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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. Digital only on PC, and that's primarily because I don't frequently buy full-priced retail games. Elsewise, if it's something I can personally only get digital (VC games that I don't own the original systems for, for example), is offered as a download (Club Nintendo), or is significantly cheaper as digital at one time (Grandia on PSN since the physical copy was like $40 used online and $10-15 digital), then digital, but otherwise physical.
  2. You all do realize that, barring the lack of the Club Nintendo code (which, given that this is a regular Wii game, probably wouldn't yield any coins if it was included anyway), this is now the standard for most, if not all, new Nintendo releases, right? Just because it's a reprint of something from before that transition doesn't and shouldn't imply that it would be the exact same as the initial release from Fall 2007.(Actually, now that I think about it, wasn't the Recycling-friendly plastic packaging a mandate across the entire industry? (No physical manual is just Nintendo taking the Greenification of their releases even further than the cases...)) (Granted, since this is basically a "New Release" of a regular Wii game, you would think that its price would reflect that instead of this pricing...)
  3. Is the bear's name an intentional shoutout to a certain American university, or is that just a happy coincidence? Digging the animal/monster-y battle animations, especially the bear and snake. Though, I will say that, for whatever reason in my head, I keep picturing the snake using lightning/thunder spells instead of light... Though, I don't know why, given how few animations are out there for that type. Also, I love the detailed touch of the falling feathers on Malcolm's (I think that was the name...?) critical animation.
  4. Chrono Cross has arguably one of the greatest soundtracks (even standalone from the game's content) of all time, frankly. It's probably Yasunori Mitsuda's magnum opus, despite the large number of titles he's composed for. Metroid Prime has some very ambient tracks in it, so that might be another OST to check out. The first two Paper Mario games have great soundtracks, too. Just spouting off some other games that I own or have played that have soundtracks that I enjoy: Dragon Quest VIII (NA), Drakengard 2, Radiata Stories, Zone of the Enders, Super Robot Wars Original Generations, Valkyria Chronicles, Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete, Skies of Arcadia, Soul Calibur II, Grandia II
  5. I'm going to go along with Cam's earlier post on this one (if we're going to be stuck with the same old formula for final bosses, that is - I'm definitely open to changing the status quo!); out of the final bosses in the FE games that I've played, I can't say that I've really had any memorable moments with any of them, given how quickly they end up falling. (And even if you factor in the entire chapter, I still can't say that any of them really felt fun to me...) Meanwhile, I look back on the final bosses in both Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation games and, not only do I fully enjoy the entire chapter, but the high HP and powerful attacks (coupled with damage reducing barriers) actually mean that I can use actual planning to figure out a strategy to win. Sure, even with the high HP values, you can two-turn KO the bosses with careful planning, but the fights are certainly more memorable, and the rest of your units feel like they contribute more (unlike in, say, FE9 where none of them really can). That being said, Kysafen's post certainly might be an interesting take - though, you'd have to make those enemies worth it so that they're still a challenge, but no so much so that they're stronger than the final boss or pose the question "if the boss had these at their disposal, why didn't they just use them from the get go?"
  6. Got it. I'm actually covered on this now. A wonderful soul in a stream I was viewing had a Ditto with the IV I needed. Thanks anyway though!
  7. I got a Serene Grace Female Togepi off of Wonder Trade a while back (with Extrasensory too, not that it's necessarily useful), but I have a slight backlog of stuff to breed, and I don't know when I'd be able to get to breeding one from it. If no one else can help and you don't mind the wait, I can get you one eventually. --- I've updated my post further up the page as I no longer need the Shroomish/Breloom or Carvanha/Sharpedo. I do still need something in the Field Egg Group with the 30 Def IV, though.
  8. So, for FE8 maps that require tile changes, this effectively won't work at all? (As you need to use Tiled to do map changes in FE8 (or last I was told), but you can use Mappy for FE7. And the first post only says "open Tiled", not "and save"...) Not that I'm actively needing this clarification myself, but if anyone doing FE8 work wants to do tile changes, then for that map, they obviously would not be able use this at all for that one, which would be handy for them to know...
  9. http://serebii.net/omegarubyalphasapphire/legendary.shtml No, it's really not that complicated. Took me maybe two minutes get to that page, copy the link, paste it here, and that's on a tablet. I'm going to echo Psych, as from what I've seen of some of your posts in here since release, you could have easily found the answers by just doing research and hunting on the main Pokemon information sites. (Now, if it was a matter of not wanting to be spoiled and wanting to play throigh without any assistance, that would be one thing, but when you're asking questions to find TM## which is documented online...) Of course, if it was a much more involved question that wasn't an easy query (strategy for beating trainer X, etc), then you're absolutely right, it's fair to ask for help.
