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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. It'll come when it does. Both MK404 and I have other things to do than work on A Sacred Dawn 24/7/365. Be patient, for heaven's sake.
  2. Well, it wouldn't be the first time that they released something on April 1st... Even though I'm personally more interested in The Last Story than Xenoblade (beyond the initial trailers for the game, it never really impressed me too much), at this point I feel like I need to buy it, otherwise (as I mentioned), we'll probably just get the "I told you so!" response and North Americans will then have to resume complaining about how Europe is getting stuff that we're not (and pining for the days when it was the reverse). I guess it comes down to a "for the greater good" kind of duty.
  3. Since it was such a big part of a controversial topic several months ago (that being Operation Rainfall), I think it's important enough to post this as a (news) topic. Xenoblade Chronicles, after having been localized for Europe, is finally on its way to North America. It is uncertain whether the fan campaign actually advanced the cause to finally bring the title over, though others have speculated that Nintendo of America has finally realized that after the release of Fortune Street and Rhythm Heaven, the Wii will be absolutely barren of titles, leaving gamers "stranded" until the launch of the Wii U (source: http://kotaku.com/5864556/nintendo-changes-its-tune-for-once). (Note: I've personally felt that, aside from Kirby's Return to Dreamland and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, the Wii's already been barren and desolate, dating back to before E3 2011 (at which, they barely covered anything that would keep the console afloat in its dying days).) That being said, I'm going to go on a little faith and believe that NoA finally made good on its statement that they would bring the title over if it was successful in Europe. As such, I feel that we in North America should show some support in making sure that the title doesn't flop; we don't want to give NoA an excuse to say, "See, we took a chance and none of you bought the game!" I doubt at this point that a similar situation would be plausible for the ill-fated Heroes of Light and Shadow, but if NoA did indeed have the guts to bring the title over because of fan outcry, a strong showing of support now may lead to further good-faith gestures later down the road when some other title does not make the jump to North America. (On a related note, nothing has been announced about the other two Rainfall titles, The Last Story (soon to be heading to Europe and possibly being retitled as The Last World) and Pandora's Tower: Until I Return to Your Side.) (Discussion, talk, etc., go!) EDIT / UPDATE - Siliconera is reporting that a Nintendo press release states that Xenoblade Chronicles will only be available through GameStop (retail and presumably online) and Nintendo themselves (through their website, see the link above) (source: http://www.siliconera.com/2011/12/02/xenblade-chronicles-officially-confirmed-for-america/). Given that it won't be available at every major retailer, I have to assume that this means that Xenoblade will probably be released in limited quantities. (I doubt GameStop would want more than 10-15 copies of it in stock at a given store (barring a total greater than that for pre-orders)...)
  4. The topic of how a character's name should be translated doesn't have a whole lot to do with the Leg Ring. If y'all want to discuss and debate that, take it to a new thread, k?
  5. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.

  6. I'll let Vincent or Tang answer with an official response, but I can't personally see any reason that you would need to hotlink from the main site. I don't know why you would need to include an image hosted on the main site in a post; even if you did, the easy answer would just be to link the thing instead. If it's for an avatar, save it to your desktop and upload it that way. Signatures would be slightly more complex, as you'd need to actually not be lazy and host it yourself.
  7. I don't really see what the point would be to take out one small portion of FE11/12 and do nothing else. If people were actively hacking FE11/12 to the extent that they do the GBA titles, I could see that being useful as a patch in the event that the hackers didn't want reclassing in their project. As it stands, Blazer and Arch are the only two that I'm aware of that have touched FE11 and neither one really did anything significant when they did. There is virtually no point to removing Reclass since you can fundamentally "remove" it by not using it, at least until people decide they want to use FE11/12 as the base for their project. Also, by comparing Reclass with displayed growth rates, you're kind of comparing apples and oranges. Yes, you could entirely overlook the growth rate displays much in the same way that you could overlook the entire Reclass menu; however, think about the two as someone who isn't one of 3000+ members on a site dedicated to the series. With Reclass, a "regular" player sees a change in stats, weapons, and class. I would quite possibly doubt that the player would know that you could swap through specific classes to increase the likelihood of more stats being capped at the end of the game. They're more likely to do it to use different classes because they like them or because they're just trying different ones out. With displayed growth rates, the RNG poses a large problem overall. Yes, you can know ON AVERAGE how a unit will do, but the RNG inherently does not produce THE AVERAGE RESULT, which for a "regular" player would most likely be entirely frustrating as all hell. As an example, I've been attempting to farm a specific item in the Dreamcast game Grandia II. It requires getting the maximum number of treasure bells to show up and only one type of enemy can drop the item. Even with a skill that supposedly improves the drop rate of items (and, even with the maximum number of bells, it's possible not to get the item), I've only found two of the item. And this is despite running through the area over the span of at least 5 hours of in-game time. It's extremely frustrating to me, and I imagine that the RNG influencing the stat gains on level ups would be quite frustrating to one of us, let alone a "regular" player.
