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Everything posted by Tiaramaki

  1. Thanks for the extra bit of Gold Slack Bow on my main run and Orsin's Hatchet in my Male Confession run. :3 Edit: loltypoderp.
  2. Ooh, that's a great idea. I have one. [spoiler=Gerome] You changed our future and gave me a brighter one. With you, I feel I have a choice in shaping the events to come.
  3. Be right back, brainstorming fanart. On a more serious note, while that'd be really cool, I'm not sure if they'd be willing to go the whole route to do new CGs. But hey, if a poll does happen, doesn't get rigged, and the artist is willing to do it, then that'd be pretty cool. My hopes aren't very high after W, X, Y, and Z localization things, though. Though Gerome in a yukata will make me very happy.
  4. Imposing Axe (Challenge Run), Wolt's Bow (Male Confession Run), and a Balmwood Staff (Female Confession Run). That's pretty good, I must say. Sorry I had to celebrate your birthday at 9:30 at night, Lissa. :/
  5. Hrm... My top ten (in no particular order) are: 1.) Ys: The Oath in Felghana 2.) Kingdom Hearts 3.) Fire Emblem Awakening 4.) Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City 5.) Super Smash Bros. Brawl 6.) Valkyria Chronicles II 7.) Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey 8.) Ys SEVEN 9.) Angry Birds 10.) Monkey Hero
  6. So, wait. I could've just paired people with others, done my Confession-Collecting file normally, and it would've been perfectly fine, albeit with different hair colors that're a little off in the Support Log? ... Well, that was a slight waste of effort on my part to get the character pairings I had in my challenge run. Dang. I feel kinda dumb, now. DX
  7. After discovering something very odd with the post I made (it was supposed to have both supports I claimed, but FemAvatar x Gerome got lost when I was editing, it seems), I'm posting said lost support again. Very, very sorry about that. Third time's the charm, after all. [spoiler=FemaleAvatar x Gerome Romantic] [spoiler=C Support]Avatar: Hello, Gerome. Gerome: Avatar. Avatar: What are you doing here all alone? Gerome: I'm doing nothing in particular. As for being alone, that's my normal condition. Avatar: Um, please don't take this the wrong way, but… If you really want to be left alone, why do you wear such a conspicuous mask? Gerome: The two are unrelated. Avatar: Are they now? Hmm… Gerome: Why are you so obsessed with what I do, anyway? Avatar: Oh, I wouldn't say obsessed. Maybe…concerned. I just think you could do a better job of getting to know your comrades-in-arms. Gerome: Why? I'm not like them. I don't share their convictions. I didn't travel back here to try and relive some lost golden age of peace. Avatar: Well, I don't think that's why any of you came back. Gerome: Enough. I'm done talking about this. …And with you. I'm trying not to associate with anyone from this era unless necessary in battle. Avatar: Fine enough. I'll leave you to it, then. Gerome: …… [spoiler=B Support]Avatar: How are things, Gerome? Gerome: I thought I was clear that I didn't wish to associate with others. Avatar: Supper is ready. Or are you eschewing food as well as company? Gerome: …I eat alone. Avatar: …Don't you think meals are more enjoyable in the company of friends? Gerome: Food is fuel for the body. Nothing more. Avatar: I disagree. Mealtime is much more than just filling some physical need. It's an opportunity to get to know your allies: learn their habits, their quirks. Such things can prove very useful when you step on the battlefield together. Gerome: Bah. I've fought well enough without such knowledge until now. The pack doesn't need the lone wolf, and he doesn't need them. Avatar: I'm not so sure…but we can leave it there. Hold on a moment, and I'll bring your meal out here. Gerome: Didn't I make myself clear? I don't need your help in this matter, or any matter. I'm capable of getting my own meal. Avatar: Good heavens, but you are a stubborn one. All right then. I'll leave you be. …But I expect to see that plate clean. I won't have anyone wasting food. Not even the "lone wolf." Gerome: …… [spoiler=A Support]Avatar: Hello, Gerome. Gerome: What do you want, Avatar? Avatar: Heh, you sound so pleased to see me! Am I interrupting your training? Gerome: Yes. Whenever I'm alone, I work through a set of