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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Own cult following Lucina Severa Cynthia still pretty cute Noire Nah Morgan(f) Kjelle And then I can't rank the rest.
  2. I reset a ton. It also doesn't help when I forgot I was playing casual mode, and reset because a character died.
  3. iPads like to turn names into weird stuff.
  4. The way I see it most ignore the lance issue because he has wyvern rider which flips his disadvantage to an advantage.
  5. I don't really see what your talking about? Ay examples.
  6. Day 12 is Lon'gu. Pros: Great double bot Huge speed Comes with a killer edge Okay farther Cons Low strength Poor class set All in all mediocre 5/10
  7. Day 11 may begin. Kellam king ninja himself. Pros Good bases except speed Good growths except speed Awesome personality Good pair up bot Cons Poor class set What is speed Four movement at base Kellam is a rather awesome unit. Interesting fact if you don't recruit him by turn two he will complain about you not seeing him. Either way 6/10.
  8. I'm not gonna deny that, but I think I might push donnel back a day so that I can be on all day.
  9. Yeah it'll be interesting how it goes down. I'm not gonna be home all day Friday. Got school and work so I think I'm on only between 2-430 then 700-1000 all pm. So please try to be civil.
  10. Do you remember how I wanted to disclude double bonuses and parenting. That's about all he's good for. After early game Thank you. Now I feel stupid.
  11. I couldn't think of a better phrase. I'm sorry.
  12. Imagine if you will what would happen to the scores if people hadn't called me out for bullshit day zero. If nobody reads the rules I don't think Fred would have a score right now.
  13. People get the gist ill fix it though. Nobody brought this up earlier though.
  14. Not overall warns in the original rules if you are told that you have violated anti-flaming rules three times you are no longer allowed to submit scores. I couldn't think of a better phrase. Does nobody read the rules. From OP Anti-flame rules: 1. You will be given three warnings throughout the entire RTU about flaming and if you exceed three all your contributions up to that point and beyond it are thrown out the window. 2. Do not insult another person based on their opinion.(1 warn per occurrence) 3. Do not derail the thread with a useless argument in which you repeatedly make the same point. This not a debate thread. (1 warn per occurrence) 4. Do not try to start a flame war. (If in the opinion of myself or a mod this occurs you will receive 2 warn points.) The above rules will be followed strictly in an attempt to keep this civilized
  15. While outside of massive grinding. Even when he is a dad do you want him to screw up a kids bases stats.
  16. No I couldn't think of a better word in day zero so that's what I got.
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