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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Chiki is just starting to annoy me. No idea why. It's actually a really hard thing to do, but he's somehow pulling it off. Finals are very important. Though in all actuality they are important to most people I just need to ace my math final because its the only class I don't have an A in this term.
  2. It degraded as I cram for finals in two weeks. So people pretty much had free reign for the day.
  3. Eclipse somebody had to call chiki out for his BS
  4. Have you been to the discussion thread.
  5. Two things about this comment. 1. Don't under any circumstances compare nowi to Virion. Virion is mediocre after 8 levels, a second seal, and a decent pair up. Nowi is good after a defensive pair up. Completely different cases. 2. You wonder why people think you are an arrogant elitist. You pretty much just said that if you play like a turtle she can become useful. No. If you play at anything less than top speed she can very easily be usable. In the same thought you also said that when you play at top speed, and only then, do you see her true nature as a crappy unit. You are implying with this statement that the only way to truly see characters or truly play the game is to play at top speed or as its better known LTC. I mean nothing personal by this I'm just pointing out why your logic is so flawed. Your saying there is only way to play. At the same time your looking down on people who play slowly. I hope you can understand why people get annoyed by this. What went through your head when you said this. In one sentence you incorrectly claim that someone is personally attacking you, when in the next dozen or so words you actually insult them, not like before where your the only one thinking its an insult. You are up front saying that they are obsessed with a character in a video game. Which one of you two is actually insulting the other.I apologize if this seems mean but I just had to get this off my chest. Good day.
  6. PKL congratulations you get the RTU starting on day 21.
  7. There in tune with nature so they know how to use its power.
  8. Poll closes in two hours, so for those of you who all have voted for the third option if you want any say in this matter please switch now.
  9. Some turn counts up to this point. Randa: Sumia+Cynthia, Nowi+Nah, Cherche+Gerome, Vaike, Kellam, Gaius, Miriel+Laurent, Basilio, Inigo Premonition 2:2 Prologue 5:7 Chapter 1. 3:10 Chapter 2. 4:14 Chapter3. 5:19 Paralouge 1. 0(10):19 Chapter 4. 3:22 COY. 1. 5:27
  10. Day 20 begin Nowi Pros: Good growths Good class set Cons Iffy start. 8/10
  11. Lunatic isn't that bad. Once your past chapter 2 its actually computable.
  12. Ultimate power corrupts ultimately. Dark Mage is statistically the most powerful magic. If we go back to all the effect it has had it become even more powerful. Invincibility, ignoring defenses, draining health( yes I know this was originally light magic), reducing HP to one, and cutting an opponents HP in half. This all seems pretty OP so I can how it can be corrupting, but I don't believe that it is innately evil.
  13. Not my problem. While that's happening I'll be at a mandatory camp for 5 hours.
  14. Just read them and you can see how bad they were.
  15. None take .But no I originally was only gonna miss the last week of June and then stuff came up for next week. And now it looks like I might have to study for finals. July and afterward I can do it but I really would prefer to have a consistent host.
  16. Btw ZM didn't you want to do this a couple months ago?
  17. I'm not taking this up again. I'm done hosting for this session because I won't the time even when I come back because I enter conditioning. I might be able to update it but it really comes down to what the next host wants.
  18. [FE13] This Will Be Fun? #40633 Randa*, Hawk King, Bearclaw13, Difinitysignifia.
  19. I'm just gonna put up a poll starting tommorow morning. Sunday will be the last day I'll do.
  20. You can get everything he listed except for thorshammer.
  21. Yeah ah well cest la vi. So I take it you want to be one of the options to run this long term.
  22. I'm still on the edge. See the thing is wether I want to pick this up when I get back. I'm not sure I want to. It's be fun but its also a pain in the ass. Also if think I'm laid back wait till summer. Nothing will piss me off and get me to give people strikes.
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