  10. So, I've been 'following' the ORAS OU Viability thread on Smogon just to follow along with all of the new changes and how Pokemon are better/worse, and I have a question that is interesting or (more likely) pretty dumb: Since Mega Metagross seems to be ridiculous in terms of damage output (and can run Agility/Rock Polish to outspeed pretty much whatever it wants), I was wondering if Umbreon was even remotely viable against it, at the very least to sponge some damage or to threaten and force a switch with Foul Play? Basically, the scenarios at play would be unboosted and boosted Meteor Mash, Hammer Arm, and Earthquake, and Umbreon's Foul Play in return, provided that Umbreon wouldn't be OHKO'd or cleanly 2HKO'd.
  11. Been sick again, but when I'm feeling well enough to get on Skype, I'll take one of the Shroomish. Anything you'd be looking for? If I get stretches where I'm able to get some 3DSing in, I'm going to be breeding for Zubat, Scyther, Swablu, Deino, and Bagon (probably in that order, but not necessarily), so if any of those jump out, I can hang on to something to trade. --- @Sasori - If Shinehollow can't hook you up with a Chinchou, I probably can. I was breeding them in X in preparation for OR/AS, so I can breed an extra if necessary.
  12. Good luck finding a copy for that price. I mean, you might be able to find a (very) used copy of just the (actual) cart for that, but I know that if you want a complete package, there's no way you can find it for that price. I seem to recall Superbus mentioning back on FESS that copies he was looking at (before he got it...?) were easily into the $100+ range. Basically, being one of the last (if not the last) Super Famicom games makes it really hard to find on the aftermarket (especially for a reasonable price).
  13. Back in high school, during Christmas vacation, I made it a yearly tradition to play through Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete while I was home. Nowadays, with work and no real time off to power through something at the holidays, I mainly just stick to whatever I can get in (mostly something portable so that I can save whenever). (This honestly applies to any day anymore though, not just Christmas.)
  14. I've been pondering this question for the past several days... On one hand, I feel like I have less tolerance for FE games that run on for a ton of chapters (had to slog through Radiant Dawn), but on the other hand, I absolutely love the ~42-chapter length of the GBA Super Robot Taisen games and FE7's length felt a little short for me. So, for me, an ideal length for a single campaign might be 37-40 chapters? (With meaningful route splits for replayability.)
  15. Resurrecting this, especially since it could probably be repurposed for OR/AS too. Does anyone have any of the following that they could spare or let me borrow temporarily? - Male in Field Egg Group with a Def IV of 30 - Shroomish/Breloom with Hidden Ability (female preferred) - Carvahna/Sharpedo with Hidden Ability (again, female preferred) Looking to get these on my copy of X; don't need perfect IVs or Egg Moves, I can take care of that myself. I just Wonder Traded out most of my excess breeding stuff, but if there's something in particular that anyone wants, I can see what I can whip up...
  16. If I'm remembering it correctly, I'm pretty sure that the news out of Daein that they had "overthrown" Begnion and reclaimed their independence was the final log on the fire - the populace was quaking in their boots over the irrational fear that Daein was going to invade Crimea again (mostly as retribution over the fact that Crimea invaded and captured Daein and left it to Begnion), which allowed Ludveck the opportunity he needed to rally the uneducated common folk under his banner to challenge Elincia and take power. (Hence 2-1's existence.)
