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Everything posted by Randa

  1. I don't like tharja so I'm not gonna get this. Also my parents would flip. On to the wielded aspect of this, did anybody actually read what he was saying. Just no. It's a figurine. Also according to the scale she is barley 5 feet tall. This including the fact that she is leaning over. Ignore that last part I rechecked the size of her torso. She's actually five-seven in heels.
  2. Chapter 6. I can't remember what I got for this it was either a 4 or a 5 (4/5 : 27/28) Chapter 7. I can five turn this if I rig three crits at around 2% each. So 6 turn yeah. (6:33/34)
  3. I just did the calculations for everybody's turncounts. How on earth does doofina have a 33?
  4. I thought so I know I can do this with Boyd on my team but I've been trying to do it without him or Soren. Well I'm gonna settle for a 6 turn on it then.
  5. Is it possible to 5 turn chapter 7. I've been trying and I don't think I can. I have gatrie, Mia, Titania, and Ike.
  6. I'm just avoiding it all together. I have no idea what it's talking about.
  7. Mary sures?also it's mostly dudes.
  8. Okay so you didn't draft libra's Say'ri's or flavia's classes so they need a wild card. And Lon'qu and Gregor and tiki also each need one.
  9. Yes it is. This is either my best idea or my worst. I don't know yet
  10. My team before I start. Randa: hero, warrior, dark flyer, lodestar, assassin, general Marth Alm (maybe Avatar Male Str+ Mag- Tactician Every regular class Chrom Lord Cavalier Archer Frederick** Cavalier Knight Wyvern Rider Vaike Fighter Thief Barbarian Sumia Pegasus Knight Knight Cleric Kellam Knight Thief Priest Lon'qu Myrmidon Thief Wyvern Rider Gaius Thief Fighter Myrmidon Cordelia Pegasus Knight Mercenary Dark Mage Gregor Mercenary Barbarian Myrmidon Tharja** Dark Mage Knight Archer Olivia Dancer Myrmidon Pegasus Knight Basilio Fighter Barbarian Knight Flavia Mercenary Thief Knight Noire All classes Cynthia(gaius daddy) Severa(the vaike daddy) Inigo(kellam daddy)
  11. Brian will save you for bad offense.
  12. Weirdest draft ever(#41047) is done drafting Teams: Bearclaw: paladin, dark knight, battle cleric, swordmaster, bow knight, villager Dragon: Great Knight, wyvern lord, sage, manakete, berserker, sniper Horace: falcon knight, griffon rider, trickster, taguel, sorcerror, Valkyrie Randa: hero, warrior, dark flyer, lodestar, assassin, general
  13. And bear has none. But he does have three mounted.
  14. So bear gets villager. I remember him saying he doesn't have the DLC so...
  15. I always forget to count these things before hand. No it is not reversed because there is an even number on each team.
  16. Assassin and general. As a side note the last two classes are free.
  17. They must be instantly reclassed if they are unpromoted. But promoted may be leveled up to level 10, HOWEVER they must unequipped any skills they gained in that time.
  18. Dark flyer and lodestar. Okay so for the wild card it's actually simpler than it seems. Lets say there are five units 1,2,3,4, and 5 just for arguments sake. Then you have three classes general, trickster, and lodestar. Unit one is a thief so you don't take any wild card uses to reclass him into a general/knight/trickster/thief, but he can't go into any other classes. Unit 2 is a general, however he doesn't have any other reclassed that you took, so he must remain a general or knight. Now unit 3 is a fighter who can reclass into a thief, when(if) you do this it will cost a wild card leaving you with two left. Once in the thief/trickster class he can't go into any others except general or lodestar. Unit 4 is a lodestar so he has acces to every class so he can constantly reclass into general or trickster or lodestar. Unit 5 is a healer with wyvern and Pegasus branches. They cannot be used at all by you. I think this somes it up.
  19. I'm just gonna make bears picks for him. I think I made decent decisions. Dark knight and battle cleric.
  20. Pretty much. It's so classes like beserker or trickster aren't complete trash. Using Say'ri as an example lets say you have 4 of her. If you draft swordmaster you can reclass them all. If you didn't draft the base class then only three can be reclassed.
  21. Yeah I bribed him to so it. I don't think he's been on recently.
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