muscle-strengthening exercises. I'm always trying to make myself stronger. Avatar: Very admirable. Well, I don't want to get in your way. I'll leave you to it… Gerome: You can remain if you like. Avatar: I thought you preferred to be alone. Gerome: Most of the time this is true. But recently… Well, perhaps the idle chats you all engage in aren't a complete waste of time. Avatar: Oh? Are you saying you'd like to have one of those idle chats with me? Gerome: That would be…acceptable. Avatar: Well, this IS a surprise! Gerome: It's not like you would leave me alone anyway, am I right? Avatar: Heh, perhaps not. Gerome: That's what I thought. So go one then. You want to talk? Talk. Avatar: Heh heh, right then. So, what do you think about the… [spoiler=S Support]Avatar: Thank you for attending the war council yesterday, Gerome. You made some excellent suggestions. It was nice to hear you speak up. Gerome: After our chats, I realized there's no point in going only to say nothing. I used to think councils were held so you could hear the sound of your own voices. But I was wrong. Exchanging views, deciding issues, getting to know your comrades… A lot of good happens around the great map table. Avatar: I'm thrilled I had a part in your change of heart. And I'm even more thrilled that you're comfortable enough with me to say so! Gerome: Just because I enjoy solitude doesn't mean I don't know how to be grateful. Avatar: You know, you're quite adorable when you let your guard down… Gerome: Wh-what's that supposed to mean? Avatar: Heh heh, your neck is turning red… Are you blushing under that mask? Gerome: H-how absurd! Avatar: Then you won't mind if I take it off and have a look. Gerome: NO! Stay away from me! Avatar: Gracious, Gerome! What has gotten into you? Gerome: …Er, I'm not sure. I'm sorry, but I'm always...on edge when I talk to you. I get delirious and…light headed… Avatar: Oh? Gerome: …Blast. I might as well just come out and admit it. You see, Avatar… Avatar: Gerome? Y-your mask! What are you doing?! Gerome: There. Now I can look you in the eye and tell you exactly how I feel. I've always tried to be strong so I can fight alone on the battlefield. And I still want to be strong, but now it's for a different reason. …I want to be strong for you. Avatar: For…For me? Gerome: These feelings are…new to me. But I know they run deep. If you don't feel the same, I'd just ask that you say as much now. Avatar: Oh, Gerome! I care for you, too, so deeply… Gerome: Music to my ears. Avatar: And to prove it, I'll make myself stronger so I can help you as well. Together we can build a better future for everyone! Gerome: Yes, for everyone. My life of solitude ends today. Confession: From today on, we'll hone our edges, together. We'll carve a path to happiness, through whatever fate may bring. Also, I wanted to let you know, the Female Avatar x Libra link didn't take me to the post it's in, but the page after it.
  8. This is a little hard for me, but here's what I've picked so far: Character Design/Personality-Wise: Japanese!Libra, since we both worship God. [insert internal dialogue of version similarities but with NOA's "God" -> "the gods" decision here] Lissa, Say'ri, Lon'qu, Nah, Laurent, and Kjelle. Virion because of the whole Edgeworth look, and Gerome because he makes me think of Phoenix Wright now. I think I made a good choice, pairing Lon'qu up with Cherche. Stat-Wise Panne, Nowi, Nah, Yarne, and Tiki. Good EXP rate, and the reclassing mechanics makes them easy stat-gain units. Gerome was OP'd when I got him. Hello, Astra-using Wyvern Knight. This led to Morgan being broken as well. How can I not mention Donnel? He can make any child he can have be good stat-wise, too. Gaius is on a dodge fest in my best playthrough.
  9. I'm the only one who married Gerome. ":a what a fripe?!" I kinda expected that; he's not very popular. "Jessica" is too common for a good Avatar name. The Avatar looks better than I actually do, but her hair is somewhat similar. The "Oh My Gods" thing made the English version somewhat awkward; otherwise, it was a really good game (95 was the score I gave it). Wait wait wait wait. Someone said they married Morga-- What. How. I don't even. I think that person was trolling. Well, at least that option was an accident and not something that was there for some oddball fanfiction fuel or whatever.
