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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I love Sakurai as much as anyone but that's not how it works.

    Games are the sum of their parts. If there's a bad mode or feature it affects my impression of the whole, even if I can ignore it. If there was an optional waifu lap dance mode I would think it was stupid and made the game worse. If there's a bad board game in Smash Bros it affects how I feel about the product as a whole.

    I'm not disagreeing that developers should be free to make whatever they want, but consumers are free to criticize even optional content. Saying "why don't you just ignore it" is redundant because I'm sure the people complaining would have done that on their own.

  2. Seeing all of the "you're just groping your waifu" stuff really makes me upset. Yes, there are indeed stereotypical otaku. I'm not one of them. All I want is a way to interact with same gendered characters in a way that isn't Zero. It's not creepy at all, and I don't see why people think that this moral victory over something "creepy" is at all justified. I can at least pretend I'm really bonding with people like Hinata and Tsubaki, and I don't understand how people could generalize as waifu petting at all.

    I mean I would also like this but skinship to me feels like you're degrading the characters, not bonding with them. It would be nice if they replaced it with a different mini game that feels more like actual bonding with comrades and not Kamui treating them like pets.

  3. Are you telling me there is a character whose gimmick is purposely falling into traps?

    What even

    In her support with Mamui, she says that getting caught in traps doesn't bother her that much because she's sure that Hinoka will come to save her. In the S rank, she says that she'll be troubled if she doesn't fall in traps anymore, since it means Mamui won't come to her aid.

    That's one more character to the bench.

  4. Good change. The fact that she ended up thanking Kamui for drugging her without consent was frankly pretty insensitive. As far as her sexuality, I feel like it'd be too much to hope Soleil will have female S options so I think the next best thing would be for them to make her straight and rework her gimmick somehow. I would be fine with that since the change would be to avoid an offensive and confusing gimmick as opposed to just censoring a gay character for the hell of it. Who knows what they'll do, but points for recognizing there was an issue there.

  5. Leo for the males because I've heard good things about him, Xander, and Takumi, but his design and personality are the most interesting of the three to me. I'm looking forward to all three of them though.

    Oboro for the females. Ever since we saw her, I totally loved her smug face and that she's a lance fighter. Surprised to see her doing so well. I hope she's an interesting character.

  6. Been playing this for a bit less than a month and totally loving it. It took me a bit to warm up to it, especially since it's my first Xeno game and it was a bit overwhelming in the beginning with all the menus and options.

    Just beat chapter... 10 I believe.

    The battle against Zu Pharg. Damn that was epic.

    Also I had been using only Lao for the whole game with Elma and Lin. Now I have a bunch of low levelled party members. :c

    The story has been getting better since a few chapters ago. Went in with low expectations since I had heard this wasn't a story-focused game, but I like it!

    Side quests are pretty fun for the most part, except gathering ones... Fuck those. I wish there was a way to look up specifically where you can find requested items.

    Right now I'm really wanting the first Xenoblade Chronicles on the eShop.

    Two complaints that seem small but aren't: I wish you could make the text bigger and also keep the overworld music playing in flight mode

  7. ewwwwwwww i swear u can marry takumi, marx, hinoka and marx to however u want but don't marry them cuz ur a freak if u do also applies to aqua. them sisters/brothers calling u oneechan/niichan when ur being romantic together gross so bad hate how theyre pandering to dirty otakus especially with elise and sakura if i could i would protect them and i will in my playthroughs they stayin single FOREVER also lutz and tsukuyomi

    This post is amazing, especially because it has been edited

  8. My favorite story is Tellius. Not just FE9 or FE10, but both because i consider them two parts of the same whole. Its a story where we see a great deal of characters pulling a great deal of strings. A hero rises, but he cannot continue his path alone. The real threat is what the world least expected, themselves. Its actually a rather cynical story when you really look at it. One person saw everything and became so jaded and self destructive, he set everything in motion.

    Its lovely. Even if some of the execution in Radiant Dawn was a bit subpar, the overall tale here is just great.

    Worst? What is even Awakening's story? It almost feels like a John Cena meme half the time. I just dont even...what is really going on here? Oh i remember why it feels like that. Because nothing is ever freaking expounded on. In fact, our villains have no real motive. Its terrible. Why is Grima even being resurrected? Why is Validar such an evil? Why is Walhart really trying to conquer junk? What is it exactly that Gangrel has against Ylisse, other than "Chrom's Dad Was A Dick"?

    We are never told. :/

    Agree with everything here.

    PoR just has a very nicely written story. It's fairly "safe" but it does some interesting things with its characters and themes. The world is extremely developed and the characters are all memorable. RD has a few problems in parts 3 and 4, but for me they were never enough to ruin the whole plot, especially when considered together with PoR. I guess I like it for how ambitious it is, even if it doesn't fully live up to its potential. I still think it's a great story.

    Awakening started off decently, but after a while you start to realize that nothing makes sense and the writers don't even care.

  9. Yeah, the initial trailer was so amazing for me. It sucks to hear the game turned out to be underwhelming for most people. I'm still excited but I would've loved something closer to what I imagined, a more serious game with a good story. Hoping it will surprise me and not be as bad as people say.

  10. Interesting concept art and ideas. So it would've been sort of like a real-time strategy RPG? I don't know how I would've reacted if they'd released this. But it's interesting for sure.

    I'm sure after the success of the last two main games they'll reconsider a home console game, moreso if #FE also does well. But if the rumours about the NX being both home console and handheld turn out to be true there won't even be a need to debate it.

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