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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Especially Gunther, he looks like an old badass like Jagen and I liked Jagen.

    Gunter (is it Gunther or Gunter, I kinda like Gunter more, hope they localize it as Günter ;B) does indeed look like a badass. I'm typically indifferent towards the Jagens, the exception being Titania, here's hoping this dude is cool.

  2. So Vince just recently updated the OP with the Nohr siblings, and I noticed something about the lot (them being Camilla, Marx, Leon, Eliza).

    They are all knights. Camilla is...Lebanon Knight??? Marx a Paladin, Leon I believe a Dark Knight, and Eliza a Rod Knight.

    Jugdral much? Wonder if Kamui will have trouble keeping up with them.

    I believe Camilla's class was agreed to probably be "Revenant" knight, but we don't know what that means. Theories include maybe she's a Wyvern Mage, or that her Wyvern is undead, or her mount is not actually a Wyvern. :P

    Edit: thanks again to everyone who translated!

  3. So basically he is the Soren of this game. Oh god this is gonna be bad.

    You take that back, Soren is awesome.

    But this brings up a good point, I wonder if there will be someone to fill in the tactician role for each side, or if it'll just be the retainers from each side giving advice pretty evenly.

  4. i'm still interested in why aqua is so loyal to you unless she has certain 'feelings'

    Well she and Kamui are in similar situations so they could easily feel a connection.

    Or she knows she can use Kamui for her secret agenda no I won't let this theory go

    He strikes me as kinda RD Haar esque. Like he really couldn't care less. And his brother is fanatically loyal to Ryouma and Suzukaze is said to be the polar opposite of his brother so he may think Ryouma's a d-bag who needs to be taken down a few pegs. Or Hoshido isn't as squeaky clean as we've been led to believe and he knows it.

    I like this. :D

  5. I'm more curious about characters not directly connected to Kamui, like Suzukaze. Felicia and the others make sense because they're Kamui's servants, Gunter a bit less but maybe he sees Kamui as a son/daughter or something since he's apparently his/her mentor. Suzukaze didn't grow up with Kamui, isn't related to him, is related to Saizou who directly serves Ryouma, and probably has no connections to Nohr. So why does he follow Kamui to Nohr?

  6. Awww yeh Rinka finally

    I was expecting her to look a bit more muscular but she still looks cool. That staff animation for Sakura is cute. Wonder if it's her regular healing animation or if she's using that special staff she had in the other screenshot, and if so what does it do?

    Actually took a better look and Rinka does have some killer triceps

  7. I'm thinking maids and butlers may not promote (or be considered tier 2) given those stats and 6 mov at level 2. If they don't promote maybe they'll go to level 30 instead but then Sakura would still have 10 levels over Felicia to make up for starting off weaker.

    Edit: Saizou'd

  8. Also, I'm just gonna take a little walk before I write a report on the main site.

    No, you are not allowed to have time for yourself until we know every tiny new detail! :P

    Oh please no. Not again.

    Lol I thought Oboro was a guy too. Until we see the portrait I guess we'll be debating that now that Tsubaki is pretty clearly male.

  9. Tsubaki has pants, so since this is Kozaki we're talking about, is it safe to assume Tsubaki is male?

    He also uses "ore" which is a male personal pronoun. Now while "boku" is sometimes used by girls, I think "ore" is not.
    • Felicia can be seen with an Iron Hidden-weapon, which appears to have at least 2 range. I'm tempted to just call it an "Iron Shuriken".

    Her devious grin and the enemy's complete fear just sold me on maids hahaha

  10. He certainly did not say the game is trash, but saying "the series is swirling down the toilet" has a similar effect.

    Oh and mobile kinda makes it hard to go back and quote him...

    OK yeah I guess that's true lol

    Still, his original post didn't seem bad to me

    Edit: oh god Camilla's pose is horrible. Diggin' the Joker!

  11. At the risk of sounding like I have no sense of humour, that comic is pretty creepy... Marx and Ryouma trying to persuade Kamui by talking about why their sisters are sexier than the other guy's sisters... >_>

    I don't mind if fanservice DLC happens as I don't have to buy it and it's not essential content. Actually if there's gonna be fanservice I would rather it's mostly kept to DLC instead of in the actual game.

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