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Everything posted by Randa

  1. One more update Chapter 17. 6:119 Best I can get while getting everything. I only have five useful units. Chapter 18. 3:122 Paralouge 17. 0(7):122 Chapter 19 1:123 Smash bros 2. 5:128 Smash bros 3. 10:138 Smash bros 1. 5:143 Chapter 20. 3:146 Damn you aegis Chapter 21. 4:150 Chapter 22. 2:152 Chapter 23. 5:157 Chapter 24. 4:161 Chapter 25. 3:164 Rescue staff dropped MU in the wrong place. Final. 2:166 I'm still working on R&R that will updated later. Yeah they're turning out to be pretty painful.
  2. Do rush through chapters or do you level up of reinforcements. Grind DLC or a mix. Really just how you play can affect a character's worth.
  3. Is it the best skill? No. Is it useful? Yes. It's like Galeforce. Is it essential? Not by any stretch of imagination. Can it be helpful dependunnon play style? Yes.
  4. Can you describe how you like to play the game.
  5. So to prove that it's useless in the post game you give examples go in game use. Armsthrift is very useful. If you want to spend hours on infinite regalia to get one legendary weapon be my guest, for example need a forsetti to help with Apotheosis mine never ran out, but feel free to go searching for your new one. Back to the original question I feel that if you have the time to collect all five of the breaker skills or four and limit breaker you are about as well off as you can be.
  6. Skill +2 is the most useless skill. Now that that's out of the way. Armsthrift is basically infinite regalia. Now avoid skills can be useful,but its kinda out shone by the breaker skills.
  7. Chapter 11. 5:88 Alm is so good. Chapter 12: 5:93 Lost bloodlines 3. 10:103 Chapter 13. 1:104 Mire sorcerer MU. Olivia danced. Chapter 14. 1:105 Chapter 15. 5:110 Paralouge 12. 0(5):110 Chapter 16: 3:113 One more range on trickster Lucina with rescue staff would get a two turn.
  8. I think FE9 Ike can compare. You have Ike the whole game and he becomes super good after a short time. Sigurd starts good but only exist for half the game. Maybe you could compare him with Seth or FE6 Marcus on hard mode.
  9. He's from FE4. I think there's only one difficulty for it.
  10. Defense when I'm out leveled or I'm just screwing around. Offense is only when I'm doing a draft or doing a couple of the DLC for skills.
  11. Not a bad start, good class set, but really needs some supports 7. For more explanation she actually is just a prepromoted version of Lon'qu. She has pretty good growths.
  12. I have absolutely no say in how PKL runs this, it was just a suggestion. The original intent for that rule was two things. 1. To solidify the rules eat for the children in this upcoming week. 2. I planned to do the Spotpass Paralouge characters first so that I could time the last day of the first gen characters with the day that I leave.
  13. You can't beat them before Lucina joins. She is the first child character available. The easiest way to get second seals is by beating chapter 16 or was it 17. Up to that I believe there are three obtainable second seals.
  14. There are 650+ pokemon try coming up with new and creative names.
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