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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. I have several theories as to why Dream of Five is one of the only hacks that have built an entirely new world, etc. Today's youth are inherently lazy and would prefer to do as little work as possible. People are too enamored with given games/characters and find them so "fascinating" that their first thought is to want to do something with them (see: absurd number of hack ideas devoted to The Scouring, Black Fang, etc.). Most people do this as a hobby and thus don't have the time to devote to coming up with as much material as would be required when making everything from scratch (plot, scripts, graphics, etc.). (IMHO, if you're going to go so far as to come up with an entirely new set of, well, everything, you might as well put it to better use than a ROM Hack. If you're willing to commit that much time, you might as well go a step further and try to design your own game. - Of course, the large issue here is that 90% of hacks don't even finish anyway, so the added effort of doing everything from scratch could be viewed as detrimental, knowing the high "failure" rate.) Starting with a hack that uses an existing setting gives the hacker some experience in figuring out what all needs to be done in order to actually make a quality hack. From there, they could then plan out a more fleshed out project. (However, this then goes back to the previous point that most projects don't finish anyway, and thus those fleshed out projects likely won't see the light of day either.) You also have to consider that many hacks are done by small numbers of contributors (often 1-2 people in total). Dream of Five has a larger than usual number in that they've got graphic artists, writers, etc., giving it the ability to have more content generated for it. As for the link, it does seem like a good starting point (I'll need to actually read through it fully though); hopefully more hackers will make use of it and produce more creative projects down the road. EDIT - If you don't mind (@Topic Creator), I'd like to clean up the first post a bit, change the topic title, and sticky the thread so that hackers may hopefully see the thread and make use of it months/years down the road.
  2. Right-click the MAPWIN.INI file, select "Open with > Notepad" and scroll down in the file until you find the line "panelzoom=0". Change that to "panelzoom=1" and save the file. Open Mappy and load a map. Zoom the map to 2x, and you'll see that the tiles in the block window are now also twice as big.
  3. As someone else brought up already I believe, the reason capturing "worked" so well in FE5 was mainly because Leaf's "army" is a small little resistance group that can't really fund much of anything; thus, they're forced to take what they can get from their enemies. In basically every other game, the group of player characters is financially backed through the actions of nobles at some point and thus have no reason to need to take weapons/gear from their enemies (unless they're a thief in FE9/10). Bringing capturing back just for the sake of having it is silly. If it's going to be brought back, it needs to have a reason (story and gameplay) for doing so. As for the availability of money and weapons, I agree that money is largely prevalent in most games. Granted, Intelligent Systems may be doing this to account for new players and such; players unfamiliar with the given game (or with the series in general) may be more apt to spend larger amounts of money, as they won't know when the next shop will appear, what they'll be fighting, etc. It's partially silly to comment on this when the majority of players discussing this are highly experienced in the series and can make optimal use out of everything they're given. Reducing money to a level that we find acceptable may harm newer players. For weapons/shops, I think a combination solution works the best. The fundamental weapons (Iron, Steel, maybe Silver, Fire, Elfire, etc.) should remain unlimited at the Armory. Anything beyond that, be they Horseslayers, etc. should have a limited stock (not necessarily 1) to signify that blacksmiths aren't continually churning the non-standard weapons out. Should the shopfront have two hammers and you buy both but want more, you could then request the blacksmith to make another one via Forging (though, I would personally suggest that non-standard weapons not be allowed to have as much customization as regular weapons produced via the forge). So, in the end, you're combining the Armory, Bargains, and Forge to make something more reality-based and easily less game-breaking. (Granted, I suppose that this would really depend on how the game is set up; the Steel Blade is really only broken in FE9 due to what you're fighting and the AS formula. In FE9, limiting Steel Blades might make sense, whereas limiting them in FE7 might not.)
  4. So, I have to ask: are you actually being serious with this or were you just commenting with it because of what the topic creator said? If you modify the MAPWIN.INI file, you can set it so that when you zoom in on a map, the block window also zooms in. It's handy for getting a closer look at which light grass tiles are which (for example). You can also resize the block window in the program such that the tileset is lined up properly (significantly harder when zoomed in, however). ----------------- As for my program of choice, I use Mappy. Had I started mapping after NL posted about Tiled, I might have used it instead; however, I already know the ins-and-outs of Mappy pretty well, so I have no real reason to switch.
  5. The biggest reason that I see for your feelings that it looks odd would be that the head seems larger than the body (which, consequently, also seems to make the neck look slightly long). I would suggest playing around with the body's size a bit and see how it looks after that. (Alternatively, you could shrink the head, though the face/head size seems about the right size to me.)
