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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. When the spoilers start to get bigger and bigger, can someone tell me in which cases Dimitri can get killed, either by route or desicions?? I don't want to get him killed by accident, so, if he indeed died in any of the endings, I would like to know, so I can avoid them!! (but I want to believe that if we marry him, he would stay alive) Also, How did people find spoilers? I have been searching and I can't find them lol (I love spoilers)
  2. I preordered SE edition but... Can we already "pre-order" the DLC ??? When I checked there was only option for bundle with the game, and I don't need that
  3. I choose the Blue Lions before people started to think they were cool!!! I choose the Blue Lions since the beginning because of Dimitri since the day Nintendo introduced him for the first time !!
  4. I'm not worried for the game. I'm worried of the fandom
  5. My mom's mistake I asked for Golden Sun for my bday. She got me Sacred Stones instead. All because she couldn't remember the name of the game and told the store guy "Is a game about fire" ( Sun = fire, of course) In the end I never played Golden Sun, but I have been playing Fire Emblem since that day Now, what make me keep playing Fire Emblem after that mistake, was when I accindentally got Innes "killed" and his "dead" quote appeared (I know he doesn't die really). Yeah I had already other characters died before (first time playing I didn't know what to do exactly) but his quote hit me hard for some reason unlike the others, and that make me start the whole game again and tried to keep everyone alive, also it make Innes my favorite character so... And Yeah that is... My mom's mistake + Innes
  6. Akaneia - Julian Valentia - Kliff, Delthea, Luthier Jugdral - Ares, Fury (or whatever is her name now), Lewyn Elibe - Klein, Fir, Pent, Louise Magvel - Innes, Vanessa Tellius - Geoffrey, Elincia, Nailah, Kurt, Naesala Awakening - Jerome, Laurent, Lucina Fates - Oboro, Takumi, Leo, Hinoka
  7. Best: Tellius, I think they are very good, idk why but I like them a lot Worst: Conquest. Really mostly the only one I care is Leo. Well, the siblings are fine, but the one I care the most is Leo, aside of them... I hardly remember the other exist lol, and never used them actually, I just jumped into Conquest with the siblings, Corrins, Azura and a bunch of transported Oboros and Takumis
  8. Takumi, Oboro, Leo, Geoffrey And if the new characters are included, Dimitri
  9. Shut up and take my money I liked the games so I don't see why I wouldn't pay for it again, specially if they give me new stuffs
  10. Matthis, not only a bad unit but... everything about him is bad! Also poor Julian didn't deserve how this guy thread him and let not forget he can kills his sister Silas, I hated how he auto proclaims our best friend, like... guy if you really was Corrin best friend, why Corrin forget you? Anyway, I didn't liked his auto proclamation. Also, this guy thread some of the girls really bad!! I feel so bad for let him marrying Felicia in my 1st file (I ended deleting the file and replaying the route just to save the poor girl), and his supports with Hana are terrible too... He acts like a good guy but is a jerk with some of the girls for no reason? (Yes I know Jacob acts very bad with some girls too, but the difference is that Jacob is a self proclaimed jerk, unlike Silas who acts like a good person and do bad in the end) Owain/Odin/whatever other name he calls himself. I find him annoying, that's all, I'm not a fan of characters with his personality: happy and annoying and He just doesn't shut up! Like... ugh... Not my type of character, you can be a large ham and not be annoying And some of the villains, but they are villains so, I'm not ganna mention them
  11. This thing was so freacking easy, DC Oboro and Brave Summer Taku laughted at it
  12. Ok! Yeah he has good spd, it would be sad to lose it for res. Thanks
  13. Got just what I wanted x 2 Which one is good to keep? One is +Atk -Res and the other is +Res -Spd. I'm going to merge them since best Echoes boy, but I'm not sure which one to choose. I know less atk is better for his skills, but -spd sounds painfull so... Do I Keep +atk?
  14. All I want are 4 Oboros to finish my +10 one, yet Heroes avoid giving me one, even if is only a 3*
  15. How old is the game right now? 1 year idk how many days more. Yep, I'm playing since day 1 :D !! 111 5* I think, if I'm not forgetting someone... Oh wait 112 since I have an extra Hector that is going to be fooded, and like 3 others characters that one day will go too, also some ones that have been merged like my +7 Mia or used for skills... Only used money once, when the game started. I wanted Leo, so I buy a full summon session... And I got Leo yes with perfect IV. Hasn't used money ever again.
  16. pretty easy with Legendary!Ike, Levin, Sumer!takumi and some help of Axura. Just used Ike tanking for a bit while Takumi and Levyn did most of the kills. Garon was the only one left, but nothing Takumi can't get rip off
  17. Oboro She has doing great for me since the beginning of the game and keep doing amazing, yet, for both players and IntSys, is like if she´s just there to be exchanged for feathers
  18. After the new year banner, I become lucky I think, getting all the characters I want with less than 100 orbs, even some of them with only 20 orbs, like Summer!Innes and Summer!Takumi The only exception was 8% banner with Summer!Leo. That one was a hell that give me a +5 Ike and +7 Mia before I snatched a good iv Leo... But aside of that... This year has been lucky in getting characters, sadly most of them come with bad ivs, but I just don't care, I only want to see them in the game
  19. Oboro and Takumi because they keep being awesome like in Fates, also they have my favorite classes... Following is Leo, Tiki and Lianna
  20. I kinda don't have interest in this bond event, there are nothing that make me say "I want to see what they have to say", mostly going to play to get the items and accesories and skip all the dialogue
  21. I got them the other day but I don't know Japanese so I'm not sure if there are some new info or what and I don't see anyone talking about it. That's why I decide to share some photos just... In case someone is interested to see what these things have inside. First of all, there are no new art (unless you consider Niles, Oboro, Hinata and Odin as new, but these were already showed before), they used the games art and some of Heroes and Cipher. The posters. These things are really big, specially together These are the table content, you can see they are in different side, that's because Leo's magazines is like any magazine outside of Japan, while Takumi have the most common design in Japan:
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