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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. I think a Steel/Iron/Devil Axe works, especially for accuracy purposes. Also, breaking his hand axe would probably take... I'm going to guess like a million turns. Ogma takes a hit, retreats, gets healed like three times, and does that until the heal breaks. Then gets healed until the fort gets him to full HP. Unless you got Speed blessed, or Navarre can take a hit (can he? he's got 19 base HP so I'm not sure)
  2. Yeah, H5 has like 12 or 13 AS with a Hand Axe. And like 16 Strength. :|
  3. I'm the only one who found him easy? Save before fighting the boss, and give Ogma the Killing Edge (and get a critical). Finish him off with Barst. Then you win the chapter.
  4. Oh, I thought he had less. Nevermind that point.
  5. Yeah, Volug definitely isn't killing some of those Myrmidon reinforcements (I'm pretty sure they have a bunch of AS) and he can probably easily fight off the right side.
  6. Sothe > Volug in 1-5; if I recall correctly, Volug actually does less damage, lacks 1-2 range (for attacking things on top of a cliff or something, even if it is just a bronze knife), and evades less than Sothe does. Also, fire weakness sucks.
  7. You didn't have to be an armor in FE1 to use them indoors, though. Paladins didn't dismount.
  8. However, unlike Nino Est can't be used to bolster EXP rank in a ranked run. <_<
  9. No shit, really?I deserve to get shot for this. Thank you.
  10. Which mode? I don't doubt Easy, but Hard or Normal..
  11. Because not everyone knows and/or cares about the Japanese language.
  12. And/or Vulneraries, in case you don't know.Basically, Item -> Select weapon -> use.
  13. Yeah except they don't reach that until the Dragon chapter where Volke's not even doing much with a critical.
  14. And what a terrible last resort! Doesn't stop him from being less than most of the other units deployed at this point. Of course you're not going to give him more than two, nor are you letting the other ones go to waste. I'm saying that Wrath/Vantage/Resolve are more reliable than Aether/Adept/whatever. 17% activation rate is not "nice" >_> It gives you a 31.11% chance of activation per battle... he doesn't even break 50% until the third battle, and even then he doesn't really break 50% of activating a second aether for another 3 or 4. Add onto that how he has tons of evade at this point and comes close to one rounding, and if not one rounding he already is, everything in the game.
  15. You mean the ability to use Javelins from Chapter 1 isn't microscopic?
  16. Is it really that hard to copy+paste? It's not like he tl;drs every point.
  17. Then it's like "who needs the least stat boosters at 20/20 to be good" <_< CC can be abused infinitely, Arenas even then are someone finite.
  18. You have to have them dead by C6, right? C4 is easy as hell. You can take the northeast pretty easily (especially if you class change replacements to Mages, and keep your Archers/Snipers), as well as take out the Thief, leaving only the Cavaliers. Which still aren't too bad. From there it's just lure and kill. C5 you can kill plenty of units off that come with Hardin. Pretty much everyone but Wolf and Sedgar. C6 is easy enough without killing units. Then you have C6x for your EXP needs. Enjoy. It adds to efficiency, both immediate and future. So in the "perfect run" which is the "efficient run" you're not going to get Wrys attacked by a Hunter. Efficiently? By turn 3, you can easily get the Pirates to attack Jagen, then have your units feast and/or rape their corpses. Lena hasn't reached your group at this point. And then you can heal people up for the Hunters, who you can easily prevent from attacking Wrys anyway. When Lena comes around, sure she's more useful with Heal, but until then? Wrys has that Heal, and Lena is too far to the north while your shitty units are getting killed.
  19. And guess what's breaking the tie? Being able to heal while getting attacked by Pirates. :| And I can respond to that by saying "when playing efficiently, you can't afford to make mistakes." Not really if you're rushing the West pirates.
  20. I'm aware Wrys makes everything less flexible, but you're not getting him hit by the Hunters unless you're a fuckwad in video games. Efficiently? By turn 3, you can easily get the Pirates to attack Jagen, then have your units feast and/or rape their corpses. Lena hasn't reached your group at this point. And then you can heal people up for the Hunters, who you can easily prevent from attacking Wrys anyway. When Lena comes around, sure she's more useful with Heal, but until then? Wrys has that Heal, and Lena is too far to the north while your shitty units are getting killed.
  21. This is why you check movement before doing stuff. lol It's simple though. You have a bunch of units you want to kill off block the bandits to the north, and go west with units you're actually going to use to fight those bandits. Lena comes to your group, but Wrys helps more. Fighters all rape the hell out of Lena. Not really the Hunters, but Hunters are easy to kill before they get to you.
  22. It's still an option that's there that Lena has no access to. It's also easier to use a Heal staff so your unit can easily take another hit (since they do like 60% to you, and everyone will have at best 24 HP so that's like 15 damage), which is more than what Lena can say.
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