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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. All right I'm surprisingly excited for this. I still don't have mage fliers so despite not being so hot on alts at least Nino is a character I like. Never ever imagined to see Legault and Canas coming to the game, and Legault looks good. And finally Linus! Can't wait to see his art, just hoping it's not by Lloyd's artist. Karla is unfortunately the most disappointing of the bunch and also the most random; would've liked to see Leila or a morph in her place. Also, is that a new mix of the Black Fang theme? It sounds slightly different from the original to me.
  2. Yeah, honestly, I gave it a pass the first couple of times but at this point I do wish they kept made up alts for seasonal banners and if they really want to have alts on regular banners have them be canon ones, like say promoted versions (like Knight Chrom) or different canon appearances of characters (like Zelgius). They can still be imaginative here, I mean adult Nino (while never seen in the games, still canonically referenced) would be more interesting than random Pegasus Nino.
  3. Weird that Nino is getting a totally made up alt... But whatever. Hope to see some combination of Nils, Rath, and Pent. Actually a Black Fang banner with Sonia, Brendan, and alt Nino wouldn't be so bad either. And Linus finally appearing as GHB.
  4. Wait so Ike is projected to lose? Damn. Well at least of the Heroes OCs Alfonse and Gunnthra are two I actually like, so meh. I guess I'll slide over to Alfonse's team.
  5. The big ones left for me now are Lewyn, Jill, Haar, Altena, Ashnard, Knoll, Pelleas, and I would like to see laguz and Xane. Most of the characters on my CYL voting ballots are now in the game. This is very dismissive and rude. To avoid derailing another thread because of your Ike fangirlism, I'll just ask you, again, to watch your wording so you don't offend people.
  6. It looks bad and strange enough to be real. Please no Awakening remake/sequel. That would be total disappointment for the first Switch game...
  7. If Aces is the only 1st party game to have a demo (other than Smash) that would be very disappointing.
  8. As a casual/lapsed Pokemon player (I played RBY, GS, FRLG, HGSS, and got back into it with SM), I was actually interested in the rumours that this would be a Kanto reimagining. This though... doesn't look that exciting. No wild battles, simplified levelling mechanics, easier trainer battles, unambitious world design, same slow battles as always, and starters that don't evolve, just to name a few of the things I saw in the trailer. I was really hoping this would be a truly grand scale visit to Kanto with big cities and exciting new mechanics to make battling more fun, especially after the improvements I saw in HGSS and more recently Sun and Moon. It looks way too casual even for casual Pokemon fans. I dunno, I'll wait and see what the hands on impressions are like but it doesn't look that interesting, and what's worse it probably means a truly 3D Kanto is not happening on Switch since they can't and shouldn't keep returning to it so often.
  9. So weird. It's cool that Ryoma finally has an alt but for some reason it's odd to me that he got a kinshi. And he makes more sense as a wind legendary what with his sword being imbued with lightning and all. Everything about this makes for the strangest legendary yet. I'm mainly interested in NY Azura and depending how that goes I may try for Ryoma too.
  10. I do not like those Cipher character designs. Still hoping for Hidari or someone with a less fanservicey style. Also, last night was the first night I dreamt of an FE16 announcement. It was a third Tellius game (despite me not wanting one) but also Lucina was in it (gah!) and she was a mage. Hopefully the announcement is soon but is nothing like that.
  11. I would like Fatesworld to get an actual name and to see more of it, and more Elibe is always welcome. The only ones I feel should be left alone as they are are Jugdral and Tellius. I'm open to returning to any other world but those two I'm skeptical on since I feel they had very tight plots that shouldn't be messed with (for what it's worth these are probably my two favourite stories so there's that).
  12. Honestly I used to go Iron weapons most of the game, Steel when Iron wasn't enough to kill when I needed to, and Silver and Braves for the last few chapters. Then I stopped hoarding and basically just use whatever when it's available now.
  13. I'm sorry but unless you're like a young teenager, this is a very immature and frankly worrisome view. If someone fantasizes about children in a sexual way or torturing people, that's not normal and needs to be addressed psychologically, precisely to prevent that person from someday acting on those urges and getting themselves and others potentially hurt. And they can end up acting on those urges indirectly as well as directly. Even if a pedophile never touches a child, but ends up collecting inappropriate images of them, they're still harming children by creating a market for that type of stuff.
