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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Yeah I saw when I looked it up after Finn was liking Tiltyu despite being completely on the other side of the map from her haha. Do you think I should wait even longer than turn 29? Since they didn't get many points in chapter 2, iirc. Is it even possible to get them enough points now? Unfortunately I can't remember the details of ch2 since I did it quite a while ago.

    Good to know about grinding pairs early. I'm hoping the rest of my plans will work out! Most of them seem to list the right partners in the fortune teller.

    Augh... Not looking forward to doing all this again D: I'll try going to turn 50 on my current save and if he still hasn't fallen in love with Raquesis I'll load the other one and hope for the best.

  2. My biggest fear is that they will be too apprehensive of alienating the new fans and will try to pander too much to them instead of letting if be its own game. Not because I think the new fans are ruining the series or whatever, I just think that would be underestimating the new fans, I believe the majority of them would play and enjoy future FEs even if they didn't copy/paste Awakening, based on my own experience with the series.

    Thankfully this fear grows smaller with most of the new info we learn.

  3. Also, if anyone hasn't noticed nor know yet from the pic Bovinian posted, there's also apparently a new gamemode called "Fenix" if I'm reading that correctly, alongside with Casual and Classic modes. I believe choosing between Normal, Hard, and Lunatic also returns. As for Fenix, I'd love to translate what it says, but I can't really read all those kanji.

    And scratch that, looks like I'm late to the party.

    And let me tell you, it was quite the party... :P
  4. I think Silvail was done much earlier than that :(

    Both Finn and Raquesis say they're fond of Tiltyu/Finn respectively. Not sure how to check his feelings towards Raquesis... I kept them together most of this chapter (and by that I mean they ended turns separately maybe once or twice). They weren't together during chapter 2 for the most part.

    Edit: I still have a save file from turn 11 before seizing Silvail... Worst case scenario maybe I'll just load it back up >_< At least the rest of the chapter after that point is pretty straightforward

  5. I keep the Silver lance with Quan so that Altenna can get it. Altenna only needs the Return ring during endgame, so having her keep it isn't a huge issue because she earns money pretty easily.

    Would you suggest giving it to someone else then instead of keeping it with Quan, and then just have Altenna but it back when she johns? Tbh I've been using Warp much more than Return so I dunno how useful having the ring around will be.

    If possible, I'd give the Armorslayer to Ethlin too. The Thunder sword is basically the same as the light sword.

    Definitely give the Brave Lance to Fury so that she can pass it down to Fee. I'd also try to have Fin promoted in order to make your life in chapter 7 easier.

    Will do, thanks for your advice! And yeah, Finn promoted a while back and has been the MVP ever since. Dreading not having him and Ethlyn around.

  6. So I've been playing Genealogy for the first time, very slowly due to reasons, but I've finally reached the end of chapter 3.

    Now, I'm aware Quan, Ethlyn, and Finn will be leaving once I seize. I need some help as far as their inventory goes. This is what I was thinking:

    -Quan keeps Gae Bolg, Return Ring (I heard Altenna makes good use of it but doesn't she join really late? Should I really keep it with Quan?); sells his Silver Lance (who should take it?)

    -Ethlyn keeps the Light Sword, Pursuit Ring; sells her staves so Adean or Raquesis can take them. Should I give her the Thunder Sword instead?

    -Finn is a tricky situation, I'm trying to pair him with Raquesis but they haven't fallen in love and I'm 25+ turns into chapter 3. Regardless I don't think he passes down any weapons, but what should I do with his Brave Lance? Also is it likely I've screwed myself out of this pairing? ;/

    Thanks for any tips!!

  7. I want to see skills too. How do you think they overhauled it? I don't mind skills but found they activated far too frequently for my liking.

    I kinda hope it's something like in PoR/RD where you learn them by using scrolls, and then can remove them and put them on another character later. I think most characters will start with a few skills and then will learn more like this or maybe through the new arena... Certain skills could still be locked to promotions like Luna/Sol.

    As far as activation rate, IIRC they changed crit rates so I could see them doing the same with some skills.

  8. This is fun

    I want to see

    -details on skills, because I'm almost certain at this point the system has been changed from Awakening

    -blurb about how supports will work and I'm hoping it'll state S ranks are returning but aren't exclusively for marriage partners

    -how promotions work (branched or not, and is there reclass?)

