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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Sorry I couldn't answer this earlier, I just got out of practice and coach was really pissy so was not risking a phone post.Anyways the basis of my scum reads is experience with a player. I usually see if I get any particular vibes from a player and from there I will analysis probability of the move coming from scum and the probability of it coming from town with the obvious inclusion of meta in those probabilities. Then I think risk-reward with put in context of a players risk taking tendencies. At least that's what I think of when I make an argument or start doing more in depth hunting near phase end. Right now I'm sorta just going with the vibes I feel from people. But I don't really think discussing the philosophy of mafia is scum hunting.
  2. quick run down on everyone. J: I kinda agree with prims that you spent more time trying to discredit his case than to actually show us why prims is scum. also just because i didnt get a sense of passive aggressiveness from your post doesn't mean there wasn't any. it just means that i didn't see it and the rest of the game didn't comment on prims thoughts. Prims: Doesn't feel like scum prims. If he were scum i feel like he would be trying to exert more control. I can kinda see an itp prims here, but i dont think now is the time for itp hunting. Gorf: Its Alive! Mancer: I still don't get a town vibe from your post, there's just something inherently different from how you played in guitar and qp. Refa: I still disagree with some of the logic, but overall I still think you're towny. SB: May disagree with some of the points, particularly about the tone of J's post, but i might be over thinking i will have to reread when im not in class, but im really not getting super busser vibes. Larsa: I kinda have a null here. It might just be me, but i feel like he spends more of his post discussing playstyle/philosophy of mafia which kinda seems like padding, but i dont really see scum intent in doing so. its the same thing as with eli, there are some logical reasons as to why i should suspect them, but i just dont get a scum vibe from them. i need to go back and reread before i change my vote.
  3. noooooo! my computer just ate my post. ill put out something in like five minutes.
  4. I'm gonna be gone for a while. My school' sodding a server upgrade so I won't have internet access for like 12 hours. So, peace!
  5. if after all of this there is no cult im gonna be very dissapointed in clipsey. also ##Requesting votals
  6. also since i really struggle reading prims, can people tell me if im the only one with a gut scum read on him.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfjtpp90lu8
  8. also since some people are probably going to go read guitar mafia, since mancer compared my play to that, i would advise against it. go read tyne-wear or reclass for closer examples to how im playing this game.
  9. sorry about two things 1. i have no idea why i said rapier 2. i wasnt very clear i meant rapier's on vote on me had as much backing as SB's vote on me. now things i wanna talk about. 1 i did think about them, i did not post until after morning meetings, i gave consideration to all possible setups, including the ones nobody has even talked about, such as an sk, 3 scum , and a cl. i just think it is more likely to be a cult. theres no rational reason, well aside from the fact that there was the whole cult spec nonsense in Hard NOCs 1 which i think eclipse would follow through on in this. and if a cultist where to flip im pretty sure id be under more pressure for mentioning its existence back in ed1. you were, and still are grasping with the rapier suspicion. at the time you presented it as your second most solid read, at least thats how i read it not sure about others, which then means you can switch into it if you find no support for a lynch on my spot. and its not that you had the same ideas about naval as eli. its that you didnt acknowledge that those ideas had already been brought up by someone else. predit 1 because ninjas: mancer you are reinforcing my thought that youve just been skimming, SB is currently voting J. predit 2 becuase seriously: so basically i spend ten minutes writing a post only to have SB say the exact same thing in less words.
  10. just because i post more than you is that why i have to die. anyways um actually reading this post, i also really should start previewing my post so this stuff stops happening, i didnt really get a passive-aggressive vibe from J i can see the apathy though and that is likely to be scum if it continues, but again i dont know theyre meta and i think mancer is worse at the moment.
  11. used herro instead of hello clearly scum. which it was and helped us get out of RVS, which was pretty much purpose i mentioned when i talked to SB about it. poly thinks im scum what else is new ?_? this kinda seems like dodging the question. so i can kinda see voting them based on that. larsa why did you disappear i really dont know why i included this in this quote strip post. anyways, i kinda understad SB and Refa's logic here, J has been around for a decent amount of time and really hasn't commented on a lot. i dont get scum vibes though, which means literally nothing because ive never played with them and really dont know whether or not this is normal for them, i had something else to say but i cant remember what it was. ill think of it later. anyways not sold on J being scum yet.
  12. sorry that should be the recent votes on J not BT i mixed the two up.
