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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. I dunno, I think that outside of the pilots that natively had Support, I only bought it for a couple of pilots, and that was mainly on guys with power attacks to tag on for Offensive Supports to get those boss kills when they run away at 50%. (Plus, it makes EN Drain cheesing bosses with barriers easier when you can use a second drain on support or chip off another 10 EN with a weak attack.) But, yeah, I can see Support and SP Regenerate being less useful in OG1 compared to OG2. (Except for Ryusei Route Episode.. 14(? - the one with wall of Barrelions over water), 16, and 19 (especially for the Battle Masteries in those two). So evil.) (As for Kusuha, maybe she just needs something other than the Type-2 to be good in OG1, but Love and Zeal couldn't salvage her in my eyes in OG1. Heck, even with her being better in OG2, I still rarely found her more useful in the pilot's chair compared to Bullet (though that's more from the lack of post-move attacks than anything).)
  2. I can't really speak on the Ryusei route pilots - Giado's okay for what you have available in the early going, but that's because he's basically Ryusei's version of Katina. After Episode 19, his usability probably depends on how much you've sunk into him versus who you could replace him with. I detest Ryoto and Rio, so I refuse to use them, but at least Ryoto gets you a Lion F (good for a repair/resupply bot) and a Tesla Drive part. As for the Kyosuke route secrets, they're worth looking at, depending on your pilot selections. (If you're using Gilliam, he's probably a solid choice for either.) I do find it amusing that the Huckebein/Grungust secret(s) make no mention of the other requirement to get them, which is getting Episode 30's Battle Mastery. (Unless that was deemed not a requirement in the last four years since I last played OG1?) EDIT - Totally echoing the "Kusuha is garbage" sentiment. Do yourself a favor, bench her, and stick Bullet into the Type-2. EDIT 2 - When I last went through OG1 (Kyosuke Route, all BM's), this is close to what I ended up doing for team composition:
  3. The only other "advice" I can think of is more common sensical in nature - Focus on building up your characters' PP to purchase SP Regenerate and Attacker first (unless they already have one of the two) and don't feel like you're forced to keep (most) pilots in their canon/normal mechs (though some missions will force this stupid requirement on you anyway). There are several characters whose stats, Spirits, and Will gains simply just don't fit the mechs that they're defaultly assigned to.
  4. I've long felt that this type of implementation could work in favor of FE... under certain circumstances. 1) Permadeath - I would say that the three main reasons for resetting after a unit is defeated are maximum recruitment and survival ratings (where applicable), that you actually liked the character and want to use them in your final team, and that the unit is already heavily invested and you don't really have a "suitable replacement" should they fall and you not restart. (Though, given that games can be beaten with no stat gains from level up, your mileage may vary on this last point.) Having all units of a class be of equivalent strength would allow you to drop a replacement in should one fall. (And, FE has played around with class limits before via Reclassing, so just because your Cavalier class is Level 10, it doesn't mean that you'd be able to deploy every sngle one of them to cheese a map.) 2) Stamina / Fatigue - If you were to bring back Thracia's Fatigue system with no changes (read: improvements) at all (and maybe even made Stamina Drinks harder to get), you'd need to rotate units in and out of the lineup. If you have comparable units based on class, you can swap more freely instead of overloading on one unit until its Fatigue gets to a max value. Of course, the downside here is that you do lose a bit of unit/character diversity (no speed cav vs power cav, etc) without picking up that slack elsewhere in some other way.
  5. If I remember reading correctly, I think there's one more issue of CoroCoro that will be out before OR/AS release, so it would probably be in Nintendo's best interest to not potentially announce something now and spoil something that'll be in CoroCoro in a week or so. So, it makes sense that there was no Pokemon coverage in the Direct.
  6. Might be worthwhile to be a bit more specific... There are several different types of SQL on their own (Microsoft SQL, Oracle / PL/SQL, MySQL, etc) on top of the various applications of it - do you just need stuff with queries, setting up tables / a database, and so on. (Not offering myself as it's been several years since I did any serious SQL, so I'm afraid I'm too rusty to help...)
