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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Somehow, looking bad was part of the idea (what a bad justification for my bad skills) I wanted to add a spinning Oboro at some part of the song, but I couldn't find an option to make a picture spin :/ I already make a Takumi seal of approval, now I think I need one of Oboro lol
  2. Ok I really need to go to sleep but... But this!!! Here is the video I wanted to make about Oboro, made with BAD Photoshop and BAD edit-video skills (+ a lot of sleep)! @Arcanite , @Anime27Arts I'm only posting here because both of you wanted to see it? Or something like that I remember... Idk, I can delete the post if I'm wrong PS: I hope I don't get a copyright bc of the song D;
  3. A quick sad story: I try, I failed, I'm not that good at playing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. I did Lunatic morning with Leo, Xander, Nino and Olivia... But since I was working I just forget how I did it!! I'll keep playing until I remember and I can take the video, but boy... I don't know how I forget what I did (probably because the students were talking to me while I was playing haha) ---- Ok I have the video now
  5. This... This is not the Archer I was waiting for But is Gaius... Look at me using some of my orbs for him and get nothing...
  6. 13 if I remember right, but is just... That all the art we have seen of the mascot are in the cards, and she gimme the impression of looking a bit older in some of them, making me to forget her actual age, but now, we finally have an art with a more accurate representation of her age, and it took me by surprise haha
  7. I'm happy with them finally in a game, also that they didn't get cut in translation how it happened with the scrambles in Fates (I will never forgive IntSys for this). They artworks looks great (But I didn't expected Ema to look that young!!), but I would have liked if the four can support between them, pretty sure Ema and Shade have a lot to talk. Still hasn't recruited them since I have been a bit bussy, so let's see how they work in the game. I want to send Shade and Yuzu to Alm and the other two to Celica. And I hope this helps to make more people to know them, so they can get added to Heroes or future Fire Emblem games! cofWarriorscof
  8. For some reason, I thought that it was his axe what has the Breaker skill haha... Ok then, skill fodder, and I keep one for me. Thanks!
  9. Ok, this is a serious question!! What can I do with all my copies of Narcian? Of course I'm keeping one fpr me... but the others... What can I do with them?
  10. Oh yeah, I'm waiting for a Magvel banner, but if he is in it, then he is going to be a 5* , I have 435 orbs waiting for him I really hope that happens soon, the orbs are calling me to use them, and ignoring them is very hard
  11. Mmmm I don't think so? IntSys has only added characters as 5* in introduction, and yeah, some of them become 4* later but... Until the time they get addded... I will already have another 20,000 feathers to use ? And then is the "If I get them" ... I have bad luck at summoning what I want... But really, the only charcaters I feel that "I will do everything for them" that hasn't beed added right now are: Kliff, Hugh, Geoffrey and Innes... And it doesn't look that they are going to be added soon :(
  12. I have... 26,000~something feathers... Do I use them to get more close to my dream of 4 copies of 5* Oboro a reallity or I use them in someone else? I was thinking in making Clarisse a 5* when she gets in too but, updating another Oboro sounds very tempting
  13. Finished all the quest. Michalis, Xander, Camus and Olivia did one quest, next one was the same but with low lv Alphonse instead of Michalis. It was a run here, since Alphonse is just lv 20 as 3* , so Camus was running around with 1HP and Alphonse was running too, but in the end... It worked!
  14. I used one of my spare Jacob on Leo... now Leo have Def+3 !!! Why? I'm not even sure!!!
  15. 3,000 feathers for rank. 30,700 someting points. I really stopped playing after 5*LuciMask, I got tired of it also, my job didn't allowed me to keep playing like the first days. I got good stuffs, at least
  16. Got a new one!! 16. Catria +Res -Def And with 23,000 to promote someone, but I don't know who... Maybe I will update another Oboro, so I can have 2 ??
  17. I wanted to use 1 summon to try for GreenRoderick again. Ok, can't complaint. She is +Res -Def , maybe not the best, but is fine
  18. I wanted to use 1 summon to try for GreenRoderick again. Ok, can't complaint. She is +Res -Def , maybe not the best, but is fine
  19. LuciMask joined me, so now I have 15 Oboro Takumi Lyn Linde Leo Michalis Xander Nino Bride!Cordelia Bride!Charlotte Jacob Effie LuciMask Lon'qu Camus And with enought feathers to promote another character, but I don't now who
  20. Finally! This is, this is where I drop this torture. I don't think I can make 20,000 more points for the seal, everything has been full stress for me these days and I want a breake. My goal was reached, so, better stop now
  21. Finally Sacred Stones, I'm so happy to see finally something about it! But I wanted to see more, I want to see all the cards already!! These two looks good
  22. They only showed 2 from Sacred Stones... I wanted to see more!!! All the promo art from the artist look great! The cards of course look great too. can't wait to have that Kliff card. But, why Ema looks so small in ESoV? She looks like a 10 years all haha... I wonder if we will be able to get the items in the game. And I will love to have that FEH plushie, they need to start selling them
  23. I did... 2 more summons trying to get a Rodhy... What I got was: 4* Lukas !! - New one, first I got! he is +Def -Res ... So, it looks that this is a pretty good Lukas (why my Echoes Lukas is not this good???) 3* Lon'qu - Already got a 5* , so this one can be dumped for Vantage 2 without using a feather, that's nice, gonna think who can inherit it... Maybe 5*LuciMask when I get her And I'm still sitting on 412 orbs and I hasn't finished the new paraloge, so it was good... Innes come soon all these orbs are waiting for you
  24. 27,500 points... That LuciMask need to be mine tomorrow... It could be mine right now but, really, I just got a tired week in my job and today has been awfull, so I'm not in the mood of playing, I'm tired... LuciMask can wait 24 hours more... The Seal sounds impossible, so I'll probably stop after 5*LuciMask.
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