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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. Last I heard, Nintendo had said that there wasn't going to be "DLC" for X/Y - of course, I assume that by DLC, they're actually meaning paid content that expands the game; obviously, their standard pattern of distribution events must not count towards "DLC". ---------- Given my lack of faith in Game Freak to actually put out something substantive and put forethought into their actions, I'm going to take the pessimistic approach and assume that even if there are events and areas coded into the game for the legendaries (*cougharceuscough*), they probably won't be used, and the Pokemon will just end up being distributed in some stupid fashion and given to the player. Heck, I'll even be more pessimistic: following how Black and White had data in them already for Meloetta, Keldeo, and Genesect (and an event for Keldeo to learn Secret Sword), the hidden data for MLati@s and the legendaries might not ever be released for the target of X/Y, they might be intended for whatever their successor is with the ability to send them back to X/Y in much the same way as the stuff for Black 2/White 2 -> Black/White. Given Nintendo's past track record and their still slow uptake on modern online capabilities (patches or expansion packs instead of full-priced game "update" releases much? purely Wi-Fi Mystery Gift distribution events instead of having to go to a fucking Gamestop?), I'm not expecting a huge amount of effort here. On the subject of Diancie, I would think that it would be in a cavernous or underground area with a bunch of Carbink, given that that's where it will be located in the movie when it comes out...
  2. Not a fan of Fairy, simply because it just shows how little Game Freak understands the series and its many flaws. They complain that Dragons were too strong and too widely used and added Fairy to counter this, but they were the ones that gave Dragons (and by this I generally mean the ever-growing trend of "let's throw yet another pseudo-legendary Dragon-type in the new region" - Kingdra, Altaria, Flygon, Dragalge, etc. generally aren't the ones causing problems) the upper echelon base stats and extremely diverse move pools to begin with - coupled with the sheer number of them that they've added over the years (which basically defeated the original reason that the early Dragons were strong and impressive - they were "rare" and "mystical"), what did they think was going to happen?! And, as I said when the type was first announced, Fairy was just going to be a "band-aid" to the bigger problem. Having an immunity to Dragon is great... if Dragons only ran Dragon-type moves. Sure, you can use it on a predicted switch-in, but that's only if you predict correctly. Adding another type that was super-effective against Dragons was a positive change, however. But, the problem still remains that Dragons have the base stats and move sets to mostly invalidate Fairy being a problem to them. As I continue to maintain, the only way for Game Freak to actually balance the series is to go through the base stats and fix them across the board*, completely fix the type chart** (Ghost being immune to Fighting no longer makes sense with the Physical and Special split, for instance), and possibly even expand everyone else's move pools to be even more diverse to match the extent that most of the Dragons have it. (To be honest, I'd just like to see more moves available across the board - not necessarily giving everyone super amounts of coverage, but just give them more available moves that match them; for instance, Altaria's a flying cloud, and clouds are made of moisture... yet, Altaria only has access to one Water move and one Ice move, both by TM. Why doesn't it learn something, like, say, Icy Wind via Level Up?) * They've already made this a viable solution by increasing base stat of certain Pokemon in X/Y. Obviously, no one seriously blew up that old Pokemon were being changed, so Game Freak needs to learn that just because players have certain things ingrained in their minds about certain Pokemon doesn't mean that they can't adapt and learn the changes. The stats are the problem, so they need fixed. ** Same as the above - Gen II and Gen VI both featured changes to existing types and their relationships to other existing types, not just new types that were added. I don't see why Game Freak is so apprehensive to make modifications that need to be made when people have already shown that they can relearn type chart changes from existing types.
  3. @Shedinja discussion - Yet another instance of zero common sense on Game Freak's part. I mean, they already had a perfect system for something like this coded in a previous game - the Event Zorua in Black/White. It doesn't occur to them at all to just appropriate that block of code and tune it for when Nincada evolves and let the player select the ball for the newly shed Shedinja? Terrible programming practices.
  4. And, if you use the Assault Vest on Aggron, you'll have to replace Thunder Wave - Assault Vest prevents Status Moves from being used.
