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Deva Ashera

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Posts posted by Deva Ashera

  1. 8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, perhaps. I know I would be pleasantly surprised if Ike suddenly appeared in the game with no prior announcement or anything. :P I hope Elincia is added with him as a focus character instead of Micaiah. I don't like Micaiah at all and Elincia represents Tellius better anyway since she's a significant character in both games instead of just one. In fact, add Ike in his PoR design first and Elincia in her RD design first and you've got perfect Tellius representation there to start off. Micaiah, Soren, Ranulf, and others can come later.

    I honestly don't think that Nintendo & Intelligent Systems sees it as represent the Tellius series but rather as representing Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, so it'd still probably be Micaiah, but Elincia would certainly be making an appearance as a drop. That said, considering we have both Lucina & Robin representing Awakening (it could be argued that Camilla & Takumi represent 'separate games' with Conquest and Birthright), we could still see both Ike and Elincia represented as Focuses.

  2. 3 hours ago, LodestarRoy said:

    The way i see it any character that was in Smash is very likely to make it into the game. I feel KT would look to there for a lot of inspiration with the likes of Marth, Roy and Ike. We know Marth and Corrin are 100% in. Roy and Ike I put at like 90%. Robin at maybe 60%. Lucina is the big question as her similarities to Marth in Smash and Chrom in Awakening mean it'll be hard to really come up with something completely original for her. Despite not really being on my want list shes probably too popular for KT to ignore. Maybe DLC? She'll be like Young Link? Similar playstyle to Chrom with a special mechanic unique to herself?

    Honestly, considering how Tecmo Koei managed to make Link & Toon Link play very differently from one another despite still having them use the exact same (base) weapon, I think they could make Lucina different from both Chrom & Marth without too much difficulty. I bet Marth & Ike will have references to their Smash movesets though, same with Robin & Corrin.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Maybe. But I would then wonder why we're not seeing official Heroes art for Ike and Elincia/Micaiah alongside these Ephraim, Eirika, Seliph and Deirdre/Julia/whoever she is artworks if Tellius is being added with them at the same time.

    Besides, that's probably too much at once anyway.

    I also wonder why Jugdral's second gen before its first gen. I mean, Awakening got its first gen first, Lucina aside... And Sigurd seems more popular than his son.

    Probably because they'll show them off later or leave them as a surprise. I just suspect that we'll have more then 4 Focus characters considering we had 8 this time with Marth, Lucina, Tiki, Robin, Camilla, Lyn, Roy, and Takumi. They covered multiple games and more then 4 characters, so I suspect we'll be seeing more then we've currently been shown..this was but a taste.

    Who knows..maybe they pick names out of a hat lol Its also possible there might be a better mix of generations this time.

  4. Oh my Gods, I adore Eirika's artwork! I was soo afraid that I wouldn't like her artwork since she's in my top 5 favorite characters along with Tharja, Camilla, Lucina, and Lyn, and then followed by Corrin (f) and both Tikis..so its official that I like all of my favorite character's artwork with only Corrin's even coming close to a dislike.

    I can't wait to add her to the game!

    1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    I can't really give an opinion since those images are pretty small. But they look okay from what I can see.

    If this means Jugdral and Magvel are being added to the game next, that's rather disappointing and not very reasonable when Ike got the most (combined) votes in the heroes poll. Clearly fans want him and perhaps more Tellius characters, more than Magvel or Jugdral, the latter of which didn't even have any characters in the top twenty. I wanted Magvel and Jugdral in at the start, don't get me wrong, but Tellius getting repeatedly shafted despite its obvious popularity lately (Ike won the male poll, Micaiah got top ten in the female poll, and two other Tellius characters got top twenty in the female list) is rather annoying and makes no sense to me.

    That being said, I do really want Ephraim. Second best lord after the mighty Radiant Hero himself. <3

    This was probably planned long before the poll was finished, they'll likely release Tellius after this..or they might still be a part of it, I mean, there were more then 2 games for this one with Shadow Dragon, Binding Blade, Blazing Blade, Awakening, and Fates. So the next one could include the Radiance games too.

  5. Given how Hyrule Warriors put Agitha from Twilight Princess on the roster, any character in Fire Emblem would 'make sense'..though I do think popularity will make a big difference, so I could definitely see characters like Tharja, Camilla, Cordelia, Lucina, Roy, Lyn, Hector, and Ike making appearances..possibly with some others being alternate skins, such as Eliwood for Roy or Sumia for Cordelia similar to how Zelda has a costume based on Ilia from Twilight Princess in Hyrule Warriors.

