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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. But she can be both!! What if she have Amiti + a skill that allow her to heal, like Ardent sacrifice, and we paste Renewal on her :0 ??
  2. Yeah, Olivia helps a lot to allow Xander and Nino to kill Veronica faster. Still big problem is if a red mage or Boey are in the final map. I'm close to 10,000... I think I need to start using some potions if I want to reach 5*Luci
  3. I hope she comes in a banner with her, Lucia, Geoffrey and Bastian/Kieran !! Then, I will cry for being unnable to get all of them xD (Healing pegasus Elincia can be very good for Flyer Emblem teams)
  4. Thanks! I noticed my teams work better if I switch characters, for example, now I moved Takumi with Leo's team, and I added Olivia to XanNino team... I also added bride!Cordelia on the random team, she is winning some exp here. Yeah, it takes lot of time, let's do our best until the end!!
  5. I prefer to play the 5 fights, are less tedious an I still win the same points as if I play the 7 fights... And even I were able to finish it with only 3 teams, so that give me even more points than 6 ights. That was an awesome display, when Takumi, Michalis, Leo and Linde were able to defeat Veronica and her gang! It was like, wow! How it happened? I'm not sure, but it was good. Oh, and today I was able to win once the trial with 7 fights, i got all D but bleeee, it was more of what I expected
  6. I say it every time: INNES!!!! Already have 400 orbs waiting for him, the trials become very difficult thanks to my lack of heroes since I hasn't summoned a lot, but... I really want him if he gets in the game... Aside of him, I would use some of my orbs if Geoffrey, Hugh or lKliff show up one of these days
  7. My small Horse Emblem + Olivia. Camus, Ursula and Frederick have been of great help here. If the maps are not full of greens, they can win like 3 or 4 battles with no healing... Right now, no one of them have inheritance, and Ursula,Frederick and Olivia are only 4*... I'm very surprised of them. And of course, a special mention for the entire final team. Nino in the final map is lot of help, since most of the time, is full of blues + Veronica. Xander comes next, since he does good damage to Veronica and Nino (or Takumi if he is around) finish her. Then Oboro for the armor/cavalier if one of them is an axe guy, then she support Xander (the irony right?) or do good damage in a suicide way lol.
  8. I actually just give him Pivot in a boredom attack haha, maybe I can give him Draw back too. Leo is really hard to get, too much competition in the red orb department, hope he comes to you soon! Hey I now have the 4* Lucina! And then I noticed that if I keep winning 6000 in 3 days, in 10 days I will reach enough points for 5* Lucina... Of course, that is if I don't get tired of playing... IntSys need to make a "send your opinion" section in their web or something like that, so we can tell them that this trial can become a bit tiring (and a bit slow since I have a job and I can't play a lot). But still have some fun, is pretty challenging and that's good, I'm learning a lot from this, specially in how to use some skills and some characters
  9. I have 2 Subakis! one is a 4* I'm keeping for my Flyer Emblem and the other is a 3* that I can promote and feed to Camus, so that's what I'm going to do then! I was swimming in Cherches some time ago, and I don't need to promote her to pass Pivot so she is going to go too... Really I had a lot of Cherches, that I just end giving Pivot to Takumi for no reason, now I only have two, one for me and one for Pivot. Sadly my brides are far of lv 40... Cordelia is the most close with lv33. Charlote is still 20. Not summoning a lot is a big dissadvantage (I have 400 orbs now) but I really want to save these orbs for Innes-Hugh-Geoffrey-Kliff characteres that I like, at least I'm going to have that 4* Lucina!! That is something. I have 50 stamina potions that I could use for more points, but like how others are saying in the post above... Is actually tiring to play this trial... It become tedious... If IntSys bring these trials back again in the future, I hope they make some changes to make this less tedious
  10. No problem, looks we get sleep time at the same time, and then I was busy to check/play. Yeah, it's a surprise the 3 horses + Olivia are working really good most of the time, still I would like to change my Frederick for the new one I got, since the current one is -Atk. Big problem is that the new one is a 3* and lv him up to 4* 40lv will take lot of time and stamina. My last team is already full, with the skills I wanted them to have, so they are fine. The horses... I'm not even sure what to give to Camus :/ . I have two spare Shannas an 1 Subaki, which could be better on him? I was thinking in giving pivot to Effie for her movement and I already give one of my Navarres to Linde lol , ups... Well, I still have 3 more of hims. Oh, and I have Bride!Cordelia and Bride!Charlotte,, I'm sure they could have in that random team, sadly, they aren't lv 40... I'm sure the lack of 5* or good units is hitting me right now, but... I'm saving my orbs for future characters haha PS: I have 5000 points, getting close to that 4* MaskLuci
