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Everything posted by AceNoctali

  1. Waiting for Tokimemo Girl's Side 3, Chalis ? :P
  2. We could say that, there's no a whole lot of scenes for their development between them in the two volumes : nearly none in the first (a couple of cases), and 12 pages at most until The Reveal in Volume 2.
  3. Yep. Comes somewhat early too, [spoiler=Again Fuyuki manga pairing spoil]Love confession between the two is at end of Volume 2.
  4. Good news for you, Fuyuki's manga makes extensive use of furigana, and for what I remember, it's an overall easy to understand Japanese they use here. Thanks for the tip. :) [spoiler=Fuyuki's manga pairing spoiler]Fuyuki also favours Lester/Patty.
  5. Me too. I wrote it by memory, and I still had it in head clearly. Same thing about the French Orange League opening.
  6. Yeah, it's like she was on crack when pairing. :P Overwise, I'd say it's an okay manga. Not very memorable though. BTW, how do you insert spoilers already ? Wanted to add one regarding Light Inheritors, but can't find the command.
  7. Un jour je serai le meilleur dresseur, Je me battrai sans répit. Je ferai tout pour être le vainqueur, Et gagner les défis. Je parcourerai la Terre entière, Traquant avec espoir, Les Pokémon et leurs mystères, Le secret de leur pouvoir. Yep, there was this too. It helps that he and Marth have the same seiyuu (Hikaru Midorikawa).
  8. Yep, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was a nod to Gundam.
  9. I noticed it too. Yep, I have all 5 volumes of it. (I also have the complete collection of Oosawa's version. It's just Fujimori where I don't have the last tome). A first hint of my feelings on it : http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DieForOurShip/VideoGames
  10. Yep, I have them, Aquantis provided them to me. :) Of course I don't want to, not only there are parts of my FE goodies collection, but I consider them as precious items of my trip with big emotional value, just like all the other things I got there.
  11. Yep, I noticed that trend. But there's still a number of people on YT who see me as the person and friend before the translator, regarding my video subs. And I'm not one of those people. Well, we know each other since a while, so that's normal. ;) Count on me on that one. ;)
  12. Hello BLS ! :) :P And yeah, I really need to. I have found someone here, but I need to recontact him after that long hiatus. That, and I need to finish the French translation. Thanksfully this will be done by Tuesday, I believe.
  13. Yep I did. Sorry for not having answered yet. T_T By the way, don't worry, I'll send you the French trad of Fujimori Stage 7 once I'll finish it. Won't take too long I believe, only six pages to go. I would have finished this week-end, weren't for my work on a 4-pages translation I'll have to give back to my Japanese teacher soon, and for me having recently started Mitsumete Knight R (I have this game since my time in Japan, but haven't started it until last week) Yar hello ! :) XD We'll never know what the future will be made of. :P
  14. Maybe not right now. There's one or two topics I'd like to start on Video Games board, but after that I'll have a bit of fun here before going to sleep. ;) Ha ha. :P So I see you missed me, recently, as I told Marthur on YT ? :P
  15. Yar hello :) Yeah, I see things are a bit messy. :P
  16. Ack, they already spotted me. :P Hi guys, here I am as promised. Are you all fine ? ;)
  17. Thankies, Raven !! :D

  18. Thank you very much ! :)

  19. Merci, Marthur, c'est super gentil ! :D

  20. Thank you very much ! :)

  21. Thankies, Cyas ! :)

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