  8. You seem to be implying that more than two people have made meaningful edits to the DS games. Protip: No one has edited that out because most people tend to focus on the GBA games for romhacking. (Not to mention, most people probably have no idea where the relevant code/data is that handles all of that, let alone know how to remove it and still make the game work properly.)
  9. The series isn't catered to the majority of players found here on SF; the games are catered to the average, new player for the most part. As such, Intelligent Systems is presumably creating an atmosphere where people who don't know anything about the characters (who will show up in what chapters, each character's stats and growths, etc.) can jump in, play through chapters, and determine based on how the Random Number Generator molds their units as to who they want to use for their team. Furthermore, unless you were to add an entire new page of statistics to the unit info windows (which is a plausible solution, though even RD's 4 pages was a bit annoying so adding more would be :/), you'd have to add the growths on the same page as the statistics, which would only make that page absurdly crowded.
  10. You can modify MAPWIN.INI and change the default screen size of the application, but you can't set the sizes of the inner windows with it. Also, even if you calculate the window size that it displays in when in fullscreen (compensating for the taskbar/superbar), the application still opens centered in the window and not maximized. As such, it's still better to just hit the Maximize button. (Note: This is also how to set Mappy up so that you can increase the zoom on the tileset area so that you can actually see the tiles...) As for the Help Contents, mine isn't missing, though TBQH, the only time I used it was when I tried to find out why I couldn't import PNG files as tilesets when I was trying to test something. It's not necessary at all to make maps.
  11. The best that you could do with that tileset would just be to use doors. If you were able to use a different tileset, FE6's Bern Keep or FE8's 79 7A 7B (Grado Keep) tilesets do have roof tiles in them and are still castle tilesets...
  12. Alternatively, if you're too lazy to host something yourself, then just link it instead.
  13. Nope, no tiles for removable roofs in that tileset.
  14. I'm sure it's been suggested at least once already (given the thread's length), but the thing that makes the most sense to me, both from a physical world standpoint and from a gameplay standpoint, would be to make Hand Axes/Javelins/etc. slightly weaker than their Iron counterparts (they're made for *throwing*, not for close-quarters combat), keep their weights physically reasonable, and hard code a property that forces them to only have one attack like what they did for Eclipse when they're thrown. This way, they're not weighing a unit down to oblivion just for the sake of lowering the chance of doubling with the weapon (which doesn't physically make loads of sense - I mean, they're tough to throw, yes, but if we're taking weight solely as how heavy a weapon is, why should something that needs to be thrown and is trying to hit a target from a distance weigh more than a standard lance?), they're not a be-all and end-all weapon for any situation since they don't deal wonderful damage and are thus situational only, and they mirror the fact that they're a thrown weapon and it's kinda hard to throw a weapon more than once without picking it back up. Granted, if you're defending with the Javelin or attacking at close range, you're not going to be throwing it, so doubling still makes sense. But, given the weapon's nature as primarily ranged, on top of low durability, a hit and/or damage penalty when attacking at Range 1 also seems like a fair addition to balance that back out. This way, Javelins/Hand Axes/etc. can fulfill their main objective - attacking a unit from a distance without fear of reprisal - without throwing weapon balance all over the place.
