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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. They can increase the amount of feathers based on how many friends you have !! Like, only 5 feathers sounds... too poor lol
  2. I'm not in a hurry so I can wait, maybe a 4*Lilina can show up later. All my options are bad right? I'm just actually unlucky with some stuffs but I have good luck with others (like summoning normal Leo when he wasn't a focus). I think Leo can keep doing the red mage job (he is +Atk so I think is at least good).
  3. We need more Oboro quest. This was freaking easy when you have 6 Oboros wanting to give you these 5 orbs (orbs for wasting in another failed search of Innes since I'm going to end with another character I don't want instead of him). But I just wonder if the Quickened pulse seal is going to return one day... Looks like a no, do I lost it forever? Eh btw, small question. I really want an infantry red mage, since my only red mage is Leo, and since Summer!Leo doesn't want to come to me... I was thinking in promoting someone. But... I only have these options: Henry (+spd-def and neutral), Raigh (neutral and +Atk-Res), -Atk Tharja and Sophia (one is +spd-def and the other is +def-res). is any one usable or I keep waiting for another red mage?
  4. Yeah, that's the video! My Olivia is -Def +Res. I think what is happening... Is that my Olivia doesn't have the Ruby Sword, so she receives damage from the axe pegasus and that's probably why the Knight choose to go after her instead of Klein, because she has lower hp than him Lol. I don't have the Squad Ace B seal, hasn't beat the maps yet (I have been a bit bussy these days and hasn't played a lot) Camus is 5* , Ursula is only 4* . But I want to promote Ursula since she has been very usefull to me, but Valter... I already have Subaki and Catria as blue flyers, and I was hoping to get a red flyer instead, since I only have green and blue. Is very worth it to promote him too? My Leon is -Def too lol . Klein is actually good here, but yeah, I think the problem is that my Olivia receives damage and that's why the enemies end acting different. But is fine if I can't pass it, I can receive 2000 feathers for sending away all the healers I got instead of Innes... So, no problem! I at least got one 4*Valter, so it's fine
  5. Righ now, I'm full of healers, Niles and Virions thanks to my failed search of Innes (can you believe that after near 300 orbs not even a Rebecca showed up? and only 1 Klein appeared) ... So... Nop, nothing usefull to give Olivia right now :(
  6. So far I have beat Maps 1,2 and 4 in both difficulties with no problems. They were very easy. Maps 3 and 5 only in the lower difficulty. 5 because I don't have stamina right now to try the hardest. And 3... Well, I try and I failed because one enemy is still alive at the end haha. I need to think a better strategy to make all the armor guys out of the defense tyles, so far, only got 2 of them (and Niles is not a problem because he just go suicide agains Xander)
  7. Oh yeah! My mistake haha! I will try to buy them ! They are so pretty to keep
  8. Oh, I have looked at videos, but most of them have characters that I don't have or I don't have a way to give them the inheritance they need. Most of the videos use Reinhard, but my only Rein is a 4* with -Atk and 0 inheritance so, I'm dead for now lol. And for the teams I have tried: 4*Klein, Bridelia, Xander/Olivia and Olivia Xander, Camus, 4*Berkut/Leo74*Ursula (with red tomebreaker) and Frederick Narcian, Xander, Olivia and Klein/Leon/Bridelia 4*Klein, Olivia, Xander and Camus - Based on a video with the same characters, this is the one that got me the best results, but it fails in the end, because the Knight keeps going for my Olivia because of her Iv's , also my Klein is -Def +Res , so maybe that's is taking a play here too
  9. I think I'm going to give up on Infernal, the most I can do is to survive like 5 turns before that godamn Knight "fly" to where Olivia is waiting haha. Oh well, at least I did Lunatic, and maybe, when Valter come back, I could beat Infernal. That's what happened with Legion after all
  10. Azura and Shigure cards are very beautiful !! But sadly they are SR+ cards, so getting both is mroe hard/expensive ! I hope I could have enought money to get both of them, since probably I would need to buy them if I want them... But I can be happy with only a hd version of the picture haha
  11. A better look at Innes card!!! This is wonderfull, what a beautiful card, I really need like 1000000 copies of it!
  12. Ups yeah Clarine... Lol idk how I confused her name
  13. I end this with 50,500 something. Just got the 3 orbs that helped to summon 2 4*Clarine x( And I'm done. I don't have time to keep playing it, but it's ok, I got the character and the seal and this time was more fun than the 2 previous trials. I hope they continue like that... But... If the story of the trials is reaching an end... What is going to come in its place? You know, now it feels a bit unfair that "LuciMask" was the "more hard to get" and it was the one with 0 skills lol
  14. I found this, sorry if someone posted it before Look at that Oboro, how I wish mine was so good like this one! But not ever 1 Hector has come to me, I can't duplicate this with my Oboro (and I don't have the other 3 characters either, but hey! I would love to have an Oboro with all that inheritance!)
