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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. Yes, I support secondary typing, just not a reverse scheme. If Game Freak were to give Fennekin's final evolution Fire/Psychic typing, I'd be entirely fine with that, especially since it's such an underused typing. I just have an issue if they go Fire/Psychic, Water/Fighting, Grass/Dark for the three starters since, as I mentioned, it would end up making the single player experience even easier for the player. It might open up the competitive game more (I wouldn't really know, since I'm not really into that), but the competitive game really should be either a secondary focus or, at the very least, a 1B to the main game's 1A. If I had to pick what I figure Game Freak will do for X/Y's starters and what I'd ideally do if I had to stick with Fire/Grass/Water starters (which, again, as I mentioned above, I'd much rather see them stray away from at least for a while): -Game Freak, My Thoughts- Fennekin - Fire/Psychic or Fire/Dark Froakie - Water or Water/Flying Chespin - Grass/Ground or Grass/Steel -Game Freak, Silly- Fennekin - Fire/Psychic Froakie - Water/Fighting Chespin - Grass/Dark -My Ideal Fire/Grass/Water, if required to have secondary types- Fire/Poison Grass/Fighting Water/Ghost -------------------- Steel/Rock/Fire is another triangle that I just saw that maintains the existing starter effectivenesses. Rock and Steel are kinda similar though, so I wouldn't think that this would be a good triangle to pick to replace Fire/Water/Grass. Or, maybe it's a great one, since it could be used to give some additional characterization to Rock and Steel (i.e. that they're not mostly slow, tanky Pokémon)...?
  2. I wholeheartedly disagree that giving the starters a secondary, reverse-typing scheme is cool and a good idea. For starters, it's a contrived idea that basically every fan thinks they want simply because they really want Dark/Psychic/Fighting starters instead, despite the fact that it doesn't even work as a perfect triangle. (While you're certainly entitled to your views, opinions, and wishes, it still doesn't remove the fact that because of the x0 multiplier, it just doesn't work.) Secondly, it completely removes the element of choice that the game presents to the player and ends up making the game even easier when you only consider the single player experience, since you will expressly be given moves that get STAB and are effective against the starter that your rival picked for the sole purpose of trying to upstage you in the beginning (or might only do x1 if the types balance their x2s and x0.5s out). Then again, this is Game Freak we're talking about, so they'd likely take the silly option just to suit their whims. This is, of course, despite the fact that they could make an infinitely more impressive product if they set out and applied themselves creatively. Yes, they need to keep it accessible to young children, but that doesn't mean it needs to have the lowest common denominator of a plot and copy/paste'd design decisions based solely on tradition. Honestly, with the Type Chart as it currently is, the only triangles I was able to notice that still preserve the x2 against one starter, x0.5 against the other are Grass/Ground/Poison and Rock/Flying/Fighting, and the latter only works against a pure-Flying type (of which there is only one Pokémon special enough to have it). If Game Freak would actively attempt to do a full rebalance of the type chart (and, IMHO, the entire franchise from the ground up), perhaps something else might fall into place that would enable them to still keep the "Pick a starter" mechanic and use something other than Fire/Grass/Water. (Honestly, I'd love to see something more akin to Colosseum where everyone starts with the same party (of two) and you get the "Pick between three" moment after, like, the third gym (which I'd also rather see done away with, at least in the same way it's been done since 1996). It would at least vary the game up a bit.) I haven't had time to do an analysis of this yet (of any kind, especially because it's a heavy WIP), but I set out to redistribute the Type Chart a while back; I don't know if it produces any "perfect triangles" that would be eligible for the normal Pokémon mechanic of starters or not or if the effectivenesses are so out of whack that it drastically makes things worse. I'll leave it below in the event that it sparks some more discussion on where this could potentially go: Type Chart (Defending on top): +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Nm | Fr | Wt | El | Gs | Ic | Fg | Pn | Gd | Fl | Py | Bg | Rk | Gh | Dr | Dk | St | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Nm | | | | | | | | | | | | | .5 | | | | .5 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Fr | | .5 | .5 | | x2 | x2 | | | | | | | .5 | x2 | .5 | | x2 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Wt | | x2 | .5 | | .5 | | | x2 | x2 | | | | x2 | | .5 | | | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | El | | | x2 | .5 | .5 | | | | x0 | x2 | | | | | .5 | | x2 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Gs | | .5 | x2 | | | | | .5 | x2 | .5 | | .5 | x2 | | | | .5 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Ic | | .5 | .5 | | x2 | .5 | | | x2 | x2 | | x2 | | | x2 | | | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Fg | x2 | | | | | x2 | | .5 | | .5 | .5 | | x2 | | | x2 | .5 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Pn | x2 | | | | x2 | | | .5 | | x2 | | x2 | .5 | .5 | | | x0 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Gd | | x2 | | x2 | .5 | | | x2 | | x0 | | .5 | x2 | | | | x2 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Fl | | | x2 | .5 | x2 | | x2 | | | | | x2 | .5 | | | | .5 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Py | | | | | | | x2 | x2 | | | .5 | | | | | x0 | x2 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Bg | | | | | x2 | .5 | .5 | | | .5 | x2 | | | | | x2 | .5 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Rk | | x2 | | x2 | | x2 | .5 | | .5 | | | x2 | .5 | | | | .5 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Gh | | | | | | | | | | | x2 | | | x2 | | .5 | | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Dr | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | x2 | | | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | Dk | | | | | | | .5 | | | | x2 | | | x2 | | .5 | .5 | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | St | | .5 | .5 | .5 | | x2 | | | | | | | x2 | | | | .5 | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (It should be noted that Ghosts have a unique mechanic in this implementation: They have an inherent property where all non-Ghost (all), non-Dark (all), non-Psychic (Special), and non-Fire (Special) moves have some kind of negative attribute (either -1 Accuracy or Attack/Special Attack level); this would be negated if it was daytime or Lock-On/Foresight/etc. was used, and would work against the Ghost if a Fire-type was active in battle (doesn't apply to self in the case of Chandelure) or Sunny Day/Drought was active. If in a cave that needs lit or at night, the ability works at 100-110%. (Again, very hypothetical - not sure how this would even play out in actual game scenarios.) This explains why Ghost is so radically different from the current Type Chart.) (I'll check in on this later tomorrow; time to sleep for work in the morning.)
  3. Quickly linking this before heading off to bed. (Not about the actual game or its content, so I figured that General made more sense than the Awakening board.) Saw this while browsing for gaming news, didn't see a topic anywhere about this yet on SF, and though it's not really up my alley, I figured that there might be people here that might be interested. (Given that most of us are pretty die-hard fans--otherwise, we probably wouldn't be here--I would guess that information about additional collectables related to the series would be something that people would want to know about.) Source: http://www.siliconera.com/2013/02/10/fire-emblem-awakenings-marth-and-tharja-to-get-figurines-2/ -Very Quick Summary- Max Factory, a Japanese figure making company, announces: a Masked Marth "figma" action figure (according to the image - only OA shown), and a figurine of Tharja (complete with what defines her character) I would summarize in more detail but the source article's pretty limp on it to begin with; understandable since it was just an announcement after all. Not the first time the series has had figures, but the Tharja picture looks of significantly better quality than the FE4 trading figures are...
  4. You should check out this thread, since it has a ton of tilesets (the ones used in the GBA games) for Mappy.
  5. As flattered as I am that you enjoy my older icon works, I don't seem to recall giving the okay for you to use or edit them. (The infringing icons are the head of the Silver Lance and the main parts (the weapons) on the Sword, Lance, Bow, and Staff Weapon Level icons.) I don't necessarily care now that you're already using them (especially since they're all really old at this point), though a heads-up would have been appreciated. ...I would ask that you shoot me a PM if you're using other icons of mine that don't happen to be showcased in this recent batch of screens, though. Some of the icons and graphics that I've posted in my gallery (which, dear lord, is probably sitting on, what, like the sixth page of Sprites by now?) are for other projects (some of which are definitely still active), and I make it a habit to try and keep purposefully-designed icons from having duplicates in other projects. As for everything else, though, I feel that Rinoa's neck seems a tad too long/tall, I like the (admittedly small) portion of the water/castle map in the second column of the next-to-last row (though it has a shading error in the bottom row of tiles in the screen where the wall connects into the square cap tile), and I actually like the palette and design on the Chapter Select/Save File "boxes"; the palette makes it look like rusty metal (probably iron), which kinda fits with the decor of the skulls on the sides.
  6. I saw these a little while ago, but haven't had time to comment. (Plus, I honestly expected at least one comment by now.) I really love all of the forest/snow backgrounds, especially the ones where snow is actively falling. It's those kinds of details that really give life, character, and ambiance to a scene. The others are nice as well, but I think they pale in comparison just a bit with the first group of backgrounds. The only thing I might suggest at the moment would be to darken parts of the Arena backgrounds; for being predominantly night, it seems odd for the base of the coliseum to be slightly lit when there aren't any torches or other sources of light visible on the image. Did you make most of the forest ones from scratch or are they mostly just improvements to existing backgrounds from the games? (Since I don't remember them in FE7, I'm guessing that they only show up in FE6?)
