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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Dunno if the 5 spots is legit but it seems like a likely amount of DLC fighters. I don't think there will be that many since it takes a lot of work. If Roy and Ryu turn out to be real, and Wolf comes back as I expect around the time StarFox U launches, that leaves one winner from the poll.

    A hacker found this in the data:


    Note the 5 "Mario"'s right after Mewtwo.

    - Mario

    - Dr Mario

    - Cat Mario

    - Metal Mario

    - Tanooki Mario


  2. Yeah come on guys, she's allowed to be disappointed if none of the DLC options so far interest her.

    Anyway I would love a Square Enix rep but I dunno who it'd be, Sora is the most obvious since he's the biggest to be on Nintendo consoles recently but KHIII isn't coming to Wii U, so... And Disney might complicate things. Though he would be awesome. Agnès and Neku are a little too obscure IMO though I'd love Neku. And FF guys would just feel weird since they're usually associated with Playstation nowadays, maybe Terra though.

  3. I have a hard time viewing Anna as anything more than an easter egg/inside joke.

    That's kinda how I define a mascot (maybe I'm wrong)

    Even Pikachu, he isn't really like Marth because before the anime he was just a random (and rare) monster in like one area. In later games he still doesn't show up very often. Just like Anna is just a random girl that shows up in menus, until Awakening.

  4. Actually the Basilio thing bothered me more than the SpotPass characters since it was a huge part of the story you couldn't really ignore or make a headcanon around it.

    But uh, this is getting off topic.

    Anyway I think it'd be cool to have another Genealogy-scale plot twist. Maybe not the exact same thing but something totally unexpected and emotional like that even if it's depressing.

  5. I really would have liked Micaiah over Ike as the FE rep in Brawl, though I would have liked Roy returning more than the both of them. Micaiah would have had a completely unique moveset and no one would have complained about all the blue-haired sword dudes in Smash.

    Why not both Ike and Micaiah in Brawl, and Roy, that would've been awesome yeah Tellius bias idgaf

    Tbh we just need an FE spinoff like Hyrule Warriors or something, then everyone could have their favourite character playable, and the ones that use mounts wouldn't be as awkward as they would be in Smash. Maybe if SMTxFE does well enough that FE spinoffs become a regular thing.

  6. Yes, I was referring to Oliver, but you're literally the only person I've ever seen complain about his reappearence whereas Gangrel and Emm, you can't speak their names without it turning it into the spotpas revival hatred thread.

    obvious reference to "Don't Speak Her Name" is obvious

    Probably another case of Awakening being more recent and seeming to get more criticism. I also didn't like that about RD for the record.
  7. The problem with a series that has so many main characters in Smash is that everyone has a different idea of who should be playable. I think we can all agree that arguing over which lord/game is better is a matter of opinion. All I meant was that while Roy wouldn't have become so popular if he hadn't been in Melee, and probably only got in to promote his game, we shouldn't brush off the impact he did have on the series. He became iconic due to appearing in Melee, similar to Ike, who started appearing with Marth as the "face" of FE after he was in Brawl. If it had been someone else with Marth in Brawl you can bet they would be the ones making cameos in other games instead.

    I mean personal opinions aside if they based the roster purely on sales/milestones it would probably be Marth (original), Sigurd (IS claims his game is the most successful), maaaaybe Lyn (international debut), and Robin (duh).

    Edit: @Ana, I agree that Ike is probably a bigger deal now, don't get me wrong. Just as we shouldn't dismiss Roy we shouldn't do that to Ike either.

  8. My main problem with roy is that he is simply not that much of a big deal for the FE series.

    In my opinion Ike and Robin actually earned the spot(Ike is pretty iconic in the west and a main character in 2 games,while Robin is the poster child for the MU,which was already a part of FE12(and the tactician thing was also part of FE7) and seems to be becoming a staple in the franchise),but Roy doesn't have much speaking for him other that he was the newest main character at the time of melees release and that he was more different from marth than leaf(because sakurai originally planned to include leaf,but chose roy because roy was a better contrast for marth)

    I love Ike but would he really be so iconic if he hadn't been in Brawl? I don't think so, seeing as his games weren't best sellers even for how big FE was back then. Sure he was in two games but so was Leif and technically Roy. PoR and RD are generally more liked than Binding Blade among the fanbase but if Roy had been in Brawl and Ike hadn't I think Roy would still be thought of as more iconic. (The meme is "are Marth and Roy in this game" not "are Marth and Ike in this game" after all).

