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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Yo dudes, all is made clear in Japanese gaming journalism: http://www.4gamer.net/games/287/G028791/20150402006/

    - You can buy either of the two versions in physical form from a store for 4700 yen (about $39) (before tax)

    - You can also buy a digital version for 4700 yen in which you make the choice in the game. Since it's the same price I assume it locks you into the version you choose.

    - You can then buy a DLC for 1852 yen (about $15) to play the other story.

    - There's also a massive DLC in the works for a "Third Path", also priced at 1852 yen.

    - There's also a limited edition bundle which includes both versions, the third path, and goodies, for 9250 yen (about $77).

    That is actually ridiculous. I suppose it's basically like paying for Awakening+DLC but still... It feels dirty. At least with Pokémon the only differences between versions are minimal and you don't have to own both to make up for it since you can just trade version exclusive Pokémon with friends. This is splitting up what should be one game into three parts for no good reason.

  2. Surprised more people aren't venting about the return of bizarre character designs and questionably-dressed women.

    Granted, Kozaku was brought back on-board and the earlier trailer introduced literal maids, but I was holding out hope for a more palatable art direction akin to what we got in Sacred Stones and Radiant Dawn. I'll probably struggle to take this conflict seriously.

    Ehh I don't really like some of the designs, and lady Kamui's art is ridiculous, but I've just accepted this is gonna be the norm for this generation of FE. I can excuse busty evil babe because it's not like FE hasn't done that before (see: Sonia). As long as it fits the character then whatever.

  3. OK, I was pretty excited just seeing it once, but the more I watch and reading stuff you guys have found, I'm getting a really good feeling. This looks like it's taking the series in a totally fresh direction... Interesting concept for the story and it seems like there's a lot of new gameplay features.

    Not a huge fan of the Kamuis being avatars but whatever.

    That's pretty wild that it's coming in three versions... I kind of hope they don't try to pull that shit here. I get the feeling Western audiences wouldn't be as willing to pay so much for what really should be one package.

    And damn... 2016... :(

  4. For the record, I also remember seeing the RD announcement with Sothe and Micaiah that Jave is talking about.

    But back on topic... I'm not exactly surprised at the game being delayed but like, they were REALLY pushing for a 2015 release. If I'm not mistaken they even reassured us in the last Direct. I also bought a Wii U this year in anticipation for Xenoblade and Zelda but even with this delay I don't regret it much since I got some other games and I can wait for a PS4 a bit longer. It's a little odd that this comes right after the announcement of the NX. People are already speculating the delay is so it can be released for Wii U and NX, Twilight Princess style. If this turns out to be true, it'd be pretty nasty tbh... The Wii U is still around and needs this game pretty badly, so I really hope there's a different reason behind the delay. It's pretty bad that it won't be at E3, I can't imagine why not other than they don't want to overhype it if it's so far away still. Hopefully we'll see something in a Direct later in the year.

    Also, I wonder what they're planning for this year then? Their biggest releases are suddenly Xenoblade and Splatoon, which are nice and all but probably aren't huge system sellers... Well Xenoblade probably will be in Japan.

  5. Capturing enemy units! After clearing the map you can sell your captives for gold! or possibly recruit them. (The capture and recruit thing makes a hell of a lot more sense than some of the other recruitments i've seen in FE games)

    Isn't capturing enemies in FE5? Not sure as I have no experience with the game. It would be interesting to bring it back.

  6. Play 7,8,9 first. Then 6,10,11,12. Then 4,5. Then 1,2,3 if you really want to.

    I pretty much agree with this.

    7 is probably the easiest to get as it's on the Wii U eShop. After that 8 or 6 are natural follow-ups as they're very similar due to being on GBA, but while 6 is the sequel to 7 (8 is its own story) it's the hardest of the 3 GBA ones and you need a translation patch so you might want to save it for later.

    Start looking around for 9 after playing at least one of the GBA games, and then go from there.

  7. FE is a Japanese series first and foremost. I'm not sure what Japan thinks of homosexuality, so I can't really say anything about that.