  6. Naturally I want my favorite characters to appear.
    - Tharja
    - Camilla
    - Lucina
    - Corrin (f)
    - Lyn
    - Eirika
    - Tiki (either age)

    I would also love to see these characters..
    - Roy
    - Ike
    - Hector
    - Florina
    - Nephenee
    - Lucia

    Since so many character classes all act the same though, I'd ideally love if instead of character slots they had moveset slots..like, for example, a slot for Pegasus Knights where you level up the Pegasus Knight character type and then choose what is essentially a glorified costume for it..like, say, you could choose between Sheeda, Florina, and Hinoka amongst others, they would all share the same moveset and level, but they would have their own name, voice, qoutes, and special poses (taunts/victory/entrance/etc). I just think this would be the best way to get as many characters into the game as possible.

  7. 4 hours ago, Res said:

    @Koumal8 I can see the argument against including avatars, since they're customizable to a degree, but the lords don't always have much differentiating them from other characters other than a little more focus. 

    I think that they wouldn't have been included if not for two things.
    1) Robin's and Corrin's appearance, in both forms, in Super Smash Bros, establishing them as their own character with 'set' designs.
    2) Corrin's appearance with a set design for both male and female on the boxes for Fire Emblem Fates.

  8. 23 minutes ago, Mysterique Sign said:

    Gay dude here, love Camilla, she's one of my favorites

    Ya'll can just stay mad

    You mean you don't like her only for her sexy outfit and body? Naw, ya'll gotta be lyin', that would put a dent in the narrative they've got goin' on lol
    Same here though, I'm a bisexual transgender female and I love Camilla for a lot more then just being 'hot'. I like her kinda sad backstory that explains why she is so possessive over her siblings along with her strange 'not-mother' personality type. I also love gothic designs and sexy designs for reasons outside of sexual reasons. I also like when a character can dress or act sexually, thinking it makes them somehow objectified is just being a prude. I never feel like characters like Tharja or Camilla, or outside of that, characters like Bayonetta, aren't in complete control of their sexuality, they never seem like they're forced into the roles..I can't help but feel like its similar to 'slut shaming' of fictional characters..only Tharja nor Camilla ever feel like 'sluts' to me.
    Beyond that, in Tharja's case, its pretty equal since Dark Mages that are males in Awakening have almost the exact same 'uniform' with a body stocking and mostly exposed body.

  9. 1 minute ago, Sentinel07 said:

    You know...I would not be shocked if that was the case.

    There are people who seem to be more accepting of naivete and more similar "subservant" traits when it's a girl doing it. Certainly not something I agree with, but it is something that people do think about.

    Yeah, its not even something people can control it seems, since its just sort of ingrained due to cultural and social things..similar, yet opposite, to how we view men who openly cry or hug as 'weak' yet see nothing wrong with a girl doing those same things..like can you imagine how people would view Lucina's scene in Awakening when she does both of those things had she been a male character instead of a female one

    1 minute ago, Alto said:

    I doubt the people who voted for f!Corrin hate m!Corrin. Most likely they wanted to vote for a Corrin and choose the one with the design they like better since that is the only real differnace between them

    I wouldn't be surprised with that scenario either, I know a lot of players, male and female, chose to play as female Corrin when they played Fates due to liking the hairstyle and face options more then the male Corrin whereas I think Robin had more even like/dislike ratio for their gender options' options.

  10. You guys are commenting too fast lol I can't keep up.

    4 minutes ago, carefreejules said:

    And? There are fans who may have voted for them because they like characters with those physical characteristics but there are others who like them for more than that. You have to remember that even if you personally see those characters as such, other people don't. And even if they did, that doesn't make them or yourself better than the other for liking a character for a more 'righteous' reason.

    Having a favourite character isn't meant to be a competition. I get that you feel strongly about Elincia and I think that's great but there are plenty of other people who share the same amount of passion for a character that you might hate but that's fine too.

    Yup, pretty much my case. While I do appreciate their designs (and I love sexy clothing personally), what makes me love them are their designs, like Tharja's social awkwardness..which I have as well though in a different way while I like the backstory for Camilla that explains why she is the way she is.

    3 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    The only thing that annoys me about the final results is how big of a gap there is between male and female Corrin. I don't like Corrin as a character in general, but male and female Corrin are the exact same character. Any differences between them due to support conversations are too minuscule to really count as a major personality difference. So to see her scoring within top 10 while he fell out of top 20 is a gigantic red flag to me that male and female versions of the same character aren't treated equally by the fanbase, that there's something more than just their character at work. And it really bugs me.

