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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. Banner: Haar, Selkie, Jill TT: Anna GHB: Bruno Louise and Ranulf will be added separately, I think. Louise without Pent would feel wrong. And Ranulf I could see getting in either a second Tellius banner or a beast banner with like Panne, Keaton/Kaden.
  2. Yeah the face could use a different expression (reminds me of Ilyana) but the outfit design is amazing imo.
  3. I could see next year being between Edelgard, Anna, Robin, and Eirika on the women's side, and Marth, Chrom, Robin, and Claude (he seems to have gotten the most positive reaction so far) on the men's side. I wonder what they'd do if both Robins won. Of course, if there's characters that end up being really broken/memey/waifu bait in Three Houses they could be contenders as well.
  4. If it was less frumpy and more form fitting it would probably look good. That's literally Henry's clothes, so do your complaints about the colours and style not fitting a desert dark mage apply to him too? This is a better example of a good Tharja redesign: http://shadowofchaos725.tumblr.com/post/142908852521/jaeon009-tharja-senri-kita-ish-style-sorry Fits her personality more than the other one, makes sense as a Plegian outfit, and fits her class type.
  5. Ok, how about Micaiah with a colourless Galdr of Release magic attack that summons Yune or something. They should really release the bottom four on a banner. Would be fun. Yeah I feel the same ever since she was made into a bunch of greedy sisters instead of one quirky shopkeeper/helper. However, I'd be ok with an all Anna banner. It could have Awakening Anna with a Levin Sword, Fates Anna with the Shining Bow, original Anna with coin toss or something, and Tellius Anna as a Pegasus Knight.
  6. I can't believe Micaiah got first!!! And by a pretty sizeable margin over the beast that is Camilla. This is awesome, Tellius love is awesome. Congrats to the fans of all the winners, and to Marth fans, I really don't think anyone is happy about him falling to third place. That is a bummer on an overall good result. Now please give us Micaiah as Yune, conqueror Alm, serious Camilla, and... honestly I'm not sure what they can do for Eliwood but hoping for something kickass too.
  7. Regarding the leak And as for CYL4, I don't think Three Houses would dominate too much. I'm sure the main characters will, but fans will definitely keep rallying behind old favourites too, so minor characters will probably place high overall but not dominate the top 20. Really hoping we get a confirmation on the results soon.
  8. I'd get either Hector or Azura. I'm missing a bunch but those two seem like the best ones of the ones I don't have yet.
  9. I can't get the idea of Marth using Starlight out of my head, so it would be cool to see that happen, along with his pantsless outfit. Not expecting him to use magic though. Maybe Gradivus? Whatever the case, pantsless Marth has to happen.
  10. If Micaiah wins I want her to be dressed as Yune and use a dark tome, would be really cool. I'm thinking we get the results in the next day or so.
  11. Picked it up last night, played through the first world and loving it so far. My biggest complaint is the cutscenes are so long, I don't remember if it was like this in the other main titles but I was just trying to save at 1:30 in the morning and they wouldn't stop talking haha. It also feels a bit easier than the other games. It's an incredible feeling to play this game after so long since II. Over 10 years of spinoffs! I got emotional with the opening (love the version of Chikai that plays) and then the title screen and this version of Dearly Beloved... damn. First and second worlds spoilers...
