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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Wait. I have discovered an issue. Again. We missed quints pick two rounds ago. Edit: curse you ninjas.
  2. I am merciful person also I'm gonna to make him cry with the next pick so might as well be nice. Why is flavia still in the list. Also is the last round reversed or not. If it isn't than suffer the wrath of cleric sumia.
  3. Well at least I get a thief. I'll be nice wyvern! Sully.
  4. It's your pick. Pick her class. I'm indifferent. Just no flying.
  5. We must stop quint from getting a waifu. Dark Mage Cordelia.
  6. Very well then evil(dark Mage) libra.
  7. Since souls picks for me weren't taken. It's now quints turn.
  8. Well that was a punch to the nuts.
  9. How about this if you give me Henry ill give you libra.
  10. I'm so confused. Oh wait that's normal so. You get troubadour Lissa.
  11. Bear you get two. And trust me a team of only Magic users shall make you cry.
  12. Take Mage nowi and suffer.
  13. Auto joining powers. Also quint just pick any class available to the unit.
  14. Wait. Isn't it supposed be, soul picks quint, you pick soul, I pick you, quint picks me. That way they're are no questions on the validaty of the picks. Or however integ phrased it. If not, why did you pick twice? It's the first pick. Also if all of this sorts out then soul gets Mage Virion.
  15. Quint it's worse than it sounds.
  16. But think of the lolz. I can see it now FE 13 soyo rout draft with trades.
  17. Trades should be a part of all drafts. I might implement this. Also what the f happened to this thread it has more jibber jabber than the tag team draft.
  18. Should I try a run with this? Or this?
  19. I would but I'm using the snes4ios on my ipad. So I can't patch it or use any of the other features. I will have to remember this. It will help to know how to get the dancer this time around.As a side note I just finished chapter 2x I recruited lifis and I wonder can you recruit shiva. Also since the game is in Japanese I have no idea what the villages say but they don't give any items(this being chapter 3) so is there any way to get them. I know for a fact that one of them has a scroll but I don't know how to get it. Help please.
  20. I would rather have him as a Great knight though. There are some that are okay but there are quite a few I disagree with.
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