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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. So we're getting both a world map and the my castle? As long as you can't grind in the my castle on the nohr side I don't mind.

    We haven't seen a world map, but we have seen a menu used in Hoshido to select an area to do a battle, and you have to pay gold to be able to. So it looks like you won't be able to move on the world map in either version.

  2. You need to realize that the male characters are also fanservice incarnate, ok? Therefore the fanservice is very very evenly spread. If it were simply the females getting fanservice treatment, then perhaps i could understand the anger. But since that is not the case, i think its time to relax. Equal Opportunity Fanservice is good. Its inclusive and doesnt ignore demographics.

    I dunno, I mean they're handsome sure but that's not really fanservice. RPGs usually have cute playable characters anyway. I see no cute poses or outfits on the guys like with some of the girls.

    But I do agree Charlotte showing some skin and trying to look hot even if she fails at it is fine considering her description and class.

  3. I also don't understand this "I wish they would have put the money/time elsewhere" type of comment. I highly doubt any other portion of the game suffered because they wanted to add this in. And is it really a total waste cause just you specifically have no desire to bother with it?

    For me it's like "I wish they had used this time and effort into making a better mini game"

    Ie one that doesn't involve inappropriate workplace behaviour

  4. I thought the blonde girl with the big white bow looked totally cute. But then I saw her boobs. WTF, first Tiki, then Camilla, now this trash. I'm sick of having huge round boobs and deep cleavage thrown in my face.

    Pfft, I thought you hated Lucina partly because her boobs were too small

    I'm totally kidding you haha, I know what you mean. Perfectly spherical, ginormous boobs are just unrealistic. But if you ask me Charlotte's boobs are the least off-putting things about her.

  5. I just hope that this doesnt replace regular supports. I'd rather Kamui court Felicia through dialogue rather than poke her in the tit till she falls in love with him.

    And again, how could they waste such gorgeous 3d models on this rubbing shit?

    I didn't think about that possibility... They wouldn't do that would they? :c I think even the biggest defender of the mode would agree it wouldn't be a good replacement.

  6. Why can't we just have a nice conversation with them, not a support conversation but just a short dialogue tree, like the paired barracks conversations but maybe with multiple choices and a bit longer? What was wrong with those?

    This would've been a far better use of resources.

    At least they can't do anything worse than this, right? ...right?!

  7. Honestly I just don't know why they thought this face rubbing game was the way to go, like it's already creepy and stupid that Kamui can summon people in his/her fucking army to his/her private bedroom, but then subjecting them to this weird fetish and that building trust between them? Why not some other mini-game, like a sparring mini-game, or an exercise mini-game for the fanservice, those would actually make sense...

  8. ^ according to the description i saw (thx translators) she seems to be a man manipulating, gold digger that likes to fight. It seems to fit her character.

    True, I still think it's ugly though. Like, not even her clothes specifically, just all of her. Although I was saying we needed more non beautiful playable characters so if she's supposed to be one then I approve!

  9. OK, I just took a better look at Luna and it is pretty convincing...

    I suppose they could pull a Catria/Palla/Est and just claim Ylisse is across the ocean from this new continent. :/ Didn't Camus show up in Gaiden with a different name too? If that's really Severa then it probably means the "popular" child characters who won that poll will be showing up.

    Edit: @ Belmont I was just thinking of the yukata DLC in Awakening, iirc it was Lucina, Severa, Inigo, and Owain who were the most popular kids.

    Also here's a pic of Luna for anyone looking for it. I don't think it was posted yet. Sorry for low quality.


  10. What if Luna/Runa is actually Severa? Aside from Lucina, the other children weren't born yet when they went back in time, so they might just have given them different names when they're actually born in the new timeline. Her quote in the trailer is about how the avatar resembles someone, and that was often said about Robin and the previous Avatars in Awakening's DLC.

    If is supposed to take place in a separate world, but we already have the Amiibo characters in there anyway, so they might introduce some kind of Otherworld Gate plot device again.

    Ehh I would rather no forced connections to Awakening, or ANY previous world for that matter. The Outrealms just made things unnecessarily complicated so I like to think it's not canon and would prefer it doesn't show up again. I think this is just another case of Kozaki + bucketloads of characters = the occasional similar design. If you look at Tsubaki his face is literally Inigo, then there's Kazahana who people say looks like Sumia, and maybe more.

  11. I'm hyped, I just hope I can ignore the mini-games and not miss out on anything. I might fool around with the dress-up option if there's any cool stuff to put on Kamui.

    I wonder if the bath thing will be different for Nohr though? It's a different culture after all. If they must keep the fanservice I guess they could just change the setting to a beach but some other bonding activity would be cool.

  12. It is in both. The Hoshido Kamui visited a Nohr Kamui's castle. Plus it shows you petting Harold who is Nohr-exclusive.

    Ahh true, thanks!

    I thought having a travesable town area was too good to be true! It looks like theres a lot to do although some of the features don't interest me. That Lilith fish is basically like your pet who only levels up at the base? Meh... The dating mini games...meh... As long as I can walk around and talk to people and shop I'm happy though lol.

  13. Someone please tell me whether My Castle is for both versions or what. I'm freaking out here. It's pretty much exactly what I wanted the base to be like and I want it in Nohr too. D:

    Also is the "inviting people to my room to stroke their faces" thing marriage or a replacement? Inb4 sex mini-game is why the rating is higher.

  14. I did think it was super cheesy actually, I was surprised because everyone praises this game's writing. Though I let it slide as this is an older game so story scenes are still pretty short compared to some of the later games, and there is a short time skip between when they meet and when they marry.

    I do find it better than Chrom/Olivia because it's played up as a "star crossed lovers" kind of thing, whereas Olivia is just one of several options for Chrom and they don't speak at all before getting married.

  15. I just had a terrible thought. What if the reason it's not on the first page is because they went full out and the dating sim stuff needs a whole page to itself. Like it lists all your current romantic interests and it has different levels to it and arenas are actually to earn admiration points from your various waifus oh god

    I think if marriage is back there's a high chance they'll confirm it in tomorrow's Direct.

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