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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Gonzales Strength Growth +5% HP Growth +100% Base Luck +1 So he now has a 190% HP growth rate, a 65% str rate, and still has a 15% skill, while using axes.
  2. Resistance isn't a bad flaw. It hurts near the end of the game but their are ways to fix it.
  3. I still prefer both of them to have magic though. The war cleric is a good Mage killer though.
  4. For skills and classes you'll want to experiment and find what works with your style of play. For the MU I would say go female sword master. Skills could be, Galeforce, Astra, Swordfaire, Luna, and Limit breaker(vengenance if your in a European region) It comes down to what you like ask a hundred people get a hundred answers. For a last piece of advice since this is your first time playing I would advise two things: 1) Ignore the tier lists till you feel you have experience. They can be helpful but they also might create unfair bias. 2) Start on normal casual till you get a good grip on how the game is played.
  5. Just one issue the wifi is shit and never works.
  6. Chapter 8 12:62:92 Nothing to report. Chapter 9 11:73:108 Vaike is now a barbarian to help speed. Reset P2 0(7) Promoted mariebell Chapter10. 6:79:114 Not to bad Chapter 11 12:91:126 Hate the prepromotes. Chapter 12. 9:100:135 I don't even know. Chapter 13 2:102:137 So much easier with Cherche. Chapter 14. 2:104:139 Ignored all treasure. Chapter 15. 9:113:148 Woooooow. I am not doing well with crits. Thoron and vaike dont mix. Chapter 16 6:119:154
  7. I will name the first panda I catch, Po, just for the hell of it.
  8. Three, so they should be about the same level. Same exp gain, similar classes. I think they should be about the same.
  9. I think we have an issue with the tier list already. If this is for drafts then we should be doing it on draftable characters.
  10. So is this a tier list for drafts or something?
  11. How about you guys do a vaike vs. Cherche debate.
  12. I have personally gotten her using this technique after chapter 17. Ten chapters. Nowi has a ten chapter can be closer to thirty if by some miracle you did every other paralouge up this point but not Nah's. I'm not gonna lie that's a significant lead. However in Nah we get extra stats, higher caps, easier to acquire skills (whatever her parents pass down), better join stats, and a much better class set. Neither wants anything to do with Mage class. Two of the four advantages she has increase the longer you(but balance out because Nowi will have good stats but not as good skills) so what it comes down to is do you value lets say fifteen chapters (being realistic) over better stats and skills. I would take the latter.
  13. Just using gegor as an example because he gets the point across best. By the time you should be capable of taking on the chapter in the first place you should have reality component stat that ( unless dad is speed screwed) shouldn't be doubled and can double some of the slower enemies. Besides to get sol you should have a good speed from being a merc. Though sol is just another example it can be replaced with several skills to increase survival rate. P.S. Sorry this got derailed abit.
  14. Gregor!Nah with sol high speed and high strength allows her to do high damage, and heal. Not very hard to get with auto promoting Gregor. Wont solo but does extremely well.
  15. I find that nah has better stats which is obvious, but I also found that if done correctly she can solo her joining chapter and all those to follow. At this point I found nowi's speed to start falling behind, and I found that the class is not one that will help in speed. Though I can accept people for not liking tikis join time.
  16. I always felt Miriel was horribly overrated when ricken can do the exact same thing. I think is very underrated she is around sumias level in terms of usefulness. Nowi is outclassed by tiki and her daughter.
  17. Chapter 4 5:29 Everyone got a strength and defense tonic. Paralogue 0(10):29 Vaike and Lon'qu got a lot of exp. not gonna bother with donnel Chapter 5. 9:38 Vaike got +3 mt, +10 hit iron axe. Restarted 3 times. Already at five resets. So much pain with this one. But I got a healer. Chapter 6. 8:46 Would have got a 4 but Fred got crit blicked and I wouldn't reset again. Total count at this point 71 Chapter 7. 4:50:80 MU got a +4 mt, +15 hit thunder. Restart my, MU sucks. Everyone but MU is great
  18. How come Jesus has no exp after three chapters.
  19. My unit: my unit +speed -skill Premonition 2:2 Doubled MU with Chrom one rounded Vader. Prologue 6:8 Chrom with Freddy goes north, MU attacks the myrm Lissa hides in the corner. Chrom killed Garrick on Ep 6 Chrom got Hp Str Spd And then Chrom got Hp Spd Lck Res MU got Hp Spd Res Chapter 1 4:12 Chrom on the southern fort, MU with Fred on northern fort, everyone else's hides in the corner. Fred finishes to get a four turn. MU got Hp Mag Spd Lck Chrom got Hp Spd Lck Def Chapter 2. 5:17 Would of got a four if vaike didn't miss. Here I get vaike and bake who saw minimal use. Fred took on the west and Chrom and MU took the east. Fred took the north all of it. MU got Spd Lck Fred got Hp Skill Def Res Chapter3. 7:24 Did not recruit Kellam. All units go east. Fred killsRaimi. MU got Hp Str Chrom got Hp Str Spd Lck Then got Hp Skill Lck Res Vaike got Hp Str Mag Spd Def
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