  14. No, this Sanaki is not outright being sexualized like Nowi. No, she's not in a swimsuit like Elise. Yes, maybe she's just playing dress up. My problem (and don't misunderstand, I'm not losing sleep over this) is that it feels like they're treating Sanaki like any other anime loli, putting her in a literal waifu banner as the child bride for a very specific audience to whale on (otherwise why would they choose her younger version instead of the older version that's already in Heroes?), when in her games she's shown to be composed, intelligent, never interested in marriage or romance because she's a kid and has more pressing issues to worry about like genocides and coups. What I mean is that in her original appearance, her age was used to develop her and the characters around her, and here her age is being used to pander to dubious fetishes. I would like to believe it was meant to be a cute little dress up thing to let her be the carefree girl she couldnt be in Tellius, but I mean, her Japanese title explicitly states she's a bride. All that said, I'm still gonna try to pull for her. Just hoping that she, as a serious character, doesn't suddenly get a bikini alt or suggestive art.
  15. 10 year old bride, seems legit. Please don't loli-fy Sanaki IS... Not a fan of the art here, Tharja's is the best of the bunch but I'm not interested in her. I'll try for the tome fliers since I still don't have any. Nice to see Marth finally get an alt too!
  16. I just want to say I'm in love with this After further examination I'm joining #TeamNinian for the one on the left, still betting it's Tharja on the right. Anna for the 3rd pick and maybe Lucina for the 4th?
  17. Fire Emblem Memories is even more generic and boring than Fire Emblem Fates. I really hope they stop with the one word subtitle trend.
  18. You don't have to tell me twice; still waiting for Mother 3 over here and god knows Nintendo is aware of the demand for that game. The fan translation is amazing and all but I'm not a big fan of computer/phone emulators so I would love an official release, virtual console, physical compilation, I'll take whatever!
  19. Very cool and creative project, I'd seen a bit of the artwork, the whole set looks great in the video. Did a couple of entries so we'll see if I get lucky.
  20. "No Virtual Console on Switch " is a 100% true headline. A lot of people defend this move with statements like "it's just a name change" or "classic games are still coming", but the facts are that Nintendo has only confirmed NES games are coming as part of the online and that they are not bringing Virtual Console back. If they don't want people to interpret that as bad news, they should've added a simple "with SNES and other platforms as a possibility in the future" to the initial announcement. That's totally on Nintendo, not on reporters. As of right now the only confirmed thing is that the Switch is getting NES games. Which honestly is really disappointing. The Switch is the perfect console for a Virtual Console or similar service. I can only hope they're waiting for E3 to announce plans to replace it with something similar, because if their plan is just to offer mini classic consoles, that's a huge disappointment. Edit: I totally agree with @Glennstavos, criticism of the way they announced this VC situation shouldn't be taken as attacks against Nintendo or wanting to make them seem like bad guys. If you want classic games to be available then you should speak up, let Nintendo know you want a real replacement service for VC. If we never say anything and just wait and see forever they have no incentive to bring forth a new option.
  21. *sigh* Yeah, Alm is another one. At first I really liked him, after all he's a nice guy and the game really does a good job of introducing you to him. Unfortunately that's about all the game does with him. Your analysis is spot on. It's why Celica is by far my preferred lord in SoV. Yes, she makes a dumb decision late in the plot, but at least she has actual moral struggles and faces challenges in the story. It felt like Alm just got everything handed to him, including Celica being the one who had to mess up so Alm could swoop in with the "I don't wanna say I told you so, but..." in the end. I don't hate the guy but he's pretty unremarkable all things considered. And so much potential, like you said.
  22. What if they don't care about revealing the cast through Cipher because we already know the main cast? What if this is a sequel set in Ylisse, Tellius, or Elibe? I myself don't think this is the case... but maybe it's because I don't want it to be. They did say this would be a brand new game, which implies it won't be a remake, but it could be a brand new sequel... On the other hand, that would be even more reason to not reveal it through Cipher. If old favourites are coming back it would be way more impactful to reveal it elsewhere. Guess we will know soon enough either way.
  23. Some new ideas for the bump: Gerik (red), Tethys (grey), Ewan (red); TT reward Saleh (green); GHB Selena (blue) Syrene (red), Cormag (blue) Ross (green); TT reward Dozla (green); GHB Selena (blue) Nailah (grey), Nolan (green), Edward (red); TT reward Volug (blue); GHB Lekain (blue) Sigrun (blue), Marcia (red), Reyson (grey); TT reward Tanith (red); GHB Sephiran (grey) Altena (blue), Ced (green), Shannan (red); TT reward Arthur (blue); GHB Emperor Arvis (red... he can be the first GHB alt right?) Aversa (red), Maribelle (grey), Sumia (blue); TT reward Gregor (red); GHB Gangrel (red)
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