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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Change the rules to something else. Add something. Basically we're still in the experimental phase of FE13 rule set.
  2. Just make it so that bows have a paragon effect.
  3. Kickass growths. Better skills. Staves. Yeah that could actually be useful. Change all bows to 2-3 and have longbows be 2-4. Also give them flying mounts. And canto.
  4. Quick warning about 12 look into the licesense system before hand it will save a lot of frustration.
  5. Prologue 4:4 Ch 1. 3:7 Ch 2. 5:12 Every attack kept hitting. All the 40-55 % hit. I just settled for a five. Ch 3. 3:15 Ch 4. 2:17 Ch 5. 6:23
  6. I shall do it! What do I get for doing this?
  7. I'm playing chapter 5 right now. Not the best counts but good enough.
  8. What type of brownies? Cause I don't have any pot.
  9. Why am I the second cheapest.?
  10. Have Nolan and Laura go to recruit Aran. Sothe and Miciah to the right. Hide everyone else. If Nolan's levels weren't complete garbage you should get a five turn. Or was it six. I can't remember. Or alternatively have Nolan equipped with the iron axe and bait Aran into using the javelin. Use the doorway to the east as a choke point.
  11. I always thought it was 13 spaces. Weird either way I have no idea how he did it.
  12. I don't know Boyd can't shove Ike. For him. I think that and having Oscar for the rescue trade are the only ways to two turn it.
  13. One I average over 200 in FE13. Granted weird rules and all but...Also it's based on the teams.
  14. I think 10 will be either bear or quint. 9 is anyone who isn't me. I'm leaning towards PKL or if not Chiki. Lets see. I'm gonna have to go with team d though to win this.
  15. Anybody wants to bet on who wins this?
  16. I don't think there is a winner. Because they wasn't really a debat, they were just insulting each other.
  17. Tellius tag team 2013 draft #40992 is done drafting teams are (PKL and quintessence) (doofina and CR) (Chiki and Bearclaw) (Randa* and EpicTurtle) Teams FE9 b. PKL: Marcia, Mordecai, Lethe, Soren, Shinon, Astrid, Elincia, Nephenee, Rolf. And b. Quint: Titania, Marcia, Ilyana, Zihark, Calill, Mia, Makalov, Mordecai, Rolf a. Doofina: Marcia, Mist, Tanith, Tormod, Maurim, Sothe, Ulki, Zihark, Bastian. And a. CR: Edward, Gatrie, Elincia, Soren, Sigrun, Laura, Heather, Astrid, Ulki d. Chiki: Jill, Oscar, Boyd, Rhys, Volke, Calill, Largo, Ranulf, Lucia. And d. Bearclaw: Jill, Boyd, Volug, Nephenee, Janaff, Nailah, Naesala, Tibarn, Leonardo c. Randa: Jill, Kieran, Ilyana, Gatrie, Brom, Makalov, Mia, Geoffery, Tauroneo. And c. Turtle: Nolan, Oscar, Shinon, Tanith, Kieran, Aran, Lucia, Nealuchi, Rhys
  18. You should fight every Spotpass team.
  19. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=40961
  20. Gender: Male Name: Brian Build: 2 Face: 2 Hair: 3 Colour:11(the light blue one) Voice:3 Asset: Str Flaw: Lck Birthday: December 13th Class: beserker.
  21. Do you know how much sugar that is? And I still have most of it.
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