    -a couple more bios and portraits/art (Oboro pls)

    3/4 of those is realistic for next week I think

  9. I hope that marriages are in Fire Emblem if. However, instead of having super back to the future kids, why not make it so some marriages (especially for Kamui, Aqua, older bro/aniki, older sis/onee-san, other bro/nii-chan, and imouto/little sister) have significant political, military, and/or economic consequences?

    I also love this idea but I don't think if is gonna do this haha. But definitely something for a big budget release.

  10. All his kids have mounts so it would be fitting for him to as well, I hadn't considered it though. He does look more like a "General" so King/Emperor/Baron is my guess.

  11. There's gonna be romance and marriage because it's been in every FE game. The avatar is the main lord so there's gonna be plenty of romantic partners and endings to choose from.

    Now, will it be as much as Robin? Probably (hopefully) not, because Kamui is related to the other main characters. I feel after all this build up of having to choose between your two families it would be pretty dumb to have a plot twist where you learn you're not related to anyone after all and S supports unlock. And sure you're not blood related to Nohr but Kamui still thinks of them as family, and I can't see them allowing marriage with one side but not the other.

    People are focusing so much on waifus they're not thinking that even if it's not there they can still build other meaningful relationships with their favourite character. Like maybe you can't marry Camilla or Marx, but you can still support with them and develop a meaningful bond.

  12. Huh, seems fine to me.

    They just bunch all the info around a month before the game's release.

    If anything, the games before Awakening and if had way less coverage. Or maybe it's just my memory playing tricks.

    I can't remember hearing nearly as much about 8-11, but then again I wasn't on Serenes back then

  13. I feel like a better comparison would be if all male cavaliers wore tight short shorts and you got constant "butt shots" in battle like with the panty shots.

    I'm pretty sure more guys would be complaining then.

  14. Besides, didn't we have Vaike, who ran around shirtless with like an 8-pack? I would't call him attractive, personality wise, but he was most definitely drawn oversexualized since it is incredible stupid to be on a medieval-like battlefield without some sort of upper-body Protection and he was of course incredible muscular. Isn't that female fanservice? Are you truly telling me that he was designed for men because he has an 8-pack? Not for the average female that choses an attractive looking man over the ugly, but nice guy?

    I mean Vaike's art didn't have him in a pose that emphasized his physique or flexing in a sexy way. A lot of females are drawn emphasizing their butts or boobs (Kamui, Tiki) or in ridiculous positions meant to look sexy/cute (Severa, Elise). So I do see a difference.

    A better example would be Dieck in his official art from FE6 IMO since he's kinda flexing and looking towards the viewer like Tharja is in her art. Still it's a lot less common.

    Also, How come there are ugly guys, mostly on the enemy side though, but every female looking either beautiful or hot? Is there even a female with like a scar on her face? Or a Man in ANY fire emblem game that didn't look decent? Why is that? Because nobody, in a game, wants to play as ugly, fat or old guys. Or as an unattractive Woman for that matter. And Again, this goes both ways.

    We have had plenty of old guys and some "ugly" playable characters (Gonzales, Dorothy, Oliver). I'm all for more variety. I don't need everyone to be a cute teenager. More variety in female characters especially since Meg is like the only not thin girl in all of FE.

    I mean, what is it even with these Pants arguments? Most Women would beat you with a stick for telling them how they should dress. We have no indication that the characters dislike how they dress. Let them. What's this pants thing even? Why the hell does it matter if a character wears pants or not? Someone mind to explain?

    For me it's dumb when it doesn't make sense for the class (but you said you don't care about that) or character.
  15. Now that we've seen more art, I have to say I'm liking Hoshido's characters waaay more. I love the designs for all the siblings minus Takumi, his outfit looks a little odd to me but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the crotch/thigh area. The ninjas are all fucking beautiful. Suzukaze is my fave.

    On Nohr, I like the maids, Joker, and Gunter. None of the siblings look that great to me tbh, Marx was my favourite design of any characters but his OA took him down a bit. He and Leon look a lot better than the sisters.

    Kamui and Aqua are pretty good.

    As for characters without art yet, Tsubaki and Oboro are the two characters I most want to see. Also love Rinka though and I'm liking Elfie and Cyrus. Nyx looks like Tharja 2 so whatever, and Kazahana is nothing special for me. Blonde hero I'm not interested in. Did I forget anyone?

  16. I wonder if maids/butlers are going to replace tricksters...they seem to be kinda similar.

    Probably, and ninjas seem to be at least slightly based on assassins as their map sprites are similar.

    With thieves also changing to be bow-locked now, it seems their class tree is completely different. I wonder if they have new promotions or just don't promote this time.

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