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Everything posted by Skarthe

  1. HP as compared to Def falls off at whatever point a +Def Avatar would no longer be taking damage from most non-Luna physical attacks, which I think happens somewhere around Ch5-7 or so. Since that's an easier part of the game than Ch1-3, it may still be a good idea.
  2. For one, your list appears to be missing Cherche as someone who can have a kid. Vaike/Cherche gives a stupid amount of strength but is kinda frail, so I dunno how much I'd recommend it but there's an option for ya. If you want a first-gen female for the Avatar, it depends on your preference. To optimize Morgan, I'd say go with Tiki so she gets Manakete access; to optimize otherwise, I'd go with Sully so Kjelle gets Galeforce. I don't know how the Avatar/Sully romance is (feel free to check the wiki or the Supports thread for it though!) but I personally like Avatar/Tiki. As for Miriel and Olivia (and non-Avatar Sully) I don't really know, someone else would be better suited to answer that I think.
  3. This might be circular logic a bit, but I think if Conqueror were meant to be used by anyone but Walhart, the class name wouldn't match his personal title, and the class description wouldn't exclusively describe him: "The dauntless emperor of Valm. Wields swords, lances, axes." (Technically it could probably describe Alm too but that's splitting hairs I think) So I believe the answer is "story reasons."
  4. The point of doing a SpotPass match against a healer's team (like, say, MIst from Path of Radiance) is that you can kill off everyone except the healer, and the healer can't do anything to you while you grind, but since that's still an active enemy the battle doesn't end. I like Hero!Donnel anyway. Just because Kjelle's classing through Hero doesn't mean Donnel can't do it too.
  5. Maybe I'm misreading, but I don't think your theory allows for any scenario where Morgan has a sibling; the ones who go back (from the Original Timeline) don't share a timeline with Morgan (who is only in the Future Past Timeline) meaning Morgan's possible sibling can't have met Morgan.
  6. For me, it's situational. If the unit's going to be tanking damage, I prefer Sol for the sustain; if the unit needs to deal damage, I'll drop Sol for either Luna (if the enemy has decent def/res) or Ignis (if they don't)
  7. I haven't played Normal so I don't know how the enemy stats are, but I think your main difficulty would be Grima himself, since I think your main units at that point would have to pretty much be Basilio, Flavia, and maybe Tiki if you can manage her paralogue. Related: does Wyrmsbane cause extra damage to Grima since he isn't considered a normal dragon? EDIT: SpotPass paralogue units would also be useful if you can successfully recruit them, so that increases the roster size significantly. Just depends if those paralogues are feasible.
  8. If that's the skillset you want, the fastest way to get Chrom through those classes will be Lord -> Great Lord -> Great Knight -> Paladin, ending in Paladin. You can end in GK just as easily by swapping the order of Paladin and GK, but I think Paladin works better for Chrom. Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong though. And yes, advanced classes can Second Seal into any other advanced class within the character's class set once they hit 10, plus themselves once they hit 20. So Tactician -> Grandmaster -> Sage/Sorcerer/Whatever does work.
  9. Granted, this is something I overlooked, but as far as this specific case goes Gerome is one of the three children who can never acquire Galeforce, making this moot for the OP's request.
  10. Luna's useless on a support unit and I wouldn't really advise Tomefaire for him either unless he's planned as exclusively magic-wielding, but Dual Support+ gives full bonus regardless of which slot he's in, so it's a decent support unit skill. Also, Gerome doesn't need inheritance for Tomefaire, since he gets Priest from Cherche's Cleric.
  11. Judging by their conversation in Harvest Scramble, I think it's a pretty safe bet that they were friends.
  12. Still pretty easy if you do care, just have Lissa (possible Miriel pairup if her magic is low) use the Paralogue 1 Rescue staff to pull them down the cliff and sit them in a corner. Frederick with a pairup (maybe Kellam or Lon'qu) can probably handle the enemies that start to the left, while Avatar (probably with Chrom) can just sit on the fort north of where you start and tank most of the map.
  13. I'm hating Lunatic+ Ch19 right now; thinking I might have to undeploy everyone but Avatar, Chrom, Nowi!Morgan, and Avatar!Nah. Everything rushing on a map that open is just death I think.
  14. Don't know where the stats are available. Nothing short of Apotheosis is terrible on Hard though, and Apotheosis doesn't change with difficulty. The only maps that are somewhat hard are either hard because that's the point (Apotheosis, Challenge Pack), have some other incentive to play (R&R3), or are worth playing regardless of difficulty (Future Pack). That's my two cents though. If you really want a ballpark of their stats, look at the Lunatic stats and scale it down a bit.
  15. Her amnesia made her forget she had the class.
  16. No. Your unit has to land an attack to get exp. This applies to any unit, not just archers.
  17. Basilio talks about drinking quite a bit in his supports and some of his DLC quotes.
  18. Just one qualm: Laurent cannot acquire Galeforce by any means, since Pegasus Knight isn't a part of Miriel's class set and he's male, so it can't be part of his. (This also applies to Gerome and Yarne, but you didn't suggest it for them anyway.) But yeah, I'd recommend passing Sol from Gaius, since Gaius!Nah can't get it otherwise and it's a very nice skill.
  19. For clarification, since this name is also used... TSON is "The Strongest One's Name", which is the Japanese name for the Apotheosis DLC, which as stated is the hardest content in the game. But yeah. You're new, so I honestly wouldn't bother too much with optimization until you're a bit more familiar with the game. I'd advise just having fun with your first run or two (or however many!) and later on try optimization if/when you really feel like pushing the limits.
  20. Ah... good catch. I hadn't checked all of them, I mainly just looked at most the Series 1 stuff and assumed the Series 2 stuff was the same. Pretty dumb/lazy of me in retrospect.
  21. Infinite Regalia is unaffected by difficulty, just checked.
  22. Generally yes, I believe. However, DLC enemies do not get extra skills on Lunatic+.
  23. I think I had like one Chapter 1 run that I reset before starting because there were a few units that had Hawkeye/Luna+. I had an easier time with Ch2 than with Ch1, which surprised me...
  24. Be prepared to die quite a few times in the first five or six chapters. I'd say 1 and 2 are probably the hardest parts of the game, at least as far as I've gotten so far.
  25. Duck and IS have the right idea. Hard and especially Normal are relatively easy even with no optimization. Lunatic earlygame is tricky but still tends to get kinda trivial around the midgame. Lunatic+ and the harder DLCs are the only time optimization is a significant factor I think, and yeah. what you want for campaign and what you want for postgame aren't necessarily the same: generally if you aren't grinding on skirmishes or DLC, you'll have a harder time using the children for the campaign since they come underlevelled, but they'll almost certainly be your best postgame units.
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