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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I think they should, the time is kind of right. I mean, we've recently had the huge success of Awakening, and fans are awaiting If, so... (this is also why I think FE12 should be localized too).

    But then again, I don't think Ninty cares.

    Exactly, especially if Roy does come back to Smash Bros as DLC. He advertised the original in Melee, he could advertise the VC version/remake now. :P As far as I know it isn't even on the Japanese eShop, I think it's the only game pre PoR that isn't actually, which is kind of odd.

  2. I converted JST to EST and wow... Apparently, the direct would start at 6/7 am for those who are in EST like me. Wow, that direct is starting pretty early in the morning for us. I'm not complaining because there would be likely news when I wake up! :)

    Yeah I checked it yesterday and for me it's 5AM (central time), and just my luck I happen to wake up around that time and not be able to go back to sleep...a day early. >_<

  3. So I went back to my old file, and while Finn and Raquesis fell in love with each other this time they didn't get enough points to become lovers. I figure I screwed myself back in chapter 2 by not giving them enough points. :c Oh well, no biggie! I'm going to try getting her and Beowulf together instead. Apparently her falling in love with Finn and then doing Beowulf too is canon anyway. The good thing is as I redid the chapter I managed to get a bunch of other pairings secured, so it was worth it! Thanks again for the help everyone, now I can actually finish up the chapter.

  4. Totally wasn't expecting a direct before E3, WHAT. Hype! But I wish we got one too. :( Either way maybe we'll see more gameplay footage of if!

    Maybe the website will finally update!

    Haha I love your optimism, here's hoping your wish finally happens! :P

  5. Regarding gay options

    There's no reason to think children will be back even if marriage as a gameplay mechanic is, so using that as a reason for not including the option doesn't make sense.

    "Gay marriage isn't realistic to the setting": it's not a real setting, it's a fictional world, so they're free to say it's common for the world of FEif. Even then, I'm sure people would be fine with just gay relationships and not marriages.

    I think the best way would be to have one or two gay characters of each gender that Kamui can support. You can write the first three supports in a way that just builds a friendship for those who "don't want it shoved in their face". I'm no expert on Japanese social issues but I doubt there would be much backlash to something like that.

  6. For next week my hopes/predictions are:


    -world map revealed and short info about the other countries

    -info about Tsubaki and Kazahana, and more cool Nohr characters please Hoshido has all the best ones

    -a few returning and new map objectives detailed

  7. Note how Hinata's color scheme (black armor, purple cloth) is preserved in his promotion from Samurai to Sword Saint (left) but not for War Artist (right), where he just has a generic blue palette.

    I can begrudgingly accept having generic palettes for reclassed models because of limited ROM space, yadda yadda, but this is one of his two natural promotions!


    ...okay, I'm fine now.

    Yeah, it's a bummer for sure :/

    It's probably not due to space limitations but I can't really see it being due to taking that much more work either, though I honestly don't know what it takes to make a colour swap for 3D models.

    Edit: at least he keeps his custom map sprite for both of those. Hopefully there's no generic sprites for our playable characters this time.

  8. Isn't that a staple in the series though? I agree with you, but I don't find it likely.

    The good guy lord? I would say so, Marth, Roy, Eliwood, Chrom are pretty much just nice guys (not that this is inherently a bad thing). And the being praised thing is just because that's how Awakening treated the avatar.

  9. Reclassing is dumb, it sould not exist, it should never had existed. Rage moment assumed.

    I'm thinking it won't be that bad. If skills are distributed kind of like Awakening most of the good skills will be attached to promoted classes, so really you'll only have to reclass a couple of times after promoting and probably won't miss anything too important if you don't for base classes. Otherwise it'll be like Shadow Dragon where you can do it to help in certain situations, but you'll be giving up a seal to do it.

  10. This is fun

    I want to see

    -details on skills, because I'm almost certain at this point the system has been changed from Awakening

    -blurb about how supports will work and I'm hoping it'll state S ranks are returning but aren't exclusively for marriage partners

    -how promotions work (branched or not, and is there reclass?)

    -a couple more bios and portraits/art (Oboro pls)

    3/4 of those is realistic for next week I think

    Right on the money :D I'm guessing support info won't be coming for a few weeks actually.

  11. I love this info. Sounds awesome. Cyrus is finally a Nohr unit I like, Elfie isn't bad either but why ya gotta be a knight. But still, I continue to love ALL the Hoshido characters. Gah! It's gonna be tough playing through Nohr first.

    Super happy about skills and reclassing. Seems like instead of grinding you'll have to think about when the right time to use a Parallel seal is. It's not exactly what I wanted but oh well.

  12. I just don't get the same feeling from an avatar that I get from a legit character. Robin was so bad, because they had to try to fulfill both the "player insert" and main character roles. This resulted in them being bland, pandered to (Chrom's role in the story is basically to praise Robin), and feeling forced into the story (Validar is your father? Wtf). I've seen complains against Kris for similar reasons though I haven't played FE12.

    If they feel they have to have a customizable character for whatever reason, it should be just another recruit. Or at the most, a sidekick. I don't see why we need customizable lords, and I definitely don't see why we need to pretend the player is the main character when they fail completely at actually representing the player.

  13. Welp, tried doing the jealousy thing from the turn I had saved just before ending the chapter, the good news is Finn didn't fall in love with Tiltyu! ...the bad news is he fell in love with Briggid D:

    So gonna try starting again from the older save. -.- Wish me luck lol

    In case it doesn't work I'm gonna keep this newer save too, is Finn/Briggid a decent pairing at least? I was originally gonna put her with Dew. Raquesis is interested in Dew now so maybe I can just swap my planned pairings for those four. XD Or try having her go with Beowulf.

  14. It's artwork directly from Nintendo. If anything, it's higher quality than anything in the actual games XD

    But in-game, it will be sharper, crisper and smaller, so it should look noticeably different.

    Haha yeah that's what I meant, it just looks a little faded compared to her battle model where she's bright pink

  15. honestly i can see this happening, i mean FE10 got panned, not for the issues it did actually have, but for stupid shit like "no mii support, nunchuck controls, and too hard even on easy".

    i can definitely see some uninformed 'fans" that only played 13 and get booty blasted and disappointed when FE14 isn't awakening 2.0

    note i'm talking about "professional reviewers" with this post, not the people of this fourm or any other place.

    I was looking at a "best FEs" thing a while back on I can't remember what site, and RD was so low for exactly these reasons (and "bad graphics"). I mean there are some legit complaints to be made against the game but this is what you're focusing on?

    I think now people who are planning to get if wouldn't care too much if websites did the same thing in their reviews, I think the real test will be if Youtubers start hating on it for stupid reasons.

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