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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Can you provide evidence that it will not? Because if you want any sort of compelling argument, Megaman 10, the Zero collection, XCOM with Enemy Unknown's Easy Mode, it allows people to get into an otherwise brutally difficult game. And if you want to go into Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem Awakening's sales were bolstered by the fact that it had a causual mode and thus was more accessable.

    What he's saying is that casual already fulfills the "more accessible difficulty" mode that allows newcomers or less skilled players to get into the game. I mean, there's always a way to make it even easier, but like are we going to defend a hypothetical even simpler mode below Phoenix? Following the same logic, it would also make it easier for people to get into the game or complete the game if Phoenix was too hard for them.

  2. On the attached picture, you can see what is obviously a different look for Kamui, which may seem like just a hairstyle change at quick glance, but there's also some armor differences. The picture that is shown to follow it, with the blue arrow, shows the previous Kamui ON A HORSE.

    Actually it seems that's a different character paired up with Kamui. You can see a name right above Kamui's that's mostly obscured. At first I also thought it was a different build until someone pointed it out. :P

  3. Wait, right, the TGC.


    ... actually... that doesn't really look like a wyvern, does it?

    I wonder if it's a different creature altogether then, seeing as these characters have dragon blood. It might be a little weird for her to use another dragon as a mount. Nowi reclass anyone? The only thing is that in Camilla's map sprite it looks pretty identical to the Wyverns in Awakening.

  4. Then why use "revenant"? I could buy that she was just a better Wyv. Knight if her class was something like: Dragon Lord. The only revenants I can think of are the revenants from Sacred Stones, and they were zombies. Maybe a Wyv. Knight with dark magic? Hmm...I think I might have to find a better thread for my speculation, if there really is no other info.

    It could be that actually, her two younger siblings use magic.

    Or she's a vampire

  5. Does anyone have any clue what a "Revenant Knight" is? They say it's Camilla's class, but I don't think I've ever heard of it before.

    Probably just her personal class name, to distinguish her from non-royal/non-dragon Wyvern Knights

    But then again Marx is just "Paladin"...

  6. Ashera?

    Oh haha love how I forgot about her even though RD is my favourite game. Ashera was cool though she had little screen time. Still want a female antagonist that's like say Zephiel or Lehran.

  7. she'll be the main villian, mark my words

    I've been saying this since the first trailer, and if it turns out to be true I hope she's not just being controlled or anything like that. I want her to be acting of her own free will manipulating whoever she can to achieve her goal, as opposed to Idoun (who is I believe the only major female antagonist to date).

  8. I wasn't aware watching youtube let you design your own character, or choose who to support them with, or get to kill a boss yourself who you really hate. Or get to train who you want and train their stats as high as you want.ect

    You're right it's not exactly the same, I'm just not seeing how casual was still not accessible enough or made it less enjoyable for anyone.

    I'm gonna use it for research, I think that's its best use personally. I don't think many will agree on that though ^^;

    If anything, that's the only positive for this mode, IMO.
  9. Because Nintendo would rather they buy the game so they can make money than have them watch it on Youtube?

    I mean from the players pov, if they're only going to play on the mode where they can't lose and don't have to think, it's basically like they're not playing the game at all

  10. The same point as having an invincible mode in Persona Q.

    For those who wants to enjjoys the story/characters without having to overcome imposible challenges.

    I imagined Hoshido newcommers who'd like to try Nohr, but fear it would be too difficult for them.

    But again, that's what casual is for.

    If they want zero challenge, why not just save money and watch it on YouTube?

  11. What is the problem with this exactly? You're saying that it bothers you that people who don't want to play a particularly difficult game will be able to enjoy FE without playing modes they find pointless?

    They didn't remove the modes you want to play lol.

    But casual already covered this. I may be wrong but I don't think Phoenix is intended for testing/research since it's a very small group who would actually use it for that (though this is a good use for it). There's making the game accessible (adding casual mode) and then there's removing the point of the game. FE is a strategy RPG, what's the point of trying to appeal to people who don't like any strategy to the point where even casual mode turns them off? It's like making a Zelda game where you have a mode that removes all the puzzles. Just because it's optional doesn't mean I can't think it's a dumb option (tbh I even doubt there are people who were interested in FE but were waiting for a less challenging mode than casual).

  12. Meh, I think it's a stupid idea but by all means use it for experimenting. As a difficulty mode beside classic and casual, it just feels like more needless handholding to me.

    I do like casual mode because it still maintains the strategy part of FE, but this mode outright removes it. Like I said in the other topic, they may as well make the player invincible to damage.

  13. I'm kind of surprised that apparently all the royals can use Dragon's Vein. I thought it'd definitely be a Kamui exclusive skill, but they all have dragon blood? This and the Japanese rating really has me wondering if incest might be a thing as a way for each family to keep the dragon blood flowing and produce someone with Kamui's ability to fully transform before the enemy does.

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