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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Enjoy your game! I feel the Fates games more vibrant than Awakening yes, Fates is very colorful and I liked it a lot, also the contrast between the kingdoms colors and stuffs is good too. Hope you have a good experience playing the 3 routes, the best way to enjoy this game is just ignoring what people complain and get your own conclusion about them
  2. I have been choosing only blue for my free summons, but this baner have 2 blue focus I don't care, so I choose the only red... I ended with a free Flora She is -Atk +Res , but since it was free, and it has been so long since I got a free 5*, I can't complain. She is going to be good for green mages I think
  3. Kaden, the one and only... Except when I played Conquest for obvious reasons, but Kaden all the way. Why? He looks cute, but mostly because I liked the idea of having half fox half dragon babies
  4. I tried playing Tactics Advance 2, and honestly right now I can't remember that much, but I got annoyed by the main character, can't remember what he did that made me dislike him and I stoped playing :(
  5. Any shooter game not called Jet Force Gemini - Just yeah, I'm not a fan of shooters so, even if I play the more loved ones, I just can't get into them... Exception is Jet Force Gemini, I love that game, the only shooter I actually enjoyed Any sport games - specially the football ones, I have a hate for that sport thanks to my familly Final Fantasy - Is not a dislike, is more like I have 0 interest. Not sure why, but it never caught my attention. But I did try to play 2 games, one for ds that I ended forgetting I was playing (good the game was not mine) and one of the Tactic games that annoyed me since the beginning and I stopped playing it. But still, I like Chocobos, they are cute
  6. I choose the characters I like. At first I try to use everyone and see if I like their personality and stuffs, if I don't like them, they got benched forever and I keep using only the ones I liked, then the ones I liked, that become the stronger for using them the most, make the final Team. Is just me choosing the characters I like the most, that's all
  7. For me I think my problem is with the name of the banners and not for the characters, since: We got Nohrian Summer festival with 3 of the Nohr siblings + Corrin that feels more Nohrian than anything (since Corrin spend more time in Nohr and well, doesn't remember anything of Hoshido or Valla) Then we got finally a Hoshidan festival for New Year... With only 1 Hoshidan, 1 Nohrian and 1 vallite (because Azura has always remember her origins unlike Corrin, even if Azura prefer Hoshido) and yes I now Corrin was a reward here but is the same case of the female Corrin with the Nohrians, now again, we got another Hoshidan festival... and again, only 1 Hoshidan in the banner That is my problem with representation. Why calling it "Hoshidan" if we only got 1 Hoshidan? If it was called only "Summer festival" I wouldn't feel like that, but since it have the word "Hoshidan" in it, is what it makes me feel I have a problem with it... Probably a stupid reason, and it doesn't make me feel angry, but... it make me feel that Hoshido keeps being played dirty by IntSys, just think, we could at least have 2 Hoshidans here with 2 foreigners, but nop, only 1 Hoshidan... Similar with what happened with the kids festival DLC in Fates Eeeeh, anyway, the characters still look freacking good and cute, I hope to get one, specially Elincia, but let's how is my luck with the banner, I feel I already wasted all my luck this year after getting the 3 characters I wanted in the previous banners, whitout suffering
  8. Xander's dance looks like if he is acting like a crab, let Ryoma dance like that too! But the whole big bros dancing make me remember this Anyway, I'm going for green, I would like that Elincia, I'm gonna try, but i'm not going to use that much orbs, so let's see what I got
  9. If these are Ryoma and Xander... Then I hope the 3th character is someone more interesting because if not... I'm going to suffer the next Arena season since the older brothers aren't in my "must use orbs list" I would love to see Dimitri soon, but they are probably keeping Three Houses until we get closed to release day... How I wish we can have them already to learn more about the character Like how nobody complained about Hector even if he hardly have something new.
  10. I support that Conquest is funny for how bad the plot was made... But yeah, Fates in general can be... funny in a lot of parts or ways and honestly, I can't remember laughing at the others games, in no funny parts, like I did in Fates lol So, talking about Fates, literally any time Corrin cries in Fates... At least with the voice I choose for her! Is just... So bad... That I always laught when she start to cry, it was supposed to be sad, but welp, bad voice while crying happened! Actually, every time a character cry, since it happened the same with Percy. One for Revelation, the classic: Reclass Takumi into Ballistician, before he fall from the bridge, so we can have Leo saving a whole freacking metallic tank! And the other classic, reclass Takumi to Pegasus/Kinshi for Leo actually doing nothing since Takumi can fly. Btw, replaying levels in Warriors can make some funny momments too, since you can choose to play with the same character you need to defeat
  11. And I just cheated this battle with Legendary!Ike, Axura + Brave users: Roy and Takumi... Not sure if taking a video since, doble Brave Bow + dancer is considered a sin
  12. At this point I just want Kliff and Vanessa... cofLegendary!Innescof So Echoes and Sacred Stones
  13. Lene, Ares, "Wall-boro" and Summer!Takumi . Lene is a tanking champ and Oboro is always a good Wall
  14. I'll go more for favorite artist, since I consider very good any character with art from Tobi, Mayo and Wada
  15. Takumi's swimsuit is a different one of his DLC, and just to give him a quote? Uh Lol, totally not expecting that Oh hell, say hello to my future army of healers, Niles and daggers feathers I don't need. Rip me, not gonna summon Takumi I can see it... Gonna pray for the legendary banner with him not taking that much time to come
  16. Finally got time to play this map, and it was another easy one. Oboro, Axura, LA!Roy, Summer!Innes I love these numbers:
  17. Oboro, Innes, Legendary!Ike, Axura Freacking easy thanks to Oboro tanking and Innes killing most of the enemies
  18. Not very sure, but I noticed some people started to look after Klein too, most probably thanks to Tobi's art, and now lot of fans wants Innes just because art. For sure the Jugdral characters become a bit more popular now, I hope that can help to get a remake of the games. And then you have meme Wrys. Hey, he has been one of my favs since years ago alone with Sety, Levin and Fury (or whatever her name is now) :(
  19. Is not Revali :( So, I'm keeping my 400 orbs, thanks IntSys
  20. ... So, what are we going to have in the next special banner? The only one I care from this one is Myrh :l
  21. Revali for Legendary Heroe in FE Heroes!!! I gladly use my 400 orbs for Revali!
  22. Easy, I give them a number based on how much I like the characters. No 1 for my favorites and 10 for the ones I don't like but I still have them, most probably the ones to go if my barracks get full or I need their skills and I don't have another copy of them. The ones for skills aren't marked with a number
  23. I would love to get another of him, but I'm not trying because I'm probably not gonna summon another Innes. I'll try later when he return on a legendary banner. Maybe goona chose Fury, since I don't have LaD at hand Oh shooooot you're right! never notice that skill can't be given to fliers and ponys... darn, that Mia is just taking space in my castle and I don't have any infantry to use that skills (thanks my -spd infantry luck) :/
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