  5. And yet, attacking, even with an ineffective move, is a better alternative than sitting there asleep and waiting for the status to go away (if you don't have a held berry to cure it). (Sure, you could switch out, but then you're still left with a snoozing Aggron on the bench, unless you've got someone with Heal Bell in your team.) (EDIT - I do suppose that if the moves are ineffective, you're probably looking at something that might pose a threat to Aggron and probably would want to switch out, however, if Aggron was your only remaining Pokemon, Sleep Talk would at least give you the possible chance of winning...) King's Rock allows damaging moves to have a chance to flinch if it's held so long as the moves didn't already have a chance to flinch.
  6. I like the post-game variable modes/options thing. I mean, I'm always a fan of giving players more of an incentive to replay a game, have more options available to meet their playstyles (and potential challenges), and, frankly, enjoy the game more and have fun. (Not a fan of Tales of or Advance Wars, etc. requiring you to purchase stuff in post-game just to make use of it - that's forced replayability if you want to unlock everything or just unlock a specific option that only unlocks under certain circumstances or at a ridiculous cost that can only be attained by clearing the game multiple times first.) I would also like to pitch the suggestion of including a 'Random' rule to the above - when you select it and start the game, it would pick a random number of rules to select and then randomly select that many rules from the listed options.
  7. I think a better reward for such long streaks would be something like the Gift Pokemon you could unlock back in Stadium and Stadium 2 (Amnesia Psyduck, Surf Pikachu, Baton Pass Farfetch'd, and Earthquake Gligar, respectively)... It would at least be more of a motivating factor than a couple of Berries (even ones that give +2). Also, as an off-topic aside, can I just say "fuck Acupressure"? Getting swept by a Drill Peck/Frustration/Acupressure Dodrio in HGSS Battle Tower that gets +2 Evade, +2 Speed, and +2 Attack in that order is just stupid(ly unlucky).
  8. I honestly can't believe that's the only reason - not when you're locked into only getting one of each. I mean, I know that Game Freak isn't very often a bastion of common sense, but even that would be such an utter lack of foresight that it's unbelievable. It's entirely more likely that it's that way to encourage players to buy every single game. (Which is just as bad.) (Predicting that, should the inevitable follow up to X and Y be made - not exactly farfetched, given the plots of space on the map that were prime, unused areas and the entire area south of the map that matches up to France - I entirely expect more of the features that were absent in X/Y that have been "standard" for years to reappear, along with more Mega Stones, etc., and given Nintendo's piss-poor adoption of common sense wireless network policies, all of that content will be sequestered to that new game, forcing everyone to buy it too - no "Expansion Pack" or "Upgrade" for X/Y to bring them up to par, despite those being completely viable strategies now. [And, trust me, I'd gladly drop $10-20 to purchase an expansion pack that added all of the relevant content to the game that I already owned instead of dropping $35-40 on a new one that just had some additions and tweaks.]) (I mean, they haven't even gotten distributions right yet, and those have really been around for over a decade now! Japan has a ridiculous number of Holo Caster announcements, and North America has 3. Nintendo [of America] still seems to think that we should be forced to go somewhere to get certain download events, despite the fact that it's absolutely stupid this day and age to limit it in such a way. Etc.) (Also, how is it that, with a game based on France, that the legendary Pokemon that are based on the French novel of The Three Musketeers don't have a special event storyline? (Yes, I get that they were "covered" in Black/White/Black 2/White 2, but come on.) I mean, seriously, this stuff writes itself! Then again, I guess it isn't hard to come up with simple stuff that has eluded Game Freak for years...)
  9. Out of curiosity, I'm guessing that both of these maps use a custom tileset? Or did you somehow manage to find a way to get 1000B712 to have properly-displayed sand/water transition tiles? I quite like the dungeon part; it makes me think of the dungeon area of Lorasia Castle in Dragon Warrior II where you fight the optional "boss" that's locked up there (and have to cross the extremely dangerous blue and white striped tiles to get to him). The map feels a little big and open, but I'll be honest - I've made maps like that myself that I couldn't or haven't wanted to change (couldn't by way of walls and hallway widths and lengths that I wanted to maintain, thus making the map big. It seems that there's a height error in the bottom left of the map, unless that one wall is lower than the one north of the left and right stairs basically right above it.
  10. (First off, it states that the offset will have either 6 or 7 numbers, not 6 or 8.) If the offset was, say, 00B4C4, it would become 800B4C4. If it was, say, 400C24C, you would add 8 to the first-most digit and replace it with the result. That is, 4(hex) + 8(hex) = C -> C00C24C. As for the animation insertion thing, it's already got a tutorial, just not in a resource thread. It's in the Ultimate Tutorial.