    Also, Roy deserved his ranking and he does have fans outside of "Smash fanboys". I'm just going to be amused by people salting over Roy.

    Yeah, that one may be down to design a little bit..I don't really care for male Corrin's hairstyle but I love female Corrin's hairstyle..and I'm also biased because I like female characters more then male characters due to personal reasons.

    1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    It's probably their designs, which admittedly in this case, I can actually agree with. Male Corrin looks stupid, imo, while female Corrin is quite pretty, the stupid open thighs aside.

    Yeah, most likely.
    I kinda like the open thighs though..but for those that don't, she has them covered in Super Smash Bros. at least.

    2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    No amount of character design should ever justify that much gap between male and female versions of the same character, though. I have also seen on both SF and other sites people giving female Corrin a pass because she's hot and a girl, while male Corrin gets bashed for things that female Corrin also does, so I have reasons to be leery.

    Its just kind of a thing that happens sometimes, when characters are nearly identical, preference usually comes down to design..and yeah, some people can let bias cloud their views on things

    1 minute ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    Its sad people only think some characters got high because of only sex appeal it might be somewhat true but not for everyone Tharja has a cool, dark and mysterious character and Camilla while obvious has some complex things and holy mother parts to her people enjoy.

    Yup, those as well

    2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Maybe people are more tolerant of Corrin's naivete and vacillating when it's a girl doing it.

    Yeah, that goes down to the whole 'innocent girl' trope that people tend to love, most likely while 'innocent boys' are seen as 'too naive' or 'too stupid'..its something like a princess / prince role thing when you look at what people tend to see as 'ideal' for a princess or prince.

    2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    EDIT: What's up with all the salt?

    As someone that participated heavily in the lead up to Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Marvel vs Capcom 3, and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U, I kind of figured this was going to happen..people always say 'this is the only reason so-and-so got in over person-I-like-a-lot-more' and are just generally salty about it..and then people..like me, admittedly, get salty about the salt.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I didn't say only boobs. I said boobs, sexual clothing, and cosplaying. Lucina cosplays as Marth, the face of the franchise. Lyn, Camilla, and Tharja all fit the boobs and sexual clothing category to me (though Lyn is not on the same level as the other two, admittedly. She just has a high tunic slit, possibly no panties, and a bigger boob job in her Heroes art while Camilla and Tharja have overly sexual clothing and large balloon boobs) and they're all extremely high up.

    I still don't feel that's all there is too it though. I've given my reasons for liking characters like Camilla & Tharja, while I don't really see Lyn as that sexual nor do I think people see Lucina as cosplaying as Marth since her design isn't really that similar to his..at least not any more so then other characters in the game..aside from when she had her hair up in a similar style.
    I just feel that claiming that played a huge role in this is kind of hand waving any other possible reasons away and isn't fair to people that are legitimately fans of those characters..which I am admittedly biased in saying seeing as my favorite characters are Tharja, Camilla, Lucina, Corrin (f), Lyn, Eirika, and Tiki (both forms)

    1 minute ago, Dandee Leone said:

    It makes sense that Micaiah is the second most popular Tellius character. Like her or dislike her, she one of the two lords from Tellius, and is the face of Radiant Dawn. I'm honestly glad she made the top 10, as we atleast have one female character from Tellius there. Also, Nephenee would have beat out Nowi if her votes from PoR and RD were combined.

    Not going to lie, I kinda wish that had happened, Nephenee is my favorite Tellius character. Can't wait to see what she looks like in Heroes and I'll definitely have to try to get her.

  12. 2 minutes ago, carefreejules said:

    I do agree that a female character's physical qualities plays into the part of why people vote for them but I really don't think that's the ONLY reason why people chose those characters. 

    And the only top female characters that even fit that those description, imo, the most are Tharja and Camilla, so it's a bit of a stretch to accuse the majority vote for the Heroines of "omg people only voted for female characters because of their boobs"

    Yeah, and even then boobs aren't the only reason. I mean, I may be bisexual with a leaning towards women, but I like Camilla & Tharja for far more then their physical appearances. I like their overall dark designs, which is a constant with me since I just love 'gothic' stylings, but I also love their kinda unhinged personalities. If it was just about boobs, Charlotte would be a fav of mine and would have made it higher on the polls..yet I really don't care for her nor do a lot of people it seems.

