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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. Actually, Sekai just stabs him. Kotonoha finds his corpse and then chops his head off so she can put it in her gym bag
  2. But Kotonoha cuddles his head on a boat in the end
  3. I carve pumpkins, watch a halloween themed movie and order pizza with my partner every year now. This year I'm making a few batches of homemade cookies for us to have after the pizza.
  4. Today I blew something out of my nose that looked just like Goomy.
  5. You never had a teddy bear before? That's saddening :<
  6. Hmm, I'm not sure if I like any real villains. I suppose the closest character I have to fit the bill is Light Yagami, but I personally don't really think he is a villain (but I don't think he's good either. I view him as a very complex character). Most people seem to consider him to be a villain, though, so I'll just go with him as my answer anyways. All the other "villains" that I like turn out to be good guys just playing the part for the greater good.
  7. Halloween. I like the decorations, the color black (which is all over the place during Halloween), the costumes, spooky things in general, etc.
  8. I'm pretty sure it's Mickey Mouse. Not everyone is into gaming, and you'd have to be at least somewhat aware of gaming to know who Mario is. For example, consider a four year old child or an elderly person. The odds are that neither of them would know who Mario is, however, there is a good chance of them knowing who Mickey Mouse is. Most children watch Disney movies/TV growing up, so the odds are they are going to come across Mickey (not to mention all the toys and learning toys/books that are Mickey Mouse themed). As for elderly people, Mickey Mouse was popular when they were growing up. It isn't just limited to those age groups either. My mother is in her mid 40's and she hasn't the slightest idea about video game characters (except Pikachu), and I've known of plenty other parents/adults in that age group that are on the same boat. Mickey Mouse is pretty much known by every age group. There's also the factor that Mickey Mouse has been around since 1928, when Mario has only been around since 1981. Not to mention that Nintendo isn't anywhere near as internationally popular as Disney. It kind of seems like a "no brainer" to me, so to say.
  9. Nobody. I'm not into gaming enough to care about any video game people.
  10. I don't really like to eat cake or pie, so I'm voting for which one I prefer to bake. Cake.
  11. Name: Mio Class: Dark Flier Stats: High magic and speed, low luck, defense and HP Skills: Galeforce and Luna. Appearance: Long straight dark hair, proper bangs across my forehead, dark blue eyes, and pale skin.
  12. Yes, I've preordered Madoka Magica DVD boxsets and a decent handful of Pokemon games.
  13. I took the dragonflycave personality test, and apparently I'm my absolute favorite Pokemon (Lapras). I have no objections. EDIT: Seems the IMG code isn't working. Or Tinypic is messed up :s
  14. Sumia vs Sylveon. I can't pick. ;--;
  15. I'm supposed to be on a diet, but this ice cream flavor is my weakness. I enjoy eating it so much and I can't resist it, but I feel really guilty after I eat it because I know Ben and Jerry's isn't diet friendly.
  16. A scythe. I'd want a black one with ribbons on it. Something like this:
  17. I never send friend requests myself, but I always accept them from others. I think it's really rude not to accept them, and I'd honestly feel like a bad person if I didn't. >__>
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