  13. yes and in my second post of the game i state why i say a cult exists. im sorry which is the more logical explanation, im scum numbers(which is not common or even a thing to my knowledge cause numbers is actually pretty rare to begin with so i havent seen numbers before now, so i really question if scum numbers even exists) or i do what i usually do a think about setup spec only i have a valid reason for doing so this time, and more to base my speculation off of now. and again think this through im not dumb(a little bit insane but not dumb), i wouldnt have even included an sk or a cult if i was scum, i also wouldnt have given town such a seemingly unbalanced, i really dont know if its balanced or not cause town might be super op. i wouldve given town a setup which was more likely to put scum in an advantageous position when mylo or lylo roles around and cause a sense of confusion when people discover there are more non town members left then they thought. thats actually a really good idea for the next time i want to mindfuck peeple. first and foremost regarding this post you never answered my question whether you actually read the thread or skimmed. i am almost certain you just glanced over the thread and looked at the easiest cases and decided to push those. the reason is you have inaccurate statements all over the place. 1. My playstyle about as opposite of guitar mafia as you can get. I'm providing comentary on each development as i see them happen in thread and talk about whether or not i think they are scummy, look at what i did with eli and quick commentary on SB and Refa, though i still have nothing useful about SB, but we are less than 24 hours into the game. in guitar mafia i was intentionally, and at times unintentionally hindering town trying to stagnate discussion. 2. I did mention a 10/5 and a 10/4/1 setup, it is not towny to consider highly improbable setups as the likely ones for this game. even an arsonist in a 10/4/1 setup can be very game changing as we could face day 3 lylo, if my calculations are correct, with a restricted recruiting cult not till day 4 could we be in mylo, again if my calculations are correct and there is no collateral damage. and lets be real a 10/5 setup is not happening. 3.Your "suspicion" on rapier is extremely graspy. like horrible reasoning there, it had about as much backing as SB's vote on me, with rapier's probably being RVS, and SB's being a way to try to stop me from spamming. this feels like trying to setup a mislynch very quickly and its just scummy. 4. you are literally taking what eli said about navel and trying to pass it as your own thought. 5. you are factually incorrect about eli changing his vote because of pressure from SB, it was more so the pressure from me rather than SB as i actually continued to question eli on the vote rather than questioning him about other aspects of his posts, such as SB. in addition when people have pressured you to go away from a reaction test, such as what happened with eli, you usually give at least some explanation. this is why i think you're skimming it doesnt seem like you are actually following whats happening. you even ignored the recent votes on BT for literally no reason. (speaking of which i will be discussing those in my next post but this ones already pretty long) i dont really care if people call this an OMGUS im just more inclined to believe that mancer's last meaningful post came from scum!mancer rather than town!mancer, for the reasons outlined etc. etc. ##Unvote ##Vote:Mancer
  14. Rapier did you actually read the thread or just skim and throw out a post? I'll explain my problems with it when I get out of tutoring bbut just want to point this out first. I did admit to the possibility of a 10/4/1 or a 10/5 setup I just said I don't think either is likely for balance reasons.
  15. Okay good enough for me. Mancer any thoughts on the recent developments?
  16. Prims is the only one, that I know of, who gets my alignment spot in every time. It's really kind of annoying.Anyways quick thoughts on relevant people, no problems with Refa I do disagree with the thought that Eli's justification for continuing to vote BBM was good, but I'm probably alone on that. Also SB why vote J instead of navel or gorf? Similar activity levels, ie not a lot, and some amount of content produced.
  17. simple i dont think eli is scum. like i said earlier i feel this is pretty how he got to be the d1 mislynch in the last 2/3? games. i wanted to understand what he was thinking and i would be inclined to think that his changing of vote was appeasement if not for the tone.
  18. i know why you FoS'd i wanted to know why you did it instead of actually voting him, especially when BBM still has votes on him for literally nothing. your vote on BBM was an RVS vote i dont really see why he would be expected to respond to it.
  19. sorry i posted early. anyways what i was going to say is that though eli has questionable aspects its more reminiscent of the last couple town games where he has been an early mislynch, so im going to wait before i change votes.
  20. look at who you're talking about, but i wouldnt do it this early. and if i were scum bullshitting numbers i wouldve said there were more town and not included the possibility of an itp to fuck with town more. i would like to see an answer as to why eli didnt switch his vote from an RVS on BBM to what seems to be a slightly more fleshed out thought on navel. also i thought SB was the one who did the whole, are you town thing. or was that prims? because scum confessing is the third most reliable way to catch scum.
  21. 5'11" and 242 pounds. edit: god you people are all tiny.
  22. There was a purpose to it, which has been accomplished, but it wasn't serious.
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