  15. Takumi and Leo are here, that's all I wanted! Ok that's actually a lie but I know that Oboro and Innes are not going to be in the game :( And there is Hinoka too!!! I'm happy for this, but her voice sounds very different now... Awwww, I actually liked her voice in Fates, it fits her... Camilla sounds different too, it's a bit weird. Is true the game will have option to change dub? Because I would like to hear Leo with Mamo's voice while playing. But too bad it doesn't have actual gameplay, I want to see Takumi and Leo in action. For some reason I think that Takumi can have a gameplay similar to Date Masamune (when he use his pistols) or Mori Motonari (that use a gauntlet ballesta) and Leo similar to Kanbei but in a horse.
  16. I make my video of Lunatic, still need to try Infernal, but I already now that I will not beat it... Anyway here is Lunatic, with Olivia, Xander, Camus and Bridelia. Bridelia only has Luna as inheritance and the +spd seal (idk if she needed it for this, she has it already before I started the map). I think any other speedy archer can take her place (except if you want the buffs)
  17. I forget his fight start today ... Oh well, got Hard and Lunatic for now. Hard was used to give my 2nd Oboro some SP she needs for her Luna, so it was: Michalis, Oboro #2, Olivia and XanXan. Lunatic was beated with Camus, Xander, Bridelia and Olivia. I will check Infernal later at night, looks that I'm going to need a blue mage for all these red mages, so I'll check later if Ursula or Linde can do the thing This maps sounds like if IntSys laught at me for not summoning Innes, with being and archer with high res... Damn it game
  18. That archer team looks like my dream team, just replace Rebecca with Innes ... Anyway, I got 40,000 points today and got the seal. I could have get it 2 days ago but... I was very bussy and I was sick, so I just... got to sleep very early and didn't played at all in these days. Welp, now that I got what I needed, I will see how much points I can get, and time to try the 7 fights or some sp grind
  19. Yes yes! Thank you!! I couldn't find them in reddit in all the week. Now I can carry a chibi Innes in my backpack
  20. 3 more white orbs: 4*Jeorge, 4*Maria and 4*Gaius. This new Gaius is better than the ones I got before, so I keep him and merged all the other copies on him lol . Jeorge... I already have one with very good Ivs, so Idk what to do with the new one, maybe fuse them for less coss for when I 5*Jeorgy. And Maria... Idk, I already have one too, so maybe I fuse them too.
  21. The good thing about Cipher Is that if I don't get Innes cards, I can buy them!! I need this card, I need it
  22. Did someone have the sprite sheets for these characters? Since game doesn't want to give me Innes (yet), I want to print his sprite and make it a keychain (also make Takumi, Leo and Klein too haha)
  23. Oh yeah! I finally beat Infernal !!! Just used 5* Bridelia, 4*MCorrin with bowbreaker, 5*Xander and 4*Olivia This was... actually... Easy when I figured what I wanted to do and forced that godamn archer out of the defense tile... Is very late now, but hey!! I finally beat this map and take a video to conmemorate it haha
  24. Ehhh free summon was a 3*Sophia, I already have 2 of her as 4*, one I'm keeping and another to use for skills, so I send the 3* to home. I would have liked a 4*Tharja or just a 4*mage, even a Sophia with good ivs will be welcome... I just need another red mage aside of Leo ... Maybe I will 5* that Neutral Henry I have. Then I opened 2 colorless (120 orbs left) and nop, Innes doesn't want to come yet :/ , got another Felicia with bad ivs and another priscilla, I don't need them, already have better versions of these 2.
  25. I don't have a lot of these stuffs (specially the Quickened pulse seal), but thanks! I would see what can I do, maybe I can see who can use Astra
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