    I find that claiming someone only likes certain characters for their physical appearance is just a way of shutting up or disavowing the fact that people may like something that they do not..it may have a tinge of truth since, hey, sex sells, but its far from the only reason.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Damn, this has to prove that Ike is the most popular FE character period! And that makes me happy that we love him so much! And he'd probably be totally overwhelmed by his popularity too. XD

    Ike: ...Er...uh...wow. I...appreciate the respect, but...I think I need some air here. o_o;

    Fans: *screaming WE LIKE IKE*


    I agree, I was extremely surprised by this, but pleasantly so. I was expecting Marth & Roy to take the top two slots by a landslide due to Super Smash Bros. Melee popularity, but I guess Ike was far more popular then I realized (granted, he, too, is in Super Smash Bros).
    I'll always like Roy the most when it comes to male Lords, but Ike is definitely my second favorite..especially if he's wearing his Great Lord outfit.

    7 minutes ago, Ether said:

    Afaik, the wallpapers are actually the continuation of the Calendar that started with Veronica for February. This means in all likelihood, yes, the male and female placements will be combined. We can only hope that the arts don't overlap so they can be properly cropped separate from one another. It's unfortunate that the results seem to line up in a way that opposite fans seem to be paired together, though. 

    I honestly don't think so, I suspect that Nintendo will just release 2 Wallpapers for each month rather then just a single wallpaper.

    Doesn't matter to me too much though, most of the Top 10 from the characters I like are already in the game and I've used pictures ripped from the game to make wallpapers for myself, two of which I'll show below (I made some for all of each characters' pictures). Right Click and 'View Image' to see full sized.

    Tiki Child 3.pngLucina 3.png

    4 minutes ago, Ether said:

    I think that this whole poll thing has generated a lot of hate, which I'm dissapointed to see. I think we should be focusing more on the characters that we do like that got in, as opposed to complaining about the ones we're not fond of. Everyone near the top of the list is someone's favourite, and it sucks to see people going out of their way to bash the fact that your favorite got in the top percentages. 

    I completely agree. I'll never understand people hating on characters they dislike knowing full well that others may well like them.
    I always see it like this, I'll be happy for those that get what they want..for example, I hate Bowser Jr. but I know he's popular and was celebrated for making it into Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U..so I was happy for those people that they got a character they liked.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Florete said:

    But for the females, it would look like: Lyn, Lucina, Tharja, Camilla, Corrin, Tiki, Eirika, Anna, Cordelia, Azura. So Tiki and Anna would kick Micaiah and Nowi out. Nowi would actually be bumped down to #15 by Nephenee, Mia, and Severa/Selena beating her.

    Lovely, so when added together, it truly is my 7 most favorite Fire Emblem characters taking the Top 7 places.

  15. I'm glad to see my original favorite Lyn winning..and then all of my other favorites, except for Tiki (both versions), were in the Top 6 for females, just marvelous.
    So happy to see not only Lyn but Lucina both gaining special costumes for this game.

    Is it bad I kinda hope Ike's is a costume we've already seen, his Lord costume from Path of Radiance..I've loved the blue pauldron and green cape he had and wished it at least had a colour reference in Smash Bros. I also wouldn't mind Great Lord Lucina.

    Lyn & Roy though..I have no idea what existing alts they could have aside from Lyn's Awakening DLC or cipher card costume or Roy's original look or Awakening DLC.

    Although I guess original is also an option.

    Oh, and I'm glad we'll still likely be seeing another Tharja costume since we have that Christmas themed one found in the game's code.

  16. 10 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Theoretically, this does sound like a nice idea, but it might cause future Amiibo sales to drop because people would decide they don't need to buy them when they could just pay for the content without them. I wouldn't want that to happen, because if Amiibo sales dropped enough, Nintendo could abandon them. I really like Amiibo because they're cool figures and they gave more obscure franchises and characters the chance to have merchandise. I highly doubt we would've ever seen official figures of Ike, Marth, Captain Falcon, Earthbound characters, etc., if it wasn't for Amiibo, especially in the west.

    That could be easily fixed by making amiibo unlocks a timed exclusive, since we know people will pay to get things a little bit earlier..like say the release for a DLC item is in January of the following year, using an amiibo could unlock it in, say, August or something.

    9 hours ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    Hopefully better than how the Spinner was implemented but early access.

