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Everything posted by Randa

  1. This person is screwing over a lot of people who have never played this game. This is another guide he made. http://askafireemblemexpert.tumblr.com/bestclasses The biggest issue is he's telling you to keep panne and yarne as taguels. Rather than sorcerror Miriel you should go with sage. Rather than hero or falcon knight or literally any useful class severa should be an assassin.
  2. Ignoring LTC and warp skip 12 does a pretty good job.
  3. Class balance in 5 was great. The dismounting basically said you now suck every time inside. The archers were pretty good IMO, there really wasn't an over powered class.
  4. I think 5 and 7 did class and characters the best. The fatigue system forces you to use different characters so you knew how good each one was. The major benefit being that each characters strong points were highlighted and careful planning about these advantages and how they balanced. But the class differences sucked due to 20 stat caps and scrolls. 7 did a great job with classes each having strong points, though mounts were OP, and you could balance your team. The only issue was that generals sucked.
  5. Six was just awful to any axe user in the game. The hit rates were such bs.
  6. Berserkers have lost a lot of there value over the years. They were pretty awsome in six with the ability to be pretty insane on certain maps. Seven nerfed their crit which was pretty mean. Eight there was no need for them and no point. They haven't retained their original value of epic dodge and kickass crit.
  7. But you have to hit befor the crit is rolled.
  8. I played to about chapter 12 but barely remember any of it. I remember there were a lot of irritating recruitment means. Learnt this first hand. It was awful
  9. It's the series. Still better than single rn generation.
  10. I know I just remember a lot of bullshit crits.
  11. So I plan to start a new run on Thracia 776 this weekend and I need some help. I haven't played this game since I got about half way 3 years ago so I'm know next to nothing. My major questions are there any obtainable items that are hard to get. Any opinions on characters and any advice. Please and thank you.
  12. Luck. Wilson is an interesting guy who has huge potential and will be a very good quarterback going forward, but I think luck's ceiling is higher. I could see him being the last great gunslinger. RG3 scares me because of what happened to the last electrifying QB in Washington and he's had acl surgery twice. I don't know how long he can last at this rate.
  13. I forgot I had any work done on this. Prologue 5:5 Chapter 1. 4:10 Chapter 2. 7:17 Chapter 3. 6:23 Chapter 4. 5:28 Chapter 5. 6:34 Chapter 6. 6:40 Chapter 6-2 4:44
  14. Do you happen to enjoy pairing MU with chrom?
  15. You(Rehab) are being very biased about this. Considered from a logical point and not an emotional one it is clear that the one who initated the fight was Martin. Wether it was agravated assault or not doesnt matter. You haven't considered that what Zimmerman said could be remotely true. He followed him and then as was returning to his car was attacked. That is what was said. Don't know if its true. However if we look at the facts and not the speculation we can see that Martin was suspended for a physical altercation with another student. Not the first time it happened. Obviously not a pacifist, but we can tell that from the text messages that show his interest in guns. Nothing to gain from his personality except it completely discredits the media's portrayal of him that he was a harmless dedicated student. He smoked weed. He was speaking of mister Zimmerman in the only racist instance of this whole thing, referring to him as "a creepy ass cracker". I wonder what he thought of this man. I wonder if he jumped to a conclusion and he might share part of the responsibility for what happened.
  16. How haven't I rated ephraim yet. Whatever. Pros Killer bases. Great skills Every class Nice mods Cons Your join time SUCKS. I just realized I didn't give him a score 4 Also lyn gets a 5.04 unbiased and a 4.98 biased.
  17. I have to go zihark. He is relatively useful in 9 and very useful in 10. Also did you know autocorrect thinks zihark is zoo shark.
  18. Rage. I want vaida but I'll settle for Louise.
  19. I still can't tell who had the ball . But when was the last time a ref called OPI especially on the last play.
  20. That was an awful game. Still better than most early season games.
  21. Wil or Rebecca. On the one hand wil sucks. So wil it is.
  22. I am still protesting the pats game. That was wide left.
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