  7. There was also that Japanese Flash-based fighting game from like 6 or 7 years ago too (well, when it first cropped up back on FESS, anyway), if that qualifies as a fangame. I'm pretty sure there was a topic in this board (General) from a while back that had stuff about it, but as I'm currently posting from mobile, I can't provide a link at the moment.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8bDGrgM8kk This has what you need, Klok. Just head to the actual page on YT for the links, provided that they're still good. Don't know what happened to the topic or fixed package on here - at the very least, it didn't make it into the Resources subboard that I could find...
  9. If you're not going to use the standard spacing and alignment rules anyway, you might as well just shift stuff around all over the place and make more space. For instance, you could collapse the weapon level icons and text levels to the left by a handful of pixels and modify the Skills section to be formatted vertically on the right side instead of at the bottom, freeing up room at the bottom to move the Support info from Page 1 to Page 3, thereby freeing up extra space back on Page 1 for Class Type icons, Battles/Wins/Losses, or anything else you might want to add. (Being perfectly honest though, I'm noy really a fan of that solution, as I would much rather be looking at a statsheet that actually matched the correct alignments and placements of icons, text, and numbers, along with the correct sprite choices for the numbers and such that you did use. However, even fixing those issues, you still might be able to collapse areas and prune a few things (the weapon level bars that are normally standard which you already removed for instance) and still reposition things to make room for the extra Personal Data information.)
  10. I can think of a few from the games that I've played: 1) Shion Uzuki (Xenosaga - well, maybe just Episode I...) - Lead character of the game, is a top scientist, entirely independent (at least until her past catches up to her in later games...), etc. 2) Aika (Skies of Arcadia) - Might "fail" the clothing part, but she's a pirate and she's always part of the boarding parties, so she needs to be agile. There are two minor instances where she's objectified (a peeping tom and a high ranking general that hits on her), but she ends up handling both situations. Plus, she lives by herself at the start of the game and is party leader for a small portion of the game, so I think those outweigh the "negatives"... 3) Jenna (Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age) - Helps set the events in motion in Book 1, then is instrumental in the development of Book 2. 4) Sveta (Golden Sun: Dark Dawn) - One of the few bright spots in the game and is pretty important to progressing the plot. 5) Karis (Golden Sun: Dark Dawn) - Pretty much has her importance stolen by Sveta at the midway point, but is basically the driving element in keeping the group focused at the beginning. 6) Marina (Mischief Makers) - Not sure on this one myself, since I'm pretty sure she's an android as opposed to an actual human...?
  11. There's also the whole "40 base Defense, 65 base HP" thing, too. Gonna be difficult to survive until the Speed stat increase actually kicks in, I would think (unless running Protect or a bulky build?). And, even then, if someone brings in a strong priority user (as was already said) (or even a defensive wall? - guessing this is true since Skarm), it's still made of paper.
  12. You know, outside of the news that North America is lucky to not have limited demo numbers (who exactly thought that having limits in other areas of the world was a good idea when you can transfer stuff from the demo, again?), I haven't exactly been blown away with today's news. Confirmation from multiple sources that customization is gone? Chalk another one up to the "Game Freak is lazy" column. Mirage Spots are version exclusive? Another disappointing ploy to get people to buy both versions, since do we honestly think we'll be able to catch these legendaries multiple times? No. Separate (online) battle leagues with arbitrary divisions between them? And you're telling me that this was an EASIER process than, you know, just patching X/Y with new data? Are you trying to turn into Activision here? (Now, I get that asking all X/Y players to download a patch is a pain for them, but it's got to be easier from a labor perspective. Plus, what about players that rely on parents/gifts for their games and want to play with friends - Hypothetical: Billy's parents can afford to buy him OR/AS, but Bobby's parents don't have the disposable income to support a new Pokemon every year, so are they now saying that the two can't play together unless Billy uses his old team? Bullshit if true, if you ask me.) (Also, could go as another "Game Freak is lazy / can't program" checkbox.) The PokeNav Plus stuff with catching Pokemon with better IVs and special moves is pretty dope though. Despite my complaints, I'm still on the side of the fence of getting one of the games, but this is seriously showing that Game Freak/Nintendo is definitely still behind the times on many levels, especially if it's true that they were actively listening to fan feedback. (Pssssssst, hint: we wanted MORE customization options, not LESS, Game Freak) (Also, lack of Ice/Fairy Glaile is disappointing.)