    This is true and is ultimately the most important factor. As far as I'm aware it isn't really accepted but it isn't outright dangerous to come out. I did hear there was an openly gay politician recently elected to an important position in Tokyo, so it's probably like many other countries where it's becoming more accepted in large cities first.

  8. 2. No. Personal preference, not to mention it'll hurt sales. It also doesn't really fit the medieval-esque society FE normally uses.

    I don't want to seem like I'm singling you out, but these are common reasons I see people give for why they shouldn't include the option.

    1. It can't be proven that it'd hurt sales. If anything it could give it more publicity. It does seem to me that a pretty common complaint with people who liked Awakening's marriage system was that they couldn't pair their avatar up with someone of the same gender.

    2. Another thing that isn't realistic is there being so many female knights/fighters. There's nothing wrong with not being 100% realistic to the times, besides it isn't supposed to be our real medieval time period, it's fantasy. Even then it doesn't have to be marriage, it can just be relationships, which did exist even if it was in secret.

  9. I can't help but laugh at all the people that keep predicting/leaking that a Direct is going to be this week, then when it doesn't happen they're like "oh well next week for sure" until it does happen, and then act like it wasn't a lucky guess. XD

    I do believe that guy who's predicted them before though. And tbh it's pretty much gotta be next week as I imagine Xenoblade 3D is something they want to promote. Let's cross our fingers for FE stuff. :3

  10. No but I did replay the Tellius games a bit before/after it was announced and am currently replaying 7 and playing 4 for the first time.

    I dunno if it's just because I was playing RD at the time, but the trailer reminded me of those games, and speculation about multiple armies being playable sounds like it could end up being similar to RD.

    Btw welcome to the forums, and you should check out the FEif section a bit below this one. :)

  11. This topic inspired me to get FE4, so I'm playing that now. I'm not doing so good, on chapter 1 ahaha, I didn't expect so many different mechanics! But it's cool. Tried getting 5 too but it won't work properly. :/ And started watching 2. That one blew my mind with how magic works. It's not like the other games at all.

    Desperate for more FE if you can't tell

  12. I don't have a PS4 yet so I can't play the demo, but I watched some videos and read some reactions. It's certainly divisive to say the least. I personally think it looks fun, although I can see how the MP mechanics could be annoying. Maybe I'll end up hating it when I actually play it, but for now I'm still liking what I see. Dat summon is killer.

    One thing I'll say is it's worrying that, even though it's just a demo, the world seems so empty. Hope that's not what it's like in the full game.

  13. Well still no word from anyone other than Korea so I guess we shouldn't expect anything big. :/

    And yet every time there's a Direct I can't help getting all giddy like a little kid. XD

    I'm more interested in the Seattle press conference. Hopefully it's this week. They usually have demos when they do stuff in Seattle don't they?

  14. I doubt very much FE is even being considered for mobiles. They're probably going to focus on their most recognizable series like Mario and Pokémon and ones that would transition easily into mobile games like WarioWare. Maybe I'll be proven wrong but I don't see FE spinning off into a mobile game very well, and I really don't think they'd do ports for mobiles instead of their own consoles based on how they described their vision for this.

    Clash of Clans... I could maaaaybe see how that'd work... Kinda think Zelda would be what they'd choose if they did a Nintendo spinoff though.

  15. I really don't see this being a full-out phone. Maybe a new handheld with "smart" features (inb4 New 3DSi XL) or a tablet. This announcement has definitely made me rethink buying a New 3DS though, until we know if it's being replaced soon. Whatever it is I hope it's not their next home console because while this thing is still a ways away announcing the Wii U's successor next year seems too early.

  16. I love RD for its ambition which IMO mostly pays off. The story gets criticized here quite a bit but I think, overall, it's good. The only parts I really dislike are late in the game, and even then I would hardly say they ruin the story. The characters are awesome, and some get really interesting development especially building off of PoR. Unfortunately the new characters suffer since there's a limited support system, but when there's such a huge cast it doesn't bother me too much.

    Gameplay wise, it has the best skill system IMO, and I enjoy controlling the different groups. It builds off of its predecessors to have probably the most varied and fun maps of the (localized) series.

    I do think some games do certain things better, but overall it has my favourite story and is the most fun for me.

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