  7. I use a Logitech Gamepad. At this point, there's probably a much newer revision of it than the one that I have, but it's served me well when I've used it. IIRC, Logitech has a page that has all of their available gamepads, their features, and specs on their site. Should be enough information to get an idea about whether they'd fit or not.
  8. If enemies are made even *weaker* than they already are (for argument's sake, let's go with Normal difficulty for the moment), that still doesn't give an incentive to use weaker units. The stronger, more versatile units (especially mounted ones like Paladins) are just going to even further steamroll the enemies; unless you were already planning on using a bow-user anyway, you still wouldn't have much of any reason to use them over other units (even with increased ranges, I would think).
  9. If you're going to keep the FE9 icons, I'd suggest fixing up the Iron Poleaxe/Swordreaver icon; the axe head could use some lovin'. Also, if you're using FE9/10, why not use the Dark tomes from 10? The style difference between 9 and 10's tome designs?
  10. Ewww, FE9 weapon icons... C'mon, eCut, you're better than that. :( You're a talented spriter; making fully new icons should be easy for you. Though, I will say that using the Flame Lance for the Axereaver is a clever idea. That being said, I'm cautiously optimistic for this; it certainly seems like it has promise, but I don't want to judge it prematurely with only a few chapters of content shown.
  11. The name Hrunting stems from the name of Beowulf's sword in, well, Beowulf; that is, as with most special weapons in FE, a mythological reference. EDIT - Also, Arch, whyyyyyyyyyy does Gandiva have my terrible, old fletching style on it? I thought I removed all of the fletching from icons to keep them more in line with the normal FE standard?
  12. There's a significantly simpler method of doing this. You grab the relevant numbers off of either the FE8 sheet or the FE6/7 sheet (from here), paste them into Paint and position the HP digits such that the space in-between them matches what it should in the correct game (which can be determined from images in that prior link, assuming that the number is above 9 HP). Then, simply use the Resize function, set the Vertical value to 200, hit OK, and then C/P the newly-stretched image back to your battle scene. No manual measurement required.
  13. I have to wonder if, with the new "special combination team up" mechanic thingy outlined in Famitsu, we'll see the return of Akashic Smasher (R-1 + Cybuster from αDC) or an adaptation of Lune and Masaki's combination attack from Masoukishin II... Also, still trying to figure out what the hell some of the new symbols in the attack list are... the F on the Melee/Ranged marker and in the first set of boxes as well as the S in the second set of boxes are confusing me... (unless those are just meaning Status, (i.e. Armor Breaker) and they finally gave Vulcans a Chaff effect or something to make them not absolutely suck anymore) Also, inb4 Trent tableflips all over the place...
  14. Going along with the release date and Famitsu screens, PV3 will be up "shortly" too.
  15. 2nd Super Robot Wars OG dated for November 29th! (Day before my birthday; great way to kick that off, even if my copy will take weeks to get here.)
  16. If you're that worried about it, why not just release the patch AFTER you upload the walkthrough/LP? (i.e. include the link on the final video's description and crosspost the video/link to anywhere that would require it)
  17. It's an unintended (at least, I'd assume so, anyway - I can't think of why Alex would intentionally leave it like that unless it would have required rewriting way too much raw assembly) side-effect of the patch that swaps the Str label/stat for the Mag label/stat (and keeps the stat value the same) when units can use both physical and magical weapons.
  18. Prism Shard*, and, no, not a Light Brand rename. Take another look at the icon and you can probably piece together what it is... :P (Okay, fine, I'll give you a hint: Think about the equipment that one of the other characters came with earlier.)
  19. I don't see anything in Chapter 13's (localized) text that specifically mentions Caelin, just that the last time Matthew saw him he gave him food. If the Caelin part is true, though, wouldn't Chapter 8 be the chapter you mean then? Seeing as that's the chapter that Matthew's off gathering information and unavailable in the party...
  20. Lord Glenn

    using mappy

    You need to have the .DLL libraries in the Mappy folder to get PNG tilesets to work. Just search "mappy png" on Google and you should get to the download for them pretty quickly. On that note, do maps made with PNG tilesets even work when inserted? I've always used the BMP ones, so I wouldn't know...
  21. I like to keep my list of active titles healthy, so that I have options for what to play should I decide that I'm bored of something for a little while and want to shift to something else. (Or if I happen to run into a particular section that I just can't advance from... Outland, I'm looking at you.) I generally try to keep it around 10 games, but it's currently ballooned to 16, so I'm trying to avoid having anything else pop onto the list. (Though, the 16 is somewhat of a misnomer; MGS: TTS is on there solely because I want to get around to it once I finish some of the other stuff on the list, whereas I recently started a new game on FE7 when my power was out for like 5 hours last week because I couldn't do anything else (I started playing around like 8 PM) and it isn't even on the list.) (Lately, I haven't felt like playing much of anything though, as I've been busy with stuff or I've been watching baseball games on TV.)
