead of only a large number of new characters, make the entire cast new characters (both enemies and allied units), come up with a new world/continent, new lore, etc.) than to jam a bunch of new things into a pre-existing setting. (Note, this is kind of a general remark, not necessarily pointing a finger at you, Lungs.) Now, if it's something like an alternate story using existing characters and such, that's a more acceptable use of the setting and world, but it's also not exactly overly creative. That being said, I have no intention of forcing anyone to not do projects centered in Elibe. If the creators have a story and want to use Elibe to tell it, then that's their decision. It's just that, minimally, a part of the community (though, I'd honestly wager that it's larger than just a small portion) is getting tired of anything and everything taking place in the same old location of Elibe. And, with the advent of projects that are taking the process the whole way (notably, Dream of Five), it shows that fans *can* come up with something entirely new and don't have to be restricted to Elibe. Though, to really answer your question, this is what I would suggest: When you're not coming up with data (text, graphics, stats, etc.) for your project, come up with a short, couple-of-chapters long concept (not necessarily related to your project) and try to implement it. That way, it will give you practice using the various tools and it will likely prevent you from having to restart your project early on to go back and improve/fix things that you would have done at the beginning, when you were still learning the tools (as, by doing the short concept project, you'll know how to use the tools and thus won't need to go back and fix mistakes made by not understanding the tools fully).
  20. Bloodline seemingly has nothing to do with the use of the Divine Weapons. Hector uses Armads and likely isn't related to Durbans. Eliwood used Durandal, but that doesn't mean that he's a descendant of Roland (all FE7 states is that Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn are "children of Roland," the context of which could simply mean that they are nobles in the country that Roland founded). Besides, in FE6, the Divine Weapons are usable by anyone, so it seems like there isn't a bloodline requirement to begin with. Plus, with Lilina's frail stature, it's not like she could use Durandal effectively anyway. She'd be better off using Anima. Plus, even if it made sense to give it to Lilina, the hacker would need to implement a Str/Mag split to use both types of weapons.
  21. Since I'm not an expert at face sprites, I'll leave the C/C to those that are more apt. Instead, since I was gone when you posted them, I'll C/C the tomes up above. (I'd also C/C the swords, but a lot of what I'd disagree with in mainly stylistic and not really inconsistencies. Though, I do agree with your assessment on the Wind Sword. The cross-guard isn't exactly mirrored correctly from one side of the blade to the other side.) For the tomes, one of the major "issues" I'd say you have is a lack of shading and/or flat shading. I first noticed it on your contest entry from the last round and it seems to be appearing in some of these also (notably Thunder, the alternate Fimbulvetr, Aura, and Fenrir). Perhaps you wanted them to be somewhat plain, but it would still be entirely possible to add detail in and keep the same feel to the tomes with a couple of pixels here and there. Unrelated to that, I really don't think that the "backwards" dark to light gradient scheme works very well on Purge's tome. It just kinda sticks out like a sore thumb to me. (And, having the white transition into the yellow doesn't offer too much of a change in contrast, making it look kinda flat.) Also, I do want to say that I like the color scheme on Eclipse's tome. (Though, is the design mainly just modified from the design on Excalibur?) The colors and the contrast/shading probably make Eclipse stand out as one of the best of the set.
  22. Not sure which zodiac system you're going by, but I've always gone with Sagittarius, as my birthday is Nov. 30th. (And, with that whole zodiac hubbub several months back, had the system I went on been the one that was changing, I would have been switched to Ophiuchus instead.)
  23. I'm getting a 403 Forbidden error from that link. Anyway, been meaning to pop in here and actually share my current wallpaper for awhile now, just never got around to it. This here's what my current wallpaper is. (Instead of just posting the picture, this way, if anyone likes it, they can download it in their preferred size. Plus, it gives credit to the author.)
  24. When I did the map, I was mainly shooting for a conversion of the original, with path lengths and such to match how it was in FE5. Though, with the way the tileset is structured (having to use the walls to enclose the space and such), I had to make a few modifications here and there just so that the areas could be enclosed properly. So, yeah, the map still suffers from having to go through narrow paths and taking roundabout movements to get to places. But, aside from making each of the areas larger/wider to provide more space, I don't really know what could even be done to spruce the design up... (I also don't really want to change it, since I want to remain faithful to the original in this case...)
  25. Couldn't you just import FE6's tileset and use that to make a more diverse, outside map? (Seeing as I assume this map is for FE: Forever, given what it's an update of.)
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