  11. It depends, really. In my main copies of Pokemon games, for example, I always pick male, since I would prefer that it's representative of me. In extra versions or older games, I'll vary depending on the design I like better or whether I've already played through as one of them already. In Torchlight II, it varies - I only went female for Embermage because my first character was a male Outlander. A lot of my other games don't really even give me an option, so the question's moot for them.
  12. It's probably because you removed tiles from the tileset and, thus, the tileset in the map's array data doesn't match up with the one in the game's data. You'll need to get the correct tileset (i.e. one that works without requiring tiles to be removed) and either remake the map with that tileset or use BwdYeti's converter thingy (which might not even need the correct tileset file? I haven't used it in a long time.). The tileset in question should list that it has 1023 blocks in the right-hand panel if it's the correct version.
  13. Soul Calibur sword from Soul Calibur II While I can certainly agree that the extra width makes the ends of the hafts look angular, at 1x zoom, it's really not that noticeable, especially when you've got the a dark(er) shade running the length of one of the two "columns" - it almost makes it look like it's still "one pixel wide", just with added depth to it. For the Swordreaver, perhaps choosing a different "color" (other than steel/metal) to the part holding the blade as in the reference picture might be a "solution"? Granted, I'm not looking at an inventory screen with the icon, name, and R-Button tooltip description available, so I could only go off what I can see, so perhaps the design wouldn't have confused me as such with all of that information available. Without it, my mind wouldn't even jump to something that looks like a polearm crossed with a (shaving) razor. As for the legendaries: The first sword - short hilt+guard and long blade, plus I'm not really sure what's up with the metal coming off of the blade The center lance - is it actually even a spear? the design/shading doesn't really make it clear that it even has a spear tip The first axe - love the axe head, not too keen on the haft changing size as it gets further away from the blades or that it's one pixel wide at all The second axe - would probably help to have a reference image here; as it stands, it's square (though I imagine intentionally so), the blades are different lengths (not sure if intentional or just a side-effect of the haft being two pixels wide), and the open gap between the "left" blade and the haft kinda looks odd with a non-outline color being right up against the it (though, there really isn't a solution for that) The fourth axe - proportionally, I feel like the top of the polearm is oversized for the width and length of its shaft (though, moving the axe head part diagonally one pixel down and to the left might adjust for this enough) and the fifth axe - a very odd axe blade length; I imagine that swinging it would be quite challenging in regards to not slicing up the wielder's arms... For the Sapphire (and the other gems too, really), perhaps one method of reducing the dark outline color would be to "up the brightness" of the gems? By that, I mean using more of the brighter colors across the gems' faces instead of the amounts of darker shades. For instance, diamonds are usually "clear" to the point that light will make them shimmer, so I feel that it would be more natural for there to be more than only 3 (248, 248, 248) pixels in the entire icon. With a brighter icon, you can use some of the colors like the dark grey or the dark blue-grey or even the brown as the cut lines instead of the black or purple outlines. I also might suggest using the lighter blue-grey color in addition to the light green for the Sapphire to help brighten it up in places and possibly help push out the outline colors from being used as the cut lines. If you'd like more suggestions or C/C, just drop me a line. While I can't (and won't) definitively speak for GabrielKnight, common sense would say that considering that Alfred Kamon is using them in his hack and he (GabrielKnight) didn't mention that they were available for use...
  14. Had to search out your gallery thread after Alfred Kamon mentioned your work in his project thread. I'm definitely impressed at the wide range of icon designs you've got; I wouldn't have though of using sword bases like the ones for the Armorslayer and Devil Sword, for instance. I love the fact that the Brave Sword is totally the Soul Calibur from SC2. I see a ton of talent here, and while everyone has their own unique method of designing icons, I think that with further application in a few areas*, you could easily be one of the premier icon makers of our community. *Namely proportions/size (1), shape/design (2), and shading (3). 1) Some icons are oddly proportioned, like the aforementioned Armorslayer with its large blade and comparatively smaller handle or the axe two to the left of the last one (the crescent-topped one) with its thin haft. (In general, IS's axes have hafts that are two pixels wide instead of one, for example.) 2) Some of the icons are a bit odd when it comes to shape - the Silver Axe (I can't say that I've seen axes with blades shaped like that anywhere), the anti-armor axe, the Hammer reaver (more specifically its head), and a few of the icons in the upper-right block of weapons (just to the right of the center of the image on the top row), just to name a few. It also feels like some are a tad visually busy, making it hard at 1x zoom to clearly pick up on 100% of the details. I get a "square" vibe when I look at the whole sheet, too. Perhaps that might be stemming from the abundance of one pixel width handles/hafts/shafts of the lances, axes, and staves, though. 3) Obviously, this one falls under the "easy to understand, never going to master" category (even for myself). Some of your icons have impeccable shading - the stat boosters, the Brave Sword, Brave Lance, Devil Sword, Soul Mirror, and Elixir all are top-notch. But then the gems, for example, have a ton of outline colors in their centers to show the edging on the cuts and the only one it really works for is the Ruby because of the majority of the icon is red and the outline blends more against it. A few of the tomes feel either too contrast-y or not contrast-y enough - the middle to later Light tomes seem like they have too much of a gap between the shades, in my humble opinion.