  13. You *should* be able to do all of that, if what my limited research on C# (and my general programming knowledge) seems to be turning up. Like most things in FEXNA, it should come down to you just needing to implement it manually. (And, considering that FE7 was probably developed in something similar to or based on C++, it should be doable, I would think...)
  14. I guess I'll take the plunge first... (Though, I feel bad about submitting a sword - it's kinda the easy and overrepresented choice, but I wanted to include an icon with it and all of my good, unused, and appropriate in design for being forge-like ones were swords...) (I wanted there to be some kind of trade-off between potentially great power and having to risk smacking yourself in the face for that much damage. Since it's hitting Resistance, I suppose you might be able to actually drop the Might down to even something like 9...) (Also, you didn't say that we couldn't submit a picture that was just a screencap with gyazo/puush/etc... :D )
  15. Not to take anything away from what you've come up with, but I'm of the opinion that Pokemon doesn't need any more new types at all. Fixing the existing ones first instead of trying to make new ones should be the main priority. I agree with the concept of rebalancing types (making Poison more useful, making Ice more than just a type of move you throw on Pokemon for move coverage, etc.), but I'd much rather see that be done within the existing types than by adding new ones, like Game Freak is prone to do to bandage-fix the series. :/ (Though, I do like some of the specific match ups (Ice getting x0 against Light and Grass and Poison having buffed offenses) and wish that changes like those would be make to the existing types...)
  16. While it's a royal pain for players, given that they did it in X/Y, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some Mega Stones that are exclusive to each game... I (hypothetically) wonder if Game Freak might split Slowbro and Slowking across the two games...? Okay, this is great. I think I might have to save that image. Ask and ye shall receive: (Also, new animation for Fire Blast?)
  17. I think what I'm taking most out of the existence of Mega Lopunny outside of it meaning that all of the new Megas won't just be Gen III Pokemon (Diancie doesn't count, IMHO) (which I figured would be the case earlier on, given X/Y's distribution) is that this possibly/probably means that Buneary and Lopunny have been added to the Hoenn Regional Dex... I mean, with the note in last month's CoroCoro that the Dex would be updated (and was showcased with Dusknoir), we knew that we'd most likely be getting the related forms of Hoenn Pokedex Pokemon [Gallade, Probopass, Roserade, Chingling, Froslass], but this is the first sign that Pokemon outside of that net are going to be available. And, it's worth noting that Buneary is also one of the species that's not available at all in X/Y without someone bringing it up from Gen V and distributing it. As I've mentioned previously, I get the feeling that the other Pokemon (and evolutions) that meet that criteria (Rattata, Meowth, Koffing, Porygon, Misdreavus, Unown, Stantler, Kricketot, Cherubi, Glameow, Finneon, Cottonee, Darumaka, Yamask, Frillish, Tynamo, Elgyem, and Bouffalant) are prime real estate for inclusion in some form - We all know that Game Freak loves to use the 'second series' of the generation to help fill up missing Dex spots left from the first set of games (see: FRLG to complement RSE, HGSS for DPPt, etc.)... </kindacaptainobvious> EDIT - Also, is it just me, or, depending on what Mega Altaria's stat boosts end up being along with if we get Move Tutors in OR/AS, could Mega Altaria have a handful of different possible roles and movesets for it? I tried to consider all of the different moves that you could use on it and I can't even come close to narrowing it down to one succinct set of four moves.
