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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Yeah the only issue with Say'ri is join time which makes Cordelia better in efficiency play.
  2. Yeah he gets archer which is why his set sucks.
  3. Day 7 begin. The green cab stahl. Remember how I hated sully well I love stahl one of my favorites. Pros: Defense and strength Mount Similar bases Better growths Cons: Shitty class set All in all he's one of the best units in the game. A Kellam double and a defense tonic and nothing but mages can hurt him. 9.5/10 and a bias for 10/10
  4. Quick note on Virion he has all the same issues that sully does with none of the positive and people are still giving him 6.
  5. No that's a negative but is it really worth eight points.
  6. How is Virion doing so well? Take it from someone who played the first time wanting to use him he will disappoint I mean even Lissa is better.
  7. Please give more of an explanation from both of you.
  8. Vaike! Gerome has the highest non-third gen strength rating and can farther the highest possible strength unit in Morgan. I always feel like people underate gerome though.
  9. Thank you everyone day 24601 has begun do you know what that means. However to the above poster personal feelings about a characters personality or appearance are bias which you never stated you applied, however you mentioned no negative points against her so the score shouldn't be that low you have three hours to resubmit a reasoning as to why it is so low or it will be discounted. Virion the arcchest of archers, the manliest of men, the second worst unit in the game (only after donnel). Pros: Gets wyvern rider Okay support bot early on Cons: Horrible defensive stat and growth horrible bases in everything but skill Bow locked unless he gets a second seal or a master seal Ten levels of suck to become okay Other units want both seals first. He isn't very good I tried and was not impressed. He would constantly die and having no enemy phase can hurt a lot. You think he would be useful in chapters 5&7 were ther is next to nobody who can take on the archers. No he takes one the rest swarm and he dies. 1/10 poor class to begin too much competition for the seals. I may try him again in the future though.
  10. Quick thing for the morning. I will not be awake at six am on a Saturday just starting scoring at 0600 est. I'll change everything when I wake up.
  11. Yeah I understand he has shitty speed but it works out that tonics, Lon'gu and Cordelia all join shortly after he does to help him gain speed to fix his troubles. As to the foot issue he can always take Fred for an extra move and lol look at that strength and a defense boost. I think there are plenty of ways to hole up his problems.
  12. Hey he is worth at least an 8. He is the third best unit in my draft so far. Only after chrom and Cherche.
  13. Two things I have to say, 1. Virion is going to get awful scores overall so I'd ont think it will make a difference. This is more important 2. The only one of the three who needs a second seal is Miriel other wise she can have severe durability issues. Panne appreciates the second seal but I'm going to think of terrain and say I would rather have a foot unit than a mount be left over. This means that sully gets the desert chapters fixed. Vaike enjoys a second seal to thief or barbarian for speed, but an early master seal to hero can fix his speed as well.
  14. I'm just going to point something out quickly. Stahl even as an uber squishy myrm has a higher defense growth rate than sully. He also still gets better strength with comprable skill and speed.
  15. I think that GKs are a bit more useful with a better skill set and better str/def. Though the paladin does get better move and is faster.
  16. First guys enough with the arguing. I should be able to go to sleep without having to worry about people ripping each other apart. Any further occurrence by anybody will resilt in warn. Either way day 5 is now open. Sully is a rather interesting character, on the tier list she is at the very top, but i don't see it that way. I have never had her become the god that everyone says she is. Pros: Good bases Rather good growths Okay class set Quick weapon level Early horse Cons: Nothing statistical. Since I'm doing my ratings on the basis that numbers never lie she gets a 9:10 Now I don't agree with what I said above I emonitonally do not believe any of it. I think she deserves. 6 be ause she doesn't start off as invincible I actually think she has a rocky start with all the axes and lances in the early levels,both of which reduce her avoid which is the only thing keeping her alive, and then she doesn't even become that good. Aside from a horse her growths, with the exception of speed, are all worse than vaike's and their about the same, with the exception of defense, as Virion. Honestly I don't see her as that good. This just a tirade for those who wanted two know how I really felt the first score will be the one submitted.
  17. It might work, but it would be a bitch to average all those scores, and I don't think everyone has used every combination. Though they don't have to do all of them.
  18. I actually need to find someone to run that for me. I think I'm gonna be out of town for four days in the end of June so I need someone to do it for me. Either way I was thinking of doing a poll about the best farther for each the day before the rating. Or we can take forever and do every possible combination. I do not advise the latter.
  19. I don't see it so much as them attacking your scores/those closer to yours, rather I see it as wondering why the score was given so low.
  20. I am not looking forward to donnel.
  21. No I understand that, it is an irrational amount without grinding but the point to be made was that if you can get there she is extremely good. As an example she gains a level every four heals. Staff abusing has her promoting with the first master seal and absolutely no later than chapter 12. After that her exp will be increased because she is healing while having the ability to attack and counter. Her tome rank will rise and she should hit level 15 to get tome faire around chapter 21 (all paralogues asumed) and can reclass. Now shitty lance level isn't good but it makes her a Mage killer which is very helpful in the upcoming level. Now she likely won't get Galeforce till post game, but she can still get it and help her survivability go way up.
  22. I'm just going to throw this out on Lissa I find that as a cleric!sage!darkflier she can be a relatively good unit using magic to take out physical enemies and lances to take out the magic users. Using 1-2 range with Galeforce can keep her squishy nature out of trouble and her resistance makes her very helpful against magic users. I don't think she deserves all the low scores she got. Also I think Fred got a lot of high scores to try and balance the low scores from people's comments.
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