  15. I suppose it goes without saying, but if there would be any allied flying units on that Seize chapter, they would potentially trivialize the map in the same way the river does. As for the question directed at Prime, I think that he's just referring to Thicket tiles that are supposed to be used as part of a group but are instead used singularly or used in conjunction with tiles that they aren't normally paired with, such as the top-right Thicket tile in the cluster of 3 in the bottom-center of the map.
  16. Lord Glenn


    Gee, Nintendo sure ditched that whole "Worldwide Release" philosophy for the game pretty quick after the release date, didn't they? Oh well, I guess I'm sort of okay with this. In between work, getting stuff squared away in my Gen IV game, and actually playing X, I haven't even transferred my guys up to my buddy's copy of White yet, so I don't mind the delay as much as I mind the fact that it wasn't a worldwide launch for the service. (Or the fact that we still only have one Holocaster Announcement while Japan has 21 - granted, not all of them for a distribution event, but still.)
  17. You should check the Hacking Resources section - it's got answers and documentation for some of the questions you've asked. As for the last two questions, you should read these threads: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=35944 - Tiled Map Editor http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=44699 - Resource Directory, Check under the Tutorials Spoiler and then the Events Spoiler
  18. How have I not already replied to this topic? That's a disservice which I intend to rectify. First, some of the recent-ish comments that I wanted to touch on: Couldn't you just edit the existing palette? It should already be stored in the hex, so it should just be a matter of darkening the colors in like Paint, getting the new colors' respective hex byte representations, and changing them with your hex editor, right? (While I can personally make out the text, I can imagine that after an hour+ of playing, it might start getting harder to read against the background.) I have to say, I really, really like this map. So much so that it actually inspired me to grab one of MageKnight404's old RP maps that used the tileset and modern-ify it for him for A Sacred Dawn. It's got a nice visual appearance, and a nice theoretical flow to combat on it. You are missing shadows on the tiles immediately below the chests and on the one to the right of the pair in the southern part of the map, though. ^_^ Seconding this motion, for the sole, selfish principle of the fact that it would most likely help MageKnight404 out a ton when he's working on ASD. Or, at the very least, a collection of documentation for FE8 equivalents of FE7 stuff or FE8-only new stuff. (And, to go on a slight tangent of a topic for a moment - in regards to incorporating tile changes in FE8, is there any way to make what worked for Tiled work for maps generated in Mappy? I'm not exactly wanting to port over all of the maps I've done to Tiled just to get working tile changes. :/) ----- That stuff aside, I'll be keeping my eye on this. With how much I work, my own projects and projects that I'm helping on, and my gaming backlog, I probably won't ever get around to playing this if/when it finishes, but it's flashy, looks impressive, and is technically advancing FE hacking (given that it's got stuff for FE8 that no one's had previously, even if it was always there in the system). The icons are swank (or at least the ones in the screenshots so far - including the new Affinity/Weapon Level ones), the new statsheet background (minus the brightness) looks great - I can only imagine what you'll have for a new battle template and the other remaining graphics...
  19. Yeah, that's what it is - Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2. Right now, the progress isn't very impressive, given that it's just changed palettes - basically, just cleaning it up and making it look sharper. For example: Here's the same screen (screenshot'd and cropped, then Gyazo'd) from a base, unchanged ROM: And here's one sample of official art for the mech in question, showing that the original game has colors that are pretty off: http://gyazo.com/503b8070c0766657090f0d86eac84f01.png The other color changes bring the game more in-line with its PS2 compilation/remake's scheme.
