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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. He's the only person I know that says "hrllo."
  2. 'Sup, Choppy. *Uses chopsticks to eat some of bork, then dies.*
  3. Even though I never use her at all, I still don't kill Vaida. I much rather prefer to camp in the middle and ward off all of the Wyvern reinforcements while getting the bottom village and (depending on the mode) going to the shops.
  4. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=707 He's been here, at least recently.
  5. While it might be hard to see on the active users list, I think that gray suits the group just fine. Considering the name of the group is Royal (in regards to Herons), they wear white and have blond hair. So, in that aspect, it's either gray or yellow, and I think that yellow is harder to see on the AUL than gray is. Alternatively, maybe I'll see if I can come up with some better colors/font options in the ACP later on.
  6. Which isn't happening. While there will be a difficulty increase, MK404 isn't exactly known for wanting overly hard games. Adding in Third Tier classes (if there were room for them anyway) would only serve to make the game easier. Plus, there is the issue of class caps that you'd have to bring in to play then. The second tier classes would either have to have their caps nerfed to accommodate another promotion, or the third tier caps would basically be 30s across the board (which is useless).
  7. 'Sup bork. (I was going to post that video, but it seems that you beat me to it yourself. XD)
  8. Seeing as I'm a spriter myself (or, rather, former, since I never have time to do it anymore), you won't be getting just an "awesome" from me. (In fact, that applies to anything that I C/C from anyone.) Adding to that, we had a rule (which I zealously enforced) at FESS basically stating that posts like "Wow! That's awesome!" constituted spam, so people learned quickly to easily explain why they thought it was so awesome or it had the flaws that it did. (And, since I've seen some of your other works before, it's not as if I haven't critiqued them in my head. >_>) Looking at the reference, I can see the angle a bit better. Given that, I think the best solution, at least from my limited perspective, would be to "angle" Hilde's face slightly to her left (probably a pixel or at most 2 of "movement"), while keeping the helmet in the same spot. If it looks worse that way than currently, it's not a super important detail, especially since the mug still looks awesome.
  9. ...I am seriously impressed. The amount of detail is shockingly amazing. (Not that I haven't seen some of your other works, but... Wow.) The first thing that "jumps out" at me is that, compared to my understanding of the angle of the face, the raised face guard on her helmet seems to off center of her face. From the way I see the face, it appears as though Hilde is almost facing the screen, but the face guard would indicate that she is looking more towards the right than it appears. Secondly, the shading on the bottom right part of the chin guard (her PoV) seems like the light is hitting it a bit too strong. However, I'd probably need to see what you actually referenced in order to properly see whether it was or not. Lastly, in a couple of the screenshots I looked at, there are times when you can see part of Hilde's hair sticking out of the bottom-back part of her helmet. While this isn't the case in all of the screenshots and seems to depend on how she was standing in the shots, it might add a bit of flair to the open gap between the helmet and the shoulders. For highly detailed armor... that's just amazing.
  10. Lord Glenn


    I'm going to go with Crystal on this: While I might be used to a more strict environment having come from FESS (and, yes, SF is more laid back, and I understand that), I at least expect some semblance of seriousness in places other than Far From the Forest, especially in a General Discussion board and a thread about a serious topic. So, guys, can we please cut it out with the spam-ish posts?
  11. If it were feasibly possible to do so, there are a few people that I would potentially like to meet. Most of them would probably be people that I know well from FESS (MageKnight404, Vincent, NTG, maybe Fox and Musashi) and Jyosua. Other than that, I don't know anyone else well enough to warrant meeting them yet.
  12. Lord Glenn


    If you don't know what they're talking about and you don't speak Spanish, then why are you posting in here...? It's borderline spam, so please stop.
  13. Lyon's plight is too overly cliché. As such, my gut told me that he was going to meet the end of a sword, spear, or whatever my characters had in hand at some point in the story. The only time I questioned that was Lyon's appearance at the end of Chapter 14 (I can't remember which side it was). It seemed cryptic and contradictory to the motives that I had associated to Lyon already. But, when you've got an evil demon inside of you, you're still going to die by my hands.
  14. Honestly, I'm not a fan of them. They seem like excess baggage to what you're already submitting to colleges, but I suppose they do have their reasons for making everyone write them. In the application essays that I had to write, I just typed what came into my mind until I was over the required amount of words (sometimes significantly so... >_>). Likely they didn't make much coherent sense, but considering the questions that they ask (and their lack of usefulness to me), that's what they got.
  15. Lord Glenn