  10. I'll try my hand at it. Tiara, my Avatar, has some self-insert characteristics, such as drawing, praying to God like Japanese!Libra, and low self-esteem, always selling herself short in areas she's clearly good in. Tomes somehow make her feel uncomfortable, and goes the way of melee weapons. She hopes to be a War Cleric at some point in time. The Tiara x Libra supports will follow the Japanese version, since it'll be very off otherwise. Sorry in advance if this isn't allowed. So far, I've done only the C support. I think it needs a little polishing... [spoiler=Tiara x Libra] [spoiler=Tiara x Libra C] [Tiara is alone with her eyes closed] Tiara: (…I thank You, Father God, that You are with us.) (May the army be blessed with heath and food, and their needs met.) (I thank You for wisdom in the next conflict, and may everyone be protec--) [Enter Libra] Libra: Ah, Tiara. Pardon me. I didn't know you were praying. [Tiara opens her eyes] Tiara: Hm? Oh, hello, Libra. I was just finishing up. Was there something you needed? Libra: Ah, no. I was going to pray as well. I was about to request the Lord for guidance on my next drawing… Tiara: Ooh! You draw artwork? Libra: Why, yes. Are you interested in looking at them? Tiara: Of course! I draw as well, but… I don’t know. It’s not the best in the world… …Maybe we can exchange and critique them sometime? Libra: I’ll be glad to. Since we’re both here, shall we pray together? Tiara: Alright. But… my prayers seem silly when spoken aloud... I'm sorry in advance if it sounds horrible... Libra: Worry not about it. Let us begin… It's pretty fun to read everyone else's supports, I must say.
  11. I'd go for a mix if I had the time to train them all. So far, though, I've got Laurent, Inigo, sometimes Yarne, Morgan, and Gerome for part of the Main Team. The first two are there for Bullion (S)-collecting, though. Yay, Barbarian reclass! That being said, they all have their little quirks and stuff that intrigue me. Like Gerome's cool armor and Minervykins, Inigo's desire to dance, Laurent's "Excelsior!"... So, both generations for me.
  12. It's all with preference, I guess. For me, since I was doing my self-imposed challenge playthrough, I made Lissa into a War Cleric. Before she reached level 13, she was pretty much a cannon on invisible/nonexistant feet. Okay, okay, preference and the RNG turning in your favor. But I made some people, when I was able to, a War Cleric/Monk. Libra, Lissa, Tiara (Avatar), Gerome, Miriel... they're all decent and above. But like I said, preference and RNG's favor. Sometimes reclassing a couple of times can help, too.
  13. Here's mine. Asset: Speed; Flaw: Magic. Seriously, though, why you so high, Magic stat? D: Also, voice: Female 3, since it's close to mine. Also, Jessica from Silver Star Harmony reference. She needs a Hammer, though... My other two Avatars coming soon.
  14. Oh my gosh, this frippin' snowstorm had better not hamper the shipment. That would be horrible. @_@ That being said, I'll call them again later today before the bus back home comes. HOPEFULLY it'll be in. If not, then tomorrow will be fuuun... Those who got called by GameStop are so lucky, I'm telling you... EDIT: Oh, lookie at what happened here: >Was told they wouldn't call >GameStop calls Mom's cellphone >Because of low minutes, Mom doesn't text me about said call >Me: DX I hope the rest of you guys get the game soon, too!
