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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Going off a fairly quick first playthrough of FE14, I can't say the plot is worse than Awakening. It has major flaws but at least it was more ambitious. The villains are garbage in both games, but the protagonists are more likeable in Fates to me, and the concept is more interesting even if it doesn't fully deliver. And the world building isn't perfect in Fates but it's still better than in Awakening.

  2. OMG, that's horrible! I have heard stories of the game crashing. Is this a problem with the digital or the physical version? I have noticed my physical copy sometimes has trouble keeping the frame rate up, but I don't know if this is related to the issue.

    At any rate, I'm sorry that happened to you.

  3. They seem to be all over the place, not just negative, but it's definitely clear the general consensus is there was room for improvement.

    IS are open to fan feedback so I hope they really learn from this and the next game is even better.

    Personally, I agree with the complaints about the game being split into three. It was an interesting idea but they should've gone all the way and had each game be a completely separate experience, instead of each path having parts of one story. I would much prefer a Gaiden/Sacred Stones type split in the future. That would also lead to a tighter plot, I think.

  4. Mmm I don't know enough about the plot or the characters to make a detailed post, but my impressions right now are:

    1) Leo

    2) Camilla

    3) Sakura

    4) Takumi

    5) Xander

    6) Hinoka

    7) Elise

    8) Ryoma

    Wonder how my list will change once I play the game.

    So now that I've played through almost all of the two routes my opinions have changed a lot.

    1. Still Leo. I enjoy his role in both paths. He's smart, self-conscious, very loyal to his family and country but not in a blindly nationalistic way like Xander. He understands the well-being of Nohr can be threatened from within and isn't just about "for the glory of Nohr!!" (Yeah I don't like Xander)

    I love how he and at least Camilla try to find loopholes when carrying out Garon's orders to minimize unnecessary cruelty or deaths. I think if Leo were the oldest of the siblings things in Conquest would have gone way different. They're all fearful of Xander which prevents them from actively rebelling against Garon.

    2. Elise. I thought she would be an annoying little kid, but she's very cute and her innocent view of the world is a nice contrast to the rest of her siblings. She witnesses some very bad things in both paths but that never seems to break her spirit.

    In Conquest, I like how she tends to Sakura after she's captured, even though she is clearly jealous of her for being the other little sister. That's a very mature thing for someone her age to do. And of course, she is amazing in Birthright. The only one to join the Hoshidans and actually try to put her family back together when everyone else is either too depressed or too stubborn to do anything. Her speech to Xander is heartbreaking and even though it's quite naive, she still understands things more clearly than he does. She knows there's a problem close to home and that it needs to be fixed before Nohr can heal.

    3. Takumi. In the story and supports you learn that his aggressive behaviour is really how he copes with being very self-conscious. I really liked his supports with Ryoma, because it explains why he's so obsessed with protecting Hoshido and living up to his brother.

    The possession stuff is a bit ehhh. It does show that his inferiority complex is self-harming and can lead to him easily being manipulated, but I'm not a huge fan of how it's done. Haven't finished Nohr yet so maybe the last few chapters will change my mind.

    4. Camilla. So she gets hate for being obsessed with Kamui, but I get the impression she really is like that with all her siblings. It's mentioned several times that she's always been the doting big sister, in her C support with Xander they mention how they have different roles in the family with the younger siblings finding it easier to open up to her.

    She like Leo recognizes there's a problem with how Garon runs things, and in Conquest she's shown to struggle with finding justice while trying to protect her family, which obviously leads to her becoming severely depressed and unstable in Birthright. In fact I was surprised to see her so upbeat in the ending after all that happened.

    5. Sakura. She's shown early on in Birthright and later in Conquest to be a strong character who won't let others push her into being a pampered princess and instead chooses to fight for her country any way she can. Even though she's shy she speaks up when she sees something she disagrees with.

    6. Ryoma, while he's kind of bland in that most of the time he's just being the nice guy leader, he does have some moments that make me appreciate his character. He's the better older brother by far. While he's serious about his duty and responsibility he also remains approachable and likes to listen to his siblings.

    7. Hinoka. I don't dislike her, but she really fades away from the story in Birthright. She has two memorable moments in Conquest but they don't really do much to develop her character.

    Currently on her boss chapter near the endgame and I appreciate that there's a bit of resentment shown towards Kamui in her boss conversation. Like others have said, it would have made sense for her to have more moments like this. Curious to see what happens to her once the chapter ends...

    8. Xander... Such a disappointment. He's so stubborn that he refuses to see the reality around him and prefers to keep fighting blindly for his father...

    even though he senses something is wrong with him. He makes speeches about how justice isn't real but makes an exception when it involves what he wants. He seeks peace through oppression and blind obedience to a corrupt leader, even though he says the most important thing is to do what is right so evil men can't make the world a terrible place for others (read: for me). He is unable or unwilling several times to be a good leader for his country. His stubbornness actually hurts both Nohr and his family but even when things go to shit he refuses to admit he was wrong and insists he had no choice but to follow Garon blindly.

  5. Honestly the only things that bother me about the localization are mainly the tone in some parts and how some of the characters were apparently changed for the worse (like Hinata's son, Effie, and Rhajat), so fairly minor things that still annoy me but I can deal with. But most of the complaints people rally around seem to be about fanservice which I just can't give a shit about.

  6. Having finished Birthright and close to the end of Conquest...

    I like Azura just fine, but definitely see why people complain about her mysteriousness. She's a casualty of the story being split into three parts. They can't reveal everything, but have to tease it, so people will buy all of the paths, so unfortunately it falls on Azura to make dumb excuses about not being able to or just not wanting to talk about certain things.

