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Everything posted by Randa

  1. First and foremost I'm not a douchebag. Secondly people who work out feel more confident about their weight and size. And you don't have to look buff.
  2. To get 21 inch round arms. To be able to bench twice your wait. To gain self confidence. And to be able to look in the mirror and know that nobody would mess with you.
  3. You need a nosferatank to do it in ten turns. Miciah or sorcerror MU can easily accomplish this.
  4. But how many levels is she,going to realistically get.
  5. I did it by the end of chapter 12 in a draft. Wasn't very difficult.
  6. It's actually pretty easy to beat on hard mode.
  7. Henry/sumia Donnel/tharja Virion/marriabele Stahl/cordelia
  8. Shitty class. Better members in the dawn brigade. There is no need for an archer in part 1.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't most of the backlash because you had to register a game to a device and couldn't play it on any other device.
  10. If you read the comments on the petition page some people actually want this back.
  11. Well I'll do mine now. This is a fun character to play with. In this game. She sucked in her own game, but isn't it amazing what infinite levels, access to flying, and dark magic can do. Miciah in the dark flier class has all the upside of Aversa with none of the downside. Except for the supports. But she also can go sage or darknight and still retain her usability. Solid unit, can get her early, 9/10 with a -1 bias because she sucked in her own game. 8/10
  12. Can't say what to expect for future past one. But you have two of the easier DLCs both can be done in 5 turns. Maybe four with a flier.
  13. In an LTC context (technically draft) lost bloodlines and R&R can take ten or more turns to clear. But it also depends on when you do them.
  14. I think weeded gets a lot of unnecessary hate. He isn't bad. Give him a few more weapons and he might be a decent quarterback. Still think McCoy was better. The steelers aren't going 8-8 again. To make my point I'm gonna break it don week by week. Week 1. Titans: This shouldn't be much of a problem. The defense will be the focal point of this game. If it can't contain CJ2K up the middle and the outside pass game. They don't stand a chance. I still think the defense will step up. Win Week 2. @Bengals: Its gonna be tough. This will be a hard fought game where the running backs for the bengals are going to be tested to see how much they can do and Big Ben and the receivers of the steelers are going to have to step up and show how good they really are. Either way more likely loss. Week 3. Bears: This is gonna be fun. Look for the tight ends to rip up the middle of the field against the bears defense. Most likely a win. Week 4. Vikings: What fun. This is going to be long brutal and hard on the secondary of both teams. With sharif Floyd up the middle runnin isn't an option. Look to see cordarale Patterson to have a big game. Either way more likely win. Week 5. Bye week. Recap 3-1 or 2-2 the steelers faced a pretty tough couple weeks. This is where we will be able to see how they do long term. They're about to enter a pretty easy stretch before facing some monsters. Weeks 6. Jets: I still stand by what I said about this game. It shouldn't be a problem the jets are a circus. They're more focused on the media than the game. Win Week 7. Ravens: This one I will say isn't a pushover. But who's left on the ravens. Terrell Suggs may be a great player but when everybody else becomes a free agent so you can over pay your quarterback your not gonna be great. Still going to be a test on the front seven if they can contain rice. Close but win Week 8. Raiders: There is something wrong with every team. The raiders have more problems than most. This team is a mess. McFadden can't stay on the field. No stud at quarterback. No stand out wide receivers. Mediocre defense. I can't say this will be much of a challenge. Then again I know very little about the changes going on out there. Win 6-1/5-2 Week 9. Pats: This is where the games get tough. Remember my analysis of the ravens. Well take that ignore the QB part and that's the patriots. The difference I expect gronkpwski back at this point. And we have three dangerous backs instead of two. But we have a worse defense. If the steelers offense can't step up they will lose this game. Doesn't matter who the recievers are Brady will be Brady and the offense won't be stopped. But look for a win here. Very close but Win. Week 10. Bills: The bills are wierd. I can't say wether or not they will be good. They have the potential to be good. I really can't say a lot about this match up. The bills are either playing well in which case it'll be a tough game or they suck in which case it'll be a massacre. Either way win Week 11. Lions: The lions should be strong. A revived run game mixed into that pass game should result in a high octane offense. The defense will be pushed to the limits here. Look for the same things as with the patriots the air game needs to step up because there is a monster in the middle and he won't let you run the ball. Also very close but loss. ( If they beat the patriots I predict them losing this game. If they lose to the pats expect them to beat the lions.) Week 12. Browns: The browns are getting better. I can't say how good they'll be but. Look for a tough game. Trent Richardson will be a huge threat but the defense can't ignore the pass game. Weeden is pretty good and can be pretty dangerous. The offense will struggle against a quality defense after three mediocre ones. Either way. If I have to chose loss. 9-2/8-3/7-4 Weeks 13,14,15,16,17 I can't say how this is gonna go. It depends on how they face the previous four weeks. Look for them to go about 3-2 over this stretch. So from the looks of it there at worse 10-6 and at best a 13-3 team. Solid looking right now. Things can change. But they're looking pretty good.
  15. Guys try turning off the slide guides. It allows you to double people up and customize the AI.
  16. We understand your point. It's just not right per say. To elaborate. Why use them on an immobile unit instead of a highly mobile unit or a rescue staffer to cut down turns.
  17. Dude normal mode is pathetic. The enemies are so weak. And if you want to counter arguments about move just go with deliverer. But wait their better classes to use it in. A max stat wyvern lord with iote's shield, deliverer, movement +1, axe breaker, and limit breaker would wreck any general in the game. Doesn't matter how good your unit is. A unit with the same favoritism in a better class will wreck you. Generals aren't that good. Now as a support bot they're okay as a combat unit, not so much.
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