  20. Hopefully everything you need answers to are found in this thread. (At the very least, the last question should be covered by it.)
  21. This will be a bundle of fun, especially with virtually no tools and documentation for the game. Just a pet project, especially because of the above; I don't foresee myself working on this in significant chunks over a reasonable amount of time at all No, seriously, every change I've made can be seen in this screenshot and the first change was made last October (well, okay, I've made a ton of palettes in the mean time but haven't added them)
  22. I have one thing to point out in regards to the first paragraph: "Tyranitar gets OHKOed by Superpower once Pokebank comes out" While this certainly holds true 100% of the time for simulators, it is far from a given fact for people playing the actual games. Not everyone is going to have a Hydreigon on their game card to even transfer, not everyone is going to have one that knows Superpower, not everyone even owns B2/W2 to have access to the Move Tutor, and not everyone will pay for Poke Transporter and Pokebank (Hydreigon is available naturally in X/Y, lest we forget). Unless I missed something somewhere, Game Freak hasn't said anything about Move Tutors being added to X/Y after Pokebank goes live to counter the influx of Pokemon with moves that they can no longer obtain as of X/Y, and, as far as I'm aware, these Pokemon aren't going to suddenly be able to pass along those moves as Egg Moves to newly bred offspring. Otherwise, unless there were no compatible parents with the moves in their Egg Group(s) in X/Y, those moves would already be known Egg Moves. (Yes, it is likely that DSG can and probably will run into a Transported Hydreigon running Superpower and has a weakness in that circumstance, but not every single Hydreigon will have it in its arsenal.) And, considering that this topic did not say that the discussion was solely for simulators, it's important to remember that not everyone falls under those circumstances.
  23. Seconding the Bug/Dark, Normal/Fighting, Bug/Dragon, and Fighting/Dragon suggestions. I see the Bug/Dark being kind of like an "evil" version of a Donkey Kong Country Zinger, except colored dark-yellow green to dark green with deep red eyes. I also felt that, prior to the introduction of Fairy, Granbull should have been Normal/Fighting. Vibrava and Flygon really seem, by appearance, more like Bug/Dragon. Too bad Trapinch is solely Ground and Bug/Dragon would make Flygon even worse than it is. And, really, KoT and dondon have the right idea. How about we have less damn Pokemon that we already have 20 different previous examples of when it comes to type combinations - we seriously don't need more Rock/Water, Bug/Flying, Flying/Dragon, etc. combinations. (Yes, X/Y were much better about this. Let's hope it doesn't regress in the future like the plot did after B/W...) For your consideration: Psychic/Ghost Grass/Dragon Electric/Fighting Dark/Electric Poison/Fire Bug/Psychic Ground/Fighting Ice/Fighting Would also like to see something... better than Dragalge for Poison/Dragon, too. But, basically, I just want type combinations that we haven't seen yet AND for the type effectiveness chart to be tweaked more. I still can't understand why Electric isn't super effective against Steel.
  24. With regards to the coincidental aspect of the first paragraph, don't forget that this is the same game that had Renning's portrait hidden in the data and, when lined up with Bertram's, provided very convincing circumstances that they were indeed the same person. (Not to mention the (battle) conversation with Elincia.) It was also the game that left enough bread crumbs through conversations and hidden data to piece together the Zelgius theory well before Radiant Dawn was released. Coincidences tend to evaporate into fact in the Tellius series. Now, when looking at this? The hair color is extremely close in shade and it should be noted that even Lucia and Geoffrey do not have exactly identical RGB values for the colors making up their hair. The eyes are a little off between the two, though. While I love the idea of the theory, I should note a few things. From the few "families" that we get a view of that have a member that is Branded, said member does not seem to share hair colors with their parents or siblings. Soren has neither Ashnard nor Almedha's hair color (which does bring the coincidence thing back in, since Ashnard and Pelleas had a remarkably similar hair color). Micaiah and Sanaki do not share the same hair color, despite being sisters. With Almedha looking for a child bearing resemblance to her or Ashnard, plus the various other examples in the game (Elena -> Ike, Greil -> Mist, Brom -> Meg, etc.), it is obvious that the genetics of Tellius follows a reasonable ruleset of inheriting hair color from a parent while allowing for some deviance in shade/hue (Elincia's hair being more vivid and bright than Renning's, for example). Based on the observable evidence, it would seem unlikely that Petrine and Renning are related as half-siblings and share a parent. It is, however, given the decelerated aging of those marked as Branded, possible that Petrine is one of Renning's ancestors. How that would actually end up occurring, I can't definitively say. If Petrine were his ancestor, she would reasonably have stayed with the royal family. Perhaps