  15. There's nothing saying that a Prologue/first chapter can't have a decidedly different objective, though. Just because it hasn't appeared in any other FE title or hack (well, it's possible that it might have and I'm just not aware of it) doesn't mean that it's forbidden. Plus, as you say, this is for a hack, so players should already be accustomed to the various types of objectives found in Fire Emblem. With that in mind, a Defend chapter doesn't seem too outrageous as the first chapter in a project (despite the fact that it has been said that it will be Rout anyway). (And, to be nitpicky, the word "prologue" does not necessarily imply a "tutorial"; it just means that it is an introduction of some sorts. Hypothetically, this chapter could be a scene set years/months/etc. before the actual main events of the project and it serves as an introduction by giving the details that precipitated those events.) ---------------- As for the actual map... Since there's a height change with the stairs, the lower wall segment will need to be taller to compensate. Aside from that, the only thing that jumps out at me at the moment is the stairs outside of the Inn. I'm assuming that they're there as a cellar entrance or something, but they do kind of jump out a tad, being near outside tiles. Depending on its purpose, you might consider building a very small "room" or something around it (using some of the castle tiles). Also, though it's still a WIP, I would think that a village wouldn't be completely barren in places when it comes to landscaping, so maybe add a Forest tile in a couple of places in the lower-left quarter of the map? EDIT - Since this appears as though it will mainly be sprite-related, I'll move this into the subforum. If you plan on posting art (character designs, etc.) or some type of written work (plot outlines, script drafts, and so on), please let a staff member know, and we can move it back up to Creative for you.
  16. The Gamecube version has additional content (dubbed the Director's Cut) beyond the main content of the Dreamcast version. It also features a reduced encounter rate (which is both a blessing and a curse as the Dreamcast's encounter rate was pretty annoying, but you have to spend more time flying/running around if you want to grind). Legends also was fit onto a single Gamecube disc, which had the negative effect of lessening the audio quality of the game. Also, I'm not sure where you're looking on eBay, since I see two listing less than $40 just looking at Buy it Now options; there are several others that are much cheaper at the moment but must be bid on and could potentially run higher. I'd also check Amazon as, at a cursory glance, there are listings cheaper than $40 there too. I bought both my DC and GCN copies for around $18 each years ago used, so given the amount of time that's passed, I'd probably guess that $35 would be about the average price that you'd find it for in used condition these days. (And, if I might make a suggestion: If you happen to enjoy Skies of Arcadia, I'd suggest taking a look at its Dreamcast RPG Heavyweight counterpart, Grandia II (or other entries in the series - most fans seem to suggest that the original is the best, but I've yet to play it myself). The battle system DEFINITELY makes up for the fairly standard RPG plot.)
  17. Unless your hack has something to do with Tellius and Ike specifically, I don't see the reason for, frankly, being lazy. If the guy has nothing to do with Ike, you should at least show some creativity and come up with your own design for his appearance and not borrow from an existing character's design. Heck, while I think that original designs should reign supreme, even a modification of the design would be more appropriate than the guy having the exact same armor.
  18. No image-only posts outside of FFtF.
  19. If you're going for pure-FE style for the sword blades, you've got a problem. The "top" edge (the part above (going towards the upper-left of the icon's box) the diagonal center line of the sword) is correct with the white color, but the "bottom" edge should not have any of the white on it (it's the shadowed side, basically) and should be primarily a darker shade. So, for the top-right sword, I'd change all of the light grey pixels to be the darker color and replace the white on the bottom edge with the light grey. Personally, I'd probably reshade the bottom right sword's blade entirely, since I'm not sure why it's shaded as it is. The other icons pass basic muster, I guess. The only things that I could point out on them would be stylistic things, but for the most part, I'd consider those to be personal opinion, so...
  20. For starters, the old patch was to stop at Ch. 8. Secondly, this version of ASD is obsolete with the advent of this. Thirdly, this topic's been dead for months.
  21. Lord Glenn


    This is silly. See that? Yeah, it's located right above this board, here. It's there for stuff like this.
  22. Maybe it's my laptop's screen, but I can see the Earth and Dark parts against the black-ish color just fine. Yes, they're not as bright as the other ones, but that's attributed to the palette more than anything. I can lighten the black-ish color, but I could only do that so much because of the dependencies of the color elsewhere. They mainly use the standard palette that is used in FE6/7/8, with a few alterations. The red color is new (replacing the purple-ish color natively in the palette), the pure black color was lightened to be (40,40,40) (which is the background color on the affinity icons), and the other light blue color that is similar to the one used in the Ice affinity icon (but not the one used) was replaced with the lighter grey-ish color that is in the corners of the affinity icons.
  23. FE10-based Affinity icons and Weapon Level icons. Made for A Sacred Dawn, but I *might* consider letting other people use them, if you can adequately convince me.
  24. Videos of Ch. 1 are up! (Second part of the first video.)Note: There will be a few changes between what you see here and what will be in the first release (mainly cleaning stuff up).
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