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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. For the pillar, I'm just following what Final Chapter: Light Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 did with their pillars. I agree that it looks unconventional, compared to how every other map with pillars does it, but since the number of source maps to reference is pretty small... Fixed the pillar stuff, though. Not sure why I didn't catch that when I was making the map to begin with. >_> ...You know, I never actually noticed how similar the two were, conceptually. Same number of rooms, each with bosses, a main room that opens only after all of the rooms are cleared, etc. And hey, the Japanese version made it suck even less, since two doors opened at a time... Anyway, the update:
  2. Considering several of the in-game occurrences, I doubt it. If you choose to look at Aika on Pirate Isle, he'll do it and she gets mad. He also gets caught staring at Belleza in Maramba and there are the two sequences on the night before the assault on the Hydra. I'd say he's not.
  3. Sorry for the sudden absence, everyone. Had some personal issues that forced me to be unable to get on for a while. I should be back for a while now, though. Anyway, I fixed that map a while ago, before my short exile. I also finished this one, but didn't have a chance to post it beforehand: One of the non-entries in the mapping contest several weeks ago (actually, I guess it'd be closer to a month ago) was a "remake" of FE5's final chapter using the tileset that Battle Before Dawn uses. That map inspired me to do my own revamp of FE5's final chapter, though I used the Dragon's Gate tileset. I'm a little rusty since it's been a while since I did any spriting, so I might need some input as to what seems off on this one. (Looking at it after it's been done for several weeks, I can't really see anything. But, I blame the rust.) Hopefully, I'll have more stuff to put up once I get back into the swing of things. EDIT - I just noticed that I missed a shaded tile under the stairs in the top right corner. I fixed it on the FMP, but I'm too lazy to reupload a new screenshot. If I have to make any other changes, there'll be a new one then.
  4. Quick post to get this up before the deadline, since I'm packing up to head home at the end of this week. - Sirius
  5. It's certainly relevant, since you brought up the point about contacting them. If we're going to contact them about one thing, it seems prudent to straighten out blatant cases of sprite theft at the same time, no? (The whole "kill two birds with one stone" phrase, ya know?) If oracle_of_fire is actually going to contact them to find out their means of expanding the Sound Room, then I personally feel that giving him a list of other things to pass along is completely fair. And, while I'm here, you ain't the sheriff around here, so stop acting so high and mighty and telling everyone else what to do. For starters, the above post is CERTAINLY minimodding, but your overall attitude in places could use some work also.
  6. ...How does making an icon that fits a class that I've already assigned require knowledge of the staff...?
  7. I guess "personality" might not have been the best way to describe it. Basically, it'd be more along the lines of, "If X appears more violent/whatever, then make their weapon seem more like that. If X is more peaceful/etc., then the weapon should go along with that." (Also, note the "should fit" part of the post. Doesn't mean that they have to.) If you don't have a means of judging this, then don't worry about it and make it at least fit the class.
  8. Ok, I added in the wall shading for the 6 or 7 tiles where I had pure grass below the walls. Here. And, no, no FE5 influence when I was designing it. Though, looking at it, I can see where one might get that idea. I'd join the the map comps more often, but I really need inspiration and an idea for the map before starting one. Normally, the set up of the round makes it very hard for me to do that.
  9. The map was designed such that you're not seeing the whole town/village. If the map was extended, there would be more areas to the left and right with houses, etc. Those wall pieces go along with whatever would end up being over there. And, as for the "under the walls" shading, the primary reference for the map does no such thing. (But, if you can find a reference that does, feel free to link me to it.) Thanks for the compliment, though.
  10. Couple of icons (all previously seen, but not posted in here): Aaaaaannnnnndddddd, a map, with its tile changes: The opening area was partially inspired by the Rogue Encampment from Diablo II.
  11. Fix'd the poll option for y'all. :P
  12. Yes, the minimum size is 15x10, as that will produce a map that is the exact dimensions of the GBA's screen (240x160).
  13. This thread might be of use then: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26486 ------------ While I'm here, I might as well chime in on the map... Speaking from personal experience with the tiles, using the "rectangle shading" water tiles near the "waterfalls" just doesn't really look right. From a physics standpoint (yeah, yeah, video game logic, etc.), the shadows would be obscured because of the rippling from all of the water pouring out. Plus, the "semi-circle" shading tiles currently being used also feature slightly "more energetic" water, which seems to fit with the fact that there is pouring water right next to those tiles. -------- That said, I like the map. It reminds me of the one that I just did last month or so. My only suggestion might be to swap the "marble"-style tiles from that chest area in the bottom left to the solid dark blue tile area and see what it looks like. I think it might make the map stand out a bit more.