  17. At this point in my life and "career" with the series, what I'm about to say isn't necessarily faults of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire themselves and moreso faults of Game Freak in general. 1) Echoing lack of trainer customization. Personally, I find Game Freak's reasoning for its removal to be utter bullshit, especially with the outfits that were available in X and Y. If clothing and such were meant to represent beauty and the French fashion industry, then they did an overall poor job at actually including clothing (outside of the Lumiose Boutique and maybe Lavarre City's shop) that was actually in line with what you immediately visualize as French fashion. (And then there's the disparity between female and male clothing options, but that's a completely separate topic...) And, sure, even if you throw GF's reasoning out as bupkis and try to go with the "there were no customizations in the original / they're sticking with the spirit of the originals since this is a remake" reasoning, I don't really think that's a great argument for removing it. The characters start out in their default outfits, and you're not forced to actually change them at all. And, in a game with contests (where you already get a costume change anyway!), why not enable the player to add their own style to their character and change hairstyles and outfits? Plus, if we consider this from an entirely different angle, removing customization is such a step backwards in a video game industry that has consumers clamoring for developers to be (more) progressive in their offerings, allowing players of all preferences to be represented or accepted in and/or with the product. "But Josh, if you let Brendan or May have dark skin or different hair colors, they won't look like their parents! Won't that cause a problem with the story?" No, it doesn't necessarily cause a problem (unless there's a specific text sequence that would contradict the following) - come up with the headcanon that you're adopted, you just loved to tan, and/or dyed your hair. And, does anyone remember the kerfuffle from when Nintendo patched Tomodachi Life to remove the bug with marriage which caused a huge uproar on the internet? And how they claimed that if they made a sequel to it that they'd be more inclusive? (http://kotaku.com/nintendo-apologizes-for-not-putting-gay-marriage-in-tom-1574185262) If the consumers are supposed to hold Nintendo accountable for that pledge on that game, shouldn't we hold them accountable for failing to do it in their other games? (Even if the average age demographic for Pokémon is very young, that's still not a good reason, in my opinion.) 2) Game Difficulty. Look, I get that Pokémon is an all-ages series and needs to be able to be played by kids, and I obviously can't recreate how it was when I played my first game in the series, as I've had years of understanding mechanics and the type chart and battle theory, but at some point you have to realize that things don't just seem like they're getting easier, they just are. I mean, were there even any instances in X/Y where you can have two separate trainers make eye contact and create a Double (Multi) Battle out of two Single Battles? I don't recall finding any, and that is at least enough of a change up to throw a minor amount of difficulty at you. Regardless, you have stuff like Elite Four members only having 4 Pokémon each in Gen V and X/Y, low enemy trainer Pokémon levels (at times), poor AI (at times), etc. all over the place. Even keeping the EXP Share turned off and turning the Battle Style to Set isn't really a fix to the problem. Players shouldn't be forced to impose self-restrictions or challenges like Nuzlocke just to get a semblance of difficulty - Nuzlockes should be for fun or because you want to undertake that specific challenge, not just to be the only reliable way to make the game harder. And, that last set of points is really irritating because Game Freak already attempted (once) a way to fix this in Black 2/White 2 with Challenge Mode and Easy Mode! Of course, the big flaw with those were that they weren't available as soon as you turned on your game and if you had White 2 and wanted to play Challenge Mode, someone who had unlocked it in Black 2 had to send it to you in the first place! (And vice versa for Easy Mode.) It's 2014, people. Easy/Normal/Challenge should be standard options when starting your game at this point. (And Challenge should actually be a challenge - make trainers less sweepable by a single Pokémon, have them use tactics that actual human players would employ, make sure that they have threatening teams from time to time, etc.) 3) Lack of Battle Frontier (though we at least got Move Tutors back). I'm going to make this one short and sweet since it's been driven into the ground and back, but given all of the new content/features that Game Freak created just for Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, you're telling me that the best they could do was throw in some teases and just copy/paste something from X/Y? (Yes, yes, I know that they basically just did the same thing in Heart Gold/Soul Silver with Platinum's Frontier, but at least that was more than one building...) @ Bolded - At least Episode Delta gives an actual story to encountering some Legendaries, but outside of that, I wholeheartedly agree. I've grown tired of just being given Pokémon like they're candy. I mean, just look at Arceus, for example. There was an actual in-game event (which, admittedly, wasn't super story heavy), completely coded into the game, just needing an item distribution to unlock it. And what does Nintendo/Game Freak do? Not distribute the item and instead distribute the actual Pokémon on its own instead. Does Game Freak simply not remember stuff like having to traverse the Unknown Dungeon/Cerulean Cave to find Mewtwo (under the guise of "you're the Champion, go investigate" or the stuff revolving around Ho-Oh and Suicune/Raikou/Entei in Crystal? (Which was a pain, yes.) Basically, give me some meat and something to do in the game to at least give some weight as to why these Pokémon are Legendary instead of just saying, "hey, here you go!" *coughDianciecough* Lastly, as someone with a Computer Science degree, Game Freak's refusal to patch the previous games and instead create a segregation of their servers is absolutely baffling to me. I get that adding all of the data for the Megas and new movesets and whatever else might be a large chunk of data and you'd be forcing all players wanting to go online in X/Y to download that update beforehand, but I think that's not exactly unreasonable for players. Plus, if they continue at this rate, does that mean that every single player will need to upgrade to each new version every year (if they keep at this pace) just to stay relevant? For families where kids are the only players, do they not realize that perhaps the parents can't afford to keep up this pace just to not be locked into what's in their game? (I mean, I'm not asking to get the ability to use Mega Salamence in X/Y without trading it over for free, but at least being able to play with/against someone that has it shouldn't be overlooked.)
  18. Actually, the official site shows the Braille puzzles for the Regis, so I don't know why they were erroneously grouped with Mirage Spot in the trailer. (Regigigas is apparently available just by catching the three "underlings".) Also, the description under Heatran seems to imply that we might be getting some of the legendaries in places other than Mirages, but maybe that's just a goof on the US site?