  6. See this image? It means that it's my job to ensure that posts follow the Code of Conduct. And, listed in that nice little link are the following: As such, your comment (and deranger and Celice's also) warranted moderation. And, as a moderator, it is at my discretion to post and notify the offending parties of their violations. (Furthermore, it also lets people reading the thread know that moderation has been done already, thus limiting the chance of reports being filed again and wasting another moderator's time.) While critique is well and good, if you're going to post that basic of a comment, you might as well not post at all. A bunch of "Oh, gee!" or "Wow!" posts don't do diddly squat for anyone. Now, as you suggested, if you have any further complaints, you may take them up with me in a PM.
  7. No need to simply acknowledge with a one-word response. Please either add a bit more content or refrain from posting in those situations. If you want to show your enthusiasm, please save it for the voting topic. Posting it here before the voting starts isn't contributing anything to the thread. Furthermore, you could at least go a little more in-depth in your comment than simply saying "Yay!". That's... pretty close to flamebaiting there, Celice. Furthermore, the above comment in response to Ecut applies to you as well. Save it for the voting topic if you want to gush. And, if you're going to call the other maps "ass," you should at least explain why you think they're so terrible and what you would consider to be improvements.
  8. I've always heard good things about Comodo Firewall, though I haven't really used it myself. BlackICE used to be pretty good several years ago, but, IIRC, there wasn't a free version of it and I have no idea if it's still out there or if the newer versions are any good.
  9. Please remember that, according to the Code of Conduct: While positive critique can be a motivating factor, it does not necessarily help the member's skills improve. No one is perfect, so there is always something helpful and constructive you can add to help the member continually improve and expand their skills.
  10. Don't double post. You've been warned previously for this. *Merging posts.*
  11. The splice of Nergal and Mansel, while somewhat interesting, has a couple of issues with it. For starters, the remnants of Nergal's collar seem extremely out of place, as they are sticking up from what appears to be the back of the robes for no apparent reason. The fact that there's more of it on our right than our left of the neck also seems odd. Furthermore, the shading on the part of Mansel's robes that you spliced over top has not had its shading seemingly changed (or, if it was, it wasn't changed enough). This produces a visual that the center part of the chest is facing one direction while the rest of the robes are facing a different direction. Also, the cloth shading on the right arm (our PoV) seems odd; the red cloth on top of the sleeve should also leave some trace of shading on the sleeve below it. The biggest issue with the younger Hawkeye is that, given the angle of his shoulders and body, the way the Sacean cloth has been "draped" (read: spliced) onto his body does not make physical sense. The current view displays that his body angle is much closer to being front-facing than his initial pose. Since the initial pose does not look to have been altered (which, to me, implies that the pose was not intended to change), this means that the Sacean cloth needs to curve back around the shoulder (indicated by a change of shading at the minimum).
  12. While Radiant Dawn characters do show up, Nephenee is not one of them. The reason why will become apparent once ASDDX's hacking progression reaches that point. (Also, beyond story reasons, we're at our quota for Soldiers/Halberdiers anyway.) Check out Dream of Five then if you want a female Soldier/Halberdier. (Or, make you own hack that has one.) How so? It's not like we've released a list of the characters and an easy search would have indicated that she wasn't on the roster. Furthermore, as a moderator, I have to mention that your comment is questionable at a minimum. It's borderline spam and could even be considered inflammatory. Since I'm not sure of your intentions, I'll let it go as a verbal warning this time.
  13. Please don't double post. There's a MultiQuote button right next to the Reply button that allows you to make a post that features quotes from multiple posts.
  14. Another new Masou Kishin II PV is up: Siliconera article with video In case you don't care about the minute amount of details that they have on the page, I've embedded the video below:
  15. Had to dig it out to reference something. Still need to get like the last five or six books though. I should go back and reread Redwall; it's been a while since I last read it. I've never played CTR. I have played the first three Crash titles before and they are on my list of titles to purchase myself. As for Okami, as much as I appreciate it for what it is, it just never really struck a cord with me.
  16. The face is also absurdly pillow-shaded. Furthermore, the light source doesn't even make sense. The right pauldron and right part of the collar are lit, yet the center plate of the armor has the light source coming from the left. Using Phoenix Wright's terminology, this is a contradiction. I understand that style is one thing in a work of art and is very hard to change, but I think that your spriter/artist needs to take a step back and compare his works to what Intelligent Systems has already done. Yes, their work often jumps around between "This is normal." and "Was the spriter drunk when making this?"; however, most of the portraits in this definitely need some form of improvement, mostly in the shading department.
  17. I'm guessing you misposted this. I'd repost this in the Event Assembler Questions thread (as that's what it's there for) and, if the black map thing isn't a result of the event, a separate thread in Hacking Questions. Closing - Will remove in 3 days time so as to not clutter the board. Make sure you ask your question in the correct place by then, to avoid losing this.
  18. So, basically, it's (new) Ninja Gaiden with even more over-the-topness? I think I'll need to see a bit more before I can say that I'm interested.