  15. Ack, I just found this on Youtube. Oh, it just came up today. Nice! Time to cram this with homework! [spoiler=FemAvatar x Libra Romantic] [spoiler=FemAvatar x Libra C]Libra: ...... Avatar: Oh, hello, Libra. What are you up to? Libra: I'm drawing a picture. Avatar: Gracious, that's very good! Great shading, exquisite detail, and through it all, an air of melancholy... It's very like you. Libra: Melancholy? Truly? Avatar: I don't mean that in a bad way! Actually, you should probably just ignore me... I know very little when it comes to fine art. Libra: Well, to be honest, I don't know much about it, either. Avatar: Really? But you're so talented! Libra: I've been told my pictures are technically proficient, but lack artistic soul. Avatar: Poppycock! I mean look at this sketch--it's BURSTING with soul! I bet whoever told you that was simply jealous of your talent. Libra: Well, I appreciate the sentiment. Here, you can have this if you like it so much. Avatar: Are you sure? You didn't draw it on commission or anything? Libra: I don't ever do drawings on request. ...No exceptions. Avatar: Well, if it's not meant for anyone else, then yes, I'll gladly accept. Thank you. [spoiler=FemAvatar x Libra B]Avatar: Tsk! I just can't get this color right. Libra: Er, Avatar? You have paint on your cheek. ...And your chin. ...AND behind your ear. Avatar: Oh, er, so I do. Whoops! Libra: Are you trying your hand at painting? Avatar: Yes! Seeing your drawing has inspired me to take up the palette myself... But, I fear I'm wasting my time. Just look at this muddy slop! Clearly when the gods distributed artistic talent, I was in the outhouse. Libra: The gods would have waited for you, I'm sure. But let's take a look... Oh... dear. Er, it's a portrait of Lissa, is that right? You picked an odd color for her face... And the left eye is rather... oblong. Still, a fine first effort! We can't expect to be perfect straightaway. Avatar: ...It's a pegasus. And it's NOT my first try. It's my 100th. Libra: Oh. ...Oh, dear. Avatar: You don't have to say anything, I can see it in your face. I should just give up. Libra: N-no, I wouldn't go that far! Avatar: I would. Still, this little experiment helps me realize just how talented YOU are. I gaze on that picture you gave me every day, you know? Libra: Not EVERY day, surely? Avatar: Each night before I sleep! It fills me with a wonderful sense of peace. I'm always worried it'll get damaged when we march, so I pack it very carefully. Libra: You're the first person who's ever valued one of my works so highly. And though pride be a sin, I'm... pleased that you treasure it so. [spoiler=FemAvatar x Libra A]Avatar: *Sigh* Libra: What's wrong, Avatar? You seem most upset. Avatar: I am, Libra. I am... That wonderful drawing you gave me was torn to shreds. It's ruined completely. Libra: During the last battle, I assume? When we were suddenly forced to break camp? Avatar: Yes, exactly. I had no time to pack it away properly, and so... Oh, I miss it already... Libra: Don't get upset, Avatar. I can draw you another one. Avatar: But you said you never draw pictures by request. Remember? Libra: For you, I will be delighted to make an exception! Avatar: Really? Oh, thank you! What will it be?! Libra: Well, I haven't thought about it. What kind of picture would you like? Avatar: How about a self-portrait? Libra: Er, you want to hang a picture of ME on your tent wall? The picture that you look at every night before sleeping? Avatar: Is that a problem? Libra: Well, it's just that the last time I did a self-portrait, everyone thought it was a woman. Even after I specifically tried to play up my more manly features... Avatar: That... must have been embarrassing. Libra: Well, not that it matters. It's hardly my fault if people can't see the blindingly obvious, is it? Avatar: Er, right. So, no self-portraits... How about a portrait of me, then? It can be a keepsake for when I get old, to remind me I was once young and beautiful! Libra: A most challenging request, but I will pray that Naga guide my hand! Avatar: Er, someone less understanding could take that the wrong way, you know... [spoiler=FemAvatar x Libra S]Libra: Ah, Avatar. I have completed the portrait you requested. Avatar: You have? Let me see it! Libra: Here you are... Avatar: Oh! Gracious! Is that... ME?! You... You flatter me, Libra. It's too much... This person is so ravishing and glamorous, no one will imagine it's meant to be me. Libra: Well, I was not after an exact likeness. I only hoped to capture a small fraction of the radiant beauty that suffuses you. Sadly, my humble skills were not up to the task of capturing perfection on the canvas. Perhaps such things are best left to the gods themselves. Avatar: Heh, now it's REALLY too much... Still, what a wonderful picture. I must give you something in return. What would you have, Libra? Libra: I am