  12. I literally googled "Camilla Fire Emblem different armour" and one of the first results was this: Tell me she doesn't look better. And I like Camilla as she is, for the record. However, I do think that she, like many things in Fates, is wasted potential. She could've been a much better character if they'd focused on her history and psychological issues, instead of her "assets". Note that in this example of a redesign, she's still giving off the vibe of being sexy, confident, and strong, still shows off her curves and even some skin, but she actually looks like a warrior princess and not an exotic dancer. This redesign feels like it takes into account her role in the story and who she is as a character first, and then adds the fanservice, while her actual design is very clearly made with fanservice as a priority even if it doesn't make as much sense. As a comparison, take Sonia from FE7. She's showing way more skin than Camilla, but that makes sense for her character, as her most important role in the story is seducing her way into a position of power, and she isn't a fighter, she's a mage, and on top of that she rarely gets her hands dirty as she has subordinates to do that for her. There's also the issue of sexy fanservice being mostly geared toward women, even when it doesn't make sense. Why is Tharja showing so much skin but Henry is all covered up? They're both Plegian dark mages, and there's nothing in Tharja's personality that suggests she's a seductress or anything like that. None of the male "womanizer" characters in the series are showing skin anyway, so it's very clearly not necessary to get that part of their personality across. Similarly in Fates, Odin and Ophelia are both theatrical and their weird/flashy costumes fit them. Nyx though? She's a reserved, bitter mage who's much older than she looks. You'd think she would dress more conservatively. Tldr being sexy and showing skin is fine if it makes sense for the character, but I don't like when characters who have no business being half naked are for no logical reason other than because sex sells.
  13. Hoping for Marth and Micaiah to stay in the top 2. If either of them are kicked out I'll be extremely salty. Apologies in advance. I'll be fine with Camilla, Eirika, Alm, or Eliwood being the other winners.
  14. WOW DUMA? Why is this thread so lukewarm? This is opening the doors for characters like Naga, Medeus, Ashera, potentially even legends like Anri and Altina. Isn't this what people were hoping for when Legendary Heroes were announced? I realize Duma isn't someone most people will be emotionally attached to, but to me it's cool to have an NPC/final boss playable.
  15. It's evil to put mothers vs sons, it should be mothers on one side and sons on the other. Now I have to go against either Ethlyn or Leif :( I'm going with Leif for the first round and either stick with him or switch to Ethlyn, depending who wins. Also why no Roy and Ninian
  16. Voted all Micaiah for the last day. Hopefully she can hold on to top 2 despite all the foul sports trying to cheat Robin up there.
  17. Gave one vote to Lewyn and two to Micaiah today.
  18. The midterm results should be removed if they do this again next year. If the point of CYL is for people to vote for their favourite characters, the midterm results being shown ruins that. Instead they encourage people to massively vote for one of the top 5 or so and creates this environment of voting "against" characters to kick them out of the top spots. And if you don't like any of the top 5 in the midterms then you're basically just left with voting for the least worst option or voting for your favourites knowing you won't make a difference.
  19. Today I voted for villains not in the game yet: Ashnard, Sonia, and Limstella. Hopefully they're added this year, especially the former two since they're major antagonists.
  20. It seems like she has a lot of support here and on Reddit. The problem is that she only has average support at best everywhere else. It will really suck if she gets robbed after the midterm results.
  21. So apparently Robin is 3rd because a Youtuber who doesn't even play Heroes is telling his viewers to vote for her. Remind me why they allow people to vote without an account? Actually, why isn't the voting done within the app itself? If it were, you limit votes to one per day per player instead of people being able to anonymously vote several times. It's really dumb that people who aren't even fans of Heroes can have this kind of impact on who gets a Brave version.
  22. I mean I think calling someone a "mature" adult is more commonly used when someone is like 50. Someone in their 20s is a young adult. And you might want to not continue to imply what you're implying about people finding Micaiah attractive since you're basing it on your guess that she's meant to look underage. Nowhere does it say she's meant to look like a little girl.
  23. Probably due in part to the Smash Ultimate potential echo hype and the AT. Micaiah looks in her 20s and calling Elincia a mature woman seems odd since she's probably about Ike's age, so like early 20s max in RD.
  24. I like Camilla and if she wins then whatever, I honestly can't be interested because she's the character with the most alts in the game. I just don't want Micaiah to fall out of the top 2. D: If the top 4 stays exactly how it is I'll be happy. I like Marth and Alm but it's kind of worrying that even with merged votes Marth is barely getting by. Poor guy.
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