    The ending of Birthright shows that at least three of the four Nohr siblings could have been convinced to stand against Garon--so why she suggests invading Hoshido is the best option in Conquest is baffling. But this is a problem with the story, not just Azura.

    In her supports and minor plot scenes she's very likeable. I agree it sucks that she's often ignored by the siblings while Kamui is the center of attention. I'm curious to see what she does in Revelations since it seems people have more issues with her in that path.

  7. My castle address is



    Chosen affinity: Nohr

    Avatar Name: Kamui

    Region: NA

    Food Resource: Dairy

    Mineral Resource: Crystal

    Battle Level: Pretty easy

    Updated my units to be on hold since I now have a few promoted skills if anyone needs them.

    Niles: Lucky 7

    Elise: Live to Serve

    Silas: Luna

    Odin: Lifetaker

    Charlotte: Sol

    Beruka: Even Keel, Iron Will, Clarity

    Azura: Miracle

    Effie: Luna

    I'm almost done with Conquest and will change my castle to Revelations once I start it. Probably another week or so.

  8. I'm on this chapter right now too. I've managed to sort of get a strategy going until those freaking flyers come at me and kill someone. I can't send Camilla around to deal with them because most if not all of them are Kinshis with bows. I loaded everyone up on tonics but I still got surrounded thanks to the wind and Elise went down. Not sure how to deal with this chapter.

  9. Orochi is borderline useless with her poor sped,

    This is something I've seen ever since the Japanese version came out, but honestly her Speed isn't an issue for me because she's hitting for consistently high damage anyway. She's been a beast in attack stance pretty much my whole run of Birthright (on chapter 18, just promoted her to Basara for Rend Heaven which I suspect will make her even deadlier).

  10. If I wasn't terrified of what Peri could do if she became Nohr's Queen, or if I didn't already ship Xander x Charlotte, Xander x Peri would be my OTP (mostly because I can't believe that most other people would fall in love with a psycho like her.)

    Ok now I have no idea what the ending to FE14 is like but it would all be worth it if there was a sequel that delivered on the "revolution" premise Nohr was supposed to have and had Pieri as the psycho Queen of Nohr.

    Only half kidding here

  11. My castle address is



    Chosen affinity: Nohr

    Avatar Name: Kamui

    Region: NA

    Food Resource: Dairy

    Mineral Resource: Crystal

    Battle Level: Pretty easy

    Not too many skills but if anyone visits I'll be glad to return the favour!

    Also, I'm looking for anyone who has Odin with Lifetaker and preferably isn't too powerful. :P

  12. Hey, mine was nogrind, I just had a lot of planning :B

    I'd also say blacksmith--hitrates, mostly. Although you might want to hit up Oni Chieftain first for the crit skill, then go blacksmith forever after 20/5. Counter is useless.

    I spend the vast majority of my time in guard stance so pick someone who boosts str/spd for her.

    I think that's exactly what I'll do. That crit skill is too tempting. Thanks!

  13. Got the game on Thursday finally and been able to play quite a bit. I'm alternating between both campaigns every few chapters. Currently on Hoshido 11 and about to dive into Nohr 10 (hyped).

    Gameplay is completely blowing away my expectations. Even in Birthright, I've had some nasty moments. The Ninja Village chapter was nuts, as was the one in Izumo where I had to race to the chests while dealing with reinforcements from several points. It really feels like the classic FE I was missing but with really cool new twists (had to get used to dat enemy pair up).

    In Nohr,

    that Ice Tribe chapter was amazing. Not only was it an interesting world-building chapter, but it was tense as hell with Flora freezing me every time I tried going to the village near her. I ended up sending Elise and Silas over then just barely got them both out of there when reinforcements came from another nearby village by dashing across the lake and melting it with Elise. So pumped to keep playing this route.

    Story-wise I'm just getting started but it's all right so far. Will have to play more to see what all the fuss is about.

    My MVPs right now are Femui, Kaze, Orochi, Silas, and Saizo (Dread Fighter) in Hoshido, and Mamui, Effie, Silas, Felicia, and Niles in Nohr.

  14. *Rinkah*

    Thanks for the tips. Yeah I'm probably not as invested as you heheh but I've given her some stat boosts and I'm going to look into buying her some non-difficulty-cheapening skills. The problem is she's hitting for tiny amounts of damage compared to others and not doubling either. On a non-grind run so I'll be going easy on reclassing, would you suggest Oni Chieftain or Blacksmith for her? I'm inclined to go with Blacksmith.

  15. Like others have said, US popular media very often portrays people from other countries in a negative way as well, or at least stereotypically, while glorifying the US. It's why I can't take people complaining about how Hoshido is "Glorious Nippon" seriously. At least the Nohr siblings and most of the playable characters are shown to be good people on the wrong side.

  16. I will admit, my post was a little unreasonable. I get annoyed seeing the amount of hate Fates gets, and think it gets some really unneeded hate for some of its content. I believe that while the story has its plot holes and consistency problems, it is by far not the worst in the series, and concept wise, probably has one of the best in the series. I think IS felt as if they needed to rush the story, and that because of that, it caused all of these problems. If they actually sat down, and really worked on the story, fleshed it out, and put a good amount of detail into it, Fates could of had one of the best stories in the Fire Emblem series, and even one of the best in the RPG genre itself. Which is probably where a lot of the frustrations are coming from is more the untapped potential that was Fire Emblem Fates.

    Yeah I think a lot of us were expecting them to actually deliver on the story that they hyped up so much. For me, I started realizing that wasn't going to happen when we started seeing elements revealed/leaked that didn't mesh with the impression the trailers had given me. So I guess it may be a question of what your expectations were going in. But since Nintendo and IS themselves were hyping up the story so much, you can't really blame people for being disappointed if it doesn't live up to what was promised.

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