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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Ponder's stats. CMP ATT YDS CMP% AVG TD LNG INT FUM QBR RAT 300 483 2,935 62.1 6.08 18 65 12 7 53.8 81.2 Flacco's stat CMP ATT YDS CMP% AVG TD LNG INT FUM QBR RAT 317 531 3,817 59.7 7.19 22 61 10 9 46.8 87.7 You would actually be surprised with how the two match up when put right next to each other. On fifty more attempts Flacco had 17 more completions and 900 more yards. The yards can be consider based on the weapons or the play book. The one stat that jumps out at me is the touchdown to interception ratio. 18:12 and 22:10. Neither is high but ponders is pretty bad. But given the weapons and inexperience I can accept it. Flacco averages a yard more per play. Flacco fumbled more but that is pretty pointless. The major thing i want to point is that the long for ponder who has a weaker arm has a longer touchdown. The biggest that jumps out at me with Flacco is the completion percentage. For comparison it ranks 19th in the league quarterbacks. Ponder is 13th. To validate the above point of arm strength. Ponder ranks 31st in y/a. Flacco is 13th. They seem pretty even with the exception of y/a.
  2. So if you had to completely rebuild a franchise Flacco would be your choice. I don't agree with that. I think we disagree on what a franchise quarterback is.
  3. Just because Flacco is the best QB you've had in the history of the franchise doesn't mean he is a franchise quarterback. If I said you could have any quarterback in the league to start a team right now would you chose Flacco. If you can name five players you would take over him going forward than he is not a franchise quarterback. He isn't someone I would want to build a team around. Or at least not my first choice.
  4. 3 would be Brady. I would put him seven. Rodgers Peyton/Brady(I will not make a decision on who's better) Brees Eli Ryan Ben
  5. I think you guys are being way to quick to judge ponder. He isn't an elite quarterback but he's the next tier down. He's basically a poor man's Flacco. He has about the same abilities and comes much cheaper. The difference between the two was the weapons around them. Ponder's first year he had nothing around him. Two years ago the defense had some secondary problems and his primary receiver didn't want to be there. Last year he showed potential, but with his best receiver being injured and the rest of the squad being less than amazing it was hard to expect much from them. And we can't forget the fact that AP had 348 carries last year. This means the sample size to base our judgement off of is rather small. Defenses will most likely do as the packers did in the wild card game and say screw the pass game just try to shut down Peterson. This means that they will face a lot of 4-3 looks with a linebacker either blitzing or one on Rudolph. This allows playmakers like Jennings and Patterson to have one on ones on the outside. We will still see a lot of AP running, but this will most likely be the year in which a balanced offense can show us what sort of a player ponder is.
  6. Finished draft 41047 in 71 turns. Wierdest draft ever.
  7. Not very impressive given the team. Still I'm proud of it. Also I did the children paralogues I just don't remember when.
  8. The point isn't what you keep saying. Because there is no concrete evidence towards. The case was almost impossible to win for the prosecution because none of the witness saw what happened until the fight began. The only eye witness was Zimmerman, who wasnt going to change his story. The only other witness, martin's girlfriend, blew the case and can't be considered a reliable source for what happened. This whole fiasco only solidified the point that there wasnt enough evidence to convict him. Is what he did right? No. Did he shoot him? Definitely. Did he kill him? Yes. Was it illegal? We will never know. There is not enough evidence one way or the other.
  9. The only reason this went to court and the reason why it got national attention is because it was an African-American being shot by a man of another ethnicity. In simple terms racism. Not the Obama presented it. No this is over sensitivity towards race. If they were the same ethnicity this would of been a tragic shooting that impacted the community. The rest of us would of never of it. Obama's comments on the shooting and the involvement of the NAACP caused this to get national acclaim. Race wasnt part of the shooting, but it sure as all hell was the center point of the media's presentation, which led to this getting publicity.
  10. I don't have to worry about bankruptcy I can count cards. I'm not joking.
  11. I blame gambling. I need to know as much about a team's game plan against big players. How the offense and defense will react to different playmakers. I study how teams previously played bigs stars, and as consequence the opening they left. And I average around .730 for my picks paying this much attention. Ten bucks a game. Makes pretty good money for a highschooler.
  12. Which flavia? Also I'll take the other flavia.
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