  11. I'm happy with my first and last team, they are the ones that have been working the best, but now I'm thinking... What if I change the order, and switch the place of first and third team? maybe I can try To say the true, I think I have been lucky with the maps with both Camus and Ursula. But basically is had been something like taking advantage of Camus horse skill to boost Ursula, then I let her attack and I take her out of danger with Olivia's help, then either Camus or Frederick finish the enemy. This is pretty good for armor units not named Hector. I'm starting to think that one of my bigger problems is the lack of heritance in lot of my units, maybe I need to start using my feathers on characters than have good skills to pass
  12. Yeah, I can pass the 5 Lunatic fights, and I was leaving Xander to damage Veronica and then finish her with either Takumi or Nino. In my first team I have 5*Camus, 4*Ursula, 4*Frederick and 4*Olivia, if nothing weird happens, they can give me 3 or 4 wins. Second consist of just a bunch of random characters since I don't know who to add here!!4*Robin (lv35 for bonus), 4*Corrin, 4*Cecilia, 5*Effie Third team is Leo, Linde, Lyn and 5*Michalis, with some luck they can take me to the last fight And final team: 5*Oboro, Takumi, 5*Xander and 5*Nino, the ones that were able to pass the last map in the 5 Lunatic fights Right now I have half the points for 4* Mask!Lucina
  13. Somehow I was able to reach the end of the Lunatic 7 fights... And then Xander die in a stupid way and I was left with no way to kill Veronica... Darn, It was so close!!! Takumi was left alone agains her, and of course, he lost :/ Welp, I'm not going to reach that 30,000 ... I hope to at least win that 4* Mask!Lucina
  14. Yesterday I finished the first Lunatic trial, but it took me a lot... Like a lot, to beat it. I'm going to try the hard one, but really, I feel that I'm going to lost pretty bad lol That 5* Lucina sounds impossible for now, still gonna try.
  15. I made Leo a Dark Flyer ASAP as he joined and it was very good. It helped a lot, specially in Revelation's weird maps and it patched his speed, he becomes a fying RES wall that kills magic units even sleeping. I also made him a Dark Flyer in Hard!Conquest and still good
  16. Ah! I found a Titan but I was unnable to go all "sie sind das essen und wir sind die jäger!!" on it, because my units weren't able to receive a hit from it Wow the Bestal can talk, I wasn't expected it
  17. Looks that I'm staying in my Tier for now and today was a good day in the Arena: Another vantage!Hector fall before he was able to do anything Just hope I keep winning to try to increase my points and see if I can go up another Tier
  18. Do you think is worth it to lv up to lv40 with shards my 4* MRobin (lv31)or 4* Tharja (-atk, lv 1) for the bonus points? I don't have Nowi or Lucina and it looks that I'm not going to go very far with points, so a bonus would be nice I finished the hard trial, now the Lunatic, it's time to suffer
  19. That Veronica... That Veronica looks like a pain... The only Red mage I have is Leo and an unleveled -Atk Tharja... I hasn' started playing the trial and I feel doomed already
  20. I can finally name my Teams Can't decide if use this name or "Perfect Team" PS: Who of my guys would like to have Luna? I got a better Frederick than my current one, and maybe I can use his Luna in someone else
  21. Errrr can someone tell me if there are characters with 0 spd???
  22. You are going to be blessed really soon then! Is like... Yeah, Success!!
  23. I don't call it a waste since is one of my favorite characters but I made my Oboro a 5*, she is -HP but since she is +ATK, I promoted her. Some people say that there are better characters since she have a Heavy Spear, is very slow and is not "top tier character". But you know what? My Team has survived too much thanks to her: the Gauntlets fights were won thanks to her, the arena is better thanks to her rally defense and her actual good defense (even if she is not +DEF), lot of Hectors were defeated thanks to her (either at her hands or thanks to rally defense), story chapters and special maps (quest and GHB) were beated thanks to her... Yeah, it was worth it!!!
  24. Camus is now a 5* ! The list keeps getting bigger! Oboro Takumi Lyn Linde Leo Xander Jacob Effie Nino Michalis Bride!Cordelia Bride!Charlotte Camus
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