a man of the gods; I desire no worldly goods. But, if you were to accept one more gift, I would consider the debt settled. Avatar: Er, I don't think I follow your math there. Libra: This should make the equation clear. Avatar: A ring?! B-but... Are you... Are you proposing to me? Libra: For some time now, I have found myself falling more and more in love with you... Avatar: Oh... I... I had no idea. Libra: I apologize if I've put you in an awkward position. Of course, if you are not-- Avatar: No, not at all! I'm thrilled, Libra! Because... I'm in love with you, too. That's why I was so upset when I lost the picture you gave me. Libra: If you accept my proposal, I would paint you pictures for the rest of our days. Avatar: Well how could I turn down an offer like that? I'll be surrounded by beautiful art, and looked after by a beautiful partner. Libra: Er, don't you mean "handsome" partner...? B-but don't mind me! I just feel so manly whenever I'm around you. Confession: I'm yours forever, my love. May the gods smile upon our union, and bring us joy in the years to come.[/.spoiler] [spoiler=Video of the Support] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za3UksGLVWs Yeah, it's DEFINITELY not a self-insert character for me. NOA, why you do this to me? Though I guess I could just imagine that I'm saying "God" instead of "the gods"... Or pull a Shadow and do Japanese voices. Anyway, on to FemAvaMoo x Gerome! [spoiler=FemAvatar x Gerome Romantic] [spoiler=FemAvatar x Gerome C]Avatar: Hello, Gerome. Gerome: Avatar. Avatar: What are you doing here all alone? Gerome: I'm doing nothing in particular. As for being alone, that's my normal condition. Avatar: Um, please don't take this the wrong way, but... If you really want to be left alone, why do you wear such a conspicuous mask? Gerome: The two are unrelated. Avatar: Are they now? Hmm... Gerome: Why are you so obsessed with what I do, anyway? Avatar: Oh, I wouldn't say obsessed. Maybe... concerned. I just think you could do a better job of getting to know your comrades-in-arms. Gerome: Why? I'm not like them. I don't share their convictions. I didn't travel back here to try and relive some lost golden age of peace. Avatar: Well, I don't think that's why any of you came back. Gerome: Enough. I'm done talking about this. ... And with you. I'm trying not to associate with anyone from this era unless necessary in battle. Avatar: Fair enough. I'll leave you to it, then. Gerome: ...... [spoiler=FemAvatar x Gerome B]Avatar: How are things, Gerome? Gerome: I thought I was clear that I didn't wish to associate with others. Avatar: Supper is ready. Or are you eschewing food as well as company? Gerome: ...I eat alone. Avatar: ...Don't you think meals are more enjoyable in the company of friends? Gerome: Food is fuel for the body. Nothing more. Avatar: I disagree. Mealtime is much more than just filling some physical need. It's an opportunity to get to know your allies; learn their habits, their quirks. Such things can prove very useful when you step on the battlefield together. Gerome: Bah. I've fought well enough without such knowledge until now. The pack doesn't need the lone wolf, and he doesn't need them. Avatar: I'm not so sure... but we can leave it there. Hold on a moment, and I'll bring your meal out here. Gerome: Didn't I make myself clear? I don't need your help in this matter, or any matter. I'm capable of getting my own meal. Avatar: Good heavens, but you are a stubborn one. All right then, I'll leave you be. ...But I expect to see that plate clean. I won't have anyone wasting food. Not even the "lone wolf." Gerome: ...... [spoiler=FemAvatar x Gerome A]Avatar: Hello, Gerome. Gerome: What do you want, Avatar? Avatar: Heh, you sound so pleased to see me! Am I interrupting your training? Gerome: Yes. Whenever I'm alone, I work through a set of muscle-strengthening exercises. I'm always trying to make myself stronger. Avatar: Very admirable. Well, I don't want to get in your way. I'll leave you to it... Gerome: You can remain if you like. Avatar: I thought you preferred to be alone. Gerome: Most of the time this is true. But recently... Well, perhaps the idle chats you all engage in aren't a complete waste of time... Avatar: Oh? Are you saying you'd like to have one of those idle chats with me? Gerome: That would be... acceptable. Avatar: Well, this IS a surprise! Gerome: It's not like you would leave me alone anyway, am I right? Avatar: Heh, perhaps not. Gerome: That's what I thought. So go on then. You want to talk? Talk. Avatar: Heh heh, right then. So, what do you think about the... [spoiler=FemAvatar x Gerome S]Avatar: Thank you so much for attending the war council yesterday, Gerome. You made some excellent suggestions. It was nice to hear you speak up. Gerome: After our chats, I realized there's no point in going only to say nothing. I used to think councils