  22. Wait, so, tl;dr synopsis/question: This fix makes capes/hair loop proplerly like the animations native to that particular game and it works for all new animations or just ones that are imported from one of the other GBA games? Am I understanding this right?
  23. I think I've brought this up before when others have queried about gaming-quality laptops, but the rather large (potential) downside to going with the portable laptop + big-rig desktop setup is travel; some people attend college a long distance away from home and might not have a quality machine at home (or might only have a shared, family machine at home). That said, if they want to plop down and game on a break period (where they'd go back home for instance), they'd have to go through the annoying process of lugging their tower, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and cables with them home and then back to their dorm/apartment afterwards. Having only one device (a semi-portable one too, even if it's a desktop replacement laptop) makes that a significantly easier process. Of course, that being said, the combo strategy would most likely be cheaper by a couple hundred bucks, depending on what you put into the desktop. (Also, I have the G73jh and, I don't know if I just got a lemon or not, but the touchpad SUCKS, the keys often don't pick up my keystrokes (or I type too fast for it to register), and ASUS doesn't really like supporting driver updates on it (especially graphics card ones). So, ASUS might not be the best option.) I'm personally a fan of having as large of a display area as possible; at first, when you shift from something like 1280x1024 to 1920x1200, everything seems so small, but after you use it for a while, if you try and go back to the 1280x1024 monitor, you'll find yourself cursing how small it is. That being said, the smallest I'd suggest going on really *any* laptop monitor would be 1600x900 or 1680x1050, unless it's an older laptop that you *really* only use for notes/e-mail/other very basic stuff. If you're going for a Power User or Gaming setup, I'd try to get the largest display resolution that you can get while keeping the screen width in mind. If you want a desktop replacement laptop and aren't going to carry it to class, you're free to go up to 17" screens, which generally offer a choice of higher resolutions (though, watch out, they tend to be a pain to carry around even for travel back home!). 15.6" or even 16.1" are much better at being carried around. @OP - You might want to check out Tiger Direct, as I got an e-mail overnight that they're having a Laptop Week over there. You might be able to find something that you're after and get a discount on it, too.
  24. Not a huge list on my part; most of the final battles/segments/etc. that I've played through just don't impress me all too much or were supremely anti-climatic. Paper Mario As amazing as its sequel is (especially from a writing and gameplay standpoint), I just love how this just sticks to the quintessential Mario concepts but adapts it for what the game is. Mario has almost always been about confrontations with Bowser and even though the battle fundamentally revolves around counter-punching Bowser's abuse of the Star Rod and adding in damage as necessary, the ties to classic Mario titles just makes the final battle more fun, even though it's a weaker game than its successor. Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal/HeartGold/SoulSilver Do I really even need to say anything? Just the walk to the summit of Mt. Silver and seeing the former Champion standing there should say everything. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons The individual game-ending battles are nothing special, but the Linked Ending just brings everything together in a nice, wrapped up fashion. You just get that "epic" feeling as you warp into the Room of Rites and prepare for the final confrontation after things had been slowly building and been hinted at over the course of the two individual quests. (I just wish that these would have been made on later hardware instead of the GBC... I could see them being even better and more expansive with it.) Sonic 3 & Knuckles Already mentioned above, but still relevant. I mean, it's a piece of cake for me to speed through now, but the first time I saw The Doomsday Zone, I was shocked and thought my friend was playing, like, some unused level via debug mode since I only had Sonic 3 at the time and my Zone counter only went up to 6... (...Off-topic, but why exactly was it necessary to retcon the Big Arm boss out of Launch Base's ending for Sonic/Tails? I mean, the timer problem was one thing, but that was fixed by stopping it when you jumped in the Egg Pod to head to the Death Egg's platform (as opposed to it continuing while you were flying and couldn't do anything in Sonic 3). The only other thing I can think of was Act length, but it wouldn't add *that* much to the stage...) Kirby Super Star Either Milky Way Wishes (Nova, Marx) or The Arena, take your pick. Though, all I really have to say here is "lolmirror" (as with much of the rest of the game). Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Smithy (part one) is really the only "fun" one of the two, though even that's negated by the stupid, magic-absuing Shy Guy enemies that Smelter keeps spawning. No More Heroes The motel parking lot finale, though easy even on Bitter (though time-consuming), has a kickass battle track, but it's still infinitely replayable.
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