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Everything posted by VaikeTime

  1. Vaike just has to be a teacher! He's gotta get dat tenure... Miriel would be a scientist or librarian.
  2. I recommend forgoing a Motorcycle/Car at the moment and buy yourself a decent bike for maybe $100. Much cheaper than a car and no costly gas/insurance. After transportation is out of the way, then it's time to focus on shelter. Biking distance is much larger than walking distance, so your housing options will be a bit broader as you search for something within biking distance to your job. Once you have living arrangements dealt with, then you can focus on saving up and buying a car/motorcycle. In regards to your last question, most people love Colorado Springs/Fountain, and it's fairly close to Texas. I myself would prefer somewhere colder, but it works...
  3. Hmm...Might I suggest Awakening then? Aside from it being the newest release in the series, with the new casual mode, it's a lot more...forgiving, especially to newcomers. If not, you can't really go wrong with any title in the series. In my personal opinion, every game that made it stateside (along with Holy War) is a solid title. Also, Awakening has copious amounts of Vaike Time, so it wins bonus points in my book.
  4. Ah...Thanks so much you guys! This really clears up a lot of confusion!
  5. Welcome to Serenes Forest! We're more than happy to have you!
  6. A couple questions here... 1. How many supports do you get in this game? Is it limited like Sacred Stones, or is the only limit on S ranks? 2. Concerning the stat bonus from pairing up units, can this stat bonus be increased? If so, how? Does it increase with the pairing unit's stats? Does it increase with support level? 3. Is there any way to obtain more Wolf Bergs?
  7. Avatar: 7/10 I like it, but I have no idea where it's from. Sig: 8/10 Again, I like it, but I know not where it's from.
  8. I'd love to have simple things, like a masked Lucina costume, or... And I'd definitely pay for costumes like Swimsuits and the like. Also...an update making character colors carry over with class changes would be fantastic.
  9. I'll help! Of the ones I have yet to see on this thread, I'll contribute: Vaike X Tharja Gaius X Cherche Ricken X Maribelle *Just looked at above post* Just give me a few minutes to beat the game real quick... EDIT: Okay. Done. [spoiler=Vaike X Tharja] "Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as a hero and brother to all. Still, he was no match for Tharja, whose frequent curse slinging put her husband in an understandably foul mood." [spoiler=Gaius X Cherche] "Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. When her work in Roseanne was done, Cherche would return home and cook for her husband, much to his delight."
  10. I voted Gangrel. Walhart is a great villain, don't get me wrong, but he lacks the personal touch that Gangrel had. Gangrel had his country decimated by Ylisse and wanted vengeance...and got it, in a way. The only reason Walhart and Chrom's gang fought in the first place was Walhart invading Ferox. Not quite as personal. Though I will admit Walhart has the better armor. He's like a Lobster riding a horse! :D
  11. Still no Vaike badge...Whoever is responsible, your watch must be broken, because it is definitely VAIKE TIME and you just don't know it.
  12. Wait...There's level caps? Also, When you class change, do stats carry over? If so, what happens if you reclass and you have a stat higher than the new classes cap?
  13. Not when it's Vaike Time. And it's ALWAYS Vaike Time!
  14. Miriel. I chose the first female magic user I found because early game I only had my MU use magic. Unfortunately she quickly outclassed me and made my MU jealous!
  15. True, some companies abuse it, like $15 for 3 maps or $5 for horse armor, but DLC is a great way to extend the life of a great game. True, it would be nice if this stuff was free, but most times these things have a separate budget and sometimes are developed after the game has released. I quite appreciate DLC when it's done right.
  16. Oh yeah! Soon it will be Vaike Time...uh...still! Because it's always Vaike Time! But then Vaike Time will be even Vaiker! Yeah! Hmm...Maybe sucking up might help my chances... By the way, I love your avatar! Madoka is one of my favorite animes!
  17. I always thought it was that the small size of their weapon meant Axemen could easily duck/avoid the attacks of the lances. But the hooking thins sounds much more plausible.
  18. lol...That'd probably help, eh? Sorry. Completely forgot! Added you now.
  19. This! Also...The badges have no concept of time...Vaike Time, that is!
  20. I restarted a good four times on this mission before I gave up because I was convinced I'd get something amazing. Then they walked right to the Pegasus Knights that I couldn't reach and I thought "If they're that stupid, they deserve it". I'm glad I didn't miss out on much. Here I thought I missed a character or something...
  21. Precisely! Why would you choose to throw your life away instead of something so trivial in comparison? Sure rape is a pretty big deal still, but guess what, life can go on. Rape is a horrible experience I'd only wish upon my worst enemies, but death is the end. No more happiness, no more sadness, no more experiences, no more chances. Game over. If I sounded insensitive in any way, I sincerely apologize. I meant no offense, just trying to convey the gravity of death.
  22. Every time with every game. I typically give up quickly on difficult achievements/trophies, but sometimes I'll hunker down and keep trying/grinding until I get all of them (Dynasty Warriors 7 for example. Took me almost 2 years of on and off playing to get 1000/1000 gs, but I was damn proud of myself when I did it.). I think that when I get a game, it's my obligation to see/doo everything the developers intended. When it comes to Fire Emblem, I aim to complete the game with no lost units. This has led to many a restart and much frustration, but I love it.
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