    Post count

    At times, yes. Generally, it only applies when I've just joined some place and have to "work up the ranks," so to speak. I mean, I don't obsess over it, and I post when I feel like posting and when there's something interesting to lure me there anyway, but it's always awkward starting at the bottom of the ladder whenever you join somewhere new. Once I get settled and people start to know me as I post around, then the awkwardness goes away and I forget that there even is a post count statistic.
  16. Considering that only two people here live in my home state and no one lives in the state where I'm currently at, odds are that even if I wanted to meet someone, I probably wouldn't run into them.
  17. Howdy, Fia. For a second there, I thought you might have been someone else.
  18. Personally, I prefer FE7 the way it is as well. Trial Maps might have been a nice addition, but considering that I can't be bothered to play through the game x number of times just to unlock new ones (or playing through on higher difficulties, etc.), I'd only play a couple of the maps and then get bored of them. So, it's better in the long run that it doesn't have them. And, the Creature Campaign is just a way to make your characters hit ??/20 if they didn't before the end of the game, IMO. I really don't care for it at all. I'd much rather keep my Final Chapter save as such instead of making it a Creature Campaign slot.
  19. I prefer to refer to units that come as a promoted class (in FE6/7/8/9) as prepromotes. Everyone else is a unit in a base class, including Dancers, etc. that don't promote. Sure, some units may have caps that resemble promoted units, but the fact is that the class itself isn't promoted. FE10 is different, for me. I don't consider all of the characters that come as "second tier" units as prepromotes, despite "first tier" units appearing earlier in the game. By the point that you get into the thick of "second tier" units, most of the enemy units are (basically) "second tier" as well. It's the units that show up as "third tier" classes that I consider prepromotes in FE10.
  20. I haven't (seriously) picked up a Fire Emblem game for close to a year now. I started playing FE10 when I got home for Winter Break from college, and when the AA batteries died in my Wiimote, I was too lazy to replace them. As such, I didn't play anything on the Wii until after I returned back to college for the Spring semester, and I just wasn't in the mood for FE10 and frankly didn't have the time to play it anyway. I've picked up FE7, FE8, and FE9 and screwed around in them for a little bit here and there since then, but nothing that would be considered as seriously playing them. I've moreso been focused on "beta testing" and consulting on ideas for FE ROM hacks for a while now, simply because I have ideas bouncing around my head constantly. An easier creative outlet, I guess you could say. (Either that or doing minor graphics creation for said ROM hacks...)
  21. I don't fall into any category. I'm a (former, as I haven't seriously done it for months now) FE spriter, RPer (though not in the "wall of text in every post" level), and general fan of the series. I play the games for the story on the first playthrough (for the most part) and and subsequent plays are for having fun, trying different units, or just reliving the game. I'll enter into borderline debate discussions from time to time, if it's a topic that I have a strong enough feeling or opinion about (example: pre-FE10(JP) discussions about characters, weapons/items, etc.), but that's the extent of that area.
  22. Depending on the game in question, I might try to get as close to perfect as possible. For instance, in any of the Legend of Zelda games, I'll generally try to get 100% completion, unless I just can't be troubled to hunt anywhere and everywhere for the one hidden thing that I'm missing (etc.). In most "retro" games with optional things, I'll try to get all of the optional stuff if I have it in my head before I start playing. If I'm just running through a game to run through it (see: games along the lines of Sonic 2), then I don't pay attention to optional stuff, etc. On newer games, I generally don't care as much, just because the developers hide too many things in too many places, and I just don't have time to hunt everything down.
  23. Honestly, if you haven't gotten used to someone beating you to posting something (and subsequently having to edit your post saying "Oops, beaten." at the bottom or whatever), then you really haven't experienced much, IMHO. When you have even a moderate sized memberbase, you're inevitably, without a doubt, going to run into a situation where someone inevitably just barely clicks "Submit Post" before you do (or vice versa). Especially in a topic that is supposed to be read by the memberbase and has already drawn 62 replies. It will happen even more often in more important threads, too. Realistically, though, it shouldn't matter if your post was just a millisecond behind or not, because you might have slightly different information in your post, or it might be more clear for someone else to understand. And, Jyosua already mentioned the possibility for abuse in deleting posts.
  24. If you don't care to vote seriously, then why are you even arguing the point? (Not that I voted to begin with...) I mean, if you're basing your vote and opinion off of only Support Conversations, then why am I suddenly not entitled to my own opinions and how I use the characters? Because of that, I fail to see how your response then meets the criteria of picking the "Best" Bishop if you're not basing it on the same point that you're trying to hold me to. And, furthermore, why is it that, for instance, Meteor can say "My preference is Lucius for unranked runs" and not be held to the same "asking for who is literally the best in the game" point too? In that case, Meteor has his own opinion, and so do I. I fail to see how using Arenas and not giving a crap about ranks and tiers invalidates my response to begin with if others have done so already.
  25. Not necessarily. I don't play ranked runs (though, I may adopt an aspect or two of them in playthrough), so I could care less about what my ranks are or who the best Bishop is statistically or in terms of utility. If I choose to take 200 turns to clear Port of Badon because I chose to Arena Abuse, then I'm going to do it and whoever my healer is will probably end up getting promoted after Pirate Ship. If it's Serra, then she'll be my main Bishop. If not, then Lucius will. It's as simple as that for me. If this was a statistical debate for creating a tier list or something, then at least half of the responses so far should have been invalidated. As such, this apparently isn't, so my play style is just as valid of a reason as someone else's reasoning as to why they think the best is who it is.
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