  19. It probably doesn't help that the damage is done before the recolored Ivaldi pieces with Wind sounds appear. (Which, coincidentally, feel a bit out of place in general, IMHO?) Also, am I a blasphemor for thinking that, despite how much effort went in to the proof of concept that is Ragnarok, it's just not up to the par of how fluid the basic, default animations are yet? If anything, that's still my biggest complaint with custom spells in hacks - yes, I get that Alex's original system was basically cobbled together because the native system was and still is (?) unknown/a mess/a pain in the ass (pick any or all of the previous) and I get that it's tacky to reuse all of the default animations all of the time, especially if you want to add something new when none of them apply, but, if it were me (which it's not), the quality inconsistencies would be enough to make me not want to include something... Don't get me wrong, it's still a technical marvel (and most likely the most complex custom spell so far), and it's Arch's choice to use it, but given all of the other high quality graphics in EN, doesn't Ragnarok kinda stick out like a sore thumb? (Actually, being picky, even stuff like Shaver sticks out.) (Does this mean that I have another icon I need to do once I'm done being sick? >_>)
  20. Well, said Legendaries are mostly going to be Mirage Spot-related, aren't they? (The Regis, Deoxys, and maybe Regigigas excluded, of course.) In which case, they'll most likely fall into the Version Exclusivity for the Spots which was mentioned in the official video that confirmed/unveiled the feature... (Which isn't an issue if you're buying both games, but for those that aren't...) Also, while an actual story Deoxys event is cool (getting really tired of just straight up gifted events with no actual plot - see how Arceus event was in game and only ever distributed, etc), and it probably factored into the Delta Emerald trademark, I was honestly hoping for more information from the last pre-release reveal. More version exclusive info or post-game (i.e. Battle Frontier or tutors, even if only briefly touched on) would have been appreciated. (Just over a week to release date and I don't have enough to go on for exclusives sake to pick a version... :( ) EDIT - Sure love how they're expecting that we got that Event Darkrai too... OH WAIT.
  21. Not even this - converting the Trombe to the Mk-III R is only worth it if you plan on using both the Boxer and Gunner at the same time. Otherwise, you only need the (regular) Mk-III (L) if you only want to use one.That being said, I echo the Tasuku in the Boxer comment - it's always worked out for me (though, I will say that its Mobility does tend to render his high Defense wasted outside of Support Defense, which ends up in a cost of 15 EN for G Territory and usually no damage anyway to the Boxer...). Generally, the Boxer's the best way to go - in my most recent run through OG2 (not far at the moment as I have other priorities right now), I'm actually planning on using both just for fun and only because I like Leona, because she'll fit quite well in it, and because I stuck her in the cheat machine last time, even though I never used Stun Shot to cheese the bosses. But, last time, I didn't even bother with the Mk-III R. tl;dr if you've got a pilot setup in mind for Boxer and Gunner and want to devote the effort, go for the R. (Though, the fact that the AM Gunner, Mk-III, and Hucky Gunner all take separate upgrades is annoying.) Otherwise, probably just stick with the L and go Boxer with it.
  22. I dislike the earlygame maps almost 100% of the time in FE simply because if you're playing normally, you're pretty predicated on what the early level ups end up being if you are planning on using those units - some bad luck early on can kind of spoil those plans. (Conversely, in other SRPG/TRPGs, I tend to like the earlygame maps quite a bit, especially if they don't run on random stat gains - see Super Robot Wars, Final Fantasy Tactics, etc.)
  23. The Gespenst Mk-II S can be used by the majority of the pilots (ones that aren't locked into specific mechs). Chakram Caster's good on a select few units/pilots - it's great on the Alt (with a Melee-focused pilot, of course) since it gives you some other post-movement distance attack that isn't Ranged and doesn't eat into your Rev Stake/Bunker ammo. I can't remember if I bothered putting any real significant amount of upgrades into it, though. It also works on the Gespenst Mk-II S as a cheaper alternative to the Blaster Cannon until you can pump up the mech's Max EN. (As you need the EN for Gespy Kick if you plan on using it a bunch.) The Huckebein Mk-III Trombe doesn't necessarily need the Caster since it has the Fang Slasher, though the latter does spend more EN and is only 1-3 instead of 2-4. (Though, unless you add something else that uses EN (outside of flight), the EN usage of Fang Slasher shouldn't be much of a problem...) As for the Ashsaber, it's biggest draw comes from the fact that it isn't locked to Lamia. If you're using Gilliam as an endgame pilot, he'll want something that isn't the Gespenst (Type R), since Neutron Beam is obviously a Beam weapon (and he doesn't get a mech upgrade in the GBA version) - the Ashsaber's a great choice. But you obviously don't need to limit its use to him.
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