  19. Eh, why the hell not? [spoiler=Computer Station] Computer setup. Kinda crowded at the moment, but that will change once I shift the desk left and put a small stand to its right for the lamp, etc. [spoiler=Gaming Bookcase] Top two shelves, covering PS2, Gamecube, Wii, GBA, and DS games. And, yes, that is the Exceed a Generation Ayra you see standing there. Third and fourth shelves. Home to Dreamcast, GB/GBC, PS1, and PS3 games. The fourth shelf has some odds and ends (compilation of printed out materials from back in the day, some manuals, etc.) and Genesis games. Bottom half of fourth shelf and the fifth shelf. Fifth shelf has all of the gaming magazines that I've kept (only kept ones that I actually cared about) along with Strategy Guides. [spoiler=Gaming Setup] TV. Yes, my room is inherently dusty. Not much I can do about that. :/ Consoles and such. This arrangement will actually be moved around later, as the TV and consoles will be moving to a different wall and getting a new stand. Plus, getting a second bookcase as well, so the games will be less cluttered and compacted into once space.
  20. Urp, you're right. The point still is that you're forced to bring 5 units whose importance is questionable and it'd be quite nice to fill those five slots with units of your own choosing. FE6's is arguably fine, since the ratio is 2/8 (forced/selectable), though one could say that it'd be nice to fill Fa's spot with another unit. FE7's is a little worse, since the ratio is 5/7; again, you could argue that the four other than the non-main lord don't mean much to the gameplay of the chapter. Aureola isn't locked to Athos and you don't even need to use Armads/Durandal/Sol Katti to defeat the Dragon, so beyond plot importance they don't necessarily need to be there. As with FE6, FE8 isn't bad, since you're only forced to bring the siblings, which isn't terrible. Even FE9 is fine, since it's 2/12. So, FE10 isn't guilty of this alone, though it was the first to come to my memory as I finished it more recently. This, coupled with the fact that I was moreso annoyed with getting stuck with Sanaki, Ena, and Sothe, none of whom I wanted to use; at least in FE7, I had no issue in deploying Lyn, Eliwood, and Nils (and Athos is just a staffbot for me. I understand why they're mandatory, as they're all relevant to the final resolutions of each individual game; after you've beaten the game 5+ times, you just get kind of sick of being forced to use those units every single time. Why can't we use a team entirely of our own making in subsequent playthroughs, just like in almost every other normal chapter?
  21. I believe that he's referring to the fact that, barring FE10, post-FE8 games have had the Longbow locked to Archers/Snipers (something that kinda makes sense, actually). And, since FE13 is post-FE8, he's operating under the possibility that Longbows would continue to be locked to these units (and using a hypothetical situation of a known character to illustrate his point, as we know very little about the new characters). Personally, as for the idea, while it might allow certain characters to be more useful, I honestly think that special weapons are granted to the characters that they are for a reason. While I don't agree with some decisions (Such as Amiti being locked to Elincia; Renning should be fair game for it also, given his royal status. This is even a trait which might give him some more usefulness...), I feel that plot should be the only thing that dictates who can use what. So, if a Horseman wants to use a Longbow, throw in some lore that backs up why he's the only Horseman that can do it. Though, if it were something unlockable (New Game+ or something), that might be a better scenario. This way, you'd be slightly less bound to using certain units, since you could toss their personal weapons to another unit. It'd promote some replayability, giving the player even more freedom to truly select who they want to use. (I mean, yes, one can do that already, but if you could give Pugi to Halvan because you really liked him, wouldn't you want to?) For that matter, if we're talking New Game+ scenarios, I'd be down for allowing forced units to be removed (barring the *main* forced units). I personally have a gripe against FE10 for forcing seven units into your endgame party. Realistically, most of them could just be background units who pop up in the dialogue. Of the seven, the only one that really matters is Ike (for 4-E-2 and 4-E-5); the rest could just stand outside the battle areas and move in once they were clear. In subsequent playthroughs, it would make me a lot happier to use more of the units that I like and have subsequently trained in the final 16-unit roster (plus the heron) instead of only being able to pick a total of 9 from the long list of units that have been prepared.
  22. Don't forget, Arch is rebuilding with a fresh ROM at the moment. Though, if he is porting pieces from the old ROM over and inadvertently copies something that produced a bug before, he'd probably want to know that such and such causes a problem. I would just check to make sure it hasn't been mentioned already in the thread.
  23. I agree overall with deranger. The non-naval battle approach is possible, yet makes little sense. Bern/Etruria could have sent troops via ships to land somewhere and try and lay claim to that area; granted, I would think that that would fall above the level of a "dispute." If they were both laying claim to an area like the Gaza Strip (in modern times), that'd be one thing, but, given the number of other nations separating them directly, I'd find that option a bit farfetched. If it was a series of naval battles, what would they be fighting over? Sailing into the other nation's territorial waters? Besides, the A-rank ending specifically says "war," which tends to imply something a little more violent than a few skirmishes or disturbances.
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