were held so you could hear the sound of your own voices. But I was wrong. Exchanging views, deciding issues, getting to know your comrades... A lot of good happens around the great map table. Avatar: I'm thrilled I had a part in your change of heart. And I'm even more thrilled that you're comfortable enough with me to say so! Gerome: Just because I enjoy solitude doesn't mean I don't know how to be grateful. Avatar: You know, you're quite adorable when you let your guard down... Gerome: Wh-what's that supposed to mean? Avatar: Heh heh, your neck is turning red... Are you blushing under that mask? Gerome: H-how absurd! Avatar: Then you won't mind if I take it off and have a look. Gerome: NO! Stay away from me! Avatar: Gracious, Gerome! What has gotten into you? Gerome: ...Er, I'm not sure. I'm sorry, but I'm always... on edge when I talk to you. I get delirious and... light headed... Avatar: Oh? Gerome: ...Blast. I might as well just come out and admit it. You see, Avatar... Avatar: Gerome? Y-your mask! What are you doing?! Gerome: There. Now I can look you in the eye and tell you exactly how I feel. I've always tried to be strong so I can fight alone on the battlefield. And I still want to be strong, but now it's for a different reason. ...I want to be strong for you. Avatar: For... For me? Gerome: These feelings are... new to me. But I know they run deep. If you don't feel the same, I'd just ask that you say as much now. Avatar: Oh, Gerome! I care for you, too, so deeply... Gerome: Music to my ears. Avatar: And to prove it, I'll make myself stronger so I can help you as well. Together we can build a better future for everyone! Gerome: Yes, for everyone. My life of solitude ends today. Confession: From today on, we'll hone our edges, together. We'll carve a path to happiness, through [from?] whatever fate may bring. Yeah, reminds me of myself. I'm such a worrywart for other people. Man, transcribing is hard... I have a lot of respect for the one who claimed the boatload of supports. Edit: Fixed a couple of typos.
  16. Hory clap, your stuff's amazing. The shading, line quality, and anatomy are all great. I'd like to do an art trade if you're still doing those, but I actually don't know what you'd like for me to draw. D: I can't wait to see more. :D
  17. STAY FROSTING. Oh my word. XD He'll definitely be called Melee Weapons Guy by me. Also, is it alright if I request Gerome? I know his VA plays a nurse from Trauma Team, and I'm kinda skeptical over what he sounds like.
  18. No, sadly. (My birthday is May 19.) But I'm close to Ricken by four days, and Cynthia by five.
  19. I was told the same thing. My city's store'd better not get it on Thursday, 'cause I'll be busy all day. @_@ Well, except for a whole hour, but that doesn't help me much, I don't think.
  20. Well, to be fair--and this is a librarian gamer speaking--they more than likely see quite a bit of people there. I go through this quite a bit, too, at work. "Heeey, did I see you checking stuff out yesterday?" "Yep. You sure did!" "Oh, okay. Eheheh..." Gah, I sound like a complete jerkface now that I finished typing it. Crap, me. Sorry... I'm pretty sure the workers there will remember me as the "preorder girl who pestered over the phone", or someone will ask me that when I actually get my order. Haha...
  21. Congrats on getting it! I think it's because I live in Maine that I still don't have it yet. Maybe. I mean, I am in the northeastern part of the U.S.... The whole preorder shouldn't be too much of a problem, considering there's only two others who did preorder it, but who knows? I will -have- to do something to commemorate my FE13 Get Day. Maybe do a drawing. Or go to that recently-opened sushi restaurant again. I'll probably have to say "burn the ride, I'll run there!" if it comes in this Friday.
  22. Wow. I can't really think of words to describe my feelings on that. I'm starting to get a bit more patient on this, but really, I'd still be stupid not to say that I'll still be concerned over my preorder. No way of being notified, having to call them every day to see if my order came in... The cart-art and the artbook are the only things keeping me from doing the same thing you're doing. Just a little bit longer... @_@
  23. Just called my city's GameStop. Yep, it's delayed there, too, still. And even better, they're expecting it to be there by the end of the week as well. Well, at least I was told not to worry about bothering them, since their system of notifications is faulty, it seems. So, I'll be hoping it's there tomorrow, since it's my free day. I'll have to call from work on Thursday and Friday, though, while I'm on break. *groans* I can't skip out on the artbook and chibi cart-art...
  24. For my Avatar: Libra or Gerome For my friend's Avatar: Sumia, since he likes shy, klutzy girls.
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