    Ike wasn't actually the newest lord when he was added though, if so many people consider Micaiah one. RD came out before Brawl.

    True, but RD was a game with multiple (or zero, depending how you define it) lords, where 5 and 6 only had one each, I figure Sakurai/IS thought Ike was a better rep since he was in the two most recent games. Keep in mind they didn't use his RD design back then.

  9. Don't misunderstand me here,I'd understand it if they added Roy back as dlc,because Roy has become quite popular thanks to melee,I just think that Roy got this spot more by chance and didn't really deserve it.

    That same thought is applicable to Lucina as well, ya know.

    Yeah, exactly. Whether or not Roy "deserved" to be in Smash doesn't really mean much. Roy was added because he was the newest lord, same reason Ike was added, same reason Robin and Lucina were added (if Awakening hadn't been so popular it probably would've only been one of them). Roy was just lucky, true, but he should still get credit for creating interest for FE overseas, I liked him more than Marth in Melee, and one reason I bought FE7 was because I thought Eliwood on the cover was Roy.

  10. I think it will be pretty dark but that isn't bad for a game like FE, that has to do with war, and especially a game like if that shows war isn't as simple as "good guys vs bad guys". I don't think it'll be depressing though. You can have a gloomy story without it being a downer all the time, take Sacred Stones which if you think about it is a pretty dark game but you still have quirky moments and characters.

  11. So I haven't played the SMT series and I just saw Devil Survivor is on sale on the eShop. I've been wanting to try one of the games for a while thanks to the FE crossover and I looked into SMTIV, but it doesn't look like my kind of game (not really into text based navigation or dungeon crawlers and I think that's how this game is set up?). Devil Survivor looks a little like FF Tactics which I enjoy so I think it might be a better fit. Is it a good game to get a taste of the series? I believe it's more like a spinoff so any advice would be appreciated!

  12. Honestly I like Roy but I do agree with Ana that he isn't really necessary. Plus I was just thinking about how cool Ephraim would be before I read about those files. But it doesn't matter, it's DLC after all so the imaginary roster slots are even more arbitrary. I played him more than Marth in Melee so I'll still be glad to see him back. :D Also hoping he uses his Awakening design.

    And Ryu, well, I'm not a Street Fighter fan but I actually like the idea to my own surprise. It's a little random like Snake since I don't really associate SF or MG with Nintendo but meh. I just hope there aren't a ton of third parties by the end of the DLC... So many Nintendo characters I'd like to see first!

    I wonder when they're planning to announce them? Also I'm shocked there's no Wolf files, I thought for sure he was next after Lucas.

    Oh yeah and Mewtwo is kickass. :)

  13. 1. Main lords (Marth, Alm, Celica, Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, Roy, Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Eirika, Ephraim, Ike, Micaiah, Robin, Chrom, Lucina, Kamui and other tbd potential if lords)

    2. Major characters that IS uses in promos (Caeda, Lilina, Elincia, Sothe)

    3. Tiki for her major recurring role and Anna for being the mascot

    These are the ones I consider to be the "major" characters of the series as a whole. Sothe and Lilina pretty much only because IS considers them to be main characters.

  14. Hmmm... now that Mewtwo is finally coming out tomorrow, I have to wonder if the download codes for him ever expire?

    I have both the WiiU and 3DS games (obviously), but I don't have a WiiU, and it would kind of suck if I couldn't get Mewtwo on the WiiU version when I acually get a WiiU :<

    Here at the bottom it says you have to redeem it before 7/31 which I believe is when Club Nintendo itself will officially close.


  15. The only men in FE that actually look feminine, as in, I actually mistook them to be girls, are Lucius and Midayle.

    It's kinda silly to say you're not manly if you're a little scrawny or have longer hair.

    I mean it would be just as silly to say more girls should have Camilla boobs and wear skirts because the ones that wear pants and aren't so curvy look manly.

    Edit: to stay on topic, I agree that regardless of Tsubaki's gender the design is pretty cool. Personally think Tsubaki is a guy. Also his face looks exactly like Inigo.

  16. Then of course there is Mariabelle and Kellam who are incredibly shallow imo except for a laugh when you go to sell Kellam's stuff.

    Nuuuuu! Don't bunch Maribelle with Kellam! :c She has some excellent supports like with Libra and Gaius.

    Like I said I feel many of the characters in Awakening do have a fair amount of depth to them but it makes less of an impression because of all the support clutter and the abundance of one-liners.

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