  18. [spoiler=Reply]While this is all fair (and you note as such) for a company that has finances and such, this is kind of just a wishful thinking thread, knowing full-well that the odds aren't exactly in our favor... I mean, Game Freak is basically tied to Nintendo just like Intelligent Systems and Game Freak is arguably worse when it comes to this stuff since IS has at least varied things a bit. (Though, it doesn't mean that something would never happen...) That said, I do feel that a few of the things you mentioned (skipping female protagonists since the poster above covered that counterpoint) could be argued... @"self-insert" - With no real decision-making and branching text trees, is placing a character in the game just to act as a dedicated player unit to attack things really giving players more immersion? If anything, it almost feels the opposite to me, since your only "role-playing" choices are what weapons to attack with and who to attack - "you" are still a static character, just with a user-generated appearance. And Stu-level plot importance. @nobles - Honestly, your reasoning for why a commoner couldn't be a main character sounds like a pretty well-set way to actually write that kind of character for a lead setting... Have them encounter those kinds of situations (minus the beheading part) and have them react like they should instead of in a way that's out of character. Seems pretty easy to me. @sword lords - Considering that the games seem to be veering into the "let's throw tons of tutorials into the game and make them available to the player", I don't think that the weapon triangle is a viable reason any longer. That being said, history does seem to have a fascination with swords as a status symbol of nobility (or for knights/rich enough mercenaries or thieves), so that's valid. However, that doesn't mean you couldn't craft a story where a (bastard) noble is secretly left in the care of the church as an orphan and is trained as a priest and later learns his/her heritage and commands an army. (Or commands an army for the church as a holy warrior of sorts...) Plus, there have been cases if nobility in Fire Emblem that don't use swords... they're just not usually the first noble you play as or even the main character. (Also, why is the Rapier even a special weapon, anyway? It's just a generic type if sword...) EDIT 12:32 AM - See: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_(archbishop_of_York) (Was on the topic of English royalty with someone when it was mentioned that Richard and John had at least one other brother who had joined the clergy and beyond that, turned out to be illegitimate too. Talk about funny, huh?) @Age - maybe it's just me, but I can honestly say that I care more about Pent as a character than, say, Erk. And Pent already having Louise tied to him actually helps in that regard. Granted, the entire cast need not be older, but I think more variance is fair to ask for. Plus, tropes aside, it's not like two sixteen year olds need to be paired together all of the time. In medieval times, I imagine this was far from ordinary. @Dragons - Doesn't that sound, well, kinda lazy for a development standpoint? I mean, take Path of Radiance as an example of a case if Intelligent Systems already doing this one "right". Heck, you might even be able to throw Thracia in here too, though "a wizard did it" isn't too far off... ----- Nitpicks/arguments aside, I guess my big wish would be really tied to the storyline - not every game needs to be about some huge war/conflict. Yes, you need some kind of conflict - that's a standard tenet of writing a story, otherwise, what is going to drive events forward? - but it doesn't always need to be on the scale of saving your home country or the whole continent or even the whole world! And, because of that, I just want a character that isn't a noble or a mercenary (even though the only mercenary case only lasts for a handful of chapters before they get dragged into the world of the nobility). What about a crew of pirates serving no one but themselves (and thus aren't completely mercenaries)? If you want to go the arguably 'lazy' route of having evil monsters/creatures, what about a clergy-based sect out to eradicate evil, that doesn't focus on a big war but on a smaller group of individuals? Just give me something unique and different enough for a change - male/female doesn't matter, though I won't object to being able to follow the journey of a female main character. I don't have the requisite free time anymore to spend 2 hours a weekday plus more on weekends to game, so it's a big deal to me that my experiences aren't largely the same from game-to-game, though I will make exceptions (see Pokemon, though the sameness is definitely starting to wear on me to the point that I'm considering stopping again...). That just ends up being wasted time to me.
  19. Actually, Muscle the Machop (the in-game trade) is always female, even in GSC. Stomp still hurts like a truck, though, and Miltank will use it almost always against Machop.
  20. PM sent. Contrary to my previous statement, I will be logging in more frequently, I guess, since that's the only way to check those.
