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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Fine I really don't care. I just went with what the RNG gave me. I'll give him paladin.
  2. Well triple posting I must say the RNG hates you. It first game you villager. But I'm not that evil. So I did it again you got bride. So I did it again. You got sniper. So your stuck with sniper.
  3. I have no idea were bear is and I'm not sure if the picking for him still applies but wtv Miriel and Kellam.
  4. I wouldn't be opposed to promotions. But I think the herons were the best example of what you want. With I transformed being the base class and transformed being promoted. Maybe have some item that changes how many people they can dance for.
  5. Yes and it has all fliers. She has the early flier in addition to all anti air units so she's pretty much set.
  6. Yeah 12 is gonna be a bitch for everybody else. As a note you also have the wind Mage. Your team is designed to destroy ravens.
  7. Be careful with Jill while in Daien.
  8. Bearclaw Dragon Horace Randa Why am I always last
  9. Sure just send it to me.
  10. Not blackmai,l bribery.
  11. I'll do it if you sign ip for my insane draft.
  12. I'm gonna see if anyone else is actually willing to do this. But I'll let falcoknights in.
  13. I don't about that one but darkflier is out.
  14. So I came up with this weird idea in math last week. What if we did a draft with classes instead of units. Eventually I came up with this the weirdest draft ever. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Great lord, Grandmaster,Dread fighter, bride, and Dancer are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on Hard Mode Classic. 4. The last round of drafting is reversed. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling) 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues are optional and are free up to 10 turns. 5. Challenge battles are banned. You may have undrafted units clear a challenge battle to shop, though any items obtained must be discarded/cannot be used or sold. 6. Map shopping is allowed, excluding items sold from Anna Merchant shops. 7. Mothers are drafted with their children, but are drafted at the same time as the rest of the units. 8. Use of items obtained from event tiles, the barracks and renown items are banned. 9. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited. (See below) 10. Forging is allowed. 11. Renown is allowed up to the large bullion. 12. Each DLC is optional with the exception of the golden pack and is free up to 10 turns Extra: 1. The Rescue staff can only be used once per turn. 2. A unit that activates Galeforce may not move. Taking another action with Galeforce other than using a healing item is worth a penalty of 10 turns. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units performing any disallowed action is worth a penalty of 4 turns, 2. Undrafted units pairing up with drafted units is worth a penalty of 20 turns instead. Exceptions: 1. Ricken and Maribelle are freein Ch.5. 2. Nowi and Gregor are free for Ch.8. Teams: Bearclaw: paladin, dark knight, battle cleric, swordmaster, bow knight, villager Dragon: Great Knight, wyvern lord, sage, manakete, berserker, sniper Horace: falcon knight, griffon rider, trickster, taguel, sorcerror, Valkyrie Randa: hero, warrior, dark flyer, lodestar, assassin, general Classes remaining Basically you draft a promoted class and any unit that is in a class that can promote into that clas or any unit that comes in that class can be used. (You can also use three second seals to get characters into those classes.
  15. It's your draft. I think you should stick with 15 turns but not completely free. Also SB make a pick.
  16. No. But it shifts the entire value of units around. Lets say a unit like Cherche for example. If you give her stat boosters she can go in the first round. Otherwise she should go third round. Now if you have free paralogues and she needs time to catch up her value increases, because in one turn after her joining chapter she can as much exp as she wants. Now people who under stand the spread of EXP and how the maps give levels, and who to devote resources to will adjust and potentially cut down turncounts. Because of awsome flier. But if you haven't toyed around with the mechanics it becomes harder to know which units will flourish and will ones lose there value in this style.
  17. The issue with making them all free is that units like donnel becom better and with renown even Virion can be reclassed into a wyvern rider quickly and become good.
  18. Donnel s is pretty easy to ten turn. I would be concerned about the children paralogues(Severa's, Nah's, Inigo's)
  19. Yeah I really don't have the time to do these. DLC draft. Randa: Sumia+Cynthia, Nowi+Nah, Cherche+Gerome, Vaike, Kellam, Gaius, Miriel+Laurent, Basilio, Inigo There aren't nearly enough of these. Randa: Cordelia+Severa, Miriel+Laurent, Morgan, Libra, Nowi, Virion, Donnel
  20. SB ZM Chiki PKL
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