    Pretty much, yeah.
    I'm actually kind of hoping that rather then a character having multiple weapons, they instead focus on making a character for each moveset they think up.

  17. 5 hours ago, Gima said:

    The New 3DS version is going to suck. So I'm going to wait until I get the Switch far later this year and buy Warriors along with it.

    Edit: Hmm... Hyrule Warriors Legends ran well on New 3DS? Then probably both. Can't change my vote, sadly.

    Yeah, while how good the graphics are depends on who you ask (I loved the graphics, some think they sucked), the game itself ran well for a portable version of Hyrule Warriors when played on a New Nintendo 3DS, not much, if any, slowdown just like the Wii U version. It was only when it was played on the original 3DS that it would dip into 15 Frames or Under.
    That said, there were less enemies on-screen at any given moment then the Wii U version had, but that's to be expected.

    As such, while I do think the Nintendo Switch version of Fire Emblem Warriors will be superior, since it seems that both versions will be identical content-wise, the game itself should run just fine on New Nintendo 3DS hardware. I may end up getting both at some point simply because I have a thing for PS2/Gamecube-era style graphics like most 3DS games have.

  18. I see either Tecmo Koei working with Intelligent Systems to create their own original character(s) for the 'main' or just starting with a random Fire Emblem Lord (such as Chrom) and then having a new original Villain for the various heroes to fight against, perhaps one that like Cia in Hyrule Warriors, recruits various villains from past Fire Emblem titles.

    If I had to guess though, I'd say the latter since I think Tecmo Koei would want to use a recognizable face for their main character like they had with their new version of Link in Hyrule Warriors or their various other spin-offs, such as Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, which seemed to use Hiro from Gundam Wing as the 'face' for the game.

  19. On 1/31/2017 at 0:25 PM, Anacybele said:

    I was fine with Ike being locked in his Amiibo for Fates, but since Hyrule Warriors didn't do that, it'd be kind of dumb to suddenly do it for FE Warriors. I was fine with unlocking weapons and goods with Amiibo too. And with luck, ALL Amiibo will be compatible just like in HW. Only Zelda Amiibo unlocked weapons in the game, but every Amiibo gave you some amount of rupees. In FE Warriors's case, the FE Amiibo would unlock weapons, and the rest would give varying amounts of gold.

    To be fair, amiibo weren't released until after Hyrule Warriors, which came out a few months prior to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and the start of amiibo, so it was kind of tacked on, along with the Spinner Weapon for Link if you used a Link or Toon Link amiibo in the game.

    Ideally amiibo figures will unlock something cool, such as the depicted character as a playable character if not part of the base game or some new sort of costume or weapon.
    However, my ideal situation would also be for those things to be purchasable as normal DLC as well since then its a Free Perk for those that invested in amiibo figures but those who did not can still get them for a small fee.

  20. I'm not, nor was I ever, that particularly worried. I think this will probably be another Hyrule Warriors-style case with a fair amount of base characters and plenty of DLC goodness to add fan favorites into the mix..hopefully they'll all be themed packs based on games that didn't appear baseline, for example, a 'Binding Blaze' Pack to feature Lyn, Roy, & Hector or a 'Sacred Radiance' Pack featuring Eirika, Ephraim, & Ike.

  21. My favorites thus far are Tharja, Camilla, Lucina, both Tikis, Fir, Lyn, Arthur, Marth, Beruka, Felicia, and Fae's. While I love Corrin f and Robin f, I'm not sure their art is 'doing it' for me, but its certainly not bad.

    Is it just me, or is Arthur's art very similar to the artstyle of Codename: STEAM which was meant to look like an American Comic Book anyway...is it done by the same artist I wonder..
    Edit: I just looked it up and, yes, Mendako is the artist for Codename: STEAM and has also done some of the card artwork for Fire Emblem 0 Cipher.

  22. On 2/2/2017 at 1:06 AM, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    Same here I definitely thinks she's very likely for FE Warriors as DLC honestly. For outfits all versions she has are perfect! but the safe bet is her Awakening Swordmaster outfit which is fine. Ike I'm disappointed that Smash didn't reference the color scheme of his class promotion either hope its referenced for Heroes even make it a costume for him in FE Warriors!

    Yeah. At the very least it has a good chance of appearing as a costume for him if he appears in Fire Emblem Warriors. Unlike Nintendo, Tecmo Koei is very good with Fan Service-y stuff like reference costumes..just look at the ones in Hyrule Warriors, both actual costumes and DLC..fan favorites are either there outright or referenced via a colour.

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