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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Watching at Valter was exciting even if I don't like him (Innes coming soon? maybe? I can dream?) . Oh boy, training him and reading his lv40 conversations is going to be interesting!
  2. I want that Leo, that's all I want, I don't want the others just him!! BUT HE IS FREAKING TOMATO RED!!! Is so hard to get the red you want... But I want!!! But hard... But I want!!! Not just because is Leo, but because normal Leo is my unique Red!Mage (I'm not counting Raigh since he is still 2* lv1 lol), arf... Plz someone give me luck !!
  3. Red because of Tomatoes~ Celica, Grey, Clive, Berkut, Sonya... That's all I got, I only remember... There is not Leon x( (So, again I'm out of 40% bonus... gonna start training Berkut)
  4. You know that I know the feeling :( Just see that there is Xander again... At least they could have used another Nohrian since Xander already have a bunny version At least there is Leo, I like Leo so I'm going to try for him... Also he got art from the same artist of Clive and Klein?? That's cool! i like the style of that artist! (but Klein still hasn't come to me mmm). Bad part is that... He is going to lose for the 3th time in a gauntlet... Poor boy Edit: DAMN IT LEO IS RED AGAIN! This is going to be hard T--T
  5. Good: More orbs, free summon, FREAKING VALTER SO MAGVEL IS FINALLY HAVING MORE IN THE GAME!!! , SUMMER!LEO I WANT !!!! Bad: No Innes yet (but at least finally more of Magvel), Godamn Leon is not a bonus in the trial x( I can't believe they used Xander again... Maybe they are keeping Takumi and Hoshidans for later
  6. Ok, I'm ready... I hope this make me feel a bit happy after all the bad stuffs these days (but this probably will not have what I want to see mmm)
  7. Thanks, I will try to check some times with that The videos get announced in game? I'm going to check! Soy de Tamaulipas, asi que compartimos hora!
  8. Ummm, did someone now what time would be for Mexico? I have never understand how to check time zones :/
  9. Somehow after beating Infernal, I was able to beat all the quest. Olivia, Sharena, Xander and Camus vs Lunatic!Lloyd and Nino, Camus, Xander and Lloyd vs Lunatic!Lloyd The Lloyd vs Lloyd was a bit hard, since Lloyd was killed very easy for Camus, so I took his Gradivus away for a moment and keep him with the Silver Lance, leaving Lloyd with small HP and allowing me to kill with himself But now, at least all this is over. Until next time
  10. Well, this is the first time I can beat Infernal with no help in any form ! That's... something? Or maybe this one wasn't too hard and that's why I was able to beat it. Camus, Xander, Olivia and Nino for this, need to say: thanks for Xander's counter, the swap on Camus and the Def seal mmm. Now, I don't now what to do to beat the quest... I think I can do Sharena now that she is a lv40 5* , but Lloyd... he is still lv 1...
  11. Saddly I don't have anyone from where to learn Galeforce, so... Is better to send this Virion for feathers then (I already have one to keep) . Thanks both of you
  12. Again with some questions. I got another Virion... I was thinking Which characters are good for Astra? I want to at least give him a good use... Or is better to use him for feathers? Another option is to pass down his Seal Spd... But let's see... It works if I give it to Summer!Frederick? His weapon already low the speed of the enemy, it stack with the seal spd? Or is a waste to give it to him? Here I made a list of my units, in case I have someone that could use Astra or Seal spd fine: https://1drv.ms/x/s!An7VrB1bn0NfhDT15oFwP3jaQ9Ty Thanks for your time!
  13. 22 now with Lucius... I wanted Klein but well, Lucius then I can still update another character, still don't know who
  14. Is too much to ask for a Klein game? Is so hard to give me a Klein??? I even will be happy with a 4* version!! I just want Klein!!! But nooooo... As you can see, I try some orbs for Klein, these were my results: 5* Lucius (well at least is a 5*) 3* Niles 3* Clarine (Why you didn't bring your brother T-T??) 4* Ogma (In a session with no colorless) 4* Virion I just want a Klein :( Btw, I already have a Clarine and a Lucius, are something I can use for inheritance from them? (I'm only keeping one version of them)
  15. If they continue valentia at least I hope they add Kliff D;
  16. The idea of Distant Counter Seal is so freaking good... Let my Oboro fly to attack all these archers plz But Counter Seals sounds soo good to be real, so probably no... A Renewal seal then, that one sounds good too
  17. I'm just here waiting for Magvel, but probably next banner Is not going to have the character I want, that's the most likelly... Since this month has been terrible for me, I hope IntSys prove me wrong and finally give me the character I want, but is not going to happen, right?
  18. Well, I would like to have Kliff around and then there is Clive in the game and with no form to get him yet... But in the other hand... I really want another games to have their moment to shine now cofMagvelcof
  19. Now I feel more easy to have the 20,000 feathers with all the new modes and events they are adding, and I'm glad of it, I hope they continue giving us more options to get them. So far I have promoted: Nino (from 3* to 5*) Oboro x 2 (From 4* to 5* both of them) Michalis Xander Camus Sharena 7 units and I still have enought to promote another one, also I'm very close to get enought for 2 more... I also used some feathers to promote some units for skills (like some Shannas, Subakis and Beruka), so I think IntSys has been fine with giving us feathers, but of course I would love to have even more options to get them
  20. I'm bad at choosing skills for my units, but these 6 are the ones with more inherited skills
  21. 40,000 points! Dobby is free! Now, I can finally finish all the other quest in the agenda... And probably keep doing some trials to lv up Leon and my other Oboro, also some HM
  22. Probably not as good as others, since everyone are already beating Infernal and all of that, but I just had time to play and beat Lunatic
  23. But for some reason Camus name appear as Sirius... XD Witcher!Nino would be cute too
  24. If they don't use obvious Vampire!Leo I will feel very dissapointed About other 3, I actually don't know, any one would be fine... Except the ones that already have a special outfit
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