she did not wish for others to realize that she wasn't noticably aging and ran off at some point, eventually ending up in Daein and earning a place within Ashnard's ranks. Or, maybe the answer is simply that when Intelligent Systems came up with earlier revisions of the story, Petrine and Renning shared a link somehow. And, through revisions, they decided to drop those components, but still wanted to use Petrine as a character. And, from there, either added in the Brand, or converted it from a scar/tattoo/Spirit Mark into it. The thing that I really enjoy about this though is that it really gets you to think about the characters and the world more and honestly stroke your imagination about what might actually be the case. The reasonable odds, given that there wasn't an interview mentioning any details and most likely won't in the future, is that it's simply an unintended coincidence. Or, heck, maybe the planners intentionally left it vague just to see if anyone would notice and start throwing up conjecture. I would honestly enjoy it if more games harkened back to the feel of older games where you HAD to do stuff like this - it made playing through games as a kid significantly more enjoyable.
  25. Honestly, I feel that there are a few things that certainly aren't helping matters in regards to the section, and KoT (and others, now that I've finished typing this) kind of touched on it already. Call me "old guard" if you will, but I feel like things end up blowing up extremely quickly because of a lack of effort on the parts of people both new to the hobby and SF in general. And, while Arch's suggestion of a Concepts sub-forum might help, I feel like it would still present issues. While it is easily poorly organized, SF does have a large number of resources, tutorials, and answers for the community's disposal that are already there - items that could easily be found just by clicking a few links and looking over the page or, heaven forbid, using the Search field at the top of the page. And yet, a large majority of the topics that end up causing these problems seem to be caused because the person who started the topic hasn't bothered looking for something that is fundamentally right in front of their nose. While I'm not against helping or pointing people in the right direction, especially given how chaotic the Resources board can be in terms of organization, I can't help but feel... annoyed (?) that people can't take thirty minutes or less to try and track down something and attempt to solve the problem on their own before reaching out for help if they couldn't figure it out. The above almost ties in with the whole "someone else do this for me" attitude that seems to be creeping up more frequently, too. People posting new projects seem to far too often expect that someone else will do "Make X" or "Code Y" or "Answer Z" for them without making an effort first, and with the frequency that it's been happening, I can honestly empathize with the people who are skirting the line and continually having to repeat that the user needs to do it themselves, make do with default assets until later, or pay for help, because, frankly, I'm already tired of it and I don't even post much in this section! If I was posting frequently and constantly had to say the same things, I'd be annoyed and snippy about it too. Again, call me "old guard", but I come from the "generation" where you either do what you can and see what happens later, or you use the time for something else and don't bother. (Heck, if I could make every single kind of graphics, I'd have made a hack myself. But I can't do face sprites to save my life, and I'm not going to bother other users for help or waste their time. So, instead, I offer what I *am* good at to projects that I think have potential and that I personally want to see completed.) Then, even if you take Arch's suggestion into consideration, would this activity change? New users on SF seem particularly keen on not reading the board's rules when they join, so even if we had a Hacking Concepts board, would people actually use it correctly? That is, would they, when they want to create a topic for their first project, even post it in the correct board? Do we force *all* forthcoming hacks to be posted in Concepts first and then "approved" by a staff member to be moved to the main ROM Hacking section once they're not concepts any longer? (Including ones posted by the so-called veterans.) Would new posters, posting in Concepts, actually start to go through our documentation on their own instead of immediately asking for help? Having a "queue" for Concepts to ROM Hacking certainly feels like a very bad gray area, if you ask me - not to mention that staff members would have to spend extra time paying attention to the board to see what was ready to move up to the main board. They'd have to deal with an increase in PMs from people thinking that their topic was ready to be moved out of Concepts and then have to read through the topic and use their judgment to make a decision. That, of course, could hypothetically lead to issues between members who posted topics in Concepts around the same time and one of the topics was permitted to be moved while the other wasn't. Unlikely, but still possible, and not something that I would want to deal with if I were a current staff member.
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