  14. ...Seriously, people, calm down. It's not like there aren't several other examples of out of perspective maps in FE. (In the case of the second link, it's Merlinus's Tent.) It's one tile, in ONE SCREENSHOT. Most of you (including myself) know nothing about the specific plot for that chapter or anything like that. They've already said that it's there for a reason. Going off of the example of the second link, how do we know that it isn't just a supply tent, a la Merlinus? We don't. So, deal with it for now, and when the demo comes out, if the text doesn't offer a good enough reason for it being there, then suggest a better alternative for it once you have the full picture.
  15. Voted for Cam's. Eric, I just want to reiterate that I hate you for this palette restriction. :/
  16. ...I raged last round. Eric, you have topped this rage, good sir. Having to do a lower-rank sword AND losing two of the most important colors in the palette made me very frustrated. (Mainly the latter part though. I mean, while this is a general spriting contest (and not solely hack-focused or something), we *are* using the palette for the games, which, to me, implies that we're supposed to stick to the style as close as possible. By removing the two fundamental colors in the palette (outlines), we're in essence no longer sticking to the style that we're supposed to be emulating.) That being said, I have a slightly lackluster Steel Sword for you.
  17. Min Size = 15 x 10 and Max Size = 35 x 30 for this round. At least that's how I'm reading it. EDIT - ...
  18. Also, do note that you are use an *FE8 Tileset* for your map. Thus, using FE8's maps as references should intuitively make sense. (Plus, IMHO, there are not *that many* differences between maps in FE6/7/8. They still all share the same general style, for the most part.)
  19. While I won't debate your vote since it's your opinion, I do feel obligated to repeat something (with a few modifications) I mentioned on Skype to some of the others: If we were going by this reasoning, would most of FE4's, FE5's, or FE10's wind tomes qualify as wind spells? No, since they don't really have much to do with wind in a conventional sense. But, they do use a similar palette to remain grouped together as that type of tome. -------------------- EDIT - I suppose I should note it since I've posted in the thread now: I voted for Eric's tome. (Granted, this was yesterday.) Though, I do have to give an honorable mention to ☯'s tome. Had Eric's not been as clean as it was, ☯'s probably would have gotten my vote due to the fact that it gave off a wind-like appearance, was reasonably clean, and wasn't something that had been overly done for wind spells.
  20. Mainly because I usually only post in Sprites, ROM Hacking, and Other Games. (And a few of the other boards from time to time.) >_>
  21. wut ;_; Thanks. Welcome back to you and RFoF as well. (And, congrats to Tang.) Only if my bosses tell me to do so... ------------- That being said, I suppose I should say that it's nice to be back. (Not that being lazy and being just a normal member wasn't fun.) While I am a Global Moderator, you'll most likely find me in my home of the Sprites board, keeping things running smoothly. But, if anything is amiss and I'm online, feel free to drop me a PM.
  22. Here are my selections: Skills: Other Magic Triangle: Other Non-Human Races: Other Classes: Other Level Cap: 20 per class For skills, I feel like a balance between FE9 and FE10's would make the most sense. Skills that are innate to a character should be locked to them, but should not count against the unit's skill points. (Canto/Shove shouldn't count either.) Skills that are assigned via scrolls/manuals/whatever should be able to be removed to free the space up, but should not be converted back into scrolls. For the Magic Triangle, I would have voted FE10's, but I'd personally like to see more types of magic implemented in the future. For Option #3, Mamkutes/Manaketes are a staple of the series, so they deserve to stay. However, FE8 did one thing right with the monsters: acknowledging that they still exist. Considering that the FE world isn't nearly as civilized as modern day society, monsters and beasts should still be prevalent. For possible classes, I think one promotion works the best, but instead of being based solely on the class, it should be based on the character's personality and "details". In that vein, I suppose it fits more closely with how FE4/5 handled their promoted classes.
  23. Dark Tome =/= Wind Tome.
  24. Considering how long it took the team that translated J to finish, I don't think we'll be seeing any of the newer ones done in the near future. ---------- Oh, and since I forgot to mention it yesterday: http://www.siliconera.com/2011/06/15/the-2nd-super-robot-taisen-og-trailer-coming-june-17/ First trailer/PV will be up tomorrow for 2ndOG.
  25. Surprised these weren't posted here yet: http://www.andriasang.com/e/galleries/2011/06/10/suparobo_og_2nd_screens/ "New" screens, showcasing Rim, Albero, Lamia, and Mai, along with some others. The screens are pretty small, but at least they're clear.
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