  21. Only via B2W2 Move Tutor. Any that have it in X/Y must be transferred and or generated. (At least until the wishful thinking f Move Tutors in the hopeful Battle Frontier in OR/AS...) Also, ZM, I can hook you up with a male Houndour that has Fire Fang if you want to breed that on if you get a female Poochyena - I'm reasonably sure that they're in the same egg group? (Sadly, I don't have a Poochyena myself, nor did I have anything to breed Sucker Punch onto the Houndours at the time...) If you want it, probably would be best to reply in here - I normally only log in when I want to post stuff anymore, but I do browse while signed out.
  22. Not off of Page 1 yet, so putting this thread to use. According to Serebii (and verified by my own download), the Poke Ball Vivillon is now available in X/Y via Mystery Gift Wi-Fi download. Random IVs, Nature, Ability, just like the specific location ones. Don't know if this is restricted to North America or if it's worldwide. Serebii also reports that this is a limited time distribution until the 12th, so snap it up quick. (Serebii's note is on their front page, so no real page to source.) EDIT: I guess Serebii's note does say North America, but it still might be worldwide? Will effort to see if there's been a "press release" of sorts from Nintendo about the event to verify. EDIT 2: Confirmed as NA-only: http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/poke-ball-pattern-vivillon-takes-flight/
  23. Let's try phrasing it this way: If you can imagine it (within reason, of course) and you can draw or code it, you're probably going to be able to do it. This is based on a computer programming language, and they can be extremely vast in what you can do with them. It's just a matter of whether Yeti and the team are providing support for it from the beginning (via already implemented code systems or in some kind of editor) or whether it would be a feature that would need to be written by the community at a later date. And, in the specific case of battle frames, considering it's just graphics, that's probably something that's easily replaced. (Now, the default implementation (assumedly how it's set up for 7x) might need to have some code modifications made if the new frame doesn't make use of (or changes the placement of or you don't want to make use of) some of the additional features that go along with it...)
  24. 10) Diablo II: Lord of Destruction - The first Diablo was good, Diablo II was great, and then, once Blizzard actually got patches under its belt, it got even better. 9) Kirby Super Star - Milky Way Wishes. 'Nuff said. 8) Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete - One of the first non-Nintendo RPGs that I played (in fact, I think I had only played Super Mario RPG and Pokémon prior to playing it). The story might not be as good as Silver Star Story Complete, but I'll take the engine improvements over that. Plus, who doesn't love Leo's manly quotes when he fights? 7) Valkyria Chronicles - Art style and gameplay together were enough to get me to buy the game before I even owned a PS3. 6) Chrono Cross - Yasunori Mitsuda's musical talents are god-like. 5) Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Still amazes me to this day that younger!me thought it was completely stupid that they gave partners HP and had all-new partners throughout. Needless to say, younger!me was the stupid one. 4) Skies of Arcadia Legends - Pirates and the wonder of exploration. Just wish that the battles had something more going on in them instead of just being turn-based with caps on what you can use. 3) Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Didn't have too many games as a kid for my Genesis, so I ended up playing this a tonnnnnn. 2) The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Oracle of Seasons - Still the pinnacle of the 2-D series for me, even over Link to the Past. (Though, I haven't played Minish Cap or Link Between Worlds.) 1) Grandia II - Best single implementation of the series' battle system that doesn't have other flaws going along with it. namely the story in the cases of III and Xtreme. Doesn't hurt at all that Millenia is amazing, either. (Did you know that the voice actress of Ariel from The Little Mermaid voices her? Let that sink in for a minute.)
  25. I wouldn't be surprised if the remaining Pokemon that weren't available in XY (even via Friend Safari) except by transfer are added to Hoenn - I mean, Pokemon like Frillish seem like they'd fit Hoenn to a T. (Plus, Phoebe would love a Jellicent, no?) (Also, I think Roxanne just became my favorite female gym leader design - her old outfit was just so bland and this one blows it out of the water.) Well, we didn't exactly see Charizard or Mewtwo coming, but if it weren't for the CoroCoro images showing a normal name, I would have suggested Metagross... Maybe Flygon or Salamence would make sense to have two variations? Would allow them to tweak Flygon's typing